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What are your favorite foods?.................mine are taco salad Pizza and sea
2) What are your favorite drinks? .............mine are Pepsi, Milk, Smoothies, or
3) What are your hobbies?..................My hobbies are just ordinary, close to
the ground stuff, cooking, reading, camping, maybe a little fishin'. Love to meet
new people
4) What do you like to do for fun?...... I like to browse the internet, play
bowling on my game system, and watch tv,I even watch spongebob
5) What type of movies do you like?.............i watch Drama,christian,
motivating, comedy, romance

1. Do you have any siblings? NO

3. When you meet a man, what are the first things you look for in him? i look for
5. Would you call yourself romantic? YES
6. What would be your idea of a perfect date? mine is a CANDLE LIGHT OUTING WITH
7. Would you have a problem relocating if a relationship became more? SURE
8. What do you drive? i drive a FORD EXPENITION
9. Do you have any pets? i dont have BUT I LIKE PET
10. Do you live alone? YES
11. Do you live in a house/apartments? A HOUSE
12. What do you do in your free time? for me i love to READ AND WATCH football
14. What is your relationship with your parents? mine is CORDIAL
15. What has been the saddest moment of your life? WHEN I LOST MY WIFE
16. How many relationship have you been in? JUST MY LATE WIFE
###and how and why did they end
17. In the relationships you have been in, do you ever think about what they are
doing in there life now? NO
18. Do you consider yourself very sexual? STRONG
19. What has been the craziest thing you have ever done? One year I planned a
national convention for a car club. They used the Silver Dome where the Lions play
ball. While there I opened a door to the air lock. The entire thing was in danger
of collapling. The guards the cops and everyone came running. I felt so stupid.
I did not know DANCE IN A CLUB IN AN DRUNKING MODE.... .Went to the complex
swimming pool swam naked around 11pm
21.what do u do for living? am a driller i do drilling for oil company
6) What kind of music do you like? i love Country music and rock and roll with a
little rap
7) What kind of relationship are you looking for? I am looking for someone who is
honest and values a committed, loyal and trust based relationship, family, friends
and faith. I'm looking for someone with the ability to prioritize the truly
important things in life....for a long term relation ship and who knows may be
more. Someone who is confident in himself has a great sense of humor, likes to
enjoy life and laugh! I'm looking for someone who is emotionally stable, who knows
how to recognize problems and work through them thoughtfully and with respect,
calmness and patience; someone with strong character, who is willing and strong
enough to do the right thing. I'm looking for someone who is intelligent, romantic
and affectionate and who likes being taken care of and spoiled someone who in turn
8) What is your idea of a first date? mine is a DINNER AND THE MOVIES
9) Do you like to read? I love to read
10) Do you like to hug, cuddle, hold hands, etc? YES
11) Is family important to you? YES
12) What are your favorite TV shows? mine are Gilmore girls, ncis, extreme home
makeover, 7th heaven, desperate housewives, sons and daughters and law n order svu,
biggest loser, greys anatomy, private practice
13) What is your favorite color? mine are BLACK AND red
14) What is your dream car or truck? my Dream car is mustang

18) Do you have any nieces or nephews if so how many

of each? Am the only child of my parents
19) Do you have kids or want kids? me i am Not sure if I want any but I have two
20) How do you feel about sex and is it important to
you in a relationship? to me WHEN I CAN TRUST THE PERSON I AM WITH and if they are
respectful of me

26) If there were something that you would like to change about yourself what would
it be? I would like to change how I talk too much when I get nervous. I also
would like to not let myself be used by people.

27) Where were you born and raised? i Was born in almeria and raised in Madrid

29) What is your dream honeymoon destination? Hawaii

30) Where is your dream place to get married? Allerton Park

31) Do you have any pets? cat.

32) What is your full name? mine is Gary Adolfo Smith

33) What is your religion? Catholic

34) Do you like to collect anything and if so what do you like to collect? Yes, I
collect anything with American flags on it , butterflies and dolphins

35) What is your dream wedding? My dream wedding is the white dress with a
beautiful train, small but intimate
36) When is your birthday? August 27

Have you ever used an online dating before?

2. How long have you been using online dating?
12. What would be the perfect setting for our first meeting ? mine is to Basically
sit around and talk, get to know each other..see if there is any chemistry.
13. What are some of your favourite activities? I like camping, walking, love
animals of all kinds, I am a pretty good cook...... so what about you?

27. What positive lessons have you learned from your past relationships that will
help you succeed in future relationships?

29. What is your favourite book? i read Maggie Cassidy: A Love Story Maggie Cassidy
is the love interest of a teenage boy growing up in Lowell, MA. The base is a basic
adolescent love story in a New England mill town

31. How much do you enjoy a walk in the park?

32. How much do you enjoy going to live theatre?

37. What is your biggest fear?

38. Are you a God fearing woman?
39. If you are found guilty of a crime, would you admit yourself and accept your
40. If you see somebody you don't know who needs help, would you be of any support?
41. How do you feel when someone upset you and do you react?
42. In a relationship how do you see a situation whereby the woman earns more money
than the man?
43. Do you think you can be trusted by your man?
44. Marriage they say "Its For Better, For Worse" do you believe in this principle?
45. Have you ever thought of leaving your country in search of the man you want to
be with in the future?
46. Without doubt do you really believe that people find their soul mate through
online dating?
47. Do you really believe that you can possibly find that special man you would
like to spend the rest of your life with someday?
48. If you are at a loose end what are some of the following things you do?
49. Describe some of the most important things in your life: God, my
Have you ever used an online dating before?
2. How long have you been using online dating?
3. What are some of the worse things you have experienced using online dating?
4. Do you believe in distance relationship?
5. Are you seeking for a particular age range?
6. Tell me how has your present marital life affected you so far?
7. Describe your current occupation, do you like what you do? What is your dream
8. Where were you born? Have you ever traveled out of your country?
9. What are some recent places you have visited?
10. If you have one wish to make, what would it be and why?

50. Describe your perfect day: get up late, spend the day doing something fun or
not, then a quiet evening.

2. If you could take a dream getaway, where would you most likely choose to spend a
week? me i want to go to Paris or hiking in the mountains

1. How often do you lose your temper? practically never

3. What best describes your parents' relationship towards each other? married and

4. How important is it to you that your partner be accepted by your family and
friends? for me is important, I trust my family & friends but sometimes they are

5. Do you consider yourself physically affectionate when involved in a

relationship? for me is Sure, I love to hold hands, hug and give casual kisses

1. When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?
When I'm with my partner I'm completely there, but I do need considerable time for
personal reflection.

4. Do you enjoy being alone? I like equal portions of alone time and social
time...I prefer to be with other people

5. What is your opinion of traditional gender roles? I like traditional gender

roles and want to be in a relationship that celebrates them.

3. If you went out to eat with a friend, which of the following would you prefer?
an undiscovered hideaway

1. If you decided to stay at home for the evening would you tend to? clean

3. I How important is chemistry to you? think chemistry can be generated over the
long-term with someone I really like

4. Where do you see yourself living in 15 years? a house in the country

3. What do you think of "Soul Mates?" there is no such thing

each person has one soul mate, whether they find them or not
what do you enjoy and find joy doing?

I really enjoy writing, traveling, camping, rafting, shooting, 4 wheeling (not

afraid to get dirty), movies (going out for one or staying in cuddled up watching
at home on the couch), dancing (I love any kind of music I can dance to: The
hardest of Rock to very slow dancing R&B), live music, BBQ's, drinking/learning
about fine wines and high end Tequila's, friends and family, going on road trips
(short and long) and enjoying a great storm at the beach. Hey with me you can be
spontaneous. Nothing better then to take a ride somewhere beautiful and take
pictures, have a picnic take time to stop and enjoy the beauty. Maybe stay and gaze
at the stars or we can just get up and just do as we decide while we are going...
If we ended up at the beach sitting in the rain watching the storms I would love

Being a Realtor these days keeps me plenty busy but I really love the challenge of
what I do. Believe me right now it can be challenging. But I always try and pull
something positive out

What is your full name? When is your birthday?

I feel that I can do this with you. I also feel that we will both be willing and
open to listening to each other without judgment. When we begin to talk about our
dreams and ambitions, we're sharing the things that are closest to our hearts.
We're doing good so far and it would be nice to see where we can possibly take it
from here. I am willing to be open to letting things unfold.
I wish more than anything that you and I could grow together, love together, learn
together, and laugh together, forever. I sincerely feel that between the two of us,
we have the kind of love that some people never get a chance to experience. I
promise to love you as much as I can, as best as I can, and for as long as I can.
And no matter what, it's very important to me for you to know that you are an
irreplaceable spirit that will always be a part of me.

Hello Sheila

Hey, there is so much I want to tell you, a lot has been running through my head
lately. I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words so you will have to bear
with me through this.

I keep thinking about the future, about life, and what I want out of it. I keep
thinking about us and what this relationship means to me. I keep thinking about
these things and I realize they go hand in hand. This relationship is my future;
it's what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience
this crazy love forever and ever, and I really think I'm going to get to. I want us
to walk through new houses picking the one's that would be just right for us. I
want to see you walk around our house in a big t-shirt with your hair down and
catch me staring at how gorgeous you are. I want you to pull the covers off me at
night and then I have to get even closer, if it's possible, to you to keep warm. I
want to see you laugh like crazy at me when I do stupid stuff. I want to rub lotion
all over your body because you lay out in the sun too long.. I want to hold you
when you cry and smile with you when you smile. I want to fall asleep every night
with you in my arms. I want you to fall asleep on my chest listening to the beat of
my heart and know it beats for you I want you to be the first thing I see when I
wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I want to see your bad morning
hair; I think it will be so cute. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the
sun set, and I want all the people who pass us to envy the love that we obviously
have for each other.

I want to see you walk down that isle and I want to take your hand for the rest of
my life. I want to spend all night, and maybe the next day, making love to you with
an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to be seventy years old and still
make out with you like a little schoolboy. I want to cook a meal with you and us
totally ruin it and end up doing take out. I want to sit there talking to you for
hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won't talk
at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get
mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to bust out laughing when you
try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat
going long after the fire goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we've
never been and experience them together. I want us to go skinny-dipping in a hotel
pool and get caught and streak back to our hotel room waking everyone up because
we're laughing so hard. I want us to go and pick out the hot tub we want with the
biggest grins on our faces the whole time. I want the sales rep to get embarrassed
when we sit in them and make sure we have enough room to do the things we want to
do. I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don't
share a love like we do. I want to be walking into a store with you and trip and
fall on my face and turn around to see you rolling on the ground laughing at me. I
want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely
soaked, and when we come back in stripping down to nothing as we stumble into the
bedroom, or the kitchen counter, or the balcony, or the dining room table, or an
office desk, or the shower, which ever one we feel like at the time.

I want it to take your breath away every time I say, "I love you" because you know
it's coming from the heart. I want us to sit down with a box of strawberries, a
bottle of chocolate syrup, and a thing of mint chocolate ice cream; well, I'll let
your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you for at least
forever if not a little longer. I couldn't really express in words what I'm feeling
right now so I decided to share with you SOME of the images and thoughts that have
been running through my head.

I just want you to know that I had never found someone I wanted to spend the rest
of my life with until I met you. I really am crazy about you, everything about you.

Love always,


101 main street apt3 stockertown pa.18083

Dear Sweetheart,

Since day one we've shared something incredible, something that most people only
dream of. I had been searching for you all of my life. You have made me the
happiest I have ever been. You are sincere, caring, loving man, and I wouldn't
trade you for the world. I am so thankful and blessed that you loved me as much as
I loved you, and that you made me your wife.

We have been together, and I have cherished every moment since the day we met. I
love you more and more everyday. Thinking about our future fills me with
anticipation and excitement. We make the perfect husband and wife team, and We are
going to have an amazing life together raising a family. All of our dreams are
coming true, baby!

I just love our new home and want to thank you so much for making it possible for
us to live in such a wonderful place! Don�t worry about the times that we will be
tight on money, I know that we can make it through and get to that place where
we�ll have all we ever wanted. Look how much we have already! We have so much to be
thankful for! We will just continue to lean on each other, loving and supporting
one another with all of the love we have, and we will be just fine.

Our life together is already amazing, and together it will only get better and
better. I will forever be grateful that you came into my life and made all my
dreams come true. Together we're perfect, and I will enjoy enjoying spending the
rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can say, honey have a
wonderful dream my love and dream of our love together .

Love always,

Hello Mrs Amanda Rose

How are you doing and the family ? hope all is fine with you and your kids, I do
not really know were to start from,but i am Melissa and my dad told me alot about
you and how he love and cherish you from the way he talks to me about you i guess
he likes u alot and would do anything to be with u.i really like how he feel now
and i will thank you for making him feel that way it all to your glory and
praise,but i must really ask you a question and i would want all honesty and
truthfulness about you really love my dad ?and are sure he is the best man
for you? i have alway wanted a mother wish fate has always deprived me off.

I have been lonely all my life and my dad has been all to me both the father and
mother in my life,he has done alot for me and i really would love to see him be
happy and lively again.since after the death of my mother my father has not really
be a happy man though he try not to show me that.i really do not know what to call
you now but i hope that in the nearest future i can call you Mom.

from the way my father told me you must have gone thru alot to make that
possible.i really want my dad to be happy and i also fancy the ideal of having a
happy family once more again,that will be all i really care about now.

what gives me joy the most is that he has now find someone to introduce to me that
he is now getting along with and that person is you, that�s why I told him to tell
you to send me an email so I know you better, because am much concern about his
welfare and feelings, I don�t want him to get hurt , hope you are for real? Hope
you are not here to play held games or even cheats because there is no room for
such nonsense and I don�t want pains on him again because he has been through a lot
in the past So please be sincere with him. I hope this will work for you both,
because you are the first lady daddy introduced to me after the loose of my mum

I hope everything goes well so i can be off from this hot and horrible place,please
do promise me that you will love and cherish my dad please,and do not hurt him now
because he have a fragile heart and can nolonger take more heartbreak and pains and
if you do that for me i will be very happy.i will talk to you from time to time
when i am free and have some break at school,Once again thank you very much am
really greatful, i think i should stop from here do have a nice day and lots of

your lovely friend


Hi Dear,
How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine.well I am mitch by name
and I am new to this site,I really love with I just read about your profile.if you
don't mine can we chat or email each other to get to know each other? if yes I will
truly is my ID I also used it as my yahoo
mail and messenger.looking foreword to hearing from you soon.thanks



I want to tell you something about me on here, i am the only child of my parent
and i lost my parent long ago, i school and graduated from Oxford university
England,on a Geologist course having my holder and got my master degree also.
i am a single dad of one lovely daughter,Mellisa is all am having in my life, i
lost melissa Mom five years ago in a fatal car accident and i have been playing the
role of a Dad and also a Mom which is little bit stressful for me.. Dear i believe
distance is never a factor in a relationship ..I want to relocate to the woman of
my life,anywhere i found real love. i will be home soon as soon as am done with my
contract That will take 3weeks and some days.

I am honest caring,understanding,easy going,respectful, and fun to be with but most

especially a God fearing person, i don't smoke,but i do go to parties on
occasionally,my favorite colour is blue,my hobbies are reading,swimming,going to
beach,having a cuddle light dinner,fishing and playing of golf, i hope this email
got to you in a good mood and makes up your day,

Like the sunshine in the morning, may this brighten your day, and remind you that
you're thought of in a very warm way. it would be so nice of you telling me more
about your self i think.

I will love to chat with you..add me on expecting you



i took time out to really take a close look at your profile,I'm very impressed with
it's contents.i am mitch wilson by name i was born many years ago,i do travel most
time on my job on contracting of drilling of crude oil from the soil and also from
sea, i work onshore and offshore...i have a daughter(Melissa)who is eighteen(18)
years old and she stays with me.i lost Melissa's mother to motor accident five
years ago,ever since then i have been playing the role of a father and at the same
time a mother to my daughter.I think whatever happens to a man is equal to a man
also.Now i have put behind me that incidence in which i lost the mother of my only
daughter and i have decided to move ahead and try and get involved in a
relationship once more,i got that inspiration with the idea of my daughter .i
cannot begin to praise myself as a perfect man as nobody is perfect,but i believe
with the help of God and this qualities applied to it.

Commitment,Understanding,Endurance,Patience. that is what supposed to exist between

two partners,i believe if those qualities can be applied here we can either weather
the storm and prove all critics wrong.i can boldly tell you I'm that easy going
person, calm,cool,and composed,with high self esteem and a strong desire to achieve
my goals in life.i have always dreams of starting a new life and building a family
in which honesty,transparency and nobility would be fervently practiced.i truly and
strongly believe that we can work things out gradually and by the grace of God we
will find intimate satisfaction within ourselves.Take my hands,my heart and let's
embark on a journey of bliss pleasure, companionship, friendship , growth, love,
and beautiful Moments.reply back if you like my profile,take good care of yourself,
i will be looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes

.i have a daughter(Melissa)who is eighteen(18) years old and she stays with me.i
lost Melissa's mother to motor accident five years ago,ever since then i have been
playing the role of a father and at the same time a mother to my daughter.I think
whatever happens to a man is equal to a man also.Now i have put behind me that
incidence in which i lost the mother of my only daughter and i have decided to move
ahead and try and get involved in a relationship once more,i got that inspiration
with the idea of my daughter .i cannot begin to praise myself as a perfect man as
nobody is perfect,but i believe with the help of God and this qualities applied to

Commitment,Understanding,Endurance,Patience. that is what supposed to exist between

two partners,i believe if those qualities can be applied here we can either weather
the storm and prove all critics wrong.i can boldly tell you I'm that easy going
person, calm,cool,and composed,with high self esteem and a strong desire to achieve
my goals in life.i have always dreams of starting a new life and building a family
in which honesty,transparency and nobility would be fervently practiced.i truly and
strongly believe that we can work things out gradually and by the grace of God we
will find intimate satisfaction within ourselves.Take my hands,my heart and let's
embark on a journey of bliss pleasure, companionship, friendship , growth, love,
and beautiful Moments.reply back if you like my profile,take good care of yourself,
i will be looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes

Oh, what joy it is to have friend like you For giving me strength the way you do
For lifting me up when I'm feeling down and putting a smile on my face when I'm
wearing a frown thanks for being there and helping me grow Your friendship means a
lot this I'd like you to know.....There are moments when one Special friend makes a
difference That no one else can... A friend understands the Unspoken words in your
heart.....My princess If I could give you one thing in life. I would give you the
ability to see your self through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special
you are to me..

My Dearest friend i want us to take one step at a time. Thank You, My Special

I want you to take good care of your self for me and hope to chat with you soon.

How are you doingg? I hope all is well with you? well I just want to thank you for
the email you just reply and I want you to know that I appreciate the time been
spend sending me this email......Even though we are distance apart but I can easily
fly to meet you wherever you are.I dont believe that distance and age can be a
barrier to having a smooth and good relationship...I would love both of us to start
as friends to know more about each other..

I will be glad to see that we keep this communicating going and see what
happened.Can you please send me your Y a h o o ID so that we can be communicating
with that too? if you have a y a h o o messenger can as well chat there too.I will
be looking foreword to hearing from you soon.till I read from you again.stay
blessed.with love and more blessing to you.


Your profile caught my attention .I must say precisely that every single words
about your profile is what a man debt!!!!!!! You are absolutely an angel
to turn light over the dark, your lips are awesome, and your eyes are very cute.It
would be nice to share some friendship and see where it goes.

Hope to hear from you,

smithhoyt62: Hi
Brenda Cloud: hi there
smithhoyt62: Thanks for adding me to your friend list
smithhoyt62: You are welcome
Brenda Cloud: no problem hun
smithhoyt62: What do you do for a living
Brenda Cloud: well sadly to say i'm not working right now
smithhoyt62: Oh
smithhoyt62: How did you pay off all your bills
smithhoyt62: If i may ask
Brenda Cloud: lol
Brenda Cloud: i manage
smithhoyt62: did i sound so funny
smithhoyt62: lol
Brenda Cloud: i'm a saver not a spender lol
Brenda Cloud: so wat u do for a living?
smithhoyt62: I'm a marine engineer
smithhoyt62: Why are you offline
smithhoyt62: Are you hiding from someone
Brenda Cloud: lol
Brenda Cloud has signed back in. (3/4/2011 10:58 PM)

Brenda Cloud: is that better lol

smithhoyt62: Yeah
smithhoyt62: You are so understanding
smithhoyt62: How tall are you
Brenda Cloud: 5'9, how tall r u ?
smithhoyt62: wow
smithhoyt62: Same as yours
smithhoyt62: 5ft9
smithhoyt62: What is your favourite colour
Brenda Cloud: black
smithhoyt62: Mine is blue
Brenda Cloud: so wat bit plans have u got for the weekend ?
smithhoyt62: Nothing much
smithhoyt62: You
Brenda Cloud: oh nothing earth shattering
Brenda Cloud: lol
smithhoyt62: What are some of the worse things you have experienced using online
Brenda Cloud: i'm pretty easy and laid back
Brenda Cloud: omg r u kiddin lol
Brenda Cloud: all the perverts on this site is amazing
Brenda Cloud: i'm not on here to just cyber with ppl and give them a cam show
smithhoyt62: Ok
smithhoyt62: What re you looking for in a man
Brenda Cloud: sweet, honest, faithful, laid back nothing too hard
smithhoyt62: good
Brenda Cloud: and ur lookin for,.......................?
smithhoyt62: I'm looking for someone who knows what it takes to love and beloved
smithhoyt62: Someone who is going to love me for who i am not what i have
Brenda Cloud: oh and a sense of humor is very important to me
Brenda Cloud: have u had any luck so far?
smithhoyt62: Nope
smithhoyt62: You are the first woman i have talk to
smithhoyt62: I believe am going to make it on here no matter what
Brenda Cloud: i wish u luck.......Smith is ur name?
smithhoyt62: Sure
Brenda Cloud: sure?
smithhoyt62: What is your favourite food
Brenda Cloud: well i like most all foods lol
Brenda Cloud: but if pressed i'd say mexican
smithhoyt62: I like sea food and some fish
smithhoyt62: Pizza and steak
Brenda Cloud: i love seafood too
Brenda Cloud: and pizza
Brenda Cloud: and steak lol
smithhoyt62: lol
smithhoyt62: I guess you and i have things in common
smithhoyt62: What do you do for fun
Brenda Cloud: looks like it lol
Brenda Cloud: well i like to b with my family
Brenda Cloud: go to beach
smithhoyt62: brb
Brenda Cloud: i love rainy nights curled up in bed with a good movie
smithhoyt62: bk
Brenda Cloud: wb
smithhoyt62: Do you live in a house or apt
Brenda Cloud: house
Brenda Cloud: u?
smithhoyt62: I live in a house
smithhoyt62: What kind of car do you drive
Brenda Cloud: lol
Brenda Cloud: toyota
smithhoyt62: Ok
smithhoyt62: What do you do for fun
Brenda Cloud: i'm sorry hun, company just stopped by mayb we can chat later
smithhoyt62: Ok
smithhoyt62: I want you to take good care of your self and nice chatting with you
Brenda Cloud is typing...
smithhoyt62: You are always welcome and hope to chat with you later
Brenda Cloud: u too hun, have a good day
You have canceled the file transfer.

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