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Bollinger bands (bb) ar e an impor tant indi cator in bbma

Bollinger bands (bb) ha ve 3 lines which we call t op bb, mid bb and low bb
Bollinger bands ar e moving suppor t and resistance
As a determinant of the dir ection of incr ease or decr ease and also t o continue the journe y
There are 2 types of BB viz
BB is horiz ontal
a) If ther e is no momentum in the mark et, the Bollinger band will close and shrink)
b) Also known as sidewa y)
BB expands
a) Shows the beginning of mark et strength
b) Indicates ther e is strong movement

Horizontal BB is also known as

Price mo ves within a r ange
No upwar d movement or
strong decline
No momentum for ce

Vertical BB is also r ecognized

as the bb expands
Price mo ves in a range
the big one
There is an upwar d movement
or a strong decline
The longer the sidewa y,
there will definitely be a mark et jolt
The longer the sidewa y, the bigger it is
BB flower will open
If sidewa y is shor t, bb develops
not like a long sidewa y
This situation usually occurs
there was a big mo vement

BB is open or inflated
This shows that ther e is great momentum
Do not enter in the opposite dir ection

Momentum power is turned off

with reverse candle when bb

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