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D"'"'~e Cq~\o,

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{O'B , / IGCSE Global Persectives
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Task 1: Decide if these statements are facts. opinions I value judgements or
predictions. Then. choose 3 and justifv your choice.

1. 1 have a husband and two children.

2. Chile is not likely to win the World Cup this year.
3. Ostriches do not hide their head in the sand.
4. Rob said that the book "Angels and Demons" is better than "The Da Vinci Code."
5. More than one million teenagers become pregnant every year in the UK.

Task 2: Read the text and answer the following guestions.

1- What is the purpose of the text?

2- Which is the issue discussed in it?
3- Which perspective can you find in the text? Justify your choice.

Water Wasted Through Leakage

PoUuted water is_ a problem all around the glob~. According to the the World Health
Organization, approximately 1.2 billion people suffer ill health due to polluted water. This
organisation also estimates that 15 million children die every year as a result of polluted
water. 7:'his global crisis is getting wors.e . lt is estimated that, by 2025, approximately, 3
billion people in approximately 50 countries will face water problems either from pollution
or water shortages.
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