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Second Term

1. Revision
2. Relational Model 1
3. Relational Model 2
4. Relational Model 3
5. Database Security
6. Mid Term Break
7. File Organization 1
8. File Organization 2
9. Presentation Packages
10. Presentation Packages


1. A………… is an ordered set of attribute values (a) Tuple (b) Attribute
values (c) Type name (d) All of the above
2. An attribute value is a specific valid value for the ……….. of the attribute
(a) Tuple (b) Attribute values (c) Type (d) All of the above
3. A …………. consists of a heading and a body (a) Tuple (b) Attribute
values (c) Relation (d) All of the above
4. The heading of the relation is also the heading of each of its ………..
(a) Tuple (b) Attribute values (c) Type (d) All of the above
5. An attribute is an ordered pair of attribute name and type name (a) True
(b) False (c) True or False (d) None of the above
6. The basic relational building block is the domain or data type, usually
abbreviated nowadays to type (a) True (b) False (c) True or False (d) All
of the above
7. An attribute value is a scalar value only (a) True (b) False (c) True or False
(d) None of the above
8. The body of a relation is sometimes called its exterior (a) True(b) False
(c) True or False (d) All of the above
9. A tuple is an ordered set of (a) Attribute name (b) Attribute values (c)
Type name (d) All of the above
10. A relation consists of (a) Heading (b) Body (c) Heading and Body
(d) All of the above
11. A table is an accepted visual representation of (a) Field (b) Record (c)
Relation (d) Type
12. An ………… can be created in a table to find data more quickly and
efficiently (a) Report (b) Index (c) None of the above (d) All of the
13. SQL uses ………… quotes around text values (a) True (b) False (c) Single
(d) All of the above
14. The ……… operator displays a record if both the first condition and the
second condition is true (a) AND (b) OR (c) True or False (d) All of the above
15. The users cannot see the indexes; they are just used to speed up
searches/queries (a) True (b) False (c) True or False (d) All of the
16. SQL is case sensitive (a) True (b) False (c) True or False
(d) All of the above
17. The OR operator displays a record if either the first condition or the second
condition is true. (a) True (b) False (c) True or False (d) All of the above
(Questions 1 – 17 Data Processing for Ss2 by Adedapo Mitchellas Page 93 &
18. What is a foreign key?
(a) A foreign key is a primary key of a relation which is an attribute in another
(b) A foreign key is a super key of a relation which is an attribute in more than one
other relations
(c) A foreign key is an attribute of a relation that is a primary key of another
(d) A foreign key is the primary key of a relation that does not occur anywhere else
in the schema
19. An attribute is a __________ in a relation. (a) Row (b) Column
(c) Value (d) Tuple
20. What is the method of specifying a primary key in a schema description?
(a) By writing it in bold letters (b) By underlining it using a dashed line (c)
By writing it in capital letters (d) By underlining it using a bold line
21. Statement 1: A tuple is a row in a relation
Statement 2: Existence of multiple foreign keys in a same relation is possible
(a) Both the statements are true
(b) Statement 1 is correct but Statement 2 is false
(c) Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is correct
(d) Both the statements are false
22. State true or false: If a relation consists of a foreign key, then it is called a
referenced relation of the foreign key dependency. (a) True (b) False
(c) True or False (d) None of the above
23. Which of the following information does an SQL DDL not specify?
(a) The schema for each relation (b) The integrity constraints (c) The
operations on the tuples (d) The security and authorization information for each
24. Which of the following data types does the SQL standard not support?
(a) char(n) (b) String(n) (c) varchar(n) (d) float(n)
25. Which command is used to create a new relation in SQL
(a) create table (, …) (b) create relation (, …) (c) new table (, …) (d) new
relation (, …)
26. If a1, a2, a3 are attributes in a relation and S is another relation, which of the
following is an incorrect specification of an integrity constraint?
(a) primary key(a1, a2, a3) (b) primary key(a1) (c) foreign key(a1, a2)
references S (d) foreign key(a1, a2)
27. What is the syntax to load data into the database? (Consider D as the database
and a, b, c as data) (a) enter into D (a, b, c); (b) insert into D
values (a, b, c); (c) insert into D (a, b, c); (d) insert (a, b, c) values into D;
28. Which of the following commands do we use to delete a relation (R) from a
database? (a) drop table R (b) drop relation R (c) delete table R
(d) delete from R
29. Which of the following commands do we use to delete all the tuples from a
relation (R)? (a) delete table R (b) drop table R (c) delete from R
(d) drop from R
30. Choose the correct command; drop table R to delete an attribute A from a
relation R (a) alter table R delete A (b) alter table R drop A (c) alter
table drop A from R (d) delete A from R
31. Insert the appropriate key word in the blank in the query (A is a relation)
delete ______ A; where P < 5; (a) all (b) from (c) with (d) in
32. How many relations can a delete command operate on? (a) 0
(b) 1 (c) 2 (d) Infinitely many
33. What is the result of the following query?
WHERE marks &lt; (SELECT avg(marks)
FROM student);
(a) The query deletes all the tuples whose marks are greater than the average
(b) The query deletes all the tuples whose marks are less than the average marks
(c) The query deletes all the values under the marks attribute which are less than
the average
(d) The query is syntactically wrong and does not execute
34. What is the format of entering date into a database while inserting data into it?
(a) YYYY-MM-DD (b) “YYYY-MM-DD” (c) ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ (d)
35. Choose the correct option regarding the following query
INSERT INTO course ('CS-67' , 'course name', 'any' , 5);
(a) Data is inserted into the course relation
(b) Data is not inserted into the course relation due to incorrect specification
(c) Data is inserted into the CS-67 relation
(d) Data is not inserted due to the incorrect use of syntax
36. To change a value in a tuple without changing all the values in the tuple, we
use the _____ statement (a) insert (b) insert some (c) update (d) alter
37. What does the following query do?
UPDATE student
SET marks = marks*1.10;
(a) It increases the marks of all the students by 10%
(b) It decreases the marks of all the students by 90%
(c) It increases the marks of all the students by 110%
(d) It is syntactically wrong
38. State true or false: We cannot write a where clause under an update command
(a) True (b) False (c) True or False (d) None of the above
39. Scalar Subqueries can be used in the SQL update statement when they are
used under the ____ clause (a) where (b) with (c) set (d) end
40. Which of the following cannot be used to modify the data in a database
(a) update (b) insert (c) delete (d) drop
(Questions from 18 – 40
41. A RDBMS consists a collection of? A. Tables B. Fields C. Records
D. Key
42. The term attribute refers to a ___________ of a table. A. Record
B. Tuple C. Column D. Key
43. In relational model, the row of table is known to be? A. Relation
B. Entity field C. Tuple D. Attribute
44. Address field of a person should not be part of primary key, since it is likely
to? A. Dependent B. Too long C. Changed D. Not
45. The relational model is concerned with ?
A. Data structure and Data integrity B. Data Manipulation C. Both A and B
D. None of these
46. Which is the false statement from the following ?
A. A veiw is a named derived table
B. A name relation is variable
C. A veiw is a named reation and is virtual
D. None of these
47. The union of primary keys of the related entity sets becomes a
-------------------------- of the relation? A. Super Key B. Candidate key
C. Foreign key D. Primary key
48. What is the full form of RDBMS ?
A. Right Database Management System
B. Relational Database Management system
C. Rapid Database Management System
D. Route Database Management System
49. In a relational Database a referential integrity constraint cab be specified with
the help of A. Primary Key B. Secondary key C. Foreign key D. None of
50. Primary key should be chosen such that its attribute values are never
A. Updated B. Changed C. Dependent D. None of these
51. Query language is a language in which a user? A. Requests
B. Stores C. Response D. Represents
52. Minimal superkeys are called ?
A. Unique key
B. Superset key
C. Candidate key
D. Primary key
53. A table is a collection of relationships, there is a close correspondence between
concept of :
A. Tables and instances
B. Table and variables
C. Tables and relations
D. Tables and Entries
54. Contents of a relation instance may change with time as relation :
A. Domain
B. Retrieved
C. Updated
D. Time
55. Query languages used in practice includes
A. Elements
B. Instances
C. Tuples
D. Fields
56. Logical design of database, is known to be
A. Database relation B. Database instance C. Database entity
D. Database Schema
57. A domain is atomic if elements of the domain are considered to be
____________ units.
A. Different
B. Indivisbile
C. Constant
D. Divisible
58. Which one of the following is a procedural language ?
A. Domain relational calculus
B. Tuple relational calculus
C. Query language
D. Relational algebra
59. The _______operation performs a set union of two “similarly structured”
tables: A. Intersect B. Product C. Union D. Join
60. Which is the operator, takes the results of two queries and returns only rows
that appear in both result sets? A. Union B. Projection C.
Difference D. Intersect
1. What is relational database model?
2. Explain data types and attribute
3. What is one –to-one relation in relational model
4. Give three DDL and DML commands
5. Explain many-to many relationship?
6. How do you create an index? Explain with example
7. How do you delete a table and a database?
8. Explain CREATE VIEW command with example.
9. What does a relation consists
10.What do we mean by one –to-many relationship?
11.Explain the use of SELECT command
12.What is the use of ALTER TABLE command?
13.Define an attribute value
14.Define SQL
15.Explain AND or OR operator
(Data Processing Textbook for Ss2 by Adedapo Mitchellas Page 78 – 106)

1. What is database security (a) data encryption (b) a view (c) finger print (d) all
of the above
2. Data security treats include (a) privacy invasion (b) hardware protection (c)
fraudulent manipulation of data (d) all of the above
3. ________ is responsible for making sure that the database remains in a
consistent state despite system failure (a) storage manager (b) transaction
manager (c) end user (d) sophisticated
4. Data integrity means (a) providing first access to stored (b) ensuring correctness
and consistency of data (c) providing data sharing (d) none of the above
5. Prevention of access to the database by unauthorized users is referred to as (a)
integrity (b) productivity (c) security (d) reliability
6. Authentication refers to (a) method of restricting user access to system (b)
controlling access to portion of database (c) controlling the operations on the
data (d) all of the above
7. Which of the following does a database security solution not monitor? (A)
Database changes (B) Sensitive data access (C) Database complexity (D)
Security events
8. What does it mean for a user to access a database through a multi-tier
infrastructure? (A) The user accesses the database through web or application
servers (B) The user opens connections to multiple databases simultaneously
(C) Each user connection to the database is layered to improve performance (D)
Multiple levels of access to the database are available to the user
9. _____ limits who gains access to the database while _____ limits what a user
can access within the database. (a) Access authentication, user definition (b)
Access authentication, view definition (c) Data access, user monitoring (d)
Access control, database security
10.____ is the process of transforming data into an unreadable form to anyone who
does not know the key. (a) Data authentication (b) Data security (c) Data
encryption (d) Database security management
11. A computer security protocol for logging-in can be considered as the example
of the ______ component of an information system. (a) Data (b) Software (c)
Procedure (d) Hardware


1. A unit of storage that can store one or more records in a hash file organization is
denoted as (a) Buckets (b) Disk pages (c) Blocks (d) Nodes
2. The file organization which allows us to read records that would satisfy the join
condition by using one block read is (a) Heap file organization (b) Sequential file
organization (c) Clustering file organization (d) Hash file organization
3. What are the correct features of a distributed database?
(a) Is always connected to the internet (b) Always requires more than three
machines (c) Users see the data in one global schema. (d) Have to specify the
physical location of the data when an update is done
4. Each tablespace in an Oracle database consists of one or more files called
(a) Files (b) name space (c) datafiles (d) PFILE
5. The management information system (MIS) structure with one main computer
system is called a (a) Hierarchical MIS structure (b) Distributed
MIS structure (c) Centralized MIS structure (d) Decentralized
MIS structure
6. A top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a
(a) Hierarchical schema (b) Network schema (c) Relational
schema (d) All of the mentioned
7. Choose the RDBMS which supports full-fledged client server application
development (a) dBase V (b) Oracle 7.1 (c) FoxPro 2.1 (d) Ingress
8. One approach to standardization storing of data? (a) MIS (b) Structured
programming (c) CODASYL specification (d) None of the mentioned
9. The highest level in the hierarchy of data organization is called (a) Data bank
(b) Data base (c) Data file (d) Data record
10. Large collection of files are called ____________ (a) Fields (b) Records
(c) Database (d) Sectors
11. Which of the following hardware component is the most important to the
operation of a database management system? (a) High resolution video display
(b) Printer (c) High speed, large capacity disk (d) Mouse
12. Which of the following is not true of the traditional approach to information
processing (a) There is common sharing of data among the various applications
(b) It is file oriented (c) Programs are dependent on the file (d) It is inflexible
13. Which of these is not a feature of Hierarchical model? (a) Organizes the data in
tree-like structure (b) Parent node can have any number of child nodes (c) Root
node does not have any parent (d) Child node can have any number of parent
14. Which of these data models is an extension of the relational data model?
(a) Object-oriented data model (b) Object-relational data model (c) Semi
structured data model (d) None of the mentioned
15. A data dictionary is a special file that contains? (a) The names of all fields in
all files (b) The data types of all fields in all files (c) The widths of all fields in all
(d) All of the mentioned
16. The DBMS acts as an interface between what two components of an enterprise-
class database system? (a) Database application and the database (b) Data and the
database (c) The user and the database application (d) Database application and
17. If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then (a) Storage space
is wasted (b) Changing the data in one spot will cause data inconsistency (c) In can
be more easily accessed (d) Storage space is wasted & changing the data in one
spot will cause data inconsistency
18. A technique for direct search is (a) Binary Search (b) Linear Search (c) Tree
Search (d) Hashing
19. The searching technique that takes O (1) time to find a data is
(a) Linear Search (b) Binary Search (c) Hashing (d) Tree Search
20. The goal of hashing is to produce a search that takes (a) O(1) time
(b) O(n2 )time (c) O(log n ) time (d) O(n log n ) time
(Questions from 1- 20
21. A ………………. is the basic element of data where individual field contains a
single value, such as an employee’s last name, a data or the value of the sensor
A) field B) record C) file D) database
22. A ……………………. is collection of related fields that can be treated as a
unit by some application program. A) field B) record C) file D)
23. ……………………. communicate directly with peripheral devices or their
controllers or channels.
A) Device drivers B) Physical I/O C) Basic I/O supervisor D) Logical I/O
24. The ……………………. is responsible for all file I/O initiation and
A) Device drivers B) Physical I/O C) Basic I/O supervisor D) Logical I/O
25. ……………………….. provides a general purpose record I/O capability and
maintains basic data about files.
A) Device drivers B) Physical I/O C) Basic I/O supervisor D) Logical I/O
26. In the ……………………… file organization, data are collected in the order in
which they arrive where each record consists of one burst of data.
A) pile B) sequential C) indexed sequential D) indexed
27. In …………………….. file organization, a fixed format is used for records
where all records are of the same length, consisting of the same number of fixed
length fields in a particular order.
A) pile B) sequential C) indexed sequential D) indexed
28. The ……………………… maintains the key characteristic of the sequential
file: Records are organized in sequence based on a key field.
A) pile B) sequential file C) indexed sequential file D) indexed file
29. The ……………………… retains one limitation of the sequential file:
effective processing is limited to that which is based on a single field of the file.
A) pile B) sequential file C) indexed sequential file D) indexed file
30. …………………… are used mostly in applications where data are rarely
processed exhaustively. A) pile B) sequential file C) indexed sequential file
D) indexed file
31. Airline reservation systems and inventory control system are the examples of
…………………….. system. A) pile B) sequential file C) indexed sequential
file D) indexed file
32. The …………………. greatly reduced the time required to access a single
record, without sacrificing the sequential nature of the file.
A) pile B) sequential file C) indexed sequential file D) indexed file
33. In free space management, ………………….. method has negligible space
overhead because there is no need for a disk allocation table, merely for a pointer
to the beginning of the chain and the length of the first portion.
A) Bit tables B) Chained Free Portions C) Indexing D) Free Block List
34. In …………………….. method on free space management, each block is
assigned in a reserved portion of the disk.
A) Bit tables B) Chained Free Portions C) Indexing D) Free Block List
35. A ………………… on free space management has the advantages that it
relatively easy to find one or a contiguous group of free blocks.
A) Bit table B) Chained Free Portion C) Indexing D) Free Block List
36. In ………………………….. method, the file allocation table contains a
separate one level index for each file, the index has one entry for each portion
allocated to the file.
A) Chained allocation B) Indexed allocation C) Contiguous allocation
D) Variable allocation
37. ………………….. is a pre-allocation strategy, using variable size portions
where the file allocation table needs just a single entry for each file, showing the
starting block and the length of the file.
A) Chained allocation B) Indexed allocation C) Contiguous allocation
D) Variable allocation
38. Typically, ………………… is on an individual block basis where each block
contains a pointer to the next block in the chain.
A) Chained allocation B) Indexed allocation C) Contiguous allocation
D) Variable allocation
39. Which of the following is/are the types of operations that may be performed on
the directory.
i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List directory
A) i, ii and iii only B) ii, iii and iv only C) i, ii and iv only D) All i, ii, iii and
40. …………………. are often used where very rapid access is required, where
fixed length records are used, and where records are always accessed one at a time.
A) Indexed files B) Direct files C) Sequential files D) Indexed Sequential
41. An alternative is to organize the sequential file physically is a ……………..
A) List
B) Linked List
C) Queue
D) Stack
42. …………………… are typically used in batch applications and are generally
optimum for such applications if they involve the processing of all the records.
A) Indexed files
B) Direct files
C) Sequential files
D) Indexed Sequential files
43. Directories, pricing tables, schedules and name lists are the examples of
A) Indexed files
B) Direct files
C) Sequential files
D) Indexed Sequential files
44. An interactive user or a process has associated with pathname is a current
directory which is often referred to as the …………………….
A) update directory
B) list directory
C) working directory
D) create directory
45. ……………………….. are small fixed portions which provide greater
flexibility which may require large tables or complex structures for their allocation.
A) Blocks
B) Columns
C) Segments
D) Partitions
1. Define the following terms
i. File
ii. Search key
iii. Hash file
iv. Primary key
2. List 3 advantages and disadvantages of heap file
3. State 2 differences between sequential and random file organization
4. List 5 types of file organization
5. Explain any 4 types of file organization
6. Mention 2 advantages and disadvantages of Sequential file organization
7. Mention 2 advantages and disadvantages of random file organization
8. List 5 function of a file
9. What are pros and cons of hash file
10.Enumerate 3 types of information a file conatains
(Data Processing for Ss2 by Adedapo Mitchellas Page 107 – 114)
1. PowerPoint can use existing documents of …………..
(a) Word (b) Excel (c) Access (d) All of the above
2. You can cut, copy and paste from ……………
(a) Word (b) Excel (c) Access (d) All of the above
3. Formatting toolbar has buttons to change the
(a) Font (b) Alignment (c) Animation (d) All of the above
4. Text can be aligned in ………………. (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2
5. Bullets can be of the following type
(a) Dash (-) (b) Square (c) Dot (d) All of the above
6. The MS PowerPoint feature which can be used to change the appearance of the
entire presentation is the
(a) Add slide option (b) Design template (c) Online view (d) Slide
layout option
7. In MS PowerPoint, the action of holding down the left mouse key and moving
the mouse around the slide would
(a) Highlight an item (b) Drag an item (c) Select an item (d) Move an item
8. In MS PowerPoint Presentation, the special effects that control the order in
which objects enter a slide and their manner of appearance is
(a) Transition (b) Media (c) ClipArt (d) Animation
9. During presentation, slide transition can be activated by
(a) Right Click (b) Mouse Drag (c) Mouse Click (d) Double Click
10. A special effect that controls the way slides appear in PowerPoint presentation
is called ……….. (a) WordArt (b) Transition (c) Theme (d) ClipArt
All the questions from 1- 10 was gotten from Data Processing textbook for
SS2 page 128 - 144
11. A new presentation can be created in how many ways? (a) 3 (b) 2
(c) 1 (d) 4
12. ………… avails you the opportunity of starting your presentation from the
scratch. (a) Auto content Wizard (b) Blank presentation (c) Design
template (d) Graphics
13. PowerPoint is a software for making………… (a) Animation (b) Slides
(c) Graphics (d) Presentation
14. To make a presentation automatically, we start a new presentation by
choosing………… (a) Slide master (b) Blank presentation (c) Design
template (d) Auto content Wizard
15. Graphic objects are found on the…………. (a) Standard toolbar
(b) Formatting toolbar (c) Drawing toolbar (d) Title bar
16. ……….. makes your text and pictures zoom around the screen and jump into
place. (a) Slide (b)Movie and sound (c) Animations (d) Design
17. “NEW” is found on………… (a) Insert menu (b) Font (c) File
menu (d) View menu
18. ………….. provides us with readymade shapes (a) Slide show
(b) Drawing toolbar (c) Auto shapes (d) Slide layout
19. The Chart Wizard button is displayed on the…………… (a)
Formatting toolbar (b) Standard toolbar (c) Task pane (d) Slides
20. Holding down the shift button when dragging a rectangle tool will give……
(a) Square (b) Circle (c) Cube (d) Triangle
21. ……….. provides a professionally designed colour, background and font that
applies to the slides you want to create yourself. (a) Graphics (b) Design
template (c) Blank presentation (d) Auto content Wizard
22. When using Auto content Wizard to create a presentation ………… is chosen
if you want to use a computer to so the presentation. (a) Blank presentation
(b) Design template (c) On-screen presentation (d) None of the above
23. ……… takes up the full computer screen in full screen view. (a)
Presentation (b) Screen view (c) Front view (d) Animation
(All Question from 11 – 20 Evans; Computer Science for SS1, Page 168, 169 &
24. _____ is a presentation program. (A) U-torrent (B) Mozilla Firefox
(C) MS PowerPoint (D) Slide Panel
25. In PowerPoint, the header and footer button can be found on the insert tab in
what group? (A) Tables group (B) Text group (C) Object group (D)
Illustrations group
26. Which is not the valid edition of MS PowerPoint? (A) MS PowerPoint 2003
(B) MS PowerPoint 2007 (C) MS PowerPoint 2010 (D) MS PowerPoint 1920
27. The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is
called the (A) Title slide (B) Bullet slide (C) Table slide (D) Graph
28. The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is
(A) Outline view (B) Notes page view (C) Slide sorter (D) Slide show
29. Times new Roman, Cambria, Arial are the example of _____ (A) Font
face (B) Clipart (C) SmartArt (D) Themes
30. What is the default PowerPoint standard layout? (A) Blank (B) Title slide (C)
Title only (D) Comparison
31. To center the selected text, the shortcut key is _____
(A) Ctrl+ C (B) Ctrl+ E (C) Ctrl+ O (D) Ctrl+ U
32. Which type of view is not present in MS PowerPoint?
(A) Extreme animation (B) Slide show (C) Slide sorter (D) Normal
33. Which feature is not in MS PowerPoint? (A) Scan a virus (B) Zoom (C)
Background color (D) Slide show
34. Which of the following is used to start Microsoft PowerPoint application?
(a) Hit Ctrl + R then type ppoint.exe and Enter
(b) Click on Start >> Programs >> All Programs >> Microsoft PowerPoint
(c) Click Start >> Run then type PowerPoint then press Enter
(d) All of the mentioned above
35. What is the file extension of PowerPoint Application. (a) .docx
(b) .ppt (c) .xls (d) .jpeg
36. PowerPoint presentations are commonly used in -
(a) communication of planning
(b) note outlines for teachers
(c) project presentations by students
(d) All of above
37. _______ is not the view of PowerPoint.
(a) Slide Sorter view
(b) Slide Show view
(c)Outline view
(d) Normal view
38. To open Power Point from Run Dialog Box, type _________ .
(a) PowerPoint
(b) Powerpnt
(c) Pwrpoint
(d) Powerpint
39. Handout Master is defined by -
(a) Slide formatting
(b) Layout of handout
(c) Slide transaction
(d) Layout of slide
40. What is animation?
(a) Accelerate static images
(b) Print out
(c) Changing the pictures in the graph
(d) To make a picture
41. The file formats__________ can add to power point shows.
(a) WAV
(b) MPEG
(c) JPG
(d) All of the above
42. Shortcut key to open pre-made Presentation is -
(a) CTRL + O
(b) CTRL + A
(c)CTRL + N
(d) CTRL + L
43. The page to create Presentation in Power Point is called -
(a) Sheet (b) Slide (c) Paper (d) Document

1. Define Presentation Software (2 Marks)
b. List 8 uses of presentation package (8 Marks)
2. State the steps involved in starting presentation package (8 Marks)
b. Define PowerPoint (2 Marks)
3. Mention 4 benefits of a presentation package (5 Marks)
b. Outline three guideline for creating a good Ms PowerPoint presentation
4. List 5 features of presentation package (5 Marks)
b. List 5 features of standard toolbar in presentation package (5 Marks)
5. State the steps in creating a blank presentation (5 Marks)
b. State 10 features of formatting toolbar (5 Marks)
6. Mention the steps involved in saving a presentation (5 Marks)
b. State the steps in exiting presentation (5 Marks)
All the questions was gotten from Data Processing textbook for SS2 page 128 -

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