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Certified Mail Number: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

To: From:
Judge Name Here or Prosecutor or Other First-Middle: Last
Clerk of Court c / o 1234 Your Address Street
NAME OF COURT City / Town, State, nearby [12345]
1234 COURT ADDRESS HERE non-domestic
CITY / TOWN, ST 12345

Respondent Claimant

Date Goes Here, 2021

RE: Matter # xxxCaseNumberxxxx


To whom it may concern:

Throughout the time frame of Month and Year of when you Got a Ticket or Arrested to the
present day, this court or its agent(s) have repeatedly contacted me / threatened me / held me
against my will, claiming that I owe a debt in the above-referenced matter.

I conditionally accept to contract with you and to pay your debt and/or serve your time, but I
require that the Plaintiff establish a proof of loss, and I will make you whole upon the submission
of your verified claim and upon the Plaintiff proving that they have established sufficient
jurisdiction to proceed (Stuck v. Medical Examiners., 94 Ca 2d 751. 211 P2d 389.) that the
Plaintiff has failed to produce.

Such conduct from your company / this court has caused me to suffer severe humiliation and
embarrassment, emotional distress, and physical discomfort. I have repeatedly noticed you upon
my oath regarding said proofs of claim I require and have attempted to access my remedy under
rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, but you continue to stultify me as the alleged
Defendant in Error in a fraudulent constructive trust established by the court administrator.

I demand that you cease and desist of this activity as soon as possible after your receipt of this
Notice. Otherwise, I have no other choice but to take appropriate counter-action against you.

Kindly govern yourself accordingly.


First-Middle: Last
Attorney in Fact

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