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1. What is your favorite color?

2. What kind of car do you drive and what color is it?

3. Would you want to get married again or even have another child?
4. When is your birthday?
5. Do you like to play with the heart of a man?
6. What are your favorite types of food?
7. Do you attend church?
8. How tall are you?
9. What type of music do you listen to?
10. Are u right handed or left handed?
11. Do u take showers or bath?
12. If you were giving three chances to make a choice in life what would you
13. Are u an affectionate person?YES Do u like to kiss?
14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing?
15. Are you a handy woman?, for example if I bought a ceiling fan can u put it in?
16. Do you like to cook? YES Can u cook?
17. What would ur ideal mate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall
18: would you ever apologise to your husband when ever you at fault or your prefer
him apologise?
19. If you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement, how would u handle it?
unresolved and act like nothing happened?
20. When was the last time you had sex? Are u what Americans call a freak in bed?I
enjoy the physical part of a relationship .freaky??
21. what is your favourite -place to go?
22. Is there any male (s), beside myself, that ur trying to get to know or want to
23. Do u wear jewelry?
24. Where were you born?
25. What made u decide to reply to my messages at American bearshare?
27. Are u a night or morning person?
28. what is your favourite -movie?
29. What was your most memorable childhood moment?
30. What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
31. What was your most embarrassing moment?
32. What was the single most significant turning point in your life?
33. What things do you feel passionate about?
34. Do you believe in love at first sight?
35. What's the difference between love, romance and sex?
36. Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public?
37. What is your idea of a dream... ?
38. If you had three wishes, what would they be?.
39. What do you want most from life??
40. What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?
41. What do you do when you feel angry or upset?
42. What three words best describe you?
43. What is your idea of a perfect date?
44. What is your favorite romantic gesture?
45. What are the top ten gifts you love would like to receive?
46. What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift?
47. What is your idea of the perfect romantic vacation?
48: would you ever spend fund on assisting your partner when in need or in
trouble ??
49. Have you considered the concept of life after death? Do you believe in it?
50. What are your favorite restaurants in the city?
51. Have you ever volunteered for something?
52. What is the first thing that you notice when you look at a man?
53. Tell me how you will describe me to other people?

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