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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (Đề thi Viết)
(Hướng dẫn chấm có 03 trang)


Part 1: For questions 1-5, listen to a part of a conversation between a librarian and a student and
answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER taken from
the recording for each answer (10 pts)
1. Garba Buwal 2. MSc Engineering 3. One/1
4. A4 5. Half a million/ 500,000

Part 2: For questions 6- 10, listen to a news report and match each number (6-10) in A with one
corresponding letter (A- H) in B. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
(10 pts)
6. F 7. A 8. D 9. E 10. C

Part 3: You will hear an interview with Maria Stefanovich, co-founder of a creativity group which
organises workshops for executives. For questions 11-15, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits
best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
(10 pts)
11. D 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. D

Part 4: For questions 16-25, you will hear a piece of news about Hurricane Florence ready to Hit
Mid-Atlantic as a Category 4 hurricane. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
from the recording. You will hear the audio twice. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided. (20 pts)

16. a monster storm 21. National Hurricane Center

17. Mandatory evacuation orders 22. landfall
18. Category 4 hurricane 23. fluctuated
19. uninhabitable 24. potentially even strengthening
20. abnormal rise 25. coastal communities
Part 1: For questions 26-40, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (15 pts)
26. B 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. B
34. A 35. D 36. B 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. B

Part 2: For questions 41-45, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space
provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided. (5 pts)
41. heightened 42. flip side/flipside 43. parameters 44. outflow 45. discretionary


Part 1: For questions 46-55, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and
write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10 pts)
46. realistic 47. meaning 48. term 49. in 50. least
51. enough 52. Instead 53. less 54. works 55. construction
Part 2: Read the following passage and do the task that follow (12pts)
56. F 57. NG 58. T 59. T 60. NG 61. NG
62. volcanic 63. the media 64. England 65. (local) 66. island’s 67. hurricane
eruption economy stamps

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Part 3: For questions 68-74, read the following passage and choose from the paragraphs A-H the one
which fits each gap. There is ONE extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (7 pts)
68. H 69. F 70.D 71. C 72. G 73. E 74. A

Part 4: For questions 75-84, read the text and choose the answer A, B, C or D. Write your answers in
the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10 pts)
75. B 76. A 77. D 78. C 79. A 80. D 81. B 82. A 83. A 84. C

Part 5: For questions 85-95, read the texts A-E about British immigrants in America in the 1800s and
answer the questions by writing the correct letter A-E in the numbered blanks. (11 pts)
85. C 86. A 87. D 88. D 89. D 90. B
91. E 92. C 93. C 94. B 95. A

IV. WRITING (60 points)

Part 1. Read the following extract and use your own words to summarize it. Your summary should be
between 140 and 160 words long. (15 pts)

Marking guidelines:
1. Content: 10 points
* 1 point for each underlined phrase (main ideas/ key features) in the suggested answer

2. Language and organisation: 5 points

- Wide range of vocab, paraphrase with accuracy: 3 points
- Grammar and punctuation: 1 point
- Organisation: the ideas are linked together using effective devices: 1 point.

A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to personal opinions found in the summary.
A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to too many redundant details found in the summary.
A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to any summary with 80% copied from the original.
A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to any summary with more than 20% of word from the
A penalty of 1 point will be given to any summary longer than 120 words or shorter than 100 words.

The reading passage elucidates the ecological impacts of aerosols on global climate. Aerosols plays a
principal role in diminishing the warming consequences from the disgorgement of greenhouse gases, yet
this asset is likely to be deprived of due to the enforcement of air pollution regulations. Moreover,
because air pollution is inherently localized, there are wide disparities among the aerosols’ influences on
environmental factors of different regions. Therefore, research is being conducted with a view to
evaluating the relationships of ecological factors and the effects of air cleansing. The global climate
balance is maintained by both greenhouse gases and aerosols. Whilst concentrations of greenhouse gas
accumulate heart radiation, aerosols reflect sunlight, thus lowering the overall temperature. The impact
of aerosols is municipal since they are promptly disposed of, while greenhouse gases disperse far and
wide. A plummet in the release of aerosols will present major changes to heavily populated areas.
However, it should be taken into account that this effect is not analogous to that of greenhouse gases

Part 2. Graph writing (15 points)

Contents (10 points)
- The report MUST have at least 2 paragraphs covering the following points:
 Introduce the charts (2 points) and state the overall trends & striking features (2 points)

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 Describe main features with relevant data from the charts and make relevant comparisons
(6 points)
- The report MUST NOT contain personal opinions. (A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given
to personal opinions found in the answer.)

Language use (5 points)

The report:
- should demonstrate a wide variety of lexical and grammatical structures,
- should have correct use of words (verb tenses, word forms, voice, …); and mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, ....).

The pie charts enumerate a survey result which compares the type of cultural and free-time activities
boys and girls participate in. At the first glance, boys generally prefer computer games, and outdoor
sports while girls mostly participated in activities like dancing, gymnastics and reading.

As is presented in the diagrams, more than one-third boys play computer games while one-quarter play
basketball. Moreover, nearly one in five boys plays soccer and one-tenth of them like to do
skateboarding. It is prevalent from the illustration that boys mostly play games and take part in outdoor
sports. The reading habit among boys is very poor as only 2% of them read. Interestingly, listening to
music is an activity which is enjoyed by an equal percentage (10%) of boys and girls.

Moving to the girls’ activities, playing computer games is not as popular among girls as it is among
boys. The most popular pursuits among girls are dancing (27% pick this up) and reading (more than
one-fifth are active readers). Among outdoor sports and activity, gymnastics and netballs are common
among female children as 11% and 15% participate in these two outdoor activities. Interestingly, the
ratio of reading among girls is considerably higher than that of boys.

Part 3. Essay writing (30 pts)

1. Task achievement (10 points)
 ALL requirements of the task are sufficiently addressed
 Ideas are adequately supported and elaborated with relevant and reliable explanations, examples,
evidence, personal experience, etc.
2. Organization (10 points)
a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion and unity
b. The essay is well-structured:
 Introduction: is presented with clear thesis statement
 Body paragraphs are written with unity, coherence, and cohesion. Each body paragraph must
have a topic sentence and supporting details and examples when necessary.
 Conclusion summarises the main points and offers personal opinions (prediction,
recommendation, consideration, ...) on the issue.
3. Language use (5 points)
a. Demonstration of a variety of topic-related vocabulary
b. Excellent use and control of grammatical structures
4. Punctuation, spelling and handwriting (5 points)
a. Correct punctuation and no spelling mistakes
b. Legible handwriting

Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before marking the

Thank you for your cooperation.

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