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Barrett's Esophagus and Treatment of

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Dr. Vedat KIRIMLIOĞLU, Dr. Fuat ATALAY, Dr. Orhan ELBİR,

Dr. Metin ŞAVKILIOĞLU, Dr. Canbek SEVEN, Dr. Alpaslan GENCER

Özet: BARRE'IT ÖSEFAGUS VE GASTROÖSE­ Summary: Barrett's esophagus is a condition in

FAGEAL REFLÜ HASTALIĞININ (GÖRH) TEDA­ which the normal stratifıed squamous epithelium
V!Sl of the esophagus is replaced by a metaplastik co­
lumnar epithelium of the stomach. It is fırst descri­
Barret ösef'agus mide metaplastik columnar epiteli­ bed by Normann Barrett in 1950. It develops as a
niıı ösefaguswı çok katlı yassı epitelinin yerini al­ !ate complication in 10 % of patients who suff'er
masıdır. Normann Barret tarafindan 1950 yılında from gastroesophageal refZux disease (GERD). The
tarif edilmiştir. Gastroösefageal reflii 'den şikayet most serious complication is the esophageal adeno­
edenlerin% l0'da geç komplikasyon olarak görülür. carcinom which is wıresectable far cure at the time
En tehlikeli komplikasyonu ösofageal adenokarsi­ it is datected.
nom olup teşhis edildiğinde küratif reseksiyonu
mümkün değildir.

Anahtar kelimeler : Barrett ösofagus, gastroösefageal reflü Key Words: Barrett's esophagus, gastroesophageal reflux di­
hastalığı ösefageal adenokarsinom sease (GERD) esophageal adeno carcinoma.

Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which lower esophageal spincter (LES) (2). The nor­
the normal stratifıed squamous epithelium of mal esophagus may contain normal gastric
the esophagus is replaced by a metaplastic co­ mucosa by a substantial length of squamose
lumnar epithelium of the stomach. It is fırst epithelium. There are three types of Barrett's
described by Normann Barrett in 1950 (1). it mucosa, junctional (cardiac), fundic, speciali­
develops as a late complication in 10 % of pati­ sed columnar (intestinal metaplasie) (1-4).
ents who suffer from gastrosophageal reflux Some authers advocate an "unclassified" type
disease (GERD). The most serious complicati­ which is a variant of specialised columnar
on is the esophageal adenocarcinoma which is epithelium with a high grade dysplasie (3).
unresectable for cure at the time it is detec­ Acid is also produced by metaplastic columnar
ted. epithelium but the volume is not enough to
produce peptic ulser disease. Pepsinogen and
DEFINITION gastrin are also found in specialised columnar
Barrett's esophagus is defined as the presence
of columnar epithelium 2-3 cm proximal to the CLINICAL BACKGROUND

Fellow, Gastrointestinal Surgery Depaıtment,

Attending surgeon, Gastrointestinal Surgery The avarage age at the time of the diagnosis
Depaıtment. of Barrett's esophağus is about 55 years (1).

Barrett's Esophagus and Treatment of 809
Gastroesophageal Retlux Disease (GERD)

The male to female ratio ·is 4:1. There is a bi­ mucosa which concantrates 99 m Tc pertech­
modal age distribution: O to 15 years and 40 to netate. Endoscopic staining method using
80 years. Though some patients with Barrett's Lugol's solution in the diagnosis of Barrett's
esophagus may be asymptomatic heartburn is esophagus in patients who have nonspecific
the most common presenting symptom. mucosal abnormalities is another diagnostic
Dysphagia, regurgitation, gastrointestinal ble­ method (8).
eding, nocturnal aspiration, pyrosis chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are TREATMENT OF BARRETI"S
other presenting symptoms. Complications of ESOPHAGUS
Barrett's esophagus are same with those of
(GERD) which are esophagitis, esophageal Medical Therapy
ulser, stricture being faund 50 % at or below
the squamo-columnar junction (6), esophageal The milestones ofthe therapy are to minimise
bleeding, iron deficiency anemia, aspiration the symptoms and to hinder the development
pneumonia, dysplasia and adenocarcinoma of of the complications. Patients having
the esophagus. The increased risk of adeno­ symptoms ofGERD such as heartburn, regur­
carcinoma is between 30 and 125 times grea­ gitation, pyrosis are advocated to change their
ter than that in the healty population (7). lifestyl which includes discontinuation ofsmo­
king, avoidence of bedtime snack, dietary mo­
DIAGNOSIS dification which means the elimination offats,
chocolates, alcohol and carminatives which
The usefulness of the radiographic findings decrease the (LES), and percribed antacids,
are limited because they are neither spesific metaclopromide, a benzamid derivate, dopa­
nor sensitive enough to distinguish squamous min antagonist (9), H2 receptor antagonists
epithelium from columnar epithelium. Mono­ such as cimetidine, first described receptor
metric studies and 24 hour esoph3:geal pH blocker in 1976 given 800-1600 mg per day,
studies are useful to localise the lower esopha­ ranitidine given 300-1200 mg per day, famoti­
geal sphincter (LES) and to obtain the biopsi­ dine given 40 mg per day (10) Omeprazole H+
es above the region when doubt exists. Pati­ K+' ATP' ase inhibitor is the penultimate the­
ents with Barrett's metaplasia show a rapy far this purpose. It is given 40 mg daily.
prolonged exposure to acidic GER (pH 4) than it appears that patent acid reducing regimes
the patients whith reflux esophagitis because provide the most effective means of healing
of the delayed acid clearance evident in Bar­ Barrett's ulcers. Topical agents such as suc­
rett's esophagitis (1). Endoscopic examination ralfate may improve reflux symptoms and fas­
is the cornerstone of the diagnosis. Metaplas­ cilitate healing of reflux esophagitis. Algo­
tic mucosa can easly be recognized by endos­ rithm far symptomatic reflux esophagitis and
copy by sharp demarcation between the pale management of Barrett's esophagus is shown
squamos esophageal mucosa and velvet pink in figure 1. (11).
gastric columnar mucosa extending to the pro­
ximal esophagus rather than its normal locali­ Surgical Therapy
sation at the diaphragmatic hiatus. Endoso­
nography is another diagnostic tool which The indications far the surgical intervention
-shows that the esophageal mucosa is thicker iİı Barrett's esophagus are nonhealing deep
than normal in columnar lined region of the esophageal stiructures unresponsive to bougi­
Barrett's esophagus. Radionuclide imaging is nage or dilatation, esophageal hemmorage,
used to diagnose the metaplastic columnar perforation, severe symptomatic reflux refrac-

Cilt 3, Sayı 4, 1992


Symtomatic Reflux Esophagitis

Endoscopy with Biopsies

Bm=tt Ewphagus Ren� ph•�fü

ı ]

l l
Antireflux Procedure Medical Management

Repeated Endoscopy, Biopcies, and POOR Responce

Cytologic Studies at 6 mo Intervals

Antireflux Procedure

Progression ofDysplasia, Carcinoma in

s;tu, m· Nnnh ng Bamtt's Uke,•

i Stable Columnar Epithelium

or healed Uker


Continued Fulluw-up

Fig 1: Algorithm for symptomatic reflux esophagitis and management ofBarrett's Esophagitis

tory to medica1 therapy, pu1monary aspirati­ short gastric vessels are ligated and divided
on, moderate dysplasia, as a cancer prophyla­ for facilitation of a full 360 degree plication of
xis with an assumption that the contro1 of ref­ gastric fundus around the abdominal segment
lux will hinder the progression of high-grade of esophagus without any tension and without
dysplasia to adenocarcinoma and lastly adeno­ injury to the spleen. The fundus is brought
carcinoma of the esophagus. posteriorly around the esophagus. A pair of
The intervention is usually directed at cons­ sutures are placed through the anterior fun­
tructing an effective antireflux barrier to dus and the wall of esophagus, where 3-4 cm
GER. The advocated procedures are Nissen segment of the intraabdominal esophagus is
fundoplication, Hill posterior gastropexy and wrapped by fundus. Fig 2 (11).
Belsey esophagogastroplasty (1-3).
· Belsy esophagogastroplasty is performed by
Nissen fundoplication is in introduced by Nis­ transthorasic approch that creates a segment
sen in Switzerland in 1955 which is performed of intraabdominal esophagus held in place by
through either abdominal or thoracic appro­ a buttress of plicated stomach that surraunds
ach In either case the distal esophagus is fully 280 degree of the distal esophagus (12). After
detached from the margins of hiatus. Several the cardia and the lower esophageal segment

Barrett's Esophagus and Treatment of 811
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Fiıı 2: Nissen Fundoplication Fig 4: Hill Pusteı-iuı- Gaslrnpexy

is compleatelly cleared of the connective tis­ After reducing esophageogastric junction cu­
sue mattress sutures are placed between gast­ rural sutures narrowing the hiatus are placed
ric fundus and muscular· leyer of the esopha­ behind the esophagus. A single suture is pla­
gus 1-2 cm above or below the ced incorporating gastrohepatic omentum
gastroesophageal junction. After the sutures along the lesser curvator of the stomach and
are tied a second row of mattress sutures is the arcuate ligament of the aorta (11, 12). A
placed to imblicate additional fundus onto the pair of sutures are placed on lesser curvatur
lower esophagus. This second row of sutures anchorhing stomach posteriorly. Care is taken
passes through hiatus and out through the to avoid injury to adjacent vagal trunks. The
tendineous portion of diaphragm. Before they trick of the trade is that when the the sutures
are tied curural sutures are placed to narrow are tied, a gastric sling fiber should be suffici­
the hiatus. Fig. 3 ently shortened to permit the distal phalanx
Hill posterior gastropexy and the calibration of the index finger to invaginate freely into
of the cardia is first performed by Hill 1961. distal esophageal lumen. Fig. 4.

Fig 3:Belsy Esophagogastroplasty

Cilt 3, Sayı 4, 1992


Vagatomy may be needed for patients whose spesific, ranging from 1.4 per cent to 37.5 per
stricture requires continual dilation (4). If cent (2).
high-grade dysplasia is detected in a biopsy Overall, the prognosis for patients with esop­
specimen from mucosa that showed no gross hageal adenocarcinoma is poor with a 5 year
endoscopic abnormality it is recomended to re­ survival only 7 per cent. However endoscopic
peat the endoscopy with multiple biopsy speci­ surveialance of the patients with Barrett's
mens taken of the area of the dysplasia to de­ Esophagus permits early detection of Adeno­
termine its extend and search for coexisting carcinoma. ünce the intramucosal adenocarci­
adenocarcinoma. in some patients the conditi­ noma is documented in Barrett's Esophagus
on with high-grade dysplasia may regress, in surgical resection is recommended. Because
the Barret's adenocarcinomas are frequently
others it may remain stabile for many years
multicentric or associated with high-grade
(13) and in others it may progress to adeno­ dysplasia and because specialized metaplasia
carcinoma. Therefor every patient must be can become dysplasia and finaly adenocarcino­
evaluated individually. Hospital mortality ma the entire colurtınar-lined segment must
rates for esophagectomy are pyhsician- be resected.
Acknowledgment: We are gı-eatful to Dr. Musa Ak.oğlu for critical review ofthe manuscript.

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