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Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656

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Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in commercial fishes

from estuarine areas of Guangdong, South China
Chaonan Zhang a, Shaodan Wang a, Zhengkun Pan a, Di Sun a, Shaolin Xie a, b,
Aiguo Zhou a, b, Jun Wang a, b, c, *, Jixing Zou a, b, **
Joint Laboratory of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong Region on Marine Bioresource Conservation and Exploitation, College of Marine Sciences, South
China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 510642, China
Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 510642, China
Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Ecology of Tropical Islands, College of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University, Haikou, 571158, China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 First report on microplastics pollu-

tion in commercial fishes from South
 White fibers were the dominant type
in commercial fishes from South
 A species-specific distribution of the
microplastics was observed.
 Mugil cephalus and Konosirus
punctatus are two suitable species for
monitoring microplastic ingestion.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The widespread presence of microplastics in global aquatic ecosystems has aroused growing concerns
Received 28 May 2020 regarding their potential impact on aquatic biota. Data show an extensive plastic pollution in coastal
Received in revised form areas of Guangdong, China, however, to date there has been no quantitative study on the ingestion of
2 July 2020
microplastics by commercial fishes from the estuarine areas. In this study, we analyzed the abundance,
Accepted 7 July 2020
Available online 11 July 2020
characteristics, species-specific and spatial distribution of microplastics in six species of commercial fish
from estuarine areas of Guangdong. Sixty-four fish samples from nineteen sampling sites were inves-
Handling Editor: Tamara S. Galloway tigated. The average abundance of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tracts of the commercial fishes
was 5.4 items/individual, indicating potential food safety. The majority of microplastics were fibers,
Keywords: white in color and less than 1 mm in size. Species-specific and spatial distribution of the microplastics
Microplastics were observed in terms of abundance, shape, color and size. Sillago japonica had the highest (6.9 items/
Commercial fishes individual), while Alepes djedaba had the lowest (3 items/individual) abundance of microplastics in the
Estuary gastrointestinal tract. We recommend demersal Mugil cephalus and pelagic Konosirus punctatus to be
considered as two species suitable for monitoring microplastics ingestion in the seafloor and water
South China
column communities.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. College of Marine Sciences, South China Agricultural 1. Introduction

University, Guangzhou, 510642, China.
** Corresponding author. College of Marine Sciences, South China Agricultural
Plastics have become universal materials due to their durability,
University, Guangzhou, 510642, China.
E-mail addresses: (J. Wang), light weight and corrosion-resistant. In 2018, global plastics pro-
(J. Zou). duction was close to 360 million tons (Mt), and China contributed
0045-6535/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 C. Zhang et al. / Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656

to 30% of global production. The benefits of plastics are inversely gross domestic product (GDP) was 1.08 billion RNB in 2019 (China
correlated with negative environmental impacts, for example, National Bureau of Statistics). The large population and economic
nearly 8 Mt of plastics enter the oceans every year, and marine litter activity have resulted in many ecological pollution problems. The
has been found at all ocean depths (Cozar et al., 2014; Cannon et al., 2018 report on the state of Guangdong provincial ecology and
2016; Lacerda et al., 2019). Without intervention, the abundance of environment showed that floating pollution on the sea surface was
plastics in the oceans is expected to increase to 100e250 Mt by mainly foam and plastic bottles, with polystyrene foam pollution
2025 (Global Environment Outlook 6, UN Environment, 2019). A accounting for 63.2% and plastics accounting for 30.6% (Guangdong
large proportion of the plastics remain in the ocean for a long time, Provincial Department of ecology and environment). Estuarine and
and increasing amounts will continue to enter the oceans because coastal areas are hotspots for plastic accumulation. A large amount
of human activity. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive of plastic pollution and sewage generated by human activities
(MSFD) highlighted concerns regarding the environmental impact gathers in the coastal zone, or may be transported to the estuaries
of marine litter; one of the key attributes of which was the iden- and offshore through rivers. A lot of the plastic waste in the oceans
tification of ecological hazards caused by microplastics and their migrates and gathers in the coastal zone due to the action of ocean
related chemicals (Zarfl et al., 2011). Although plastic is a major currents and tides. Studies have reported the observation of
component of ocean waste, the abundance of plastics has not been microplastics pollution in fish from coastal areas around the world
extensively studied because of difficulty in assessing their distri- (Arias et al., 2019; Collicutt et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2019). Some in-
bution (Doyle et al., 2011). Microplastics were first described as vestigations also have been done in Guangdong (Fok et al., 2017;
microscopic particles in the region of 20 mm diameter (Thompson Zheng et al., 2019). Especially, Zhu et al. (2019) investigated
et al., 2004), but are now considered to be smaller than 5 mm in microplastics ingestion in deep-sea fish from the South China Sea
size according to the standards set by US National Oceanic and and Huang et al. (2020) investigated microplastic accumulation in
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). fish from the Zhanjiang mangrove wetland. However, there is no
Microplastics are increasingly being found not only in the quantitative study on the ingestion of microplastics in wild com-
oceans (Cozar et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2020), but also in the mercial fishes from the estuarine area in Guangdong, which is
digestive systems of marine organisms, including fish (Arias et al., critical to consumer’s health and the sustainable development of
2019; Kühn et al., 2020) and shellfish (Li et al., 2018; Webb et al., fisheries.
2019). The concentrations of microplastics in the waters north- In view of the serious contamination and close connection of
east of Greenland ranged from 1 to 3 items/m3 (Morgana et al., estuarine ecosystems with human health, there is an urgent need
2018), while those in the Antarctic Peninsula, ranged from 755 to to determine the concentration and distribution patterns of
3524 items/km2 (Lacerda et al., 2019). In China, the most common microplastics in commercial fishes, to provide information for risk
microplastics characteristics are small size (<1 mm), fiber shaped, assessment. In this study, we investigated microplastics pollution
and transparent in color, Polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) in wild commercial fishes from the estuarine area in Guangdong.
are the most common (Fu and Wang, 2019). The widespread Sixty-four fish samples from nineteen sampling sites were inves-
accumulation and distribution of microplastics has raised concerns tigated, representing wild marine fish species commonly found on
regarding their interaction and potential impact on marine life. It is the market. The shape, color and size of the microplastics found in
important to quantify and characterize different types of micro- different wild marine fish species were recorded. We also aimed to
plastics in a wider range of natural and management systems. identify suitable bioindicator species to monitor the ingestion of
Cannon et al. proposed a standardized sampling protocol to provide microplastics in commercial fishes along the estuarine area.
a basis for comparisons among existing and future studies on Knowledge of microplastics contamination of fish can provide in-
plastic intake by fish (Cannon et al., 2016). Current estimates of the formation for forecasting microplastics pollution in the estuarine
microplastic burden on fish may generally overlook most of the ecosystem and the health risks to human through seafood
potential contamination by the smaller, critical class of particles consumption.
that can be transferred to tissues, with important implications on
the health of the fish and their consumers (Roch et al., 2019). Many 2. Materials and methods
studies have shown that the shape, size and surface physico-
chemical characteristics of microplastics are important de- 2.1. Sampling
terminants of their biological effects (Jabeen et al., 2017; Fu and
Wang, 2019; Xu et al., 2020). In January 2020, fish samples were collected from nineteen sites
Fish can act as bioindicator, monitoring the level of microplastic in estuarine areas of five cities in Guangdong province, as shown in
waste in an area and predicting its prospects of entering the food Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table S1. Two or three fish of each target
chain. Three species of Myctophidae were considered as the most species, all of which had been captured by net, were purchased
suitable fishes to monitor marine plastics ingestion throughout the from local fishermen at each sampling site. Then the fresh fishes
Mediterranean basin (Bray et al., 2019). Using standardized indi- were placed in ice bags and transferred to the laboratory. The fish
cator species could ensure coherence in the reporting of micro- specimens from each sampling site were identified, total length and
plastic ingestion trends. Commercial fishes are important weight measured (Supplementary Table S2), and then stored
mediators in estimating the potential transfer of microplastics from at 20  C until further analysis. Nine different species were
seafood to humans (Fossi et al., 2018). Several species traits, sampled (Fig. 2), including Siganus fuscescens, Alepes djedaba,
including gender, age, size and habitat type, affect their efficacy as Leiognathus brevirostris, Mugil cephalus, Sillago japonica, Konosirus
biological indicators of microplastic ingestion trends. However, fish punctatus, Therapon jarbua, Paerargyrops edita and Gerres limbatus.
may provide data on biome monitoring and in ecological niches not
currently monitored. To date, few studies have focused on indicator 2.2. Microplastic extraction
fish species of microplastics ingestion.
Guangdong province, bordering the south China sea, is the We selected sixty-four fishes from six species (Siganus fusces-
southernmost mainland in China with a coastline of 4114.3 km, the cens, Alepes djedaba, Leiognathus brevirostris, Mugil cephalus, Sillago
longest in China. The resident population of Guangdong was 113.46 japonica and Konosirus punctatus) for our research objectives, as
million in 2018 (Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics), and the these six species were common at every sampling site. After
C. Zhang et al. / Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656 3

Fig. 1. Sampling locations in estuarine areas of Guangdong.

Fig. 2. Fish samples from sampling sites: A. Alepes djedaba; B. Leiognathus brevirostris; C. Konosirus punctatus; D. Siganus fuscescens; E. Sillago japonica; F. Konosirus punctatus; G.
Paerargyrops edita; H. Therapon jarbua; I. Gerres limbatus.
4 C. Zhang et al. / Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656

thawing at room temperature, the fish were dissected, and the 2.6. Statistical analysis
gastrointestinal tracts (GITs, from the tip of the oesophagus to the
vent) were collected and weighed. The GITs were placed in 500 mL Microsoft Office Excel, SPSS 20 and GraphPad Prism were
glass bottles with 200 mL KOH (10%, V/V), respectively and incu- applied for statistical analysis and graphing. A one-way ANOVA test
bated in a thermostatic water bath at 60  C for 2e5 days (Nie et al., was used to determine interspecies differences and spatial differ-
2019). For fish samples with a high clay content, we added 400 mL ences (significance level of 0.05).
saturated sodium chloride solution (gravimetric method) after
initial filtration of the supernatant, and suspended at room tem- 3. Results
perature overnight (Jabeen et al., 2017). Following digestion or
suspension, the solutions were filtered through 0.45-mm filter pa- 3.1. Characteristics of microplastics in the fish samples
pers (Jinteng, Tianjin, China), which were then air-dried at room
temperature and placed in glass dishes. A total of sixty-four commercial fishes from six species, repre-
senting six families from the class Actinopterygii were studied,
sixty-two of which were contaminated with microplastics. The
2.3. Microscopy
abundance of microplastics ranged from 1.0 to 17.0 (average ¼ 5.4)
items/individual (Table 1). The typical shapes of the microplastics
The microplastics on the filter papers were observed with a
observed in the fish samples are shown in Fig. 3. They were further
stereomicroscope (OLYMPUS SZX7, China) and measured using an
analyzed by SEM, and SEM images are shown in Fig. 4. SEM images
eyepiece micrometer. The microplastics were divided into six
of film could not be obtained due to its small number and poor
classes, based on the size of the longest segment: <0.5 mm,
adhesion to the filter membrane. The different shapes of micro-
0.5e1 mm, 1e2 mm, 2e3 mm, 3e4 mm and 4e5 mm. They were
plastics appear to have absorbed other impurities on their surfaces.
also divided into six categories according to color: white, blue,
But we couldn’t know exactly what these impurities are or what
green, red, yellow, and black. With reference to previous studies
harm they might do to fish.
(Zheng et al., 2019), we divided the microplastics into four types:
Microplastics of various colors were observed; white was pre-
fibers, fragments, films and spheres. Fibers are characterized by a
dominant (51%), with black, yellow and blue constituting of 18%,
unidirectional extension, they are soft, tough and cannot be
17% and 8%, respectively. Smaller proportions of green (3%) and red
deformed. Fragments have an irregular shape and a certain thick-
(3%) microplastics were also observed (Fig. 5a). The microplastics
ness and hardness, extending in two or three directions. Films are
ranged in size from 0.05 mm to 4 mm. The majority (90%) were
thin microplastics that extend in two directions, and can be easily
<1 mm, with only a small amount being 1e4 mm (Fig. 5b). In terms
squeezed with tweezers. Spheres are smooth and spherical
of shape, the majority of the microplastics were fibers (63%), fol-
microplastics. These types are all within 5 mm long and can be
lowed by fragments (27%), films (7%) and spheres (3%) (Fig. 5c).
observed under a stereoscopic microscope. Based on these char-
acteristics, we recorded the size, color and type of all microplastics
3.2. Species-specific distribution of microplastics
observed from the fish samples.

For each fish species, we recorded the average total length,

2.4. Microplastics identification weight and GIT weight, with no clear correlation with each species’
abundance of microplastics (Table 1). The average abundance of
We used scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Hitachi S-4800, microplastics in Sillago japonica was 6.9 items/individual, with a
Japan) to get high-definition image of microplastic. Before SEM maximum of 17 items/individual, which was significantly higher
observation, target filter papers with microplastics were placed on than that of other species (Table 1). Relatively abundant amounts of
double-sided tape and coated with evaporated gold. Fourier microplastics were found in the GITs of Siganus fuscescens (6.72
Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (BRUKER, VERTEX 70, items/individual), Mugil cephalus (5.23 items/individual), and
Germany) was used to identify the microplastic. However, the Leiognathus brevirostris (4.44 items/individual), while lower
samples were too tiny to be selected or tested. amounts found in Konosirus punctatus (4 items/individual) and
Alepes djedaba (3 items/individual).
The common microplastics colors observed in the sixty-four fish
2.5. Quality assurance and quality control samples were white, yellow, black, and blue. Green and red were
less common. The proportion of white microplastics was greatest,
Medical gloves, glassware and metal tools were used with the highest percentage (75.4%) observed in Sillago japonica,
throughout the experiment to treat the samples, and the dissecting and the lowest (33.9%) in Siganus fuscescens. Black microplastics
tools were rinsed with distilled water three times before use. The accounted for 33.3% in Alepes djedaba, yellow accounted for 24.8% of
researchers wore cotton laboratory coats during experimentation. microplastics in Siganus fuscescens, and 10.3% of the microplastics
All liquid reagents (10% KOH and saturated sodium chloride solu- observed in Mugil cephalus were blue. We found no red micro-
tion) were supplied with distilled water. plastics in Sillago japonica and no green microplastics in Alepes

Table 1
The abundance of microplastics in different wild fish samples.

Species Alepes djedaba Konosirus punctatus Leiognathus brevirostris Sillago japonica Mugil cephalus Siganus fuscescens

Number 6 8 9 10 13 18
Total number of microplastics 18 32 40 69 68 121
Average abundance (items/individual) 3 4 4.4 6.9 5.2 6.7
Average GITs weight(g) 0.82 3.05 0.38 0.25 2.82 3.16
Average total length (cm) 14.53 ± 3.52 18.15 ± 2.42 9.65 ± 1.44 13.13 ± 1.24 16.78 ± 2.84 14.66 ± 2.71
Average weight(g) 42.26 ± 33.38 64.51 ± 27.12 13.58 ± 1.33 16.04 ± 6.26 49.44 ± 31.88 56.12 ± 35.53
C. Zhang et al. / Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656 5

Fig. 3. Shapes of microplastics in fish samples from estuarine areas of Guangdong: (C, E, H) fibers; (A,I,L) films; (B,G,K) fragments; (D,F,J) spheres. Red arrows indicate microplastics.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

djedaba or Konosirus punctatus (Fig. 6A). based on their regional locations. The fish from Samples E13-19 had
The microplastics observed in our fish samples was mostly a slightly higher abundance of microplastics than those from the
<1 mm in size (Fig. 6B). Microplastics <0.5 mm and 0.5e1 mm other two tributaries, but there was no significant difference
accounted for 44.4% in Alepes djedaba. The proportion of micro- (P > 0.05). The abundance of white microplastics in wild fish
plastics <0.5 mm was greater than those of 0.5e1 mm in the other samples from E13-19 was lower than that from Samples E1-8 and
five species, with the highest in Konosirus punctatus (81.25%). E9-12 (Fig. 6D). There was no significant difference in the size of
The microplastics were mainly fibers and fragments. Fibers microplastics observed in the fish from each region (Fig. 6E). The
made up the highest proportion, and accounted for 85% in Leiog- fragment abundance of E9-12 wild fish samples was slightly lower
nathus brevirostris. The proportion of films was low, but were than that of Samples E1-8 and E13-19 (Fig. 6F).
observed in every species. Spheres were relatively rare, with pro-
portions of 11.6% and 9.4% found in Mugil cephalus and Konosirus 4. Discussion
punctatus, respectively, however, almost none were found in Siga-
nus fuscescens, Sillago japonica and Alepes djedaba (Fig. 6C). 4.1. Characteristics of microplastics in the fish samples

3.3. Spatial distribution of microplastics in fish samples The average abundance of microplastics in the polluted fish GITs
in this study was 5.4 items/individual, which was higher to levels
We analyzed samples from nineteen points in estuarine areas of reported in deep-sea fish from the South China Sea (1.96 ± 1.12
Guangdong province. When analyzing the spatial distribution of items/individual in the stomachs and 1.77 ± 0.73 items/individual
microplastics, Samples E1-8, E9-12 and E13-19 were combined, in the intestines) (Zhu et al., 2019), also higher than those found in
6 C. Zhang et al. / Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656

Fig. 4. SEM images of microplastics in fish samples from estuarine areas of Guangdong: (A,B) sphere; (C,D) fragment; (E,F) fiber. The image on the right is a partial enlargement of
the image on the left.

Fig. 5. Proportion of color (a), size (b) and shape (c) of microplastics in the GITs of the commercial fishes from estuarine areas of Guangdong. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
C. Zhang et al. / Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656 7

Fig. 6. Proportion of microplastic color (A/D), size (B/E) and shape (C/F) in species-specific distribution (A-C) and spatial distribution (D-F) in fish samples from estuarine areas of
Guangdong. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

fish samples around Nanxun Reef in South China Sea (3.1 items/ color into white, transparent, colored and black; the colored
individual) (Nie et al., 2019) but lower than those of wild freshwater microplastics were present at a very low percentage (Zhu et al.,
fish from the Pearl River catchment (7.0 ± 23.8 items/individual) 2019). The color of microplastics is determined by the primary
(Zheng et al., 2019). These results suggest that freshwater fish may source, but is also influenced by UV radiation, weathering and
suffer more pollution than fish in coastal area and sea. A similar microbial degradation during the transfer process. White, trans-
situation was observed in Central Texas, USA (Peters and Bratton, parent and blue are similar to the color of plankton, which is a
2016). primary food source of fish.
The high accumulation of microplastics in wild fishes could lead Size is another common measurement parameter for micro-
to a reduction in fisheries resources and thereby affect the structure plastics, but there is currently no uniform standard. It was not
and stability of the food chain (Sun et al., 2019; Meng et al., 2020; surprising that the proportion of microplastics <1 mm was high,
Xu et al., 2020). Moreover, these commercial fishes are eaten which was similar to previous reports (Zhu et al., 2019). However, it
directly by humans, which may compromise human food security, is difficult to observe or exam microplastics smaller than 0.01 mm.
safety and health (Barboza et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2020). Samuel Roch et al. suggested that >95% of microplastic particles are
In terms of the color of microplastics, transparent and white are likely to be smaller than 40 mm, which are not observed by re-
often considered as two different colors. In our study, we could not searchers but are critical to the health of fish and consumer expo-
differentiate between transparent and white, therefore both were sure (Roch et al., 2019). We expect to see automated detection tools
included in the “white” category. Similarly, grey and black were in the future that will be able to detect microplastic particles at the
denoted as “black”, and orange and yellow as “yellow”. This could micron and even nanometer levels.
account for these three colors having the highest percentages in our In terms of microplastics type, Sun et al. identified three cate-
results. The dominant microplastic color observed in fish GITs in gories: fibers, pellets, and fragments (Sun et al., 2019), while Hu
artificial reefs around the Ma’an Archipelago was blue (Zhang et al., et al. identified fibers, fragments and granules (Hu et al., 2018).
2020). In the GITs of the wild freshwater fish from the Pearl River Arias et al. classified particles into four categories: fibers, lamina,
catchment, transparent and white microplastics made up 70.5%, fragments and pellets (Arias et al., 2019). Wenke Yuan et al. iden-
and grey and black made up 8.5% (Zheng et al., 2019), which was tified fibers, films, pellets and fragments (Yuan et al., 2019). De-la-
similar to our results. Lin Zhu et al. only categorized microplastic Torre et al. identified fragment, foams, sheets, pellets, films and
8 C. Zhang et al. / Chemosphere 260 (2020) 127656

fibers/lines (De-la-Torre et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2018). Recycled could provide information on biome monitoring and increase data
microplastics have also been divided into two categories based on on ecological niches not currently monitored. We recommend to
their shape, namely fragments and fibers (Park et al., 2020). In establishing sampling procedures consistent with spatial and sea-
general, fibers are the most common type found in all studies. The sonal sampling. Demersal Mugil cephalus and pelagic Konosirus
difference between films and fragments is equivocal. In this study, punctatus are two species of fish suitable for monitoring micro-
we distinguished them mainly according to thickness. Fragments plastics ingestion in the seafloor and water column communities.
are microplastics with an irregular shape, certain thickness and
hardness, extending in two or three directions. Films refer to the Credit author statement
thin microplastics that extend in two directions, and can be easily
squeezed with tweezers. Smooth and spherica microplastics are Chaonan Zhang: Data curation, Writing-Original draft prepara-
called pellets, spheres or granules. In this study, we used the term tion; Shaodan Wang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software;
“sphere”, and these were observed at a very small percentage (3%). Zhengkun Pan and Di Sun: Visualization, Investigation; Aiguo Zhou
As there is a lot of discrepancy in morphology types used, and no and Shaolin Xie: Software, Validation; Jun Wang: Supervision;
standardization, we recommend clear descriptions of microplastic Jixing Zou: Writing- Reviewing and Editing.
morphologies to facilitate classification and comparisons.
Declaration of competing interest
4.2. Suitable fish as indicators of microplastic pollution
The authors declare that they have no known competing
When choosing fish suitable as indicators of microplastic financial interests or personal relationships that could have
pollution, it is important to consider several aspects, including the appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
fish’s occurrence, vagility, commercial value, distribution and
habitat. In this study, we obtained fish samples from various mar- Acknowledgments
kets, with certain economic value and much in common, therefore
we used these six fish species as candidate indicators. In a second This research was funded by the Guangdong Province Univer-
screening, we eliminated three species, namely Alepes djedaba, sities and Colleges Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme (2018), the
Leiognathus brevirostris and Sillago japonica, because their average National Key Research and Development Program of China
GIT weight was <1 g, which resulted in errors during anatomy re- (2018YFD0900604), Key Research Projects of Universities in
cordings, and also reflected the short intestinal length. Gut length Guangdong Province (2019KZDXM003 and 2020KZDZX1040) and
provides a rough indication of digestive transport time (German China Agriculture Research System [CARS-45-49].
and Horn, 2006) and is used to calculate laboratory processing
time (Bray et al., 2019). In a third screening, we considered feeding
Appendix B. Supplementary data
habits and habitats. Mugil cephalus is a pelagic omnivorous species
and has low mobility (Ouali et al., 2018; Stancheva et al., 2013).
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
Konosirus punctatus is small upper-middle fish, that feeds mainly on
plankton and organic detritus (Guo et al., 1999). Siganus fuscescens
lives in shallow warm water, 50 m offshore, and feeds mainly on
algae (Zhang et al., 2016). Therefore, Konosirus punctatus is upper-
middle fish, Mugil cephalus and Siganus fuscescens are bottom- Arias, A.H., Ronda, A.C., Oliva, A.L., Marcovecchio, J.E., 2019. Evidence of microplastic
dwelling species; and they all feed on plankton. In the final ingestion by fish from the bahia blanca estuary in Argentina, south America.
screening, we considered vagility. Sedentary fish are given a higher Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 102, 750e756.
value than their more widespread relatives, to ensure that any
Barboza, L.G.A., Lopes, C., Oliveira, P., Bessa, F., Otero, V., Henriques, B.,
microplastics found in the GITs are ingested from the assessment Guilhermino, L., 2019. Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean
areas. Siganus fuscescens swims quickly and prefers cluster activities and its potential for causing neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and
human health risks associated with ingestion exposure. Sci. Total Environ.
(Carpenter and Niem, 1998), therefore its combined score was
lower than that of Mugil cephalus and Konosirus punctatus. In Bray, L., Digka, N., Tsangaris, C., Camedda, A., Gambaiani, D., de Lucia, G.A.,
summary, we recommend that demersal Mugil cephalus and pelagic Kaberi, H., 2019. Determining suitable fish to monitor plastic ingestion trends in
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and their nearshore environments on the east coast of Vancouver Island. En-
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