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Faculty of Languages and Cultures




Name: Hoang Khanh Huy

Students Code:DTZ2157220201511

Class: NNA K19

Instructor: Lai Thi Thanh (Ph.D)

Thai Nguyen, March 2024


Main Contents Pages

1. Discuss the look on students’ mistakes from two perspectives: Grammar
Translation (GT) Method and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
Discuss the types of mistakes, when and how to correct students’ mistakes.......3
2. What’s the importance of vocabulary teaching? Suggest some techniques/
activities to practice and recycle vocabulary. Give examples for illustration......4
3. Why is understanding learners important to teachers? Discuss learners’
characteristics and their implications in language teaching ?...............................5
4. What do the Three Ps stand for? Is the Three Ps technique suitable for a
grammar lesson or a skills lesson? Present three stages.......................................6
5. Discuss different stages of teaching writing? Give examples for illustration.. 7
6. Make a lesson plan for Lesson 6 – Skill 2 , Unit 2 – English 8 (Global
1. Discuss the look on students’ mistakes from two perspectives:
Grammar Translation (GT) Method and Communicative Language
Teaching (CLT). Discuss the types of mistakes, when and how to
correct students’ mistakes.
- Grammar Translation (GT) Method

*The GT method focuses on the explicit teaching of grammar rules, the

translation of texts, and identifying errors related to grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structure. So the common mistakes under the GT Method include:

+Misuse of Verb Tenses:

Students might find it difficult to understand the correct use of verb tense,
leading to errors in conveying the timing of actions. For example, confusing the
present perfect with the simple past tense.

+Errors when translations: Students may attempt to translate idiomatic

expressions or phrases directly from their native language, resulting in
inaccurate or awkward translations.

+Misapplication of Word Order: Errors in the arrangement of words in a

sentence can lead to misunderstandings and lack of clarity.

*When to correct: In GTM, there should be immediate correction to students


*How to correct students’ mistakes:

+ Errors are corrected directly by the teacher: Teachers should correct students'
mistakes during or immediately after an exercise or activity. This approach aims
to provide timely feedback to reinforce the correct language usage.

+ Explicit Grammar Instruction: Teachers can use students' mistakes as

opportunities to teach grammar instruction, explaining the correct rules and
- Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

CLT focuses on communication and interaction in the target language. Common

mistakes under the CLT approach include:

+Failing to Use Language Correct: Students may feel difficult with using
language for specific functions such as making requests, giving opinions.

+Lack of Fluency: Students might encounter difficulties in maintaining a

smooth and continuous flow of speech.

*When to correct: In CLT, teacher can delayed after students do or self-

correction when see it too difficult to understand.

*How to correct students’ mistakes:

+ Errors are solved indirectly through communication to help them more


+ Self-correction should be encouraged for students when they practice.

2. What’s the importance of vocabulary teaching? Suggest some

techniques/ activities to practice and recycle vocabulary. Give
examples for illustration.
- Importance of Vocabulary Teaching:

Teaching vocabulary is very important in language learning as it directly

impacts a learner's ability for effective communicate and express ideas

Some techniques/ activities to practice and recycle vocabulary:

Vocabulary Games: Incorporating vocabulary games such as Word Bingo,

Pictionary, or Vocabulary Charades can make learning vocabulary more
interactive and fun for students.
Word Maps or Mind Mapping: Creating word maps or using mind mapping
techniques can visually represent word relationships and help students make
connections between different words.

Flashcards: Using flashcards with words and corresponding images can help
students associate words with visual cues, improving their remember and
understanding of vocabulary.

3. Why is understanding learners important to teachers? Discuss

learners’ characteristics and their implications in language
teaching ?
*Understanding learners is crucial for effective teaching because it allows
educators to tailor teaching to individual needs and foster motivation and
engagement of their students.

*The following learner characteristics have significant implications for


- Cognitive Abilities: Recognizing differences in students' cognitive abilities

helps teachers understand how they process and comprehend language. This
understanding allows instructors to adapt their teaching strategies and materials
to suit different learning styles and abilities.

- Motivation and Learning Styles: By students' motivation and preferred

learning styles, teachers can adjust to design lessons that engage and inspire

- Cultural Background: Knowledge of students' cultural backgrounds promotes

inclusivity and helps teachers understand their language use, and
communication styles. This understanding allows teachers to create a culturally
sensitive and supportive learning environment.
By taking these learner characteristics into account, teachers can create an
inclusive and effective learning environment that has all of the needs for all

4. What do the Three Ps stand for? Is the Three Ps technique

suitable for a grammar lesson or a skills lesson? Present three
-The Three Ps, consisting of Presentation, Practice, and Production, is a
common approach used in language teaching.

-Each stage serves a specific purpose in language instruction:

+ Presentation: This stage involves introducing a new language or points to

students. It aims to provide learners with the necessary information and
examples to understand the target language.

+ Practice: This stage allows students to reinforce their understanding and

application of the new language through various exercises. It helps learners
internalize the language and develop accuracy and fluency.

+ Production: This stage encourages students to use the language in a

meaningful context. It focuses on promoting communication and providing
opportunities for students to express themselves using the target language.

-The Three Ps is highly suitable for grammar lessons as it allows for a

structured introduction and practice of grammar points. It provides a clear
sequence of activities that build students' understanding and proficiency in using
the target language.

However, when teaching skills such as speaking or writing, the Three Ps may
need to be adapted to incorporate more interactive and communicative
activities. While the presentation and practice stages can still be useful for
introducing and reinforcing language skills, the production stage should focus
on providing opportunities for students to apply the skills in authentic and
meaningful contexts.

Overall, the Three Ps framework serves as a useful guide for language

instruction, but its suitability may vary depending on the specific language skills
being taught.

5. Discuss different stages of teaching writing? Give examples for

Teaching writing typically involves several stages to guide students through the
writing process. These stages include:

Pre-Writing: This stage involves brainstorming and planning for the writing
task. Students generate ideas, organize their thoughts, and create an outline or
mind map to structure their writing.

Drafting: In the drafting stage, students write their first draft based on the ideas
and structure developed during the pre-writing stage. This stage focuses on
getting ideas onto paper without excessive concern for accuracy or polish.

Revising: The revising stage involves reviewing and making changes to the
draft. Students consider aspects such as content, organization, clarity, and
coherence. Peer editing or self-evaluation can be used to provide feedback and
suggestions for improvement.

Editing: In the editing stage, students focus on correcting errors in grammar,

punctuation, spelling, and style. They refine their language use and ensure
clarity and accuracy in their writing. Editing checklists or teacher feedback can
assist in this stage.

Publishing: The final stage is publishing, where students prepare their revised
and edited piece for sharing. This may involve presenting the finished work to
the class, creating a final copy, or sharing it in a digital format.
By following these stages, students develop their writing skills systematically
and produce more polished and coherent written work.

6. Make a lesson plan for Lesson 6 – Skill 2 , Unit 2 – English 8

(Global success)


Lesson 6: Skill 2


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge

- Listen to some opinions about life in the countryside

- Write a paragraph about what someone likes or dislikes about life in the

2. Competences

- Develop communication skills and creativity

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork

- Actively join in class activities

3. Personal qualities

- Love reading and talking about activities in the countryside



- Grade 8 textbook (Unit 2, Skills 2)

- Projector / TV


2.Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen,…

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
Ss may lack experience of - Encourage Ss to work in groups so
that they can help one another.
- Give short, clear instructions, and
help if necessary.


1. WARM-UP (5 mins)

a. Objectives:

- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson.

- To lead into the new lesson.

b. Content:

- Miming game: Activities that rural people do.

c. Expected outcomes:

- Students’ answers

d. Organisation:


Miming game: Questions:
- Invite some Ss to go to the board.
Have them mime some activities that - What am I doing?
rural people often do. Ask other Ss to Suggested answers:
guess what the activities are. - cultivating
- Lead to the new lesson: Listening - harvesting
and Writing on life in the countryside. …
- Introduce the objectives of the

e. Assessment:

- Teacher corrects for students (if needed).


a. Objectives:

- To help Ss understand and activate their knowledge of the topic.

b. Content:

- Task 1: Work in pairs. Discuss the following question.

c. Expected outcomes:

- Students get vocabulary and knowledge for the listening tasks.

d. Organisation:


Task 1: Work in pairs. Discuss the following question. (5 mins)
- Ask Ss to work in pairs discussing Questions:
questions about what they like or What do you like or dislike about life
dislike about life in the countryside. in the countryside?
- Ask some Ss to share their answers in
front of the class. If necessary, the
Teacher may ask them some other
questions about the reasons for their

e. Assessment

- Teacher asks Ss some follow-up questions.

3. ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING (12 mins)

a. Objectives:

- To help Ss develop their skill of listening for specific information.

b. Content:

- Task 2: Listen to three people talking about life in the countryside. Choose the
opinion that each speaker expresses.

- Task 3: Listen again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

c. Expected outcomes:

- Students understand how to use the target grammar.

d. Organisation:


Task 2: Listen to three people talking about life in the countryside. Choose
the opinion (A - C) that each speaker (1 - 3) expresses. (6 mins)
- Have Ss read the questions in this Answer key:
activity quickly and underline the Speaker 1: B
keywords. This helps them have some Speaker 2: A
ideas of what they are going to listen Speaker 3: C
to and the information they need to
answer the questions.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to do
the exercise.
- Have Ss work and share their
answers in pairs.
- Invite some pairs to answer and
confirm the correct ones.
- Play the recording again if needed,
stopping at places where Ss are having
Task 3: Listen again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C. (6 mins)
- Have Ss read the questions and the Answer key:
options to they can answer the 1. C
questions. 2. A
- Play the recording once or twice 3. C
more for Ss to do the exercise. 4. A
- Have Ss share their answers in pairs. 5. B
- Invite some pairs to answer and
confirm the correct ones.
- Play the recording again if needed,
stopping at the places where Ss are
having difficulties.

e. Assessment:

- Teacher corrects for students as a whole class.

4. ACTIVITY 3: WRITING (14 mins)

a. Objectives:

- To help Ss prepare ideas for the next activity

- To help Ss practice writing a paragraph about what they like or dislike about
life in the countryside

b. Content:

- Task 4: Work in groups. Discuss and write what you like or dislike about life
in the countryside.

- Task 5: Write a paragraph (80 - 100 words) about what you like or dislike
about life in the countryside.

c. Expected outcomes:

- Students’ speaking

d. Organisation:


Task 4: Work in groups. discuss and write what you like or dislike about
life in the countryside. (4 mins)
- Ask Ss to discuss and write what they Suggested outcome:
like or dislike about life in the Students’ notes
countryside and reasons for them.
- Then ask Ss to share their writings
with their partners. Read out the
writings of some better students.
Task 5: Write a paragraph (80 - 100 words) about what you like or dislike
about life in the countryside. (10 mins)
- Set up the writing activity: Teacher Suggested answer:
reminds Ss that the first important There are some things I like about life
thing is always to think about what in the countryside. One of the main
they are going to write. Ss can use the attractions is its peacefulness. This
ideas they have prepared in 4. Ask Ss helps people living there feel
to brainstorm the ideas and needed comfortable and relaxed. Additionally,
language for writing. I enjoy its natural beauty. The
- Ask Ss to write the first draft countryside often offers picturesque
individually. Teacher and other Ss views of rolling hills, rolling
comment. Ss edit and revise their meadows, and vast green fields. This
writing as homework. If time is can be a great source of inspiration.
limited, Teacher may ask Ss to write Finally, I appreciate the strong sense
the final version at home. of community in rural areas. Rural
people are very tight-knit and always
willing to help their neighbours.
Overall, these are just some of the
many things I enjoy about rural life.

e. Assessment:

- Teacher gives corrections and feedback.


a. Wrap-up

- Summarise the main points of the lesson.

b. Homework

- Students’ workbook.
How To Teach Grammar Communicatively Using The Three-Ps Lesson
Planning -

(Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Versus Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT); A Review of Literature)

(PDF) Correcting Students' Errors: Theory and Practice (

The Dos & Don'ts of Error Correction When Teaching English -
BridgeUniverse - TEFL Blog, News, Tips & Resources
An attempt to Integrate Grammar Translation Method, Communicative
Language Teaching, Task-based Language Teaching: Rationale and Evaluation
Illustration Essays: Definitions, Templates and Examples (2024)
Recycling vocabulary | TeachingEnglish | British Council
7 Creative Strategies for Vocabulary Teaching | Prodigy (
Three Ps stand for Three Ps technique suitable for a grammar lesson or a skills
lesson three stages - Search (
Understanding learners | TeachingEnglish | British Council
Vocabulary words: An evidence-based literacy strategy (
(PDF) Examining the role of the learner and the teacher in language learning
motivation (
Full article: The matrix of ELT (English Language Teaching): students’
perceptions about qualities of an effective teacher (
Examining the role of the learner and the teacher in language learning
motivation - Mairin Hennebry-Leung, Hu Amy Xiao, 2023 (

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