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Common Grammar Mistakes

Common Grammar Mistakes related to Definite Articles are the most common grammar
mistakes. What is a Definite article? In simple words, the definite article (the) makes any noun
special or specifies it. It is also used with all the Holy Books and important places or things.

Common Grammar mistakes Related Definite article List 1

Correct Use of Definite Article (The)

No. Incorrect Correct

1 Where are oranges I bought yesterday? Where are the oranges I bought yesterday?

2 Boy with blue shirt is my friend. The boy with a blue shirt is my friend.

3 Student sitting there is my brother. The student sitting there is my brother.

4 Dog is a faithful animal. The dog is a faithful animal.

5 Cuckoo is a lazy bird. The cuckoo is a lazy bird.

6 The man is mortal. Man is mortal.

7 Horse runs fast. The horse runs fast.

8 Rich should help the poor. The rich should help the poor.

9 Honest succeed in life. Honest succeed in life.

10 Higher you go, cooler it is. The higher you go, the cooler it is.

Common Grammar mistakes Related Definite article List 2

11 Aslam is best student in class. Aslam is the best student in the class.
12 I have read Arabian Nights. I have read the Arabian Nights.
13 Earth is round. The earth is round.
14 Moon is shining in the sky. The moon is shining in the sky.
15 The caliph visited city. The caliph visited the city.
The Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali
16 Quaid - e - Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Late principal of our college was a good The late principal of our college was a good
man. man.
Late president of America was a great The late president of America was a great
ruler. ruler.
19 The Gama was Rustam of Pakistan. Gama was Rustam of Pakistan.
20 He is Ghalib of his time. He is the Ghalib of his time.
21 Rahim is Shibli of our college. Rahim is the Shibli of our college.
22 He is taller of the two. He is the taller of the two.
23 Ali was the wiser of two brothers. Ali was the wiser of the two brothers.
24 All boys were present. All the boys were present.
25 Both brothers are honest. Both the brothers are honest.
26 Whole milk was spilt. The whole milk was spilled.

Common Grammar Mistakes Infographics

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