KING { Questions and Answers 2 }

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What are your goals or dreams in life? I mean regarding your marital status..

for trusting me enough to tell me your Dreams, I'm sitting here starring all over
thinking how you got such a Beautiful dream.....
My goals and dream in life is to be with the woman I will love and live happily
with her forever. I want a woman i will call my own and love her unconditionally.

What motivates you? Hello

I'm motivated by life itself, because life is what you made it. I love all qthat
life has to offer.

Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or do drugs?hiw

Wow I guess women loves Red a lot because that’s my daughter favorite too wet b ur
eve,€+ How’re ohypuu uphbbrut I prefer a rZyellow you know lol

I a normal guy; I do not take drugs to keep me on track. I had never smoked in my
life neither used drugs and never pretend too, because it's not for me.I am a
normal guy; l

So what’s you favorite food?

I My favorite food is Pasta. I love to cook great home made meals and try new
recipes when I am in town with my daughter. I also love to exercise and I know the
importance of being healthy and eating healthy. Would like a lady to cook with! So

What’s your favorite drink?

Well my favorite drinks Red Wines, but I prefer Champagne more likely. I like
Chateau Margaux and Boërl & Kroff Brut...

What are your favorite movies?

Titanic is the only movie
topping my list

What are your favorite TV Shows?

Rich Texan, One Trill Hill, CSI, Oprah

What brand of music do you like?

I love blues, 80s, and 90s, Rnb, Jazz, Gospel Jams, and e

do you have a favorite musician in particular?

What about your favorite music band?

Mine is ABBA

Are you a sports fan? And what are your favorite sports?
I have a passion for sports and my favorite sport is football and I also like Sea
Fishing, kayaking, boating, sailing are my sports of choice. I’m not afraid to
speak my mind, trust my gut, and follow my heart. Even if it gets me in

Do you have any favorite sport team you support in particular?

Manchester United football club that’s my team, I love their pattern of playing
when I am in town I love travelling to go and watch their matches together with my

what inspires you in life?

God inspires me, with his love and mercies he shows us each passing day.

Do you believe in true love?

Yes, I do.

What turns you off?

Anything fake, lies, deceit, cheating, quarreling and argument turns me off.

How do you feel when someone upset you? And what will you do to calm yourself down?
I do feel unhappy for that moment; go to quite place and listening to a cool music
that will calm me down.

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
I would change how I tend to dwell on the past, because it's really dragging me
down lately and i am not comfortable about it. I believe that our experiences in
life made us who we are today. No one is free from difficult times in life or what
some may call baggage. How you've dealt with those experiences will determine if
you're damaged or resilient. I'm a prime example of resilience and not looking to
do damage control. I have a very positive mindset in whatever i do in life. I
understand everyone has old baggage, but I want someone who has put the old baggage
up for old memories and is ready to create new memories. Life is short and you
never know about tomorrow, so if you want to live life "like there is no tomorrow

What's the best dream you've ever had?

My Sex Fantasy Dream about us.

Who is your mentor?

My mentor is my late mom, she was a nice, caring and understanding mom, who loves
and take good care of her family, she always spoke the truth and she was a self
disciplined woman, my mom 11qis ready to risk everything she has for her loved
ones, but I do feel the pain because i miss her so much, she was really the best
mom in the world. She always tells me that uneasy lies the head that wears the
crown, so for you to be successful in life you have to face some challenges.

So tell me; what are some of the places you have visited?
have been out of the United States several times on different occasions, maybe on a
work trip, or vacation trip. My work has taken me to places like; Singapore, Spain,
and England. While on vacation trips, I and my daughter have been to; Switzerland,
Italy, Paris, Rio De Janeiro of Brazil and by the Grace of God, the next would be
Dubai. I would love my next vacation trip to be with that special someone, because
I don’t believe I'm destined to travel this road alone. I look forward to sharing
my last journey in love, laughter & friendship. Loving a woman is no longer enough
for me. The genuine friendship that develops, enjoying each others company, the
ability to communicate one’s needs, desires, hopes & dreams, for me, will sustain
the relationship. I may not be perfect, but I am perfect for someone. Looking for
my "Lover and Companion" to live a fun loving life and "Travel" around the world
with. I'm looking for a woman who is a good communicator.

So tell me when travelling do you travel alone or you like travelling with a
I love travelling with my daughter because she is my only family that I have now.

Describe the perfect vacation you have had?

Flying to Paris, then taking a train through France, Switzerland, Italy,
Yugoslavia, and Greece. Then spending 1 month on Santorini a Greek Island together
with my daughter. I had the time of my life, and these are my fondest memories. I
will do it again.

What is your biggest fear?

My fear is my Only Courage, so I've got to push on through with Life.

What has been the best decision you've ever made?

Choosing not to dwell on my past, but rather be happy because Life is too short to
be unhappy

What 3 physical features do you get compliments on most?

My eyes, smiles, skin/complexion, and sometimes my voice too. People like it for
some reason.

What is your best Moment?

My Wedding Day

Your worst moment in life?

22 December 2009 When the flight carrying my Wife & My daughter landed during a
rainstorm, and was unable to stop on the runway

Have you ever thought of leaving your country in search of the man you want to be
with in the future?
Yeah, like I said; I would swim a Thousand Rivers and Climb a Hundred Walls just to
be with the Person I Love

What languages can you speak? Which would you like to learn?
I speak English fluently

What are the five most important things in your life?

God, Family, Love, My Daughter & living to help others without asking for anything
in return.

Tell me Two things you can't live without?my Daughter, I can't live without her
because I wanna make her Happy & I can't live without Love

What would you cook for a date at home?

Smiles!!! That is going to be a secrete because I will be making her favorite
meal...Even if I do not know how to, before then I must get instructions from good
quality chefs and also read cooking books, to meet up to perfection the day I will
cook the meal.

What positive lessons have you learned from your past relationships that will help
you succeed in future relationships?
"Love" "Trust" & "Understanding".

How do you normally spend your leisure time?

Listening to music, cuddling up reading a magazine or watching TV, cooking.

How much do you enjoy walking in the park?

I enjoy it a lot; feel the fresh air of the nature, viewing the beautiful green

If you are at a loose end what are some of the following things you do?
I will have hope and never to give up.

What do you think is the biggest mistake that men/women make in their
Not trusting, understanding and trying to find time and share things with each

I know this question can be out of the line... lol Lets say If you could wake up
tomorrow with any superpower, what would it be?
Hmm, that would be the power of Clark Kent also known as superman, I want to be the
one to save the day.

If you are found guilty of a crime, would you admit yourself and accept your
I will admit my self, accept my mistakes, and face the consequences, because I am a
God fearing man, and I do abide to the truth.

If you see somebody you don't know who needs help, would you be of any support?
Yes I would help in anyway, because God in heaven says it is good to help those
that are in need and he loves a cheerful giver. I think it's important to have
compassion for others in need of help. I have a good and caring heart. I don't like
arrogance or to be selfish. It's the strangest thing, but kindness attracts
kindness, like whenever I see someone’s car got broke down, I always love to help
and assist that person, because when mine also gets broke down or I had a flat tire
someone always has come to my rescue.

In a relationship how do you see a situation whereby the woman earns more money
than the man?
A good relationship where two lovers understand each other, they're concerned for
each other and they respect one another, I don’t think that there will be problem
about that, to me is no problem as far as they both love their selves.

Are you a left or right handed person?

I am a right handed person

Do you have any tattoos and body piercings?

I don't have any tattoo, but I do have my left ear pieced and some times I do wear

Honey Can you drive a vehicle? Do you have a?

I have 2 cars that I drive when I am back in town; I have a Benz G Class 2012 and a
Mitsubishi Outlander 2012 jeep, but love to get a new one for myself and the lady
who happens to be the apple of my eyes and that I believe I will accomplish very

Are you financially stable?

Yes of course I am financially stable, I do receive a high income there is no need
for me to be afraid of any financial situation.

What do you spend most of your money on?

Though I have not got the time to settle around in town and relax with what I have
of which I'm not spending vacation abroad with my daughter. I have a lot of taste
for fashion and clothing line up as Dolce and Gabana is my favorite brand. I also
enjoy spending money on designing my home with the nicest and latest home
appliances. I already have my eyes set to have a registered company of my own that
will deal into supplying of FPSO materials to offshore and onshore fabrication
companies, that I will do when I have finally settle down with a woman right beside
me and I can call my wife.

Do you like holding hands and exchanging casual kisses with your partner?
Yes...Holding her close and make her feel the warmth of my body while kissing her.

Do you think you can be trusted by your man?

Yes of course I can be trusted, because I am ready to open up my mind and my heart
and also lay down my life for the woman I love.

Marriage they say "Is For Better, For Worse" do you believe in this principle?
Yes, I do believe in that, because that is where you have to show that you love
your partner very much.

Do you like to re-marry again?

I can remarry again when she love me and love my daughter so much that she care
about the family been together as one big family with so much.

Have you talked about your feelings with someone else?

Yes and you are the only person whom I am sharing my feelings with.
[1/29, 11:55 PM] King Limpopo: Love Confession

My dear you really match the criteria I do need from a woman, and I really do
appreciate you for that my dear, I have no other words to describe the way you make
me feel. No words, no actions could even come close. I believe that Ronald Regan
said his best to Nancy in a letter, telling her only that, "I more than love you".
Their love was a strong love, surviving everything, even death. I believe that even
after his passing, Nancy felt Ronald's love for her raining down upon her. That is
why she has always seemed at peace after the death of such a truly loving husband.
That is the love that I feel for you.

I know this might come as a shock to you, but i just hope you'll understand... My
dear you really match the criteria I do need from a woman, and I really do
appreciate you for that my dear, I have no other words to describe the way you make
me feel. No words, no actions could even come close
I think i'm very much interested in you dear

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