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J-0-06-28-08 rs Z @ U.S. OUTPOST 31 NEW REGRUIT ORIENTATION ano REGULATIONS NSF ANTARCTICA SERIES NRO-RR & THE THING”: INFECTION AT OUTPOST 31 Art by: Justin Erickson Game Design by: Joe Van Wetering Sculpts: Darren Donahue MONDO TEAM: Art Director: Jay Shaw VP of Business 6 Legal Affairs: Tim Wiesch Director of Games: Jayme Boucher Game Designer: Brad Andres THE OP 2ND EDITION TEA Game Design Manager: Pat Marina Director of Product Mgmt: Bridgette Reuther Research Crew: Brad Andres, Roxy Arfa, Scott Ballard, Emily Barnes, Jessica Berlin, Jayme Boucher, Blake Bowers, Justin Brookhart, Bryan Brooks, Todd Carson, David Chishoim, Bill Clark, Garrett Ciark, Josh Curry, Carolyn Davis, Jake Davis, Thomas Desimone, Casey ockendort, Darren Oonahue, Rob Dragan, Corey Orake, Alex Esposito, Duane Eues, | ‘Danial Fremgen, Josh Fuller, Eric Garza, avid Gibbs, Atticus Giffard, Mike Gonzales, Amiee Bonzalaz, Hunter Gough, James Grahern, Chiaki Hachisu, Wynana Hendrickson, Arlo Hitzemann, Rick Hutchinson, Jock, Carol Johnston, Rob Jones, Ryan Jones, Krystal Karim, Joe Lasley, Karrie League, Tim League, Chris Lenfest, Jed Lomahan, Katie Lowther, Pam Weitich, Delaney Mamer, Kami Mandell, Adam Mareiak, Patrick Marino, Dylan Marquez, Jackie Miserany, Mike Mitchell, Brian Moseley, Brent Navratil, Sarah Nirschi, Tom Nicschl, Tori Nirsch, Brack Otterbacher, Nicolas Peck, Jayne Kurtz. Mitch Sutnam, David Rancatore, Ben Ravensdala, Sarah Ravensdale, Bridgette Reuther, Mathew Reuther, Zo8 Robinson, Juan Romero, Renee Rose-Parry, Jason Rosenberg, Adam Shiendorio, Jamie Scharbarth, Chris Schoenthal, ‘Tony Serebriany, Casey Sershon, Mo Shafeek, Jay Shay\, Natale Slemp, Shannon Smith, Vicki Smith, James Speci, Jordan St.John, Bonnie Sweet, Racky Teruya, Susan Theodore, Ross Thompson, Philip Tseng, Stephanie Bladen Turl, Anthony Ulrich, Tar Vasquez, Justin White, Tim Wiesch, Mary Rose Wiley, Andrew Wolf, Matthew Woodson, Tim Ziatnick! 4-8 PLAVERS T2HOURS, erste CG Suen Vine V WELCOME TO U.S. OUTPOST 31 The National Science Faundation is pleased to have you an the Antarctic team. Expedition members fresh off the helicopter often find settling inta their department takes most of their free time, but be sure to familiarize yourself with this material. uring your tour at U.S. Outpost 31, you'll work with madern equipment ta uncover secrets beneath the ice. Qutpost 31 makes a fine home away from hame, with diverse activities available inthe central Rec Room. You'll even have access to cutting edge computerized entertainment. This booklet contsins information regarding day-to-day life an station: But pause a moment and be proud. You're part of e small crew—stewards of NSF Antarctic research—and you're serving on a real frontier. We salute you! ‘wesmiaro SCC LUC Ly U.S, Outpost 31, Antarctica—1,000 miles from nowhere. The first goddamn week of winter, 1282. Stirerazy Norweolans shooting first st @ cog, then you. Thelrbase—not unlike yoursIe"t a ruin tered with strange research notes end Stranger carcaseas. A 100,000-year-old alin vessel uncovered out nthe ice. ‘Then some.thing..attacked your dogs and you put it down. But that was just the beginning, Paver fluctustions, missing tools, shrendes clothes, equipment destrayed—all that pales next to the proliminary conclusion of your scientists: at least one of you ls probably already boing 2 impersonated by tisiteform, You may not know who to trust, but you do know that out ther, in the dark, The Thing is waiting for you to make a mistake. But what it’s already in here with you? g ur rm BEE: sn ancient ten organism marooned on Et your duty ee ey Por etre ea rent reer nen rrr Sree tent FAI ratte cov arena noms away 5th yu ms birt eerecenr ies erecta 2 eee (eee eee sce pee 5 ¢ Ree ee eae 2 Ree ener ra Lene ee ee acne posi Piro eno «3 en ea 8 = a MacREADY CHILDS PALMER CLARK a ee Ee ees = # ( i : BLAIR BENNINGS NORRIS FUCHS a aL “|e bern & Ease x GARRY winows: NAULS =~] DR. COPPER Dey Goren wine 10 3s BLOOD SAMPLE CARDS -15 ‘nouaLe-sineD ice -& carrammoiceton — DOUBLE-SIDED cam DDOUBLE-SIDED POWER OUT/ ‘MIgsiON Los CARDS -40 arta ROOM DESTROYED CARDS - 10 neste ee COBJECTIVETRACKER, [DOUBLE-SIDED INFECTION TRACKER RoOM nEsTROYED wa eo) 8 aut | area eum wr covers | resmusroN SETUP 1. Each player rolls two dice. The highest rolling player (tes rl/off takes the ‘Captain indicator {os shown naar MacRecdy} and places itbofors thom. thoy ‘ara now the Captain through Set Up and tha frst Mission Log Investigation 2 Lay the Outpost 31 Map in @ central location where all the players can see. '3.Floce the Objective tracker end infection tracker (corect ployer count aca up) next to the Dutpast 31 Map where they ara cleary visible, Place tho ‘computor at Contagion Laval Q on the Infection tracker. 4. Sort Character boards by Dapartment [tree stacks of four each). Stating veh the Captain anc proceeding clackwise players choose a Charactor from ‘2 Department stack wth the most remaining Characters. This ensures roughiy ‘evan dlstrioution of Departmants for the team. When slacting, players should announca their choice, read their Captain Powers atoud, and callect their matching Character mayer. ‘5. Place the players Character mavers inthe Ree Roam onthe Outpast 31 Map. ‘Sort the mission Log cars based! on the nue of players. For a 6/7/8 player gama. use athe cards. Fora 4/5 playar gama, ramove all cards noted 1977/2 only are return tham ta the bax. Then shuife tha cards and place the Mission Log dack on the game boar face down 8s shown. 7. Place the cards for tha Bynamite, Flamethrower, and Roa bosida the ‘Outpost 31 Map in clsar iow. {8 Shuffle the Sector 1 Raom Chips and piaos one acs down in each oF the Sector 1 rooms. Do the same for Sector 2 anc Sector 3 ‘8. Shuffe the supply cars tagather then place the Supply deck face dawn as shown, 10,001 each play hand When not looking at their hand, players should keen the cards on their Character board 25 shawo, ve (5) cards from the Supply deck. This is the player’ |) MESHES UTES. FOGECASES ESCAPE Busey: RE ETc hee un 4 PLAYERS Eas) ‘The Captain creates @ deck of Blood Sample cade as ehown in GAME START. Thase are GAME START GAME START shut and dealt, face down, ona to each player Payers look at ther Blood Sample card | = immetiatey, but @ e @ es @ ‘The Gaptain then constructs another deck ee ea ae aa cof Blood Sample cards as shawn in BLOOD SAMPLE DECK. This decks shuffled and set on 3 HUMANS: IMITATION 4 HUMANS: 1 IMITATION the game board until needed for Assimilation, ee) BLOOD SAMPLE DECK BLOOD SAMPLE DECK Fort 344 3 = = ro ee ort eee oe 7 HUMANS, ‘IMITATION 4 HUMANS 1 IMITATION. pan Es) aa) i) GAME START BAME START GAME START { | | SHUMANS IMITATION SHUMANS = TIMITATION 7HUMANS, ‘IMITATION L000 SAMPLE DECK BLOOD SAMPLE DECK BLOOD SAMPLE DECK SHUMANS IMITATION ‘5 HUMANS 2 IMITATIONS 5 HUMANS 2 IMITATIONS Bred ‘As the staff of U.S. Dutpost 31 struggles to ear out the base and track down The Thing, thay must follow up onlog entries which offer clues ta the location of valuable Gear, as wall as whara Tha Thing might be lurking, Terrified and unable to trust each other, the Jeaciership ofthe group never lies with anyane for very lang, CAPTAIN..FOR NOW ‘Tha player n possession of tha Captain inéleator begins each turn, Ho wt hs te gun makes theres 1. REVEALING A MISSION LOG ‘The Captain craws a Mission Log card and places it face up in front ‘of thar. Resolve Event cards bafore drawing a naw Missin Lag card. 2.GATHERINGA TEAM \With a Mission Log card revesle the Captain salects a taam to Investigate. This t2am always includes the Captain, The number ot players [including the Captain) raquired for aach tear is shawn on the ‘Mission Log cara, 2s ara any departmental requirements. The Captain ‘must choose players matching these requirements when possible. (See page 18/f yu cannot meet a requirement) SoU ng ue eee) Seer ee nen eee atc erry rns Fea eee ee ete ‘heir hand tall Nor can they indicate to the Captain whether or not Pe ee ane Peer er ea ule Pe eee relicetcie Se een eget eet toate Du aes Seer acy Inadeition to Investigations, the Mission Log deck cartains Events that con threaten the security of the staff of US. Dutpost 3 inthe form ‘of Sake (which con lea to Fire and potentially Destray « Room) en Power uitages. When revealed, roll to place the appropriate indicator {Smok/Fira token or Pawer Out carn the corresponding Ror ‘the Righlast unlocked sector. Than Captain rls ancthar Mision Log ‘cars. i/not place duplicate cards or tokens—instead ignore Power ‘Butage for Room with Pewer Out, flip Smoke token to Fre or replace LEFTBEHIND ‘Anyone wha stays behind inthe Rec Room during an Investigation Ue en ee er eerie Det a eta \Whila playing The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31, talking about tha currant situation is expected, Players share information {which may or may nat be true) and the Captain solists vounteers to handle specific tasks. In the end, this table talk is all you have to go on. The Captain has to ‘maka decisions during the turn based on what they believe, and players have toc their bast ta unravel wha isn't quite human anymore... Mecsas Captain He ics Che ar, end Gory mens er “ra Sry isthe bern departs raat Sao ae ae Geese ae ese ote ter eine ea reste renters Ce eee er) Se eee te een aco) ‘subtle tauch, imitations can use this to their advantage to pin the eon eee cid deception requires more experience and may be intimidating for esa Pe gietae ee hg ca eee Te ere eae tea Cee ee ene reais hatter makes the yame—don't ba shy, bo si Fre tokon with Room Destroyed card. In all cases, ignore results for Destrayed Rooms. won | RNAP ga OWN BE hea ke eu aesn cr buy) Bath Smoke/Fire and Power Out prevent players from Investigating the associated Room without the use of specific Supply cards. Adcitianaly, Smoke/Fire can ‘asuit iva Room being Destroyed if not contained, and potentially ‘causa Humans te losa tha game if too many Rooms in the Outpost are Destroyed (see Smoke/Fire resolution on page 14 ond Outpost Destruction on page Te). ‘Smoke/Fire: The threat of Firais particularly dangaraus inthe clas ‘quarters of Outpost 31, as wall asa barrier to entry for Investigating particular raoms. inorder to Investigate Continue as normal. The Captain may chaose ta ignore the Smoke or Fire anciinvestigate a cifferent roam, butin tum risk Room Destruction, Aidtional, i Smoke or Fire is presentin two ar more Rooms, ar ina Room without » Room chip fone that os already been Investigated) the Captain may send an individual player to clear the Smoke or Firs (ty o'scaraing o Fire Extinguisher to remove the token) in adction to ‘assembling ® Team for the Mission Lag Investigation, S Power Outage: Reliable power sources are hard to come by in Outpost ‘31 Sometimes, ane ar mors Roms may suffer Power 4) utages, making it impossibie to Investigate thase rooms under normal cizcumstancas. In ardor to Investigate 9 ‘2 Room with Smoke or Fie, effectively ‘unlocking’ the Room. 3g so wl len clear the ‘af Smoke or Fire [ramaving the taken) lowing the Investigation to Room with the Power Out, ffectvaly ‘unlocking’ the room. A Team would slways need to use Flashlight 1 enter the oem far 2n Investigation Pe 3, CHOOSE AROOM The Cay ‘The tearn’s Character ‘movers are laced within it. Raoms in Sector Tare _available immediatly. Fling all Room Chip neadedi on the Objective tracker unlocks Sector 2 then Sector 3. Note: Events may plane restrictions on the ability to Investigate some Rooms, (For rules on entsring rooms which fave @ Power Out card, Smoke tien, or Fie token ‘in tham, ses Fire Extinguisher ond Flasiuight an poge 8) If multiple instances of Smoke or Fire exist. or araom \without a Room chipis in danger, the Captain may ‘choose @ player to use a Fire Extinguisher and lace their Character maver in that room, (Sa2 Resolving ‘Smoke or Firean page 4) Re eR? 4, HANDIIN A SUPPLY CARD Each player hands in 2 Supply card face down, to the Captain, who places them in The Captain should remind players ‘what is required to pass the Mission Log directive, and players can talk anout the card they hand in, IMITATION Pd cree pore) ‘Thy must be revealed eee) eee rey oe ee ees en een ene onc Sea tne cee Cru) Pe Td Ere re eee et ae Petrone teres Port esr ert ey Poet e eens Uc ete) Peteeeant Ce cee ery ete ere en er cain rr ere ey Corer ree ie ee ets eee ent tm ‘2, CHOOSE A ROOM Character movers: from MacReady’s team are place in the Shed. POO est u nace All players (including the Captain) hand in 8 Supply card to the pool, face down. The Captain shuffles the cards in the pool, Pere nea ‘The Captain looks at the pool. (Any Sabotage cards in the poo! must be reveoted and dealt with ar the Investigation fais.) Pry Sec das ee a tlc tan Soeur te Ni ey See ee et een er ener y reeset 5. CAPTAIN SHUFFLES ‘Once all tha players on the taam hava finished handing in card, tha Captain shuffios the (Bool. (This can be done below the table, cut Of sight, making the small number of cards easier to mixup.) 8. CAPTAIN LOOKS ATCARDS ‘After shuffling the poo, the Captain iooks at the Supply cards. Any red Sabotage cards are ‘revealed and resolved immediately, Once 3 Sabotages dealt wih, discard it 7-SWAP OUT A SUPPLY CARD The Captain may swap 2 Supply card out of ‘the pool During this swap, a single cardis discarded, The Captain craws 3 new card, placas it in the pool wthout looking, and shuffias tha pool again, HUMAN Pd mene Erk Ch Nd eee ae Pere nas eee mn epee eres ee rete Seo ecis ‘nd al Bats, Bud The Captain may choose to swap a card—discarding it and drawing @ new one from the Supply deck. 8 eae ouegus3ind 9103003 son SEMIS a nownio a y we a HORNS CW eM aL) ‘8. REVEAL SUPPLY CARDS ‘The Captain reveals as many cards from the pool 2s instructed by tha Mission Log card dective. fleas than the full pool ist be revealed, the Captain ips over one card ata time, stopping once the directive has been fulfilled or the requisite rumber of carcshave been revealed. Ifa Sabotage car is revealed, (added ofter the Coptoin swapped a ‘Supply card) it must he resalve immeclataly or the Investigation falls. \when directed ta rol the Dice Value of the poo! is totaled. The Captain rolls those dice (too maximum of 6) then compares the rasult 10 the roquirement on tha Mission Lag, ‘9. PASSOR FAIL? Discard the Mission Log car os ge ee eer oy ee anor re ees a Sr corey 10. REVEAL THE ROOM CHIP ‘Aftar passing an Investigation, the Roam chip is reveales. ‘AIf Gear is revealed, the Captain takes the eppropriste Gear card ‘and places it before themselves with the maximum number of uses ‘showing. I the Gear Tulils sn open objective forthe Sector, the Room chip is nisced faca up on its space on tha Objective tracker B.if the Room chip s a Discard cirectve, each meter of the tan ‘may discard one Supply card and draw a new one, If The Thing s discovered, a Battla begins. (See page 14) eae ee Coe Oe aT tos Cee uO toe) Higdon under th Reom Chip, Gaal Farad the Dbjoetive Wack and ropes through Outpost Each rece ot Gears iso use during psy and ‘may b8 used uheneve the player cossession ofthe Gear sin postion ta rmoke use of ts effect. as ral Sas Rope may be used fer the Mision Log ar revel but efore the tani ‘sted to eu and sibthe eurent aga, making herent eye inten ‘the currant Captain tea also ba wed, with the Captan'sconsant tea stherwisa roquited slayer fy department or player count) bind dun 29 Investigation 8y notrnetig a depertmentel requirement the Captan ray not ‘swap cards, Win tied un with @ Rapes player may rot sve tre Rec Room, nos may they discard or raw an cards. At the Beorning of thereat turn the ed uo layers consigered to nove been ree. Rope ‘The moat commen piace of Bear, Rope i four thraughaut Dutpost 3. Revealing Rape i recured to unlock Sector 2. Additional each Rape may be used ance, after which the plover scars tha Goar car. byNaMiTE ‘Dynamites fourdin Sector 2 aris reuie ta uniock ‘Sector 3. Each Dyas cart has two uses, Write on the team,» player may expend a use te change te pip value of ‘ce by sTor-1 Chlyane useimay bs expended por di, but ‘multiple ses of Dynamite my bo expended bytes team. 1LAftar the Mcsion Log cardis eves but bers the gm teams selected xoencing onc use of 2 Flamethrower to Bond Test aisve forces them to secret revel tir Blood Same art {heuser of tie Flamathvawer ani. Now this effect may oly be used wnen 3 Flametirawer nas Two uses remaring, FLAMETHROWER. Flametirowers sre nowerfulpleces of Gear found only inSector3.A Flamethrower must oe acaured to Escape Dutpost 31 Theyhave twa uses and ee isnt eects 2.Asingle use of Flamathrawer maybe expended by any member ofthe team tabocst hero fora Mission Log drectve o Battle, granting te Cabin thes adlonalalls, This maybe one afterall the ital chanceshave been uz, Butoriyone Flamethrower may add chances 9 2 singel ‘.Ater the Mission Log cards revealed but before the team is seleee, ‘may expend hath uses attempt to Tarch a player Te alayrasingtre Flamethrower rust arcusesomaane cf bang an Imitation, tr ass the sraup abi iscusson of har reasoring. Ween they cal vote pavers hold aut mer et thumb tended skews The paver cours clown," 2,1" and rewetors sesh deplaya thumb un yee’ Trcf the accused) or thumb own (a, re ‘har Nate: ealy ene per may be Tarchad ina 4-5 player game If 2majonty vote "yas, tha Tarched plays reveals ther Blaad Samplata ‘neryare, ard ther Character mover i emnvedt fram the Gutpast3t Mop. TH fr liinate fromthe game. terse the vote fas marty aor) as the Flamethrower uly expended wit no effect If 2 Human gets Tere, the gam continues, but you mut move thelmiaton Tracker up 1 Rot a dietoresoke the room the Fallouthapnesin (se page 75) od Rh CUMS Uns, uae MacReady follows the Mission Log cirective and reveals all cards in the @ pool, (The Petri Dish was swapped and a Knife was drawn] <= es 1 a the Mission Lag Investigation! HEE ARaom chip labeled Discard means team members may discard a Supply card and draw a new one. The Room chip in the Shed is flipped over, revealing a Rape. The Room chip is placed on the Objective tracker, fulfiling the Sector 1 gear objective, MacReady takes 2 Rope card and places itn front of himself. Naw only The Thing 1 stands in their ‘way fram moving on to Sector 2. aR or oor errr) wi wee" a) SRS 5 : i Prva Sa) ‘1 RESOLVING BATTLE WITH THE THING Soma of tha monsters may appear ta ba members of your team Tis is nt reason to mistrust those fs The Thing is crafty, Itcan ausorl DNA rom many sources Old clothes, fond containers, anit can imitate any boing t comasin contact wth, aven atthe microscopic oval. ‘A. When a Thing chi is revealed. place the appropriate Thing mover in tre room (see below), and the Team on the Investigation must immadiataly contain tha thraat by batting i To resolve 2 Batti, all team mambers hand in2 card tothe pool, much lke resoiving 2 \irective for an investigation. However in this case, the Supply cards handed in naed to hava high Bica values, as the Captain wll nead to roli particular combinations of dice to successfully resolve a Battle, Its normal to ciscuss these contributions—but as before, never revel ‘any cards, Hign Dice Value cards are good but tne Captain can only Use 6 dice, so larger teams may easily reach the cap. B. Tha Captain shuffies the pool, thoroughly mixing pithelcas Tha Captain iooks 2t the pool Sabotage Eards\are raveslan immediately end must be dealt with or the Battle fails Then the {Captain may swap any one pool card, ciscarding it in exchange for ‘snather trom the Supply deck. 1. The pool is revealed and the Dice Value of tha cards's totaled, Namore than dice may be used forthe roll After the tall, the pool is discarded, u x & E. The Captain must roll’ OF AKINO or 4 OF AKIND ta defeat The Thing, [The Infection tracker displays these requirements.) The dice ‘ara rlled and the Captain chaoses which if any] they want Keep ‘after each ral, ice ae not lacked in and the spacinic dice kept may be changed batwean ral Deteat of The Thing allows an empty spot (in the current Sector] on ‘the Objective tracker toe Files withthe reveled Thing mover. If The ‘Thing is nat dateated in Battle, all the remaining Raam Chip fram the ‘current Sector are mined up and placed back in the raoms. (Rooms ‘airead)y cleared or destroyed are lert empty.) ecb es Pee se ea es ee ce Neer aad ‘2, RESOLVING SMOKE OR FIRE After resolving the Investigation, fan individual player was sent toa Room ta deal with Smake or Fire, {they would now discard a Fire Extinguisher face up before returning ta the Rec Room, ‘Then, any remaining Smoke and/ or Fire tokens stil in Rooms are resolved. First, Fire tokens are removed and replaced with Room Destroyed cards [ond the Destruction tracker is ‘advanced. Than, Smoke tokens are flipped ovar to Indicate thay have set the Room on Fir 13, RETURN TO BASE [Attar rsaiving the Investigation and any Smoke and Fire tokens, ll (Character movers are returned tothe Rec Room. Al players who lett the Rec Room curing the turn must craw as many Supply cards 2s ‘needed ta return thelr hand to tive cera. Playas Who remalnedin tl Ree Ream naw may discard one eat and draw a naw ona, Players wha wore bound with @ Rope during the turn may nat exchange a card. Money dame twos trope tho cars ‘sad au tne nestigaton 2 Bt Teac Pee ee eee eu ey Peer ee tenn eel) et eas eregeries Pees nec) ee eee ae tee! saying with past performance, the current situation, the Ce ee ce The Thing Capi mes and Gone may sony att Bh een tr betcom fe ne atc J The team i facing a Level 1 Thing and needs cards with a high Dice Value for Battle. They " each hand in a card tothe poo, gt reas face down, cy ‘The Captain shuffles the pool. 2) me) [1 wwre | The Captain looks atthe pool | and may choose to swap a card | st | (See pages 10/11) MacReadiy i | ides tok L a |) decides to keep the pool (1 MMe c | ‘The Captain reveals the pool Dice | equal tothe Dice Value (unto 6) ofthe pool are used for Battle. MacReady rolled and kapt Bo @ the pairofs but dtr ‘another on the second or Roser KIND, The Thing flees and 88g “as we he amit aus “EA soy an aoe a SRS ee Peo unui i 14. CONTAGION When the team fais the Investigation ors uneble to defeat The Thing in Battle, Contagion soreeds across Outpost 3, The Computer E _|smavedup te infection wacker 5 the game s ver, ane the imitetions nave wen. In ay other ase, Fallout rom the spread of Contagion mustie resolves FALLOUT & Each te the Computer is maved ua. follow the directive on the infection tracker forthe new Contagion Level Fallout occurs inthe ‘om the team visited during the turn. Place a Power Out card, Smoke {olan @ Raom Oestreyed car, or 3 Fire token in the room as rected {S00 Fire Extinguisher ond Flastiight on page 8, Resolving Smoke and sg Freon poge #4 ond Gutpost Destruction bear.) g lca nate Compu rave pt eval antago ob 8 ‘Heifer rosa Ne pes a osetia) para # Power Outre Pear 5 ‘sonia Se 16. DUTPOST DESTRUCTION "3 Dutpast 31 takes damage as The Thing and the humans face oft 3 When Fire is laft unchecked or Fallaut rasuits in structural collapse, f= a Room Destroyed cards placed in the appropriate room. A Room Destrayed counter is placed on the first open slat on the Destruction tracker. ‘The Destruction tracker sled attar four roams have been Destrayed. this occurs, the game is aver andthe Imitations have ‘won. [See Imitation Vietory on poge 17) eas Look at any Room Chip when a room is destroyed. I you lase twa ot the same Room Chip type in one sector, t wil be impossible to fll the Objective tracker. At this point the imitations have won the game. [To ‘588.0 breakciown ofthe Room Chip by Sector go to page 5.) Note: fa ‘Thing is n @ destrayed room it does nat count towards the Objective Ae (hats Tet Pr ae ‘Afra Supply Roe 1 wet put A Room Gestroyedcarnae been we ""pacesinaraom ana camer secede Destruction ecker peer ‘V7 ASSIMILATION When @ Sector an the Objective tracker is ‘ilec with all the requisite Room Chip, the next Seeter is unlocked for Investigation Unfortunatety, this also opens the Qutpast ‘i etaff up ta cantemination by The The. When frst unlocking Sector 2 and Sector 3, a the group risks Assimilation rd ‘The Captain deals ana card from the Blood ‘A. Auman that is dealt snather Human Blood Sample cara nas not been Assimilated... yet. Thay simaly return one of the Human cerds, keeping the other, ar ars still partof the Human Tear, B.An Imitation hat is lealt another Imitation or a Human Blood Sample card, They simply return ‘ona, always keeping one Imitation card, and ‘are sil part ofthe Imitation Taam ©. AHuman that s cleat an imitation Blood ‘Sample card is new Assimilated! Thay MUST return the Haman care, keeping the Imitation, ‘and are naw part af te Imitation Team (Once all cards have been returned, the ‘Captain shutfies them into a new Blood ‘Sample deck and places the deck back an ite spot on the Gutpast 31 Map. As ta amt ‘Once any Consequences have been dealt with, its tine to get ready Tor whatever troubie ls waltng in the wings, ‘A.A players should ensure that they have a five (5) card hand. B.Anyana bound by Rape! considered to be free, £. Players shoul rexiw he stuation onthe Outpost 31 Map art the 1. The Captain passes the Captain indicator to their lett. ‘This tums over andthe next one betins. (See Captnn.For Now an page 8) Pe el eee Cer rn mera en rete od Perret oe ety Cee ee ee ML ay ers ‘CAPTAIN, YEAOR NAY? ‘AS SO0n as the final Sector 3 Room chip raquirement is added to the Objective Tracker, came play immediately proceeds tothe final Escape phase! At this point, the Human playars will ttomptta solect the Team to escape cn the Helicanter while Ieaving imitations behind, \while Imitations wil try to sneak at least ane Imitation piayer on the ‘escape teem to spread the contagion! Once the Escape is unde-way there's na more time to use Cee een Pee ML ny Ch eo att ‘Tha Captain of the toam that successfull led the Objective tracker nominates ancther player tobe the Final Captain. This player will be responsible for seeing the Escape through to the end, but they must meet the approval of @ majority of the rest of the players first. noe the players have had @ chence to offer their thoughts, the current {Captain calls for a vote. All piayers (ase from any tarchad playsrs) hold cut ther fist, thumb axtoncied sideways. The Captain counts down, 3,2, 1," and the vaters each display a thumbs up [*ves" or thumbs down ("no") with the majority carrying the vot. ‘with a “yas” majority the Captain indicator is passed to the nominee, ‘now Final Captain, wha procaads with planning the rest af the Escape. Ifa “no or tie happens, the player tothe current Gaptaln’s left becames current Captain, and must nominate a player wha has ‘ot previously been nominated. For avery two nominaes rejacted, the Contagion Laval rises by one, {Soo page 16 If tha Infection tracker fils as 2 result the Imitations win, BLOOD TESTS ‘Once the Final Captain nas bean selected, they may have access to End Blood Tests. Check the current Contagion Level on tha Infection tracker to determina how many (ifany) of these Blood Tests are available. ARer clscussion with the other players the Final Captain ‘may select players totaling this nurmber to reveal their Blood Sample ‘cards taal players, _tontagin Love tna nal Captanras 2nd Bod Tests a thar pose aan LAST FLIGHT OUT OF OUTPOST 31 ‘The Final Captain's automaticaly considered to be aboers the helicopter, but must choose the rast of the mambers of the Escape caret, Initations who have been revealed through an End Blood Test may not be selected to board, but all other nlavers areelaib to Escan The Final Captain must solact at laast as mary players as the Escape ‘Target shown in the chart below For each human Torche, this hnumiser may be reduced by one. “APLAYERS 2-3 PLAYERS [ND HUMANS LEFT BEHIND) SLAYERS, PLAYERS, BPLAVERS: PUES PLAYERS 4 PLACER PLAYERS SPARS GET TOTHE CHOPPER (Ons the Final Captain has solected players to board the helicopter, ‘each of their Character mavers souls be placed! outside Outpost 31 atthe hellcapter ‘THE MOMENT OF TRUTH One ata tims, starting with the Final Captain, each player on the helicopter reveals thei Blood Sample carc, shir Ecu nad Cent ae SEU ao wma og ga (0. What happens if nbd is wing to reveala Fire Extinguisher or Flash in (der toentor aroom and tere arene other rome unlocked?” 2. sing 2 Mobtav allows ol ayers to oxthanga a card bore Choosing a Ram. ‘ACaptan may vlurtarlly ps ther tur and remain the Rez Room tow ‘everyone teschange a Card but you may skip esoira Stroke andre see Fesnling Srnoke od Fre an page 4) onl once each gare. (Laman imitation, can | throw sway my rolls wife Captain? ‘A.No. The Captain represents the efforts of te whole ear. You rst als take era ols afforded you by a team member using a ameter and cart ose tae ebm memes uso Dyna to mod ap. YOUR) Na have to Use ‘ny ot your own Geer orapsin Pavers to Ircresa te chances of sucess, (9 What doo the pol got messed up? ‘Abury the eta poo! fhe pool got mixed up wth your ow hand bury than ‘raw the crrec amber of sores] Have vary layer wh pt cards nt the ‘ool cravirenlacorrts form the pool wih car fromthe core layers then contre play 0. Room Dostroyed card rovoas a Room chip with The Thing ont ban tbo ‘sd tothe Objet trachar asf we dofeatad 1? ‘A.No.The Thing simply dormant and willbe able to survive ures you sweep ‘Guest 31. Yourmust defeat The Thng in Bate ta cuttne bjecbve racer. 1. what happans too many ofthe Reom Chip noadod forthe Diyacve trackar ‘aruutof thegama? ‘A Humanity ses the osme there's no posto tof the Dblecte trecker {Tris ony nappies hen thas ota Room Dartayed corse anibed uso prevent hs in future gros, be proacxivain coaling th Soka acre. (0. What happsns fmultisle Sabotage cards are revealed! anc we cart de ‘any of than? {You face Cartan only ncaa tur Even if two cards wh tha nvestsaon Sulomatcaly fas’ directive ra ravi, youchiy move ane Cantagen Level on the Infecon tracker at 10. What happens f we leave human behind in 4 player game? ‘Ato this pete game se, the ritations woul wn Slace 8 nat know how ‘many initations codd be the gare, you have to have te oorectivormation ‘when Escaping, (9 wheat happens if carla departmental requirement on a Mision Log bmcause of torehed player, or layer id up. ‘A. You stil must co the mission win as many payers as you cn-The Captain vl ‘athe the sly i swan ean You cametshocse mot fl separa ‘euromae,fabe. (0. What happans fll nitatlons have been torched? ‘Atle pasa in 4,5, and 8 player gars fr tha humane ton by trching 3 meats in tese se games ater you tach a layer yourray check the ‘lod same dec theres stl an inva caret the game scver andthe ‘hurans win ther are n ian cards in We deck, cotine on as nor f ‘ery paintn these size games second Intion tts, the ame over Src trehumars vi ead ‘Assimilation [p16] — Once during Set Up and twice asthe game ‘progresses, The Thing sttempts ta Assimlate humans. When a player ‘calves ared imation Blood Sampla card, thay become. thal The Thing forthe remainder ofthe gama ‘Battle (p14) — When The Thing is encountareda Battle ensues. High Dice Value cardsin the poo! help the Captain rallta defeat it. ‘Blood Sample card (n8) ~ A player's Blood Sample card indicates \whother thay are pursuing human or imitation vicky concitions eis secret ‘Blood Test (p12.17} ~ Blood Tasts may be applied viaa Flamathrowar ‘or End Blond Tasts earned for having 2 low Contagion Lavel when tha Escape beqins. A Blood Test forces player to reveal thelr Blood Sample Card ta one oral players. ‘Bury (p10) ~ Cards sing buried are placed on the bottom of thai espace tiscard pe, [Captain (p8] — The Captain makes decisions and takes actions an a turn, ‘They are the “leader” for the mament. captain indicator {p8) — This chip piose isthe gun that makes the rules Whoever possesses this isthe current Captain ‘Captain Powers (pe) ~Each Character has sat of twa ables, ana ot lwhlen may ba used each turn. Ceptain Powers can he vary effectiva, ‘Character board {95} — A play mat with information an a Character Inctusing their name, department, and Captain Powers. ‘Consequences (116) ~The verious waysin which Ife goes badly for the Satf of Outpost 1 ‘Coritayion (p16) — The result of failod Investigation or Battle, the ‘Conteaion Levelon the Infection tracker affects Fallout and can result in victory for The Thing ‘Computer (p5} ~The playing plece used ta mark the Contagion Level an tha infection tracker ‘Department [p8] — A Character’s work division. Certain Mission Logs require specific departments ta be selected forthe team wen possible. ‘estray (p18) — A victory conaltin for imitations. Tha Thing wins if tha Destruction tracker is fled and Qutpast 31s destrayed, ‘ica Value {p14} — Evary Supply card has pica Value from +010 +3 which is usad in Mission Log directives and Batt. ‘Discard {p13} ~ A Room chip, this allows each member of the team to tiscard a Supply card from theirhand and drew a new one ‘Bynamite (2) ~ A piace of Gast naededto urlnck Sector 3, ean be sel to modify @ de pip by *1 or“. Escape (p17] ~The victory contin for humans. The heleogter must be free of imtatians for it ta succoed. Event {p9] — A special type of Mission Log card which negatively impacts ‘condtions onthe Qutpost 1 Mop Fallout (p16) — Tha result of Cantagian, Fallout is indicated on tha Infection tracker t negatively effects the humans. eed Final Captain (p17) ~ The player alectod ta ba response for choosing hhow to use End Blood Tests and solactng the passengers ta Escape on the Helicopter. Fire [p8,14] — & hazard produced by Fallout and neglecting Smoke. It ‘can lead ta the destruction of raoms and must be fought with a Fire xtinguisher. Fire Extinguisher (pS) — A Supply card required to enter any room cantaning Smoke or Fie. tremaves elther when revealed. Flamethrower {p12} — The final pisca of Gear tobe scavenged in ‘Sutpost 3, t must be fund to Escape. tls versatile, with trae separata functions. ' Flashlight (p8) ~ A Supply card which must be reveaiad and discarded to ‘enter @raom with # Power Out card init. Does not remave the Power Out care, ‘Gear Ipt2] — Special equipment found in rooms throughout outpost 3 Each ploce is required to advance through the game. Hand in (p10) — Cards gen tothe Captain during an Investigation or Battle, they combine to make the pool Hand (p8} — Personal cards belonging to each player: Each turn players start eut with full hand of five eats ‘Human {p8) — Ono of two opposing sides in the game. Al playars but ono ‘begin play 28a human, Humans have asingla vetary condition: Estapa, Infect [p17] ~ A victory condition tor imitations the Contagion Levels ‘ised high enough to fl the infection tracker, The Thing wins, Infection tracker (p5,16] ~ The main trackar inthe game, Related to the Infect victory condition for imitstions ancl direct ined to Fallout which impacts the hursns, Investigation (p10) — The procoss of entering aroom and attompting ta completa 2 Mission Lag directive. Successful Investigations uncaver Roam Chip while fllures rasuit in Cantagion. Imitation (p8) — ono of two opposing sides n the game. single player ‘begins 2s Imitatlan Has thre victory conditions: Destroy, infect, and Stow Ava ‘Mission Lag {p3] — Each turn revolves around the Investigation of a taisslon Lag, Each card has @ recive, Success rewards the team, wile ‘allure rasuts in Contagion. ‘Molotov (p18 ~ special Supply card whch allows playersin the Rec Room to exchange one card from thelr hand with the top card trom the ‘Supply Deck. Tho porson who plays this card may clscard an additional care to draw the top twa cards from tha dock. ‘Objective tracker (p5:12} ~ The meth by which Sectors are unlocked ‘and progress tawares Escape fs made, Must filled wth three pieces of (Gear and four Tings. ‘Outpost 31 Map (a6) ~The gamete vided nt tres Sectors with sx roomseach eo {p1a:4) — Tho Supply cariscollcted from the hancin uring an Investigation or atin Power Outage (pa) — A permanant cancion which requires teams ‘entaring tha room with 2 Pawer Outaga ta raveal and discard a Flashlight Rec Room (98,18) ~ The main rally point forthe Outpost St staf. Players begin andend each turn inthe Rec Room, Roll (p14) ~ A resolution system used by some Mission Log directives and all Bales The number of coe avaliable for rls determined by cllcting ‘Supply carcs with Dice Value. Upto 8 dice may be used, Ech ral loves sce tabe freely keptorre-rolied, Roam Dastroyed {p16 = Acard which makes room impassable and Famevas any Roam chia within it fram play. When a Room Dastrayed ‘card enters play, # Room Destroyed counter is added to the Destruction tracker—rolated tothe Destroy victory cancion, Roam chip fp6.12] ~ A sat of game pieces which ide the Gear and Things ‘eed til the Objective trackar nd progress through Outpost ope (2) — A pece of Gear required tc unlock Sectar2t canbe used to force tha Captain to pass the Captain indicator, orleava a layer behininthe ‘Roc Room fra tun. ‘Sabotage [p10} —A special type of card found inthe Supply deck which ‘ane used! ta maka an investigation ar dati fall ‘Sector (71016) — Thee distinct areas on the Outpost 31 Map, Sectors ‘rntain sx rooms each and must be uriocked in oder to Escape, ‘Smoke (p9,14) — Prosucad by Evert carts and Fallout, Smnka becomes Fire after ane fulturn in play. Blocks entry into rooms without a Fire Extinguisher, which must be revealed anc ciscarded to remave the ‘smoke. ‘Stow Away [p17] — One ofthe victory conditions for imitations tls ‘wiggarad by being aboard tha halicopter during the escape ‘Supply [p8) — Cords which make up each players hand, Supply cards are Used to complote Mission Lag dractives, deal with conditions, an hinder chances af success, ‘Swap (p10) ~ Oice each Investigation and Batt the Captain may ‘exchange a single Supply card from the poo for one from the deck. ‘Team [p9} ~ The team s the group of players selected by the Ceptain to Undertake the Investigation of # Mission Log, ‘The Thing [p14] ~The Thing s the averarching enemy inthe game. ‘imitations, which aro playars ancl hic amanget the humans, are par of The “Thing. Qpaniy host Things also lurk under Room Chip throughaut Ouspast ‘Sl and must be defeated to progress. ‘urn {p9.16) — Tho standart cyclo of play- Turns pragress as the game ‘noes on, and leadership af the group shifts with each new turn. ‘CONTENTS (God Baar 10 Cats 8 Oka 7 tte Mere ‘Senin Bnoea 2 Gare Tresor ra Mle Trap custaner service ‘S000 AvenigaErang= Ste 80, Carat, A200 Tar F-aa8-376-7en9 ara) Ea customersunportueaopotyom Soi saa wet ns suNNO NOWRA SRS 44 es be a Du Pe 7 e a Z

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