Genre Defense Paper. Carly Thunes 1

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1hunes 1

Carly Thunes
Ms. Caruso
ENGL 1101-012
30 October 2011
Genre DeIense Paper
In my original rhetorical analysis paper I wrote about a piano. A piano is a commonly
used instrument used to entertain, to create music, and to heal pain. Although the piano is the
most commonly played instrument and is quite easier to learn and play than most others, there
are a lot oI problems with it in today`s world. First oI all, classical piano music isn`t as popular
as common day pop culture music is, thereIore, not a lot oI people are interested in learning how
to play. Along the same lines as learning how to play, in today`s world kids have more oI a say
in what they choose to do; this means that parents no longer Iorce their kids into piano lessons as
children as oIten as they did in the past. Knowing how to play the piano showed that you`re
Iamily is either rich enough to aIIord the piano and lessons or that you`re Iamily is very well
educated and sophisticated. But in today`s world, this is not so much oI a way oI showing oII
your intelligence or economic standing as driving a nice car or attending a good college would.
This shows that making sure your kids know how to play piano isn`t as much oI a high priority
Ior parents as it was in the past. Another reason why the piano is not as popular in today`s world
is because they aren`t as accessible. People these days like having things in the palm oI your
hand and maybe either there`s no room Ior a piano in your house or you`re not always at your
house, either way, you don`t always have the piano with you. As the years drag on and
technology becomes more and more relevant to peoples lives, objects like a piano just aren`t as
Comment |BD1]: 1hls lsn'L flowlng very well
Comment |BD2]: your
Comment |BD3]: rephrase
1hunes 2

important to them-or they don`t have time Ior them anymore. I`ve decided that re-creating the
piano into a smart phone app is a great way to show the younger generations an old-time classic.
The Ultimate Piano is an app Ior any smart phone. An entire, Iull-length piano is at the
touch oI your Iingers with many buttons with diIIerent purposes. There will be a Iull keyboard
with all 88 keys and 3 pedal buttons used to change the tone oI the sound. There will be a
volume control, a sound control, and a record button. The sound control will open up to a screen
with many diIIerent piano sound options like jazz piano or guitar or organ; just as a keyboard
would. The record button will allow one to record a song they`re playing. This smart phone app
will be more greatly appreciated in today`s world because oI the advance in technology. For
many reasons I believe this app will appeal to not only the younger generation but the older as
well. For starters, smart phones almost never leave a person`s side. People have become so
dependent on their phones these days that the chances oI having an actual piano accessible to you
instead oI the one on your phone are slim to none. Since people are always with their phone, they
always have access to a piano. In turn, this can appeal more non-musically inclined people to
open their minds to the world oI music. When music is more easily accessible, the lazy people
will also be more interested in it. To have a piano at the touch oI your Iingertips just opens music
to entire new groups oI people.
For the people who are in Iact musically inclined, the Ultimate Piano is a great thing Ior
them. It gives them a chance to practice their music Ior maybe an upcoming recital when a piano
isn`t there at the touch oI a button. For the spontaneous music writers, the piano app is a great
way to record sudden sparks oI ingenious music they`ve just created in their heads; instead oI
trying to remember each note and playing it when they get back to their house. It even works
well Ior musical people`s Iamilies because all a person has to do is plug headphones into their
Comment |BD4]: geL rld of Lhe
1hunes 3

phone, and they can experiment all they want at any hour oI the night, without disturbing the rest
oI their annoyed Iamilies.
The piano app gives people a choice. Choosing what app one downloads onto their phone
is completely up to that person. There is no parent Iorcing their child to take lessons in order to
prove the Iamily`s wealth. Instead it gives kids a chance to discover music Ior themselves, learn
to mess around with the technologic instrument and Iind out iI they actually enjoy the piano
beIore going out and actually buying the thing. Once a kid has discovered their love Ior the
piano, they might ask their parents to buy them a keyboard or a piano or maybe ask Ior piano
lessons. A huge series oI events can happen all because the child downloaded the app in the Iirst
place. The child will also learn to enjoy music more because oI the Iact that he discovered it
himselI; no one likes getting told what to do and even iI the person likes what they`re being told
to do, most people have too much pride to admit it. Kind oI like how buying something that
you`ve been wanting Ior a while with your own money that you`ve been saving is more
rewarding than getting it as a giIt; a child who discovered his love Ior the piano himselI would be
extremely prideIul because they would think they did it all on their own without any other
As technology becomes more and more advanced with each passing day, new ways oI
accessing old things are coming also. For example, you used to have to use a map to get
anywhere, then on the computer there was MapQuest, then you could go out and buy a GPS
tracking system and now almost all smart phones have GPS built in them. Most people probably
didn`t use maps because it was too much oI a hassle and then maybe buying a GPS was extra
money someone didn`t have, but now that it`s included on the phone that they already have, its
used more Irequently. Now Iiguring out how to get somewhere via smart phone GPS is used so
Comment |BDS]: rephrase
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oIten compared to the past when maps were barely used. The same can happen to pianos. Maybe
pianos used to be very popular and common to play but as years went on, classical piano music
wasn`t as popular and thereIore not as many people were interested in learning how to play.
When a piano is so easy accessed on your phone (and can be used to pass time when you`re
bored) it can rekindle the Ilame oI the enjoyment oI the piano just like how it was in the old
days. The more people use the piano app the more appreciation these people may gain Ior
classical piano music which in turn leads to classical piano music coming back into swing and
turning back into a popular genre oI music. Everyone knows that today`s pop culture isn`t really
what you`d want your kids to listen to on a regular basis, but iI classical music was brought back
into the light, maybe less kids would listen to the inappropriate music.

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