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()untioa Bookkt Nam r


B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. IV Sem. Examination, 2023
Computer Science

(Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques)

Question Booklet Series
Code: 401
D I Maximum Marks: 100
(To be filled in by the Candidate/ r.Jq tR\antff m 'R) I 31Rld>dit 3rc!i: 100
RoU No. (in figures) --tJ< ll-4el,J,,,l.,"'1..1c: ,.1""<""""'"·> d......---- I Time : 2 Hours
3ij0>¥tid> cm ll) 1'fl¥f?I : 2 uut
RoU No. (in wordsf
3ijd>'tid> c'1'El ll>
Enrolment No. (in figures)

Name of Exam Centre Signature of Invigilator

tRlan"Rcl5l c5ll1 f.R\a; a, IR

Instructions to the Examinee : a11ffidi r.rchT :

1. Do not open the booklet unless you are 1. \w-J- a;)<fiiom:J ;;fijom3'1trn
asked to do so. ;, 1

2. The booklet contains 100 questions. Ex

2. \w-J- if 100 \w-J t1 amff a;) mft 100
aminee is required to answer all 100
questions in the OMR Answer-Sheet pro
ma;) a;QC'J i) 1ft OMR 3'RR- tt
vided and not in the question booklet. t. - ltiid>i <R -nf11 a, 3i<J>
All questions carry equal marks. WJRtl
3. Examine the Booklet and the OMR 3. m ffi JrR 3ITTf5cf m w-;-'{-ffim1 mrr
Answer-Sheet very carefully before you
OMR 3'RR-"fflc a;) 'tlldfll-fl'{dd5 rll
proceed. Faulty question booklet due to
-{«1d51 g)t:J \:fT7T lfQ mm
missing or duplicate pages/questions or
having any other discrepancy should t!m :mtJa5aR"Gtllfl!mm 3R:f
begot immediately replaced. ffiT a5inm.:ffi "RI
(Remaining Instructions on last page)
("ffl 3if.i:t'f tR)
1. Which number technique Is used to
1. <ftOOlclirf> cl cb cm3QmrT aJf
f1nd eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a; tf3t-1arq tf3t-1 ifG< 'M:)R a;
a square matrix? fffi!fa;mJfJfflt?
/(A) Jacobi Method (A) fain
(B} Gauss- Seldal Method (B) 'lfffi- fain
(C) Crank Nicolson Method (C) !;<f; f-ia,)M-tH fain

(D) Simpson's Rule (0) fl!AHH ar;r

2. The Gauss- Jordan Method Is used 2. 1TRJ-3ift.J fMrla>rJ<Jm,,RAfi:rma

to: a;fffi! fa;m JfJffit:
(A} Solve system of Non linear (A} H)P!a{ ,fl4)cf>{uN a; sio11fc:rm iffi
equation cl'R
j.B'f' Find the inverse of matrix (B) ar;r sJR'f
(C) Calculate definite integrals ( C) A aa TJURT ait

(D) Interpolate data points (D) $Ul¥1HG W

3. What is the primary use of the 3. timrclid> Fc1!1Ht101 * m- fain (fjJ
Runge Kutta Method in Numerical
(A) Eigenvalue Computation
(8) =tlltll{OI =tliftcf>{OI ( ) c6t
( Ordinary Differential Equations
(ODE) solving
(C) l!d>diH W"1 gl)
(C) Singular value Decomposition
(SVD) (D} d wffi11iH

(D) Polynomial Regression 4. qW@3fcRfclfu3JfJ.f<m "1'l=tq 13ft

4. The finite difference method is
commonly employed to solve
problems involving:
(A) Integration of Continuous
(B) 3mO<f W ml 'Sf&itJ
(8) Interpolation of discrete Data
(C) Optimization of Nonlinear
( Differential equations in
Numerical Analysis (D) fl lclid> fa!IHl'fUj ll T!4)a, UT
428101\0\2023 (3) P.T.0.
5. Which of the following method is NOT
s. a; cma; frn? 1--

used to find the root of a function?
(A) Secant-Method fcrfu ml 3QzM ra,m:nRll t?
G) (B) Regula-Falsi Method (A) fufu
(C) Simpson's Rule - (B) - fufu
(D) Bisection Method (C) foP.ltH a>T RzPl

6. Which numerical technique is used (D) fufu

to find the minimum or maximum
6. rel! m? 3f<RTfl l) Q><NH a>T

of a function a given interval?'\ 4!-1<1li m 31ltJ<1>c1Si sfRf a; fct;-tr

Secant Method-' ,fi=&Q l d> ctd>.fld> mlWWI M :nRll t?

(B) Gradient Descer.t (A) fufu

(C) Simpson's Rule (B) mfUlcTTlffi

(D) Runge-Kutta Method (C) ffiP.ItH d>T R"WJ

7. The process of estimating values (D) "{11- fa-fu

b/w discrete data point is called. 7. 3rnmi W a; a>T :slld>fH

(A) Extrapolation -dTT cmiffiT "3TToT t?

.. I
(B) Regression (A) a{% H

) Interpolation • ( B) killli-1

(D) Differentiation (C) >1aq

8. Which method is used to solve (D)

system of Linear equation iteratively 8. tRUT lt tlliltlH it c1Ra5

by successively improving the t14'a,,01 a5'l 011ffiql -a;) ffl a;
solution at each step?
rn1!@R, faro <f5T 3Q'mrf fc5aT t?
(A) LU decomposition
( B) Jacobi method
(B) fafu
(C) Simpson's Rule
(C) IBAltl-l ml
ecant Method
428101\0\2023 (D) max;fafu
9. In numerical analysis, the trapezoidal
9. -tf®l<"lct> fa t101 -4. 4',;,n$sc1 c5r
rule is used for.
Jqmrf fffi!M3'@Jtl
(A) Finding eigen value of
(A) l?ct> a> $dlf4i11-t c5T QoT f!1TRT
analysis Evaluating.definite
ce> f?lf1aa • mmd>i f4idH
integrals (C) t1itJi'<OI $c'R t14'ct><uri a5t
(C) Solving ordinary differential eq. (D) JJarcr
( D) Polynomial interpolation 10. f?tct>'lu'na cm cm;
10. Which technique is used to transform
cm P.ld>'lu'na it a;
a matrix into its upper triangular
act>-ftct> <f>T 3Qmrf 3ffiTT t?
form by eliminating lower
(A) <61 31QUc-f
triangular elements?

(A) Cholesky decomposition (B) inTha-1 3 fH

(B) Gaussian elimination (C) JIQtll-1

(C) LU decomposition ( D) trcl5C'f 3fCml";J

(D) Singular value decomposition

11. l?d> aaa; "dir
11. The method used to find all the roots ct>'I ffl3R a; fffi! 3Q'WT c6T
of a polynomial within a specified fclfu ct>'I cfflf 3J@Tt?

complex region is called. (A),aljOHI

(A) Eigenvalue computation (B) 8,., c-q_ fafu

(B) Eigenvalue method -\ (C) 1-QS1ffi)faltl

Regula-Fats method (D) -mfafu

(D) Newton- Raphson method 12. fat!lf{! tR a,
12. Which numerical method is used to
iN ffl3R a; @l! fcfffi '8-&llc'ld> fain C5T
find the derivative of a function at a 3Qmrf fct5m 3J@T t?
given point? (A) l Q-1 3 fH
(A) Gaussian elimination (B) fall•H
(B) Polynomial regression (C) RfiQt1-1 <5T
(C) Simpson's Rule ( D) 4RPM Jrc'R fcffu
(.(i)) Finite difference Method
428101\0\2023 (5) P.T.O.
13. The Gauss-Seidel method Is an
13. tml- PcJfb t!<f> <j•Hl fii a if> t
iterative technique used for solving.
fst-ttcf>I mll fr'lt?fa;m ir
(A) Ordinary Differential equation
(A) flltll<Oi fl ifRul { )
( System oflinear equation
(B)ffiJa> :a4'ifRuN ifr
(C) Partial Differential equation
(C) 3fi ld> fdilc:ct, fl cb<OI ( )
(D) Polynomial Interpolation
(D) Jfa)'q
14. The method used to estimate the
14. <ti&tl<'i<b (?ib)dr{UIW -q ct,J 31-j'1H
error in numerical integration or rf1TR a;fm7 ifr:;1R fm a,,am
differentiation is called.
Extrapolation -\ (A} d cf H
(B) Regression
(B) !lfalli-H
{g./1'aylor series Expansion
(D) Richardson's Extrapolation
(D) Rilt-M-1 c15T d d H

15. Which numerical technique is used 15. flltU<OI 'tl <ff(ON liA'
to solve initial value problems (IVPs) 'tlli IJ« ( ) c5t&I 15 raffi
in ordinary differential equations.
tiua1c'id> a a,c15T m1T fcf>m 3f@T ?
(A) Simpson's Rule 0 (A) R!Alfl-1 c15T f.R:m
(B) Newton- Raphson Method
(B) -mfcffu
(9' Euler's Method
(C) ifr Pclfu
(D) Gaussian Elimination
(D) •nilt<-H 34!fH
16. The power method is utilized to find.
16. lffiffifclfu ct,J ffl3R a;fRl? fcrmr
(A) Eigenvalue and Eigenvector of a
,...\ (A) trcf5 a; $ -l R{
(B) The inverse of a matrix

(C) The determinant of a matrix (B) 'ct,J tq<"d>ff

-f8j The solution to a system of
• ( C} c15T f.1t1f-<ct,
linear equation
(D} ffiJa> -ift?d>rJfUTTrft cf5J fl'11tJH
17. The method that approximates a
17. fafu Jtf·:3RR"lrTI l) ij51

function using a polynomial in small

JtJ$J axt M Q>iffR ij51 3FJi'R
subintervals and integrates them is t eifi)cpc, t. n) a'QT ffl
(A) Romberg integration .. I
(B) Gaussian quadrature
(B) 1ffilu-1
....LCn"rapozoidal rule
(C) tllaif$st'i
(D) Runge-kutta Method
(D) m- fafu
18. Which method is used to compute 18. fa!tHi:101 R R;a c6\34id dxii tfir:uaxm
the derivative of a function using QxffR ¥1rt1idH a>r 3QmTT aRa> QxffF1 a>
only function evaluation without lJORT $ faftlij51

requiring analytical derivation. Jtfm,T 31@T#?

(A) Finite element method (A) (1(Q fctft1

umerical differentiation

(C) Cholesky decomposition (C) aslH

(D) QR decomposition (D)

19. The iterative method used to solve 19. ffiJd5 - {?a; ffi) SIUilfFIJi

a system of linear equation by

t qRafaa a;

transforming it into a sequence of

JtfmTT -i<t fit fafu a>)

simpler system is known as.

lt 3'lffl#?

/4 Gauss- Seidel method (A) "rim- fctft1

(B) LU decomposition ( B) 344tlC:-I

(C) Jacobi method (C) faftl

(0) Cholesky decomposition (D) aslH 3NUC:-I

428101\0\2023 (7)
20. Which technique is used to find the
20. Si @fmi'i if;t 113"ffi1i ofu)i
eigenvalue of large, sparse matrices
. fcrrrl a5 $d1HJ: H CJ>l rmr-)
in a more efficient way than direct

a,ffit!@ffi cld5.fld5 d5T JtroT11@>W 3ffiTT '

Gaussian elimination (A) lffifllH 31.fH

(B) Jacobi Method (B) @fu

(C) Power iteration method (C) m -Hl ffi fafu

(D) Runge-Kutta method
(D) zrt- faro
21. The method used to approximate a
21. -<!-iclll ffl d5TJtroT1T amfi@5"m
given function using a polynomial 7f(! d5T rf71Ra5mt!3!rllTTT
with the least error is known as. cCr fcffucmrora 'ij 3fRT 3WTT
(A) Extrapolation t?
(A) afea H
(B) Regression
(B) 1,1fa,1J1-1 fa "'quJ
analysis terpolation
(C) l,l"e)q
(D)Minimization ( D) .:q_#ld>{O)

22. The secant method is an iterative

22. fflm '.fHl ffi adR)a, 8-Hid51
technique used to find the roots of
N®Tra;m cm 'd>T'ffl3Rm
a function. How does it differ from

the Newton - Raphson method. ramT31Tc'fftl ZTg ffifflm

(A) Requires only one initial guess N::Jt?

(B) Converges faster for most
(A) a>crrf Jl'RM53FjllRcm3lIcl lld5ciI

(C Require function evaluation on

only (B) jjfud5i J d5T1if a, cf3TI 3ITmRUT

(D) Suitable for finding complex
(C) Wcifl Q5 H ii_fllid5-l cm 3llcl lld5<ii t
428101\0\2023 [8
(D) CJ>) m3R a,ffit!
23. The method that uses matrix
23. ffigcJ, ti4'm<uff JJt t?<f> liOTTffi Cf>l ¥irfrll
factorization to solve a system of
ifi frm ltift<l$3' H
linear equations efficiently is called: ijjJJqdtzl <fTiRrfafud>)ifflT Jl'@T
(A) Gauss-Seidel method t?
(B) LU decomposition (A) TITTJ- fafu
(B) 31QUl-i
(C) Jacobi method
- I
(C) fafu
Singular value Decomposition
(D) 31Qtll-i
24. What is the primary limitation of the
24. 'tiltll{Of 'ti d>'{O Cf>) -q
Eulers method in solving ordinary
fcrin<61SlllaMd> t?
differential equations?
(A) m: <f>A4lllHfl *
(A) It is computationally expensive (B) -a>ii O t
-401 It is only first order accurate (C) d>oR wft. ifi rrfl! 34';i<m
(C) It is not suitable for stifequation (D) rrfl! t?<f> 3ij¥lH
(D) It requires an initial guess 3ila!lQdx11

25. The method used to estimate the 2s. rat! mi *TR t

value of a function beyond the ijjJ rllJRairrfl!JQmrT 3fR
given data points is called: <fTiRr faro q;) t?
(A) Extrapolation (A) afe;a H

(B) Regression ( B) SlkllfJl..f

(C) Interpolation (C) a)q

.,ffJJ Differentiation (D)

26. The cholesky decomposition method 26. ct>)tclm 3mrc-, fafu *

is specifically designed for solving <t14'c1><u S101fk'!Q) <Pl lgJ!f$-i
systems of linear equations when
a?tmnt t
the matrix is:
(A) tl&fMci Jit-< -8d51'<1<14d> R tlci
ymmetric and positive definite
(B) Rrmr 'tl&fMd
(B) Skew-symmetric
(C) cm
(C) Square and singular
. (D) Diagonally dominant (D) *
428101\0\2023 [ P.T.O.
27. In numerical methods, the concept

of condition number is used to


(A) The efficiency of an iterative


(B) The sensitivity of a problem to

changes in inputs

he rate of convergence of an (C) Jl-j<!>fH faro a> c/;t

optimization method (D) lRf; ij&li"'ld> e<.ilctHUI aitR)d>

(D) The accuracy of a numerical
integration technique
28• Which numerical technique is used to 28. iJR)a>mftts

find the definite integral of a function d>T JqmtT QmH d5 R tlci • 3m

using weighted averages of function cm m3R t Ril! ftlffi ij&lciid> a<t>.\ld>

values at specific points? d>T JQ-mrl@mT31'@Ji?

(.A-) Trapezoidal rule (A) 311$5M RWl

(B) Runge-Kutta method (B) m faro

(C) ffiAlti-1 <fil
(C) Simpson's rule

(D) Euler's method (D) c/;t rafu

29. The method used to fined the 29. 3RRTMcm GR·m -tlcyfua -aITTi
approximate roots of a function a5't cm m5R t 3Q"$r cJ;r

by repeatedly narrowing down the qlRl faro cm 3l'@J t?

interval is called. (A) Erafu
(A) Secant method
(B) -tf>TRTT fafu
(B) Regula-Falsi method
(C) -mfafu
(C) Newton-Raphson method
(D) rafu
(O'j Bisection method
428101\0\2023 [ 10]
30. The method used to app .
rox, mate
3o. a; l!<fi 3lR r-ra; am m1
the derivative of a function usinga
3Q"®r raxft <fiT ml
set of points and the slops between
3r¥R M'1TA t JtRmr if;r cmt
them is called:
<JQT :n@Tt?

(A) Trapezoidal rule

(B) Runge-Kutta method
(B) m
(C) Simpson's Rule
ite·difference method
(D) qRfl4a 3tcR fafn
31. The process of finding a polynomial
31. m}w ttc
that passes through a given set of am ifrma;m
data points is known as. -q JiRT ;;f@T t?
(A) Interpolatio (A) a)q
n (B)


(C) Regression (D)

(D) Differentiation 32. ffiscJ> ijiflcfHO ifit {!a;cf>) f?lctilo?l<.1

32. Which method is used to solve !iOTTffi 11 4Rafcfo 3lR m m t
a system of linear equations by mt! fcfi-ij11fti11 m a; rrf(! rara faro <fiT
transforming it into a triangular

system and then back solving for the


WCholesky decomposition (B) 3ltroc-l

(C) cRpJR 3NE1c-l

(B) LU decomposition

(C) QR decomposition

(D) Singular value decomposition 1 J

28101\0\2023 [ 1
(D) 1!<f5rJ
33. The method used to find the
33. w m am fflJm a)q cf>T m11
definite entegral of function using
M m R t1c1 :wr a>1
linear interpolation between data
m,r-) a; fFn! 3Q<WT JfR mfu <f>1
points is called.
Trapezoidal rule
(A} Q.jli$5t1 R'Wl
(B) Gaussian quadrature
(B) lfITT1tH
(C) Simpson's Rule
(C) fl!itFti-i R'Wl
(D) Euler's method
(D) fafu
34. The method used to approximate the
34. 3Mq)gm 3TcRcf>T 3Q<WT
derivation of function using forward
a; cf>T fflTR a; fFn!
backward or central difference is
:m:mr J!A'fflfafu cl,gl-;,J@T
(A) Trapezoidal
(A) QSll$5C'1 R'Wl
(B) Runge-kutta method
(B) m- fclfu
(C) Simpson's Rule
(C) RJAHH a;J R'Wl
( Finite difference method
( D) qf<flta 3TcRmfu
35. The method used to approximate
35. ffigep a)q fcITTfr a; a;r
roots of a function by linear
FP1R a; fFn! JqmTT a5T JfR ffl
interpolation is called.
fafu <f>1cRIT <561 Jf@T t?
(A) Secant method
(A} fclfu
egula falsi
(B) - fafu
(C) -mfclfu
(C) Newton -Raphson method
(D) mfclfu
(D) Bisection method
36. $ 'im <f>l a; fffi!W
36. The process of fitting a curve or
line to a set of data Points to model
• a; -q m ml m a5T

the relationship between variable is <f>1 faffi -q 3'RT Jf@T t?

known as. (A) ijf%d H

(A) Extrapolation (B) wRt11tH

( e., Regression (C) a)q

(C) Interpolation (D)
(o) Differentiation [12]
37. The method used to find definite
37. W ffi fro Q,(di1 d> qa)q d>T34mlJ
integral of function using parabolic
M ffi f.'!ftart 3!firn 3m ffi'I
interpolation between data points, a5 fffe JtTIWT ctt f<ffn ffi1
(A) Trapezoidal rule Jf@Tt?
(A) Q;,i'i$sc1 f.'!wf
Gaussian quadrature
(B) ,ifRtu-1
(C) Simpson's rule
(C) R1AHf-t d>T f:mii
(D) Euler's rule (D) d>Tfaftr
38. The process of finding the derivative
38. {!if> tR t mm*fimft t <fit
of function with respect to variable
it ffi1faffi l) Jl'RT ;;r@T t?
known as.
(A) 111IB4 H
(A) Extrapolation
(B) MRlllA-1
(B) Regression
(C) Interpolation (C) a)q

ifferentiation {D)
39. Which technique is used to solve 39. 3RRTM m mt tRurr * axa,
ordinary differential equation
dividing interval with small steps of
tRUI flAltlH 31-jAIRct aRa; fllw,

(01 3kR fl d>-<On cf>l mme

approximating the solution at each
ram a<t>.fld> d5T JtTIWT famT ?

(A) Euler's method

(A) eflrfcffu
(B) Simpson's rule (B) R1"4f1-1 d>T

(C) Gauss Seidel method (C) TIT- fcffu

.!.D}"'Runge kutta method (D) m-NJfafu
40. The method used to solve a system 40. c!>1 P-iffi'l Q *
of linear equation by transforming 4RaRfo axa, fl d>{On it t!d>
the coefficient matrix into a Q'OJTffi cm t me 3Qm1T c5T
triangular form as. q'Tffi fafucm * 3fRT 'jf@f t?
(A) Gauss Seidel method (A) lJIB- fain
Jj>(lu decomposition (B) JrQm;;:r
(C) Jacobi method (C) faftl
{D) Cholesky decomposition (D) ct>'1H'Ci6l fafu
428101\0\2023 [ 13

41. The matrix used to find the

41. ffircJi SJa){n a;) : fcmn
approximate roots if a function by
t#r Jl-j'llRcl a;) m;R $ frm Jqa)7y cit
regenerating linear interpolation
ffl reina;) JfT,ffi
(A) Secant method
(A) fcrlu
( &} Regula falsi method
(8) - fcrlu
(C) Newton Raphson method
(C) -mfafu
(D) Bisection method
(D) faro
42. The method used to approximate
42. 3im$3l<RiJ>TmlT
roots of a function using forward
a; iJ>T ma;
differences is called.
(A) Trepezoidal method
mr?r Pc!fu a5'I "5l'@T l?
(B) Runge kutta method
(A) Q.:ill$St1 Hall
(C) Simpson's rule
cs) m-w fcffu
(D') Forward difference rule
(C) f AHi-1 cf;T Half
43. The method used to find the
(D) 3RR fcffu
approximate roots of function by
quadratic interpolation is called.
43. a)q 9><NH c!fr 31-filRcl
q,l $ it 3fR qlffi
(A) Secant method
fafu q,l 3ITcfl t?
(B) Regula falsi method
(A) fafu
wton Raphson
(B) - fclfu
{D) Bisection method
(D) fclfu
44. The processes of finding the 44. m a; a)q il5T
derivative of a function using cubic
1!cf> $ q,lm3R it q,l
interpolation between data points is
farn 'It 3l'RT 3ITcfl t?
{A)rtrapol.ation (A) d J"H

Regression (B) ll@ll'l-i

(CX Interpolation (C) a)q
(D) Differentiation
428101\D\2023 [ 14)
45. The method used to find the
45. W a> fro O;J a)q ID1 Jtmr1I
definite integral of a function using
a; f.l ilci • 'JfR @fu <fii
cubic interpolation between data

point is called.

(A) Trapezoidal rule

(B) i <H
Gaussian quadrature

(Cl( Simpson's rule

(D) Euler's method (D) a3t faftr

46. The process of fitting a curve or a;Elm a;) lfisrf ax-) a;
46. .,.

line to set a data points to model = ffmw a;1fc5 * a-a;mmr

. fQ;?;ax-) ml
the relationship between variable is -mwmm)if'QT t?

known as.

(A) Extrapolation

(C) a)q
(C) Interpolation
(D) Differentiation

47. The model used to find the definite

41. w t fro \];J a)q cf5T Jqm,T
integral of function using cubic
a;f;i aa n 3l1T a;) a;ffm

interpolation between data points is

(A) .:rli$SM AWi

(A1 Trapezoidal rule

(B) Gaussian quadrature (C) f WHH di! AWi

(C) Simpson's rule (D) fufu

(15) P.T.O.
(D) Eular's rule
48. The process of fiting a curve on line
48. tR <l'> ata '#cw ml msci <l'> me! t?J
to set of data points to model the f¾3na; {:cl; l) aw m mi R6c q5)
relationship between variable is
cl5T * '3fRJ :;J@T f?
known as.

(A) Extrapolati
(8) \.lk1'1¥H
on ression

{C) Interpolation

(D) Differentiation (D)

49. The method used to solve ordinary 49. 3IB'1M ml 3)t 1t 3m

equations by dividing the interval tROT * iffi '.:H-filHd cJRffi

into small steps and approximating

-ttltJl{OI 3RR -tt cb{U(i <Pl ffl a5 fril!

the solution at each step is called.

3Qm7T q5J qfffi fcffuml@ffi * '3l'RT
uler's method
(A) <!ffi q5) fafu
(B) Simpson's Rule
(B) MAl-tt-i d5T
(C) Gauss Seidel method
(C) llIB- fafu
(D) Runge-kutta method
(D) - fafu
SO. The method used to find the
so. 1,1a)tn ml'fl': 3(q;f <fRa> !b<F-11
approximate roots of a function by
a5T31-jiiif.ta mT a,frll!3m cf5\
regenerating linear interpolation is
qfffi fafuml <R:IT "3l'@T t?
(A) ffiG fafu
ant method'

(B) Regula falsi method (8) -Q5Tfffl fafu

(C) Newton Raphson method (C) -mfafu
(D) Bisection method (D) fafu
[ 16 J
s1. The method used to approximate 428101\D\2023

the derivative of a function using

forward differences is called.

(A) Trapezoidal rule

(B) Runge-kutta rule

(C) Simpson's rule

/4 Forward difference method

52. The method used to find
approximate roots of a function by
quadratic interpolation is called.

(A) Secant method

(B) Runge-kutta method

Newton Raphson

(D) Bisection method

53. The process of finding the derivative

of a function using interpolation
between data points is called.
(A) Extrapolation
(B) Regression
(C) Interpolation
54. The method used to find the
definite integral of a function using
cubic interpolation between data
point is called.
4')Trapezoidal rule
(B) Gaussian quadrature
(C) Simpson's Rule

(D) Euler's method

51. 3Jlll ai 3icR ffiT 3tJmn cfKffi fa>"m q5<NH
a; ffiT Ml1r-l a; JqQT7J cin
3fA arrfi faftr a;) am 3JTffi t?

(A) Cl.:if1$sM Rall

(B) '{!)- fafu
(C) R!Al-tt-1 a;r Rall

(D) Q51{ag 3RJ{ Pcffu

52. p -ga)q &RT farar H c5t 31-

a;) a; @l? Nmn c5t -.;JR -arrll
fafua,)am '3JloTt?

(A} fafu
(B) m- faro
(C) - faro
(D) fafu

53. w a; ire aw q;J 3qq),1 m trcf;

Q5<NH a; a,) a5t a,)

@ffi * :iJRT '3J@l i

<A> iilma 1-1
(B) wRt,1ii-1
(C) a)q

54. rn a; fra'
u;r a>l aw
3qJP1 a){ai fci;m ¢<NH a', R 'cld

JM :wr -a;') (9).:if:.I a;

3QmlT c#r -.;n;) fafua,) am
'3J@l t?

(A) Cl511$SM Rall

(B) lORIQ-1
(C) f AltH a5t
(D) WR c#r fafu
[ 17] P.T.O.
55. Numerical techniques
more 55. ti®ti"lcb rlcb4'cli) ll JW«ITT tR ..........
commonly involve-
(A) Elimination method (A31). l-1
(B) Reduction method
/ fcrln ( B)
Iterative method fcrln
(D) Direct method (C) ti<l fft fcrln
( D) ai fcrln
56. Which of the following is an 56. R'-'ilrlRiia q a>t.f if t1<1 @ Fcrln ?
iterative method?
(A) 7Jffi
J/4 Gauss Seidel
( B) 1Tffi 3fft-r
{B) Gauss Jordan,
(C) at<l$Jl:1H
(0, Factorization
(D) Gauss Elimination (D) 7Jffi 3"1rl-1
57. Solve the equations Using Gauss 57. 7Jffi fain (15T 3Q°mTT (fR"a; 'tlfflcf5<u
Jordan Method. c6l&r I
x+y+z=9 x+y+z=9
2x-3y+4z=13 2x-3y+4z=13

3x+4y+5z=40 3x+4y+5z=40

(A) x=l, y=3, z=7 x (A) x=l, y=3, Z=7

(B) x=l,y=3,z=2 (B) X=l, y=3, z=2

(C) x=l, y=3, z=4 (C) x=l, y=3, z=4

1, y=3, z=5 (D) x=l, y=3, z=5

58. Errors may occur in performing 58. Ri.:ilrlrua it raffi mROT cb"4G{

numerical computation on the

computer due to which of the
ti,&.1fi"ld> lJORT d5{;) pit -m ?
following reasons? (A) 3WRc<
(A) Operator Fatigue
(B) "f-'=
(B) Back Substitution
t'C) Rounding Errors, (C) p
(D) Power Fluctuation (D) it JoR-
428101\D\2023 [18]
59, Which of the following is also known
59. f.'IJ-.1fr1fua it tt farn fufu in
as the Newton Rapshson Method?
ii :;fRJ3flnlt./
(A) Chord method
(A) fafu
ngent -method
(B) :n dl fafu
(C) Diameter method
(C) '&l'mfaRI
(D) Secant method (D) faRI
60. If approximate solution of the set of 60. ,tt d,{O a> stt i'iJQ a5T 31-
equations, 2x+2y-z=6, x+y+2z=B j'11Rc1 &I' 2x+2y-z=6, x+y+2z=B -
and -x+3y+2z=4, is given by x+3y+2z=4, x=2.8,y=l z=l.8
x=2.8,y=l and z=l.8. ti m. o stt¥1Ia1-1
Then what is exact solution? t?
(A) X=l, y=3, Z=2 (A) x= 1, y=3, z=2
(B) x=2, y=3, (B) x=2, y=3, z=l

Z=l (C) x=3, y=l, z=2

L=3,y=l,z=2 (D) x=l, y=2, z=2

(D)x=l, y=2, z=2 61. 'Qd5 lml cii.:illlfol8ill ,tt d,{U cb1&(
61. Which of the method is direct method
-a;ffil!cf5't-:I "ffl fufu'Qd5 a; fufut?
for solving simultaneous algebraic
(A) ffl'!ITTffufu
(B) lirn&fcsfu
(A) Relaxation Method
(C) a5T fcJfu
) Gauss-Seidel Method
(C) Jacobi's Method ( D) tiR a5T f:R:m
(D) Cramer's Rule 62. Pml,a, ILl371542253I JI a5l 'qR
62. What is the value of determinant.
ILl371542253IJI (A) -56
(A) -56

(B) -58

(C) -54

(D) -66
(D) -66 [ 19] P.T.O.
63. If EF exists, then (EF) 1 will he equal
63. EF t. cfl (EFt1R&.lk'IM<11t
to which of the following?
(A) F-1 E-1
(A) QQ;-1 t-1
(B) t-1 QQ;-1
(C) EF
(D) FE
64. Solve following equation by Gauss
64. 34,fH fcJitr &Rf ttR!d>{U cb1ffl
elimination method.
cf>tl x+4y-z=-5
(A) x=l.64491, y=l.15085,
(8) x=l.64691, y=l.14095,
(B) x=l.64691,

(C) x=1.65791, (C) x=l.65791, y=l.14185,

z=2.08441 z=2.08441

(0) x=l.6491, (D) x=l.6491, y=1.14085,

z=2.08451 z=2.08451

65. Which of the following is the

65. '1Tffi fcifucl5TJCRM a>I Pl::.iiarua
advantage of using the Gauss
'4 cmr t?
Jordan Method?

(A) Additional calculations

abour of back substitution


(C) More operations involved ]

(D) elimination is easier

428101\0\2023 [ 20
(D) 34,fH 3JRl'R
66. Apply Gauss Elimination method to
66. Pii.ifrlfact l'flffi<vii <f>T ffl a5 fRl?
solve following equations.
1iRf J"J_M=t fafa ffi7J.

I 2x-y+3z=9
(A) X=-13,
(A) X=-13, y=l,z=-8
(8) X=13, y=l,z=-8
(C) X=-13, Y=4,z=15
(C) X=-13, y=4,z=15
(D) X=5,y=14,z=S
(D) X=S,y=14,z=S
67. Matrix which does not have an
67. Gt a,,"ffl ;im mm.
inverse by solving it , is classified as
:rnfqi;ifrtR_.,c1l1 ra>fl it alifcpt1 fctmr
which of the following?
\..1)() Singular matrix (A) l?d5ct'
(8) Non Singular Matrix (B) 1R-lrcf>M
'I (C) Linear Matrix (C)

(D) Unidentified Matrix (D) 3ffl@

68. Find inverse of the following matrix. 68. Ri:.ifMrua a;, ctffe>Sl srTa f31{)I

I -i1
12 4

1 1

11 2 4
[ 21] P.T.O.

(B) 1/6

(C) 1/6/

! _\

6 4


69. Which of the following

transformations are allowed in the

69. roitJ * RAft:lf&a -q
gauss Jordan Method?
qf<ad-11 cm ?

(A) Swapping a column (A) t!ij; <fR:JT

(i3/ Swapping two rows {B))tjrn;di cCt -d

(C) Swapping two columns (C) cBt -d
(D) Swapping a row
(Dt!i)j; qffficBt -d
70. The Gauss Jordan method reduces a
70. llffi Fc!fu t!ij; <ffi ··
original matrix into a
--- ........ ll ctR t1
(A) Skew Hermitian Matrix
(A) g R;cH
(B) Non-Symmetric Matrix
(B) it{--tiiiMa ittrcm
(!Z) Identity Matrix
(C) qgiJH
(D) Null Matrix
(D) f?;<ffi
71. Solve the given equations using
71. JITt-1c])l 3QWT rel? -tttfidi{O
Gauss Jordan Method.
cmffl cJRI
6x-9y+ 12z=13
(A) x=l, y=0.33, z=l.67
(A) X=l, y=0.33, z=l.67
(B) x=0.33, y=l,
(B) x=0.33, y=l, z=l.67
z=l.67 0.33,
(C) x=0.33, y=l.67, z=l
y=l.67, z=l
(D) x=l.67, y=l, z=0.33
(D) x=l.67, y=l, z=0.33
72. &ictt<l$Jl H rcnti c1>l <fQT t?
72. What is the other name for
(A) WR cBt fclfu
factorization Method?
(A) Muller's Method (B)

(B) Decomposition Method (C) d<H«. fclfu

(C) Lin Bairstow Method

'-9'>' Doolittle's Method [ 22 J

73. Apply Cramer's rule
to solve the
following equations. 73. f.ii.ifftfua :aifla,,<u ffl ai frm
x+y+z=6.6 ffi f.R:rnm1 ffi7J. I
.))<(' X=1.2, Y=2.2, Z=3.2 {A) X=l.2, y=2.2, z=3.2
(8 ) X=l.2, Y=2, Z=3.2 (B) x=l.2, y=2, z=3.2
(C) X=l.5, Y=2.2, Z=-0.5 (C) X=l.5, y=2.2, z=-0.5

(D) X=l.5, Y=2.2, z=-0.S (D) x=l.5, y=2.2, z=-0.5

74. Cramer's Rule fails for
74. <PT f.R:rn ............ a> rrlt!
terminant=O t?
--- (A) f.1t1f{d>-O
(BDete)rminant=non- real (B) Rtlf{d5- -dlffiUSd5
(C) Rtlf{d5<0
(C) Determinant<O
(D) f.itif{a,>0
(D) Determinant>O
75. llIB fafn a;) .............
75. Gauss Seidal method is also termed
{A) f-H11ftjqj
as a method of
) Iterations (B) fu.Jra
(8) False Positions (C) ma,
Successive Displacement (D3)4!fH
(D) Eliminations 76. llIB a fafn RCiwiR!la a;) 2
76. Solve the following equation by ·H11filq ocf> ffl z cf5T llR $1'1<'1'
Gauss Seidal Method up to 2 a;t1
iterations and find the value of z.
27x+6y-z=85 6x+15y+2z=72
6x+15y+2z=72 x+y+54z=110
x+y+54z=110 (A) 0
(B) 1.92
(B) 1.92 (C) 1.88
(C) 1.88 (D) 1.22
(D) 1.22 P.T.O.
428101\0\2023 [ 23
77. What is the condition applied in the

factorization method?
(A) TTe cJ5T
(A) There must exist a diagonal

matrix form of the given matrix

(B) Matrix should not be singular

II principal minors of the

matrix should be non-singular

(D) Back substitution should be

> done

78. A quadratic equation x4-x-8=0 is

defined with an initial guess of1 2a; a;mir fct5m

and mrr t1 Secant fcffu cJ5T 3'tJWT cfRa5 x2

,.."L Find the approximated value of x2 cJ5T 31-f!IRa ffl(1 cb)G=,aI
using secant method. (A) 1.571
(B) 7.358
(B) 7.358
(C) 7.853
(C) 7.853
(D) 7.538
(D) 7.538
79. ma 4'd5{01 y=aebx cf>T
79. If the equation y=aebx can be
Y=A+BX, 'It mffl '3lT t oT Y,X,A,B
written in linear form Y;=A+BX, what
cfQT t1

are Y,X,A,B?
(A) Y=log y, A=a, B=log b 3lR X=x
(A) Y=log y, A=a, B=log band X=x
(B) Y=y, A=a, B=log b 3lR x=log X
(B) Y=y, A=a, B=log band x=log x
(C) Y=y, A=a, B=b 3lR X=x
Y=y, A=a, B=b and X=x•
(D) Y=log Y, A=log a, B=b, 3lR X=X
Y=log y, A=log a, B=b, X=x
428101\0\2023 [ 24]
80, secant Method is also known as? rnfu a;) :;J@l l?
(A) 5-point method
(A) 5· rnfu
2-point method
(B) 2- rnfu
(C) 3-point method,
(C) 3- fafu

(D) 4-point method

(D) 4· faro
81. Find of (0.18) fromthe following table 81. ;qpf t sra)q 'Wf cf5T 3Qm7T

using Newton's forward interpolation f;ii.:ifr:lrua a1fr:la,1 'l?m w.18) cf5T trar
formula. flTTR!I
X : 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 X : 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

f(x) : 1 1.052 1.2214 1.3499 1.4918 f(x) : 1 1.052 1.2214 1.3499 1.4918

(A) 0.8878784 (A) 0.8878784

(B) 1.9878785 ·(B) 1.9878785

J.e, • 1.18878784 (C) 1.18878784

(D) 1.8878784 (D) 1.8878784

82. Which of the following is an 82. f.tAfMrua q a>R qi)- fcrfu


assumption of Jacobi's method? J

(A) The coefficient matrix has zeros

on its main diagonal

The coefficient matrix has no

zeros on its main diagonal

(C) The rate of convergence is

quite low compared with other


(D) Iteration involved in jacobi's

method converges
428101\D\2023 [ 25
f.l'RUTT t?

(A) 1JOTfcl5 ttfcm m Wcf>Of tR

(B) 1JOTfcl5 m fcrasuf tR cf5)t

(C) 31fmRor qi)- 3Rl qi)-

1lcf5TQ5T cltirr t
(D) fcrfu -q f-Hl M

83. Find the approximated value of x
83. fafu d'>T 3Q'mtT xL4x+9=0
till 6 iterations for x3-4x+9=0 using
$ fFtt? 6 f-Hl Rtdi rnJ5 x d'>T 31-jlilRd liR
Bisection method. Take a=-3, and
$lTo I a=-3 3ITT: b=-2 I
(A) -0. 703125
(A) -0.703125

(B) -3.903125 (B) -3.903125

-1.903125 (C) -1.903125

(D) -2. 703125 (D) -2. 703125
84. Find the positive root of the equation
84. fcJfu d'>T 3Q'mtT sffJJl<fHOI
xL x-9=0 using Regula falsi
xL4x-9=0 d'>T tHli"id> 1Ff c518til
t' •;, 3ITT: 4 d lliMd Q"{ mTT a,)fJtilI
:'9 d correct to 4 decimal place._s."
(A) 2.7506
(A) 2.7506
(B) 2.6570
(C) 2.7065
(C) 2.7065
(D) 2.7605
(D) 2.7605
85. The equation f(x) is given
as 85. '(il(Jcf>{OI f(x) d5l x3+4x+l=0 $
x3+4x+l=0 Considering the initial lRTr t I x= 1 TR '(i(;i<f>e,..j d5T
\pproximation at x=l then the tzfR 4 st? xl d'>T l1R................$
\ 4 1lmtl
of xl is given as , ii>,....
(A) 1.85
(A) 1.85 W'-,,_
(B) 1.86
(B) 1.86
(C) 1.87
(C) 1.87
(D) 1.67
86. fflR ll c:ira aw f(x) t
86. In Newton Raphson method if the
curve f(x) is Constant then- ill-
(A) f(x)=0 (A) f(x)=0 I
(B) f'(x)=c (B) f'(x)=c I
(C) f"(x)=0 (C) f"(x)=0

4r•cx)=O (D) f'(x)=0

428101\D\2023 [ 26)
87. Which of the methods is named
after 87. farn fufucJ)J ;rrq 11fo1as1 cJ>rM 11>1;Rd5
the mathematician Carl
Friedrich 11ffi a;;rrq tR mn t?

( Gauss Jordan method (A) fcffu

(B) faro
(B) Runge Kutta method

(C) Secant method (C) fufu

(D) Newton Raphson method (D) faro

88. The value of 4'/x' in term of the

88. m
O a; 1) 4'/x' c5T lfR
______________________________________......... angle 0 is given by

(Iv/ tan e (A) tan e

(B) sec e (B) sec e
(C) cote (C) cot 0
(D) cosec e (D) cosec 0

89. The Newton Raphson method is also 89. m faro q;) _ a® :;mrr i-
called as-
(A) {'<llI fufu
(, Tangent method
(B) fufu
(B) Secant method

(C) Chord method (C) 3TiqT fufu

(D) Diameter method (D) cam fctfu

90. The equation f(x) is given_as x2-4=0 90. 'ti'{J<f>{UI f(x) q;) x2-4=0 al it fam
Considering the initiatapprO?i('l Tim I x= 6 tR -ttM<f>G-1 q;) ttrR

at x=6 then the value of xl i gi n 1t st!, xl c5T lfR ......... a; 1)

as remrrmf
(A) 10/3 (A) 10/3

¥tt3 (B) 4/3

(C) 7/3 (C) 7/3

(D) 13/3 (D) 13/3
91. For decreasing the number of 91. faful) g•Hl @di ailml c5l
iterations in Newton Raphson


e value of f'(x) must be in

(A) f'(x) cf>T 3'Rl.

(B) The value of f"(x) must be

(B) f"(x) <f>T U?:Tm 3JRl.

(<:fr The value of f'(x) must be

(C) f'(x) cf>T U?:Tm 3'Rl.

(D) The value of f"(x) must be (0)f"(x) cf>T 3JRl.


92. In Newton Raphson method f'(x) for 92. faftPlM 1TI? a; fFm
a given point is given by the formula f'(x) W.............& RT nml

(A) y/x'
(A) y/x'
(B) y'/x
(B) y'/x
(C) y/x
¢'J y/x

(D) y'/x' (0) y'/x'

\. 93. If f(x)=x2-117=0 then the iterative 93. ma- f(x)=x2-117=0 t1 c'IT m

7ormula for Newton Raphson
fafucf>I f-HI @ WJ m:rT ti
(A) x(n+l)=0.25 [x(n)+166x(n)]
is given by. -:. \0 '

(A) x(n+l)=0.25 [x(n)+166x(n)] (B) x(n+l)==0.5 [x(n)+166x(n)]

x(n+l)==0.S [x(n)+166x(n)]
(C) x(n+l)=0.S [x(n)-166x(n)]
(C) x(n+l)=0.S [x(n)-166x(n)]
(0) x(n+l)=0.25 [x(n)-166x(n)]
(0) x(n+l)=0.25 [x(n)-166x(n)]
428101\0\2023 [ 28]
94. The points where the Newton

Raphson method fails are called?

94. c-1 m fcrfu f3R tR fuQin il
,. cJmmf{T;,m:fft?
(A) Floating
(A) i1vrf
(8) Continuous
(B) FffiR
( Non-Stationary
(C) l'k-
(] ..L.PrStationary
95. The Convergence of which of the
95. Pli.:iff!faa ll fcfffi fa1u mr
following method depends on initial
:J'llf.1<1 llR tR aR<1'T t?
assumed value?
/4False Position

( auss seidel method (B) rim faiu

(C) Newton Raphson method (C) fafu

(D) Euler method (D) fafu
96. The equation f(x) is given as
96. ,tt cfr<OI f(x) cfiT x3+4x+1=0 a> ll
x3+4x+1=0 Considering the initial
lJm ti X=l tR ,ttrnd>G-1 a5T
approximation at x= 1 then the value
mR -q °s1! xl cf>T liR a> -q
of xl is given as. ";. d, TJmtl
1.6712 ""
(A) 1.6712
(B) 0.1856
(8) 0.1856
(C) 0.1429 (C) 0.1429
(D) 1.8523 (D) 1.8523
97. Which numerical technique is used
97. cf>T 3QZJT1T f.l t1<1 $tl'lc1 cf>T
to approximate definite integrals
3Fjl{R M'l1'R a>@t! faffi fli&alc'lcf> ct
using polynomials?
cf> cf>T 3QZJT1T fa;m 3f@T t?
(A.)..---Simpson's Rule
(A) R!AltH cf>T
(B) Euler's Method
(B) @fu
(C) Gaussian Elimination
(C) lfITTh'l-l 391c1-l
(D) Newton-Raphson Method
(D) -mfcffu
428101\0\2023 [ 29) P.T.O.
98. What is the main advantage of 98. +l cfl'(O 'i#t er;) ffi fr'1!
using Newton-Raphson method
- di!3Qml'T di!
over the bisection method for
finding roots of equations?
(A) '(l'lltlH t frm IJl t) 3tMJ{(1J
(A) Guaranteed convergence to
(B) cr;ir f-Rl Ji •;jjld:fqdxii
the solution
(C) \tt a; a;rq
(§); Requires fewer iterations

(C) Works with any initial guess dffilT t

(D) Handles complex numbers

efficiently t
99. The LU decomposition method is 99. 'f?rFl 3itroR fcn!1 &I a,
commonly used to solve. frmJtrm1T -<Rt t:
(A) Ordinary Differential equation
(A) +tltll{OI fclb +tJ1lif5{01 ( )

(B) Systems of Linear equations

,( artial Differential equation


(D) Eigenvalue problem

100. The process of finding a Polynomial 100. fu? 1'lt! W a; '4M ffi
of lower degree that matches a a, q5) -<Rt a;)

given set of data points is called: ctm :;f@Tt?

(A) Interpolation (A) \.16'tJ

(B) Extrapolation (B) ?

faegression (C) 1,1Rt,i'l-1

(D) Differentiation (D)

428101\0\2023 [ 30]

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