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Cardiovascular System Pericardium – a double serous membrane

Visceral pericardium - Next to heart

A closed system of the heart and blood
Parietal pericardium - Outside layer

The heart is a muscular double pump with

Serous fluid fills the space between the
two functions
layers of pericardium
1. Its right side receives oxygen-poor
blood from the body tissues and then
The Epicardium (“upon the heart”)
pumps this blood to the lungs to pick up
oxygen and dispel carbon dioxide. The
● The Outside layer, the parietal
blood vessels that carry blood to and from
pericardium which is a connective
the lungs form the pulmonary circuit tissue layer
(pulmonos = lung).
The Myocardium (“muscle heart”)
2. Its left side receives the oxygenated
blood returning from the lungs and pumps
● Forms the bulk of the heart, the
this blood throughout the body to supply layer that actually contracts.
oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues.
The vessels that transport blood to and The Endocardium (“inside the heart”)
from all body tissues and back to the heart
form the systemic circuit.
● located deep to the myocardium, is
a sheet of simple squamous
epithelium resting on a thin layer
of connective tissue. Endocardium
lines the heart chambers and covers
the heart valves

The heart lies in the thorax

posterior to the sternum and costal
cartilages and rests on the superior surface
of the diaphragm.
The right atrium forms the entire right ● Cardiac veins
border of the human heart. It is the ● Blood empties into the right atrium
receiving chamber for oxygen-poor blood via the coronary sinus
returning from the systemic circuit.

Receives blood via three veins: the

superior vena cava and inferior vena cava Heart Contractions
and the coronary sinus.

● Contraction is initiated by the

The right ventricle forms most of the sinoatrial node
anterior surface of the heart. It receives ● Sequential stimulation occurs at
blood from the right atrium and pumps it other autorhythmic cells
into the pulmonary circuit via an artery
called the pulmonary trunk.

The left atrium makes up most of the

heart’s posterior surface, or base. It
receives oxygen-rich blood returning from
the lungs through two right and two left
pulmonary veins.

The left ventricle forms the apex of the

heart and dominates the heart’s inferior
surface. ). It pumps blood into the systemic

Thin, strong bands called chordae

tendineae holds the valves in place


Aorta -Leaves left ventricle

Pulmonary arteries - Leave right ventricle

Vena cava - Enters right atrium

Pulmonary veins (four) - Enter left atrium ● Atria contract simultaneously

● Atria relax, then ventricles contract
● Systole = contraction
● Diastole = relaxation
Coronary Circulation
Cardiac cycle – events of one complete
● Blood in the heart chambers does heartbeat
not nourish the myocardium
● The heart has its own nourishing
Mid-to-late diastole – blood flows into
circulatory system
● Coronary arteries
Ventricular systole – blood pressure builds Increased heart rate
before ventricle contracts, pushing out
Sympathetic nervous system

Early diastole – atria finish re-filling,

● Crisis
ventricular pressure is low
● Low blood pressure

Cardiac output (CO)


Amount of blood pumped by each side of

● Epinephrine
the heart in one minute
● Thyroxine

CO = (heart rate [HR]) x (stroke volume


Decreased blood volume

Stroke volume

Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle Decreased heart rate

in one contraction
● Parasympathetic nervous system
● High blood pressure or blood
● Decreased venous return

Stroke volume usually remains relatively


Starling’s law of the heart – the more that

the cardiac muscle is stretched, the
stronger the contraction

Changing heart rate is the most common

way to change cardiac output
Blood Vessels
➢ Walls of arteries are the thickest
Taking blood to the tissues and back ➢ Lumens of veins are larger
➢ Skeletal muscle “milks” blood in
1. Arteries veins toward the heart
2. Arterioles ➢ Walls of capillaries are only one
3. Capillaries cell layer thick to allow for
4. Venules exchanges between blood and
5. Veins tissue

Movement through Vessels

● Most arterial blood is pumped by

the heart
● Veins use the milking action of
muscles to help move blood

Capillary beds consist of two types of


1. Vascular shunt – directly connects

an arteriole to a venule
2. True capillaries – exchange vessels
● Oxygen and nutrients cross
to cells
Three layers (tunics)
● Carbon dioxide and
metabolic waste products
Tunic intima cross into blood

● Endothelium

Tunic media

● Smooth muscle
● Controlled by sympathetic nervous

Tunic externa

● Mostly fibrous connective tissue

Diffusion at Capillary beds

Major Arteries of Systemic Circulation

Arterial Supply of the Brain

Major Arteries of Systemic Circulation


● Heat has a vasodilation effect

● Cold has a vasoconstricting effect


● Various substances can cause

increases or decreases


Hepatic Portal Circulation

Pulse – pressure wave of blood

Monitored at “pressure points” where

pulse is easily palpated

Measurements by health professionals are

made on the pressure in large arteries

❖ Systolic – pressure at the peak of

ventricular contraction
❖ Diastolic – pressure when
ventricles relax

Pressure in blood vessels decreases as the

distance away from the heart increases
Human normal range is variable
Neural factors
● Autonomic nervous system
adjustments (sympathetic division) ● 140–110 mm Hg systolic
● 80–75 mm Hg diastolic
Renal factors
● Regulation by altering blood
volume ● Low systolic (below 110 mm HG)
● Renin – hormonal control ● Often associated with illness

● High systolic (above 140 mm HG)

● Can be dangerous if it is chronic

Capillary Exchange

Substances exchanged due to

concentration gradients

● Oxygen and nutrients leave the

● Carbon dioxide and other wastes
leave the cells
● Direct diffusion across plasma
● Endocytosis or exocytosis
● Some capillaries have gaps
(intercellular clefts)
○ Plasma membrane not
joined by tight junctions
● Fenestrations of some capillaries
○ Fenestrations = pores

Developmental aspects

● A simple “tube heart” develops in

the embryo and pumps by the
fourth week
● The heart becomes a
four-chambered organ by the end
of seven weeks
● Few structural changes occur after
the seventh week
Composition Of Blood:

Composed of approximately 90 percent


The only fluid tissue in the human body Includes many dissolved substances

Classified as a connective tissue ● Nutrients

● Salts (metal ions)
● Respiratory gasses
Living cells = formed elements ● Hormones
● Proteins
Non-living matrix = plasma ● Waste products

Blood Plasma is a straw-colored, sticky

fluid. It is 90% water, it contains over 100
different kinds of molecules:

Plasma Proteins:

Albumin – regulates osmotic pressure

Clotting proteins – help to stem blood loss

when a blood vessel is injured

Antibodies – help protect the body from


Color range Formed Elements of blood or Blood Cells:

● Oxygen-rich blood is scarlet red Neither erythrocytes nor platelets are true
● Oxygen-poor blood is dull red cells: Erythrocytes lack nuclei and
organelles, and platelets are merely cell
pH must remain between 7.35–7.45 fragments.

Blood temperature is slightly higher than Chemotaxis - Migration of blood cells

body temperature.
Erythrocytes Erythrocytes, or red blood
Co2 - Increases the Alkaline level cells (RBCs), are small, oxygen
transporting cells that are about 7.5 μm in
diameter. The most numerous formed
C2 - Increases Acidity elements.
Form: erythrocytes are shaped as There are five types of leukocytes, divided
biconcave discs—discs with a depressed into two groups based on the presence or
center. absence of membrane-bound cytoplasmic
Their cytoplasm is packed with molecules
of hemoglobin, an oxygen-carrying 1. Granulocytes (neutrophils,
protein. Their cytoplasm is packed with eosinophils, and basophils) contain
molecules of hemoglobin, an many obvious granules
oxygen-carrying protein.
Granulocytes are larger and much shorter
Erythrocytes pick up oxygen at the lung lived than erythrocytes.
capillaries and release it across other tissue
capillaries throughout the body. Each of They have non spherical nuclei with
their special structural characteristics purple-staining lobes (rounded masses)
contributes to their respiratory function. joined by bandlike constrictions

Erythrocytes live for 100–120 days, much Functionally, all granulocytes are
longer than most other types of blood phagocytic; that is, they engulf and digest
cells. They originate from cells in red bone foreign cells or molecules.
marrow, where they expel their nucleus
and organelles before entering the
bloodstream. 2. Agranulocytes (lymphocytes and
Leukocytes, or white blood cells (WBCs),
are far less numerous than erythrocytes but lack obvious granules (Although the two
they are crucial to the body’s defense agranulocytes resemble each other
against disease. leukocytes are the only structurally.
formed elements that are complete cells,
with the usual organelles and prominent 3. Neutrophils Bacteria-destroying
nuclei. neutrophils (nu′tro-f˘ılz)

Leukocytes in effect constitute a mobile Multilobed nucleus with fine granules

army that continuously protects the body
from infectious microorganisms such as
Act as phagocytes at active sites of
bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

leukocytes function outside the

Neutrophils are the most abundant class of
bloodstream in the loose connective
leukocyte, constituting about 60% of all
tissues, where infections occur. Various
white blood cells in healthy people.
chemicals produced or released at
infection sites attract circulating
leukocytes. In response, leukocytes leave Neutrophils function to consume and
the capillaries by actively squeezing destroy bacteria.
between the endothelial cells that form the
capillary walls, a process called diapedesis -ontain greater quantities of the enzymes
that specifically destroy the cell walls of
Lymphocytes The most important cells of
the immune system
4. Eosinophils
Like other leukocytes, they function not in
Large brick-red cytoplasmic granules the bloodstream, but instead in the
connective tissues. In lymphoid connective
tissues, where they play a crucial role in
Found in response to allergies and immunity. Fights against a specific
parasitic worms molecule.

phagocytizing allergens (substances that Antigen - Any molecule that induces a

induce allergy) response from a lymphocyte.

The eosinophils then secrete enzymes that Two classes of lymphocytes:

degrade histamine and other chemical
mediators of inflammation that are
released in the allergic reaction 1. T cells - Attack foreign cells
2. B cells - Differentiate and produce
In response to a parasitic infection, antibodies,, proteins that bind to
eosinophils attach to parasites, and their the antigen and thus mark the
granules release enzymes that digest and foreign cell for destruction by
destroy the invaders. macrophages.

Fighting parasites is the most important Monocytes

function of eosinophils, and these cells
gather in the wall of the digestive tube,
where parasites are most likely to be Functions as macrophages that are
encountered. important in fighting chronic infection.

Ingests a wide variety of pathogens, the

largest leukocytes.

5. Basophils

Have histamine-containing granules

Are also called Thrombocytes functions
with the clotting process.
Initiate inflammation during allergic
responses and parasitic infections
Platelets plugs small tears in the walls of
blood vessels to prevent bleeding. any
A simple mnemonic can help you blood cells that are trapped by the strands
remember the relative abundance of are called clots.
leukocytes, from the most abundant to the
least abundant type: “Never Let Monkeys
Eat Bananas” (neutrophils, lymphocytes,
monocytes, eosinophils, basophils).

The synthesis of blood cells that occurs in

the red bone marrow.

Only the red bone marrow generates

blood, the red color derives from the
immature erythrocytes while the yellow
bone marrow is dormant and is composed
of fat.


All blood cells are derived from a Stoppage of blood flow when there is a
common stem cell (hemocytoblast) break in a blood vessel

Hemocytoblast differentiation Hemostasis involves three phases

-Lymphoid stem cell produces 1. Platelet plug formation

lymphocytes 2. Vascular spasms
3. Coagulation
-Myeloid stem cell produces other formed
elements 5 Signs of injury

1. Color
2. Swelling
3. Loss of function
4. Temperature
5. Pain

The rate of erythrocyte production is Edema - Swelling caused by too much

controlled by a hormone (erythropoietin) fluid trapped in a tissue (Often in the feet)

Kidneys produce most erythropoietin as a

response to reduced oxygen levels in the

Homeostasis is maintained by negative

feedback from blood oxygen levels
Platelet plug formation Blood Clotting

Collagen fibers are exposed by a break in a Blood usually clots within 3 to 6 minutes
blood vessel
The clot remains as endothelium
Platelets become “sticky” and cling to regenerates
The clot is broken down after tissue repair
Anchored platelets release chemicals to
attract more platelets

Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug

Vascular spasms

Anchored platelets release serotonin

Serotonin causes blood vessel muscles to

spasm Undesirable Clotting

Spasms narrow the blood vessel, Thrombus

decreasing blood loss
A clot in an unbroken blood vessel

Can be deadly in areas like the heart

Injured tissues release thromboplastin
A thrombus that breaks away and floats
PF3 (a phospholipid) interacts with freely in the bloodstream
thromboplastin, blood protein clotting
factors, and calcium ions to trigger a
clotting cascade Can later clog vessels in critical areas such
as the brain
Prothrombin activator converts
prothrombin to thrombin (an enzyme) Embolus present in…

Thrombin joins fibrinogen proteins into The brain - CVT (Cerebral Venous
hair-like fibrin Thrombosis)

Fibrin forms a meshwork (the basis for a Heart - Myocardial Infarction

Kidney - Renal Infarction

Intestine - Intestinal Infarction

Bleeding Disorders


-Platelet deficiency

-Even normal movements can

cause bleeding from small blood
vessels that require platelets for


-Hereditary bleeding disorder

-Normal clotting factors are

The Endocrine System
Steroid Hormone Action

● Diffuses through the plasma

membrane of target cells
The second messenger system of the body
Uses chemical messages (hormones) that ● Enters the nucleus and binds to a
are released in the blood specific protein in the cell’s dna

Hormone Mediated Processes ● Activates gene to synthesize

● Reproduction protein
● Growth and Development
● Mobilization of Body Defenses Non Steroid Hormone Action
● Maintenance of much of
homeostasis ● Hormone binds to a membrane
● Regulation of metabolism receptor
● Hormone does not enter the cell
Life Cycle of A Hormone ● Sets off activation to enzyme
● Catalyzes a reaction that produces
a second messenger molecule
A Specific cell produce a specific hormone
● Oversees additional intracellular
Cells secrete hormones into the
changes to promote a specific
extracellular fluids
Blood transfers hormones to target sites
These hormones regulate the activity of
Control of Hormone Release
other cells
Hormone levels in the blood are
The Chemistry of Hormones maintained by negative feedback (-)

3 main cellular composition of hormones A stimulus or low hormone levels in the

blood triggers more hormone level (+)
1. Amino Acid - based hormones
Hormone release stops once an appropriate
level in the blood is reached
Amines Stimuli of The Endocrine Gland

2. Steroids - made from cholesterol ● Humoral - Fluid levels in terms of

3. Prostaglandins - made from highly ions
active lipids ● Hormonal - Secondary hormone
Hormone Action ● Neural - Nerve Impulses that
stimulate hormone release
● Hormones affect only
certain tissues or organs
(target cells or organs)

● The target cells have

specific receptors where the
hormone binds.
Anterior Pituitary

Six anterior pituitary hormones

1. Growth hormone (GH)
a. Growth of the skeletal
muscles and long bones
b. Builds protein from amino
c. Breaks down fats as a
source of energy
2. Prolactin (PRL)
a. Milk production

3. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

a. Regulates the endocrine activity
of the adrenal cortex

4. Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)

a. Growth and activity of the thyroid

Gonadotropic Hormones (FSH and LH)

Hormone Glands 5. Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH)

a. Stimulates follicle development in
1. Pituitary ovaries and sperm development in
2. Thyroid testes
3. Adrenal
4. Pineal Gland 6. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
5. Thymus a. Triggers ovulation
6. Ovaries/Testes b. Testosterone production

The releasing of the hormones is

Pituitary Gland (The master gland) controlled by the hypothalamus

The pituitary gland is a grapelike Posterior Pituitary

gland that hangs from the hypothalamus
that is protected by the sphenoid bone 1. Oxytocin
- Contractions of the uterus
It has 2 functional lobes and milk ejection
1. Anterior Pituitary
2. Posterior Pituitary 2. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

- Urine production
- Can increase blood pressure
Parathyroid Gland

Produces 2 Hormones Parathyroid Hormone

1. Thyroid hormone a. Stimulates osteoclasts to
remove calcium in the bone
a. Major Metabolic Hormone
b. 2 Iodine containing Hormone b. Stimulate kidneys to absorb
more calcium
Thyroxine (T4) - Secreted by thyroid c. Rise Calcium in blood
follicles d. Antagonist with the calcitonin
Triiodothyronine (T3) - conversion of T4
at target tissues

2. Calcitonin

a. Decrease blood calcium levels

b. Antagonistic to the parathyroid
c. Produced by C (parafollicular)
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal Medulla

1. Catecholamines

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

a. Prepares body for short term


Pancreatic Islets (Islets of

Hormones of the Adrenal Glands

Adrenal Cortex

1. Mineralocorticoids
a. Regulate mineral
content in blood and
b. Electrolyte balance

Stimulated by renin and aldosterone

1. Insulin - allows glucose to
Target organ: Kidney
cross plasma membranes into
the cells of beta cells
2. Glucagon - allows glucose to
2. Glucocorticoids ( cortisone
enter the blood from alpha
and cortisol)
a. Promotes cell metabolism
These hormones are antagonists that
b. Resists long term stressors
maintain blood sugar homeostasis
Stimulated by the increased blood
levels of ACTH Pineal Gland

2. Sex Hormones 1. Melatonin

Sleep hormone, maintains circadian
Androgen -Male rhythm
Estrogen - Female
Thymus Produced by the corpus luteum

Acts with estrogen in menstrual


Helps implantation of the embryo

in the uterus

1. Thymosin
Matures WBC
Develops the immune system


1. Testosterone
a. Adult male secondary
1. Estrogen sex characteristics
Produced by Graafian follicles ot the b. Growth and maturation
placenta of the male
reproductive system
Matures the female reproductive c. Sperm cell production

Prepares the uterus

Maintains the pregnancy and

produces milk
Other Hormone Producing Cells

● Parts of the small intestine

● Parts of the stomach
● Kidneys
● Heart
● Many other areas have
scattered endocrine cells

The Father Of Postmodern

Anaphy: Elymir Sheen Bajao

● Top 1 Bsn1G
● RN 2027 Topnotcher
● Highest Anaphy Exam
● Best friend of Robert and Rey
● Otherwise known as “skrtt

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