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B. Interviews
C. Public Service Announcement (PSA)
1. Differentiated the different types of speeches;
2. Familiarized yourself with the concepts of Public
Service Announcement (PSA) and;
3. Familiarized yourself with the concepts and
technicalities of conducting and being in
1. Expository or Informative Speech
• A speech that answers basic questions such as what, how, and why through
topics that are non-controversial and non-debatable.
• purpose: to inform or express

a. Express the specific purpose as a declarative sentence.
b. State the specific purpose precisely.
c. Make sure the specific purpose contains only one idea.
d. Include words in the specific purpose that show your intent.
1.College professor lecturing on a specific topic during a class.
2.Guest speaker presenting information to a group of students about how to
apply for college.
3.Company president presenting information about last quarter's sales to a
group of board members.
4.Pastor teaching a class about the meaning behind Holy Communion in the
Christian Church.
5.Doctor talking to a group about ways to avoid heart disease.

2. Persuasive Speech
• It aims to convince the audience to do specific actions like to
vote wisely, to stop smoking, to prevent global warming, to
campaign against bullying, to fight graft and corruption, and
• it is used to sway the audience to change their mind on certain
issues; and
• there is a presentation of opposing concepts.
I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype Canwen Xu TEDxBoise
3. Entertainment Speech
• It aims to amuse the audience by using humor,
anecdotes, jokes, and stories relevant to the
topic; and
• the speech may have a message, but the
messages is not the major focus of the speech.
1. Read Speech 2. Memorized Speech
• The material is written word • The speech is prepared for
for word; the speaker reads quite some time and
every word from the committed to memory. Then,
prepared text. it is delivered from memory.
• Critical updates to the media, • This is the most difficult and
reports at a professional least effective type of speech
meeting, or a political based on delivery.
3. Impromptu Speech 4. Extemporaneous Speech
• This speech is delivered • This is a speech with minimal
without any preparation at preparation. It is not written
all. out, nor it is committed to
• The speaker is asked to talk memory.
on the spur of the moment. • The speaker is asked to talk
on the spur of the moment.
1. Welcome speech - expresses pleasure and warm, cordial accommodation of the audience.
2. Thanksgiving speech - is addressed to specific individuals for supporting community projects, and the
3. Introduction speech - tells about a guest speaker’s qualifications, skills and outstanding achievements
in relation to the nature of the occasion.
4. Closing speech - or closing remarks, wraps up all the activities towards the realization of the day’s
objective or the theme of the celebration.
5. Acceptance speech - is delivered sincerely and modestly after receiving an award, a promotion, or any
kind of recognition.
6. Commencement speech - is delivered by a speaker on graduation day to express gratitude to the
individuals who have contributed to the success of the graduates. It motivates, encourages and inspires
the graduates to do their best in the pursuit of greater heights in their chosen career.
7. Tribute speech - is delivered on the occasion of one’s birthday, assumption to office, retirement, or
death. Also, in this speech of gratitude, to praise a group, an organization, or an event for the for the
realization of objectives.
The interview is a one-on-one and face-to-face, flexible conversation
between two persons.

It is the most purposive of dyad forms.

Two of the most common types of interviews are fact-finding and job
1.Open-Ended Question - This is a question that allows the interviewee
to explain, narrate, classify, define, compare and contrast.
(1) Can you explain one of your childhood experiences?
(2) Can you compare your elementary and high school education? and
(3) To you what is love?

2. Direct Question - This question requires a very absolute answer. It

leads the interviewee to give a very specific idea.
(1) Where do you live?
(2) Did you enjoy your high school days?
(3) Do you like Math?
3. Mirror-Type Question - This is a form of a follow-up question. It
usually restates or rephrases the response to the preceding
question. It aims to check the interviewer’s understanding of the
interviewee’s answer.

4. Probing Question - This question is asked when an interviewer

wants to dig deeper into the answer of the interviewee as in the
question, “What do you mean when you said that there is no
forever?” Remarks such as “Could you explain it further?” and
“May I know the reasons behind your stand on the policy?” are
probe questions that encourage the interviewee to talk more
about his or her previous answer.
5. Loaded Question - This type of question is highly emotional and causes
prejudice and stress on the part of the interviewee making it difficult to
answer. If the interviewee’s answer is “I should be hired because I finished
college with honors,” a loaded question such as “We have a summa cum
laude graduate who is applying for the same position. Why should we
choose you over that applicant?” may be asked.

6. Problem Solving Question - This is hypothetical in nature. The

interviewer details a problem that the interviewee needs to solve. This
aims to size up the interviewee’s ability to make decisions in the spur of
the moment. Questions like “If you were to be sent on an island alone,
what would you bring with you?” or a problem that will most likely be
experienced once hired (“What will you do if you caught one member of
your team stealing office supplies?”) are common in this type of question.
1. Informational Interview - aims to supply facts, ideas, data and other
kinds of information.
2. Exploratory Interview - which aims to exchange ideas, data and facts to
explore the problem through discussion or to review methods.
3. Job or Employment Interview - aims to learn about the job applicant,
his/her qualifications, interest and talents. On the other hand, the
applicant aims to learn about his or her prospective employer, the nature
of the company, its benefits, its advantages and problems and problems.
4. Performance Appraisal Interview - aims to evaluate job performance,
placement, training and promotion as basis for salary.
5. Counseling Interview - aims to change undesirable behavior to improve
relationships and to improve performance.
6. Grievance Interview - aims to settle differences to improve and remedy
problem situations.
7. Sales Interview - aims to make a sale or accept a solution.
✓ Dress smartly but simply; be well- x Volunteer information
groomed x Give prepared answers
✓ Be on time x Chew gum
✓ Remain standing until asked to sit x Smoke
✓ Maintain eye contact x Wear sunglasses and/or a hat
✓ Greet the interviewer; pronounce x Talk against your former employers
their name clearly and teachers
✓ Be honest and straightforward x Talk too much
✓ Answer the questions briefly but x Put personal items in the
completely interviewer’s desk
✓ Think before you speak x Slouch in your chair
✓ Watch your grammar and manners x Make excuses
• Do a Test-Run with Your Computer
• Pick the Perfect Spot for Lighting
• Forgo Virtual Backgrounds
• Remove Distractions
• Log on Early and Test Setup
• Sit Up and Dress Professionally
• Calm Your Nerves
• Look your interviewer in the “eye”
• Listen carefully
• Use engaged body language
• Don't rely on notes
• Be yourself
• Make a connection
• Write down 5 questions beforehand
• Follow up afterward
A PSA is a short message usually in the form of a video or audio file given
to radio and television stations.

PSA is usually considered a commercial for non-profit organizations.
Education is free, but not for all. (BA Comm students, Class 2022)
• Set a goal
• Use real language
• Appeal to emotion
• Make it personal to the audience
• Deliver exactly one core message
• Be clear
• Know when to use music and background
• Keep it short
• Domingo, M., Florendo, Z., Reloza, R., Banez, R.C., Merza, H., and Bose, M.L.
(2018). Purposive Communication. Bulacan: IPM Publishing.

• Castillo, M. (2021). PSA and Interview <PowerPoint Presentation>
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