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Nick Button
English 1101-012
Starter paper
25 September 11
Spoken Word
Spoken Word is also known as Slam Poetry, this is because the topics usually call out or
call attention to Iaults and conIlicts the author wants to be changed. These conIlicts can be
personal or issues with society in general. The author tells their story to an audience; most oI the
time it is either serious and very deep or Iunny and enlightening. Spoken word was partly a Iorm
oI rap and poetry and partly a Iorm oI natural, conversational speech. It is unlike rap because it
does not Iollow a rhythm but like rap many oI the words rhyme. Spoken word is a perIorming
art so it is best understood and enjoyed iI you hear the author rather than read the words oI paper.
J-Read`s 'The Best Spoken Word Ever video can be Iound on YouTube. The story that
J-Read spoke about was about his view oI what hip-hop should be and what he thinks about most
women. J-Read got his message across to people that know many diIIerent artist in hip-hop or
rap; He did this by using other artist names that have inIluence in hip-hop and are not always
rapping about the best topics. Many oI the artists that he reIerences rap about money, cars, and
clothes; J-Read says in his piece, 'I told her cause I`m kind oI an Out Kast in here cause I don`t
rap about clips and 40 cals or Juelz. I`m a music soul child, trying to change the game with my
New Edition. (The Best Spoken Word Ever, line 11) This statement is the major message oI the
text; it J-Read is attempting to spread to his audience. His smaller message was about girls who
chase aIter money or people with Iame. He states 'I was hoping she wasn`t one oI those Cash
Money hungry, gold diggers trying to get Iree Dollas Irom my American Dream and that Dame
Dash with Jae Millz barely leaving me 50 cent. (The Best Spoken Word Ever, Line 13 J-Read
Comment [BD1]: @ doe# flow
expresses his message about wanting to Iind a girl who isn`t in it Ior the money but Ior the
genuine love. J-Read said all oI this while putting his own style on it and that` is why this
spoken word piece stood out.
Pastor Phillip K. Allen, Jr., author oI 'When I Became a Man, had a totally diIIerent
style and message Ior his spoken word video on YouTube. Mr. Allen did not speak about music
or but he did speak about women and how he treated them beIore and aIter he became a man.
He states 'I was taught by example, let your mouth spit game but never let your heart say much/I
treated his daughters like beauty pageant contestants and there would be zero return on their
investments/and proverbs 21 was never a criteria Ior my selection. (When I Became a Man,
Lines 14-16) He was aware oI what he had done wrong or what he Ielt he had done wrong; He
goes on to talk about how his Iather beat his mother which Iormed his actions towards women.
He speaks later oI how God and the gospel changed him and he respects women.
Each oI these pieces has and issue they discuss and Ieel is important to them. J-Read`s
spoken word brought to light his Ieeling about what rap or hip-hop should try and move towards,
which is more intellectual topics and less ignorance. While on the other hand Pastor Phillip K.
Allen, Jr. spreads the message oI trying to inIluence young men to treat women with respect and
not as playmates to wallow with. (When I Became a Man, Line 7)

'Best Spoken Word Ever 4:%:-0.42. YouTube, n.d. Web. 25 September 2011.
'When I Became a Man 4:%:-0.42. YouTube, n.d. Web. 25 September 2011. Comment [BD2]: @le Work Ced ad
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