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Teacher: “Assalamu’alaikum wr wb. Good morning student! Before we start our lesson let’s pray
together. Pray begin- finish. How are you today?”
Student: “I am fine, and you?”
Teacher: “I am fine to, thank you”
Teacher: “Let me check your attendance. Ayung!”
Student: “Present”
Teacher: “Nana”
Student: “Present”
Teacher: “Annisa”
Student: “Present”
Teacher: “Oke, it’s complete. Is everybody ready to start?”
Student: “Ready miss”
Teacher: “Let’s start the lesson about phytagoras!”

Teacher: “listen up everyone! I will give you an assignment”
Student: “okay miss”
Teacher: “Please, open the book on page 10. The assignment is unit 10 exercise A. Find the
length of the unknown side. Than you can work on a piece of paper. I give you 30
minutes to do it. Please do the assignment in a group of three. Do you understand the
practice instruction?”
Student: “yes, I understand the instruction”
Teacher: “please, do it from now!”
Teacher: “Okay, time is up. Assignment can be submitted now!”
Teacher: “Pay attention to me. Now it’s time for a quiz in quizizz to find out your understanding
of today’s lesson! Please, open the link that I have sent via the whatsapp group. I give
you 10 minutes to do it! You can do it individually. Do you understand the practice
Student: “Yes, miss”
Teacher: “Okay, have you all entered quizizz?”
Student: “already”
Teacher: “are you ready guys?”
Student: “let’s begin miss”
Teacher: “okay, let’s begin guys!”
Teacher: “Have you finished, guys? Please, click submit”

Teacher: “it’s time to stop! What do we conclude from today’s lesson?”
Student: “in this meeting, we learn about how to find the length of an unknown side in a right
triangle, miss”
Teacher: “yes, that’s right. Thank you for the answer. Is anything else clear?”
Student: “yes, miss”
Teacher: “in the next meeting, we will discuss about statistics. Don’t forget to do your
Student: “okay miss”
Teacher: “before we end our lesson, let’s pray together. Pray begin- finish”
Student: “Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb. See you!”

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