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Personal introduction
Q: How can I call you? / How can I address you? / what's your name? / What is your name?

May I have your name please? / What is your full name?

Ans: My name is

Q: what is your first name?

My first name is

Q: What is your last name?

My last name is

Q: How do you spell your name? I spell my first name as

How do you spell your first name? I spell my first name as

How do you spell your last name? I spell my last name as

Q: Do you have any nick name? No, I don’t have any nick name people call me _________yes, my nick name is

Q: Is your name special to you ? Why ? yes of course because it is my identity. My parents gave me this name

Q: what is the meaning of your name?

My name meaning is

Q: what is your age? How old are you ?

I am ___ years old.

Q: what is your qualification? What is your education?

I have done matriculation/ intermediate/ bachelors.

Q: what do you do?

I am doing job in a private institute/ I am running my own business.\ I am house wife I do my home task I don’t work or

: Where do you come from? Q: where do you belong ? Q: what is your hometown?

I am from ______ it is my fore father’s village.

Q: how many family members do you have?

We are ___ family members my parents and my __ siblings.

Q: how many siblings do you have?

I have ____ brothers and _____ sisters

Q: who is closer to you in your family?

I am closer to my mother.

Q: what do your siblings do ?

My brother is/ are _____ My sister is /are _____ Q: what is your father name?

Q: what is your mother name ?

Q:tell me about your likes and dislikes

I like shopping \outing \ making pictures \gardening\ cold weather\ light colors\ spicy food

I don't like hot weather\ dark colors\ smoking\ dust\ crowd\ vegetables\ traffic jam.

What is your date of birth?

My date of birth is 15th of Nov

Q: what are your hobbies?/ what are you good at?

My hobbies are cooking, watching TV/movies, making videos, using social media, painting, swimming

Q: How do you spend an ordinary (normal) day ? Q: What is your morning routine ? Q: What do you do in the morning

I get-up early in the morning. I offer prayer. I go for walk. I eat breakfast.(i go to office / shop) I clean my home and cook

Q: what do you do in the afternoon / Evening?? I offer prayer, have lunch, take some rest, watch TV

Q: when do you get up in the morning

I get up early in the morning. I get up 6 0'clock.

Q: when do you go to sleep? / when do you go to bed ??

I sleep at 11 O' clock. / I go to bed at 10 O' clock.

Q: From how long have you been married ?

I'm married from 1 year. ( 2 years)

Q: What do your husband do ?

My husband run his business. He is running his business. My husband is jobian. He is doing job in a private/ government
institute as a _____

Q: what is your husband age ? He is ___ years old.

Q: How many members are there in your in-laws?

They are __ family members. Mother-in-law, father-in-law, __ sister-in-law and __ brother-in-law

Q: when is marriage anniversary? When did you get married?

My marriage anniversary is on _______. (10th dec)

Q: Do live in a house or flat? I live in my own house.

What type of accommodation do you live in? Do you live in a house or flat or apartment ?

Q: Describe your home/ house / flat.

My home ( house) is small/ big It is a one/two story building. There are __ rooms. __ washrooms. ___kitchen and a

Q: Tell me about your area.

I live in clean area. It is main area of city.

Q: Do you like your area?? Is your area clean? Yes

Q: what thing that you don't like about your area?

I don't like air pollution, public transport issues of my area.

Q: Do you want to change your area/ home?

No I Don't want. Because I am living here since my childhood I have a lot of memories here.

General introduction

Q 1: What is the name of your hometown?

ANS: Basically, I am from Rawalpindi, Punjab. It is one of the biggest city of Pakistan and
also known as the twin of Islamabad.

Q 2: Is it a big city or a small town?

ANS: It is a city consisting about 2 million people and considered as a 4th largest city of

Q 3: Describe your hometown a little?

ANS: As my city is known as city of passenger because people from different area come here in
finding Jobs, better education and for business.
Q 4: How long are you been living there?

ANS: I have been living here since my birth. As it is the land where my forefather lived for

Q 5: Do you like your hometown?

ANS: Because of having all the basic facilities for a citizen, Including hospitals, educational
institutes, local transport and public parks.

Q 6: Do you like living there?

ANS: Yes, I greatly enjoy living there because I am much familiar to the area and traditions and
I have lot of memories since my childhood.

Q 7: Would you say it is an interesting place?

ANS: Yes it is an interesting place having one of the biggest market of the country Rajabazar,
many public parks and amusement parks.

Q 8: What do you like about your hometown?

ANS: I like that there are various job opportunities and people of different ages and live here.

Q 9: What is your favorite part of your hometown?

ANS: My favorite place is Ayub-Park there are many swings, cricket ground and a small zoo.

Q 10: Is there anything you dislike?

ANS: Things I really hate about my area are over populated and over crowded places and
traffic problems.

Q 11: Are there any tourist attraction place in your hometown?

ANS: There is no tourist attraction place but mostly people come here come here for their jobs
education or for healthcare.

3. Ice cream
Q 1: Do you Like ice cream?

ANS: Yes ice cream is my most favorite desert in summer. I am deeply obsessed by the taste
of ice cream
Q 2: Did you often it ice cream when you are younger?

ANS: Yes, when I was younger It was a special treat from my parents.

Q 3: Are there shops to sell ice cream near the place do you live?

ANS: There are several ice cream shops near the area and grocery shops also have ice creams
in refrigerators.

Q 4: Can you make ice cream by yourself?

ANS: No I don’t know how to make ice cream but I think its not difficult mainly it has two
ingredients milk and sugar.

Do you think ice cream is a healthy food?

Yes ice cream is so healthy as it is made up of milk. Which is healthy ingredient.

Q when do you need to stay focused?

I need to be focused when I study and do work.

Do you ever find it difficult to stay focused?

Yes, I remember last year I was in a crowd and lost my focus because of nice during drive.

What distracts you when you are trying to stay focused?

Loud voice and noises distract me when I stay focused.

Do you ever do anything to help you concentrate?

Yes I do exercise and yoga to stay focused and mentally active.

Q 1: what things can you fix?

ANS: I can fix toys and some small broken things at home.

Q 2: Did anybody teach you tom fix things when you were a child?
ANS: As my parents fix things if they stop working or broken. They encourage me and my
siblings to fix things.

Q 3: are there household items in your home that can be prepared?

Yes I can repair many small daily use items, like switch and juicer.

Q 4: Do you think it is necessary for people to learn how to fix things?

ANS: Yes, knowing how to repair things is a skill that everyone should have. It could be useful
in their life.

How do you keep healthy?

I do exercise daily. I eat healthy food and avoid junk food

What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport is cricket/badminton. Like other Pakistanis I am a huge cricket fan.

Are there health classes in your school?

Yes, There were weekly health classes in our school and daily P.T period.

Do you think people do enough exercise nowadays?

Yes, now people think about their health and work for smarter and active body.

Do you often dream?

Yes I do have dreams often. Sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Do you share your dreams with others?

Yes sometimes I share it with my friends and family.

Do you like to listen to others talking about their dreams?

Yes, I like to listen interesting dreams but I don’t like horror dreams.

Do you think dreams have any special meaning?

Yes some dreams have special meaning but not all dreams.

Which day is your favorite day?

My favorite Is Sunday because it my family day. I have only one day to spent time with my
family and relax.

Which is your least favorite day?

My least favorite is Monday because it comes after Sunday. It is always a busy day.

Will you spend your fav day with friends or family?

I like spending my fav day with my family but sometimes I spend it with friends.

How is your fav day different from others?

As only one day of the week I spend time at home with my family and week days I spend at

Does everyone have a fav day?

Yes, obviously everyone has any of special fav day.

How do you usually spend your time?

I get up early in the morning, offer prayer, recite Holy Quran, go for walk, have breakfast and
go to office\ do my home task.


Do you like rainy days?

Yes I like rainy days, it is my favorite weather.

Does it rain much in your city?

Yes, Islamabad is an arid region because it is close to Margala Hills

Have you ever been outside in the rain without a raincoat?

Yes it happened many times. Last time I was in a shopping center.

Do you think rain influences what people do?

Yes sometimes it influence but not always. It depends on time.

Do you like to live in place which is dry or wet?

I like to live in a dry a place because I like rain but not too much.

What do you do on your day off?

I mostly plan my day off and spend quality time mostly with family and sometimes with

What would you never do on your day off?

I would never waste my day off by sleeping that most of people do. I live my days off lively.

Do you have plans for your next day off?

No not yet but I know I will plan before day off.

Do you think it is important to have a day off?

Yes, its very important for everyone to have a day off and relax.

Do you often use bags?

Yes I carry bag when I go somewhere like shopping, park or ant party or during travelling.

What type of bags do you like?

I like nice and easy to carry bags. Mostly I carry wallet.

Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?

Yes I carry bag because I can keep my important things in it, like keys cards and medicines.

Do you have different bags for different occasions?

Yes, I carry bags according to the event and requirement. I have good collection of bags.

Do you have a favorite teacher?

Yes my fav teacher was my science teacher she was so nice and experienced.

Who is your fav teacher?,

Miss Alia was my fav as she teaches very well and in an interesting way.

Would you like to be a teacher?

Yes, I think it is so interesting, noble and good profession.

What do you think are the most important qualities of a teacher?

I think a good teacher is one who understand a student and teaches from ground level.

wild animals
Have you ever seen any wild animals?

Yes, I have seen many wild animals in zoo. I like visiting zoo.

Do you have a fav wild animal?

Yes, I do have my fav wild animal is LION. It is sign of power.

Do you think wild animals should be protected?

Yes, wild animals should be safe and protected. It is responsibility of government to protect
wild life.

Do you like going to the zoo?

Yes, in my childhood I loved going there and enjoying watching wild animals.

Is weekend your part of the week?

Yes, it is my favorite time because I spend time with my family.

Do you ever work or study at weekend?

No, mostly I take rest but sometimes I do my family work.

What did you do last weekend?

Last weekend, We went to a restaurant for lunch, after that we spent time in park.

Do you prefer to plan how to spend your weekend?

Mostly I plan before my weekend starts. Because I have only one day in a week to relax and
enjoy at the same time.


What things made you happy when you were a child?

Playing with the toys and going to park made me happy in my childhood.

What makes you feel happiest at work or studies?

Whenever I finish my work before time and whenever someone appreciates me.

Do you feel happy when you buy something new?

Yes, I am a shopping lover. I feel so happy when I buy something new like shoes, bags, clothes,
toys and gadgets.

What do you think will bring you happiness in the future?

I shall be happiest when I shall get UK Visa.

How often do you visit a library?

I do not go to library often. I like to study at home.

Did you use library more when you were younger?

Yes, I used to go to my school and college library regularly.

How common is it for children to visit library in your country?

In my country it is common to visit school library regularly.

Would you ever like to work in a library?

No, I think it is quite boring and difficult job.

What kind of jewelry do you think looks nice?

I like simple jewelry, I think gold jewelry looks nice.

How often do you wear jewelry?

I like to wear rings regularly and special jewelry on different functions.

Have you ever bought jewelry for someone else?

Yes, I mostly buy jewelry for my daughter and my sister.

Why did you think some people keep a piece of jewelry for long time?

Some people feel it is lucky for them and some people feel relax wearing jewelry.

Do you usually carry a lot of keys with you?

I do not carry a lot of keys with me. I only carry my home and car keys.

Do you often forget to take keys, while going out?

Yes I often forget to pick up keys because mostly I find myself in a hurry.

Have you ever lost any key?

Yes, once I lost my room key and my father was very angry on me.

Do you think it is a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor?

No, I do not think it is a good idea but it depends upon situations.

Do you like modern or traditional art?

I like both but I prefer traditional art.

Would you go to an art gallery if you have any free time?

Yes I often go to LOK VIRSA ART GALLERY in every festival.

Did you ever do any art when you were a child?

Yes I used to do a lot of coloring work and sketch art when I was a child

Do you think you would like to be an artist?

No I think I do not have such a good talent to be an artist.

How often do you wear t-shirts?

I do not like t shirts, I do not feel comfortable in t shirts.

How often do you wear t shirts?

I like to wear our traditional dress mostly that is our shalwar qameez.

Have you ever bought a t shirt for holidays or vacations?

Yes, once I bought it but for my brother.

Do you like a t shirt that has pictures on it?

No I do not like t shirts with pictures. That is why I mostly wear full sleeve shirts.

How fashionable are t shirts for older people in your country?

Older people in our country are mostly found in shalwar kameez. Only few people wear t shirts
in old age and do not wear it for fashion.

How often do you eat chocolate?

I eat chocolate twice a week because I like it a lot.

Did you like chocolate when you were a child?

Yes every child likes chocolates, as it is so yummy.

Have you ever given a chocolate as a present?

Chocolate is the sweetest present to family and friends.

Why do you think is chocolate very popular in most parts of the world?

Chocolate is known for its sweetness that is why people all around the world like it a lot.
Small business
Are there many small businesses where you live?

Yes there are many small businesses and shops like grocery dairy shops fruit and vegetable

Do you prefer buying things from small business or large company?

I prefer buying daily use items from small business and electronics from big companies.

Have you ever worked for a small business?

No I don’t have such experience. But I think it is hard working.

Would you like to start your own small business one day?

Yes I want to start a ……….. business. I think it is profitable and good.

outer space and stars

Did you learn anything about space and stars when you were at school?

Yes i learned it in my school as it was part of my syllabus.

Would you like to find out more about more about space and stars?

No I don’t have any interest. It is boring and dry subject.

Do you enjoy watching science fiction movies?

No I don’t like it because these are fake and false.

Would you like to travel into space one day?

Yes I want to travel to moon, I think it is interesting and beautiful.

Staying up late
Do you sometimes go to bed late?

Yes, I often go to bed late. Because my family goes to sleep late.

Did you ever go to bed late when you were a child?

Yes, specially in exams and when we had some guests.

What do you like to do when you stay up late?

I mostly spend time with my family and sometimes we watch movie or go out.

After late night how do you feel next morning?

I feel tired and sleepy I don’t feel relax. My whole routine disturbs.

What is your mother tongue?

My mother tongue is Urdu.

What other languages you can speak?

I can speak Punjabi Urdu and English.

Will you learn other languages in future?

Yes, I want to learn Pashto in future I think it is interesting.

Would you say its difficult to learn a new language?

Yes, I think it’s really tough task to learn a new language.

What is your main ambition in life?

My main ambition is to be successful and earn for my children.

Do you think you will achieve your ambition?

Yes, I will because I always work hard and make good efforts.

Are your friends and family members ambitious?

Yes, my family members are really ambitious and hard working.

Is it always good to be ambitious?

Yes I think it is good because we should set a goal and work for it.

what kinds of people do you like to make friends with?
I like to make friends having same thinking and taste like me. People I find interesting and hard

What do you usually do when you are with your friends?

I usually gossip and do a lot chatting. Sometimes go for shopping or restaurant.

Do you keep in contact with any of your friends from childhood?

Yes, my best childhood friend is still with me. We often talk to each other.

What do you think makes a good friend?

Staying in contact, meeting to each other, giving gift and caring each other.

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