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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to;
▪ Define Bed Making.

▪Explain the purpose of bed making in the clinical setting.

▪Mention some types of beds.

▪List the principles of bed making.

In nursing, bed making is an essential
procedure in which nurses prepare and
arrange different types of beds for the
client's comfort in the hospital or other
health care institutions.
What is Bed making?

Bed making is a technique in which

different types (general and special) of beds
are prepared to make a client or patient
comfortable according to the situations and
Purpose of Bed Making:
➢To provide a safe and comfortable bed to the clients
➢To remove dirt and germs from patient’s bed
➢To organize a specific ward, as well as beautification.
➢To be prepared for any critical or emergency condition.
➢To prevent bedsores.
➢To promote neat appearance and cleanliness.
➢To teach the relatives to take care of the sick at home.
A Bed Stead Bed Linens (bottom & top sheets etc.)
A Mattress
Pillows Blankets
Water-proof Mackintosh Counterpane
Types of Beds:
1. Simple Bed
2. Open Bed
3. Closed Bed
4. Admission Bed
5. Cardiac Bed
6. Post Operative Bed
7. Fracture Bed
8. Amputation or Divided Bed
9. Nephrotic Bed or Blanket Bed
Types of Beds:
Simple Bed
Types of Beds:
Types of Beds:
Types of Beds:
Types of Beds:
Types of Beds:
Post Operative bed
Types of Beds:
Types of Beds:
Types of Beds:
Principles of Bed making:
1. All requirements should be collected before starting.
2. Two nurses are required and they should work in harmony, avoiding
jerky movements and jarring the bed.
3. The patient's face must never be covered by sheets or blankets.
4. The patient must never be exposed.
5. Extra assistance should be available and, if necessary, should be
called upon to help to lift the patient.
6. When pillows are being shaken the nurse should turn away from the
7. Any conversation during bedmaking should include the patient and
should not be on personal matters between the nurses.
Time for:
End of Lesson.
Next Lesson: Making a Simple Bed.

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