Second Conditional

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1. He is saying that if he gets a gold fish he can be a millionaire and ever have to work
2. About to catch a shark and possibly a tragedy could happen


1 with C
2 with A
3 with B
4 with D
5 with E

Past Real Conditional / Past Unreal Conditional

1. Asked
2. Sighed
3. Said
4. Asked
5. Smiled
6. Asked
7. Said
8. Should have done
9. Could have gone
10. Had been
11. Would have demanded
12. Had forced
13. Would have become
14. Might have affected

Present Unreal Conditional / Past Unreal Conditional

1. Had
2. Would Backpack
3. Had had
4. Would have Backpacked
5. Hadnt missed
6. Would have failed
7. Would be
8. Would not have
9. Were
10. Could
11. Knew
12. Wouldnt tell
13. Had been
14. Would have visited
15. Had Known
16. Would have made
17. Had won
18. Would have gone

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