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If – clause ‫اجلملة الشرطية‬

1. If plants don’t get enough sunlight, they …………………………….. .

a. die b. will died c. died
2. Water………….to ice if the temperature falls below zero.
a. turn b. turned c. turns
3. If he ………………..well, he will pass the exam.
a. study b. studies c. studied d. studying
4. She…………………the race if she trains hard.
a. won b. will win c. would win d. win
5. If she……………………, I will leave.
a. do not come b. doesn`t come c. didn`t come
6. If Ali……………..ready, I will pack my bags.
a. are b. is c. was d. were
7. We will go to Aqaba if he ………………………..a car.
a. have b. has c. had d. will have
8. If he doesn`t study hard, he………………..the exam.
a. wouldn`t pass b. won`t pass c. do not pass
9. He will pass as long as he ………………………. hard.
a. study b. studies c. will study
10.He ……………………………….. it even if it is expensive.
a. buy b. will buy c. bought
11.When we heat water , it ………………………… .
a. evaporate b. will evaporate c. evaporates
12.Provided that it …………………………… , we will go in a picnic .
a. not rain b. do not rain c. does not rain
13. If we ……… in London today, we would be able to go to the British Museum.
a. are b. was c. were
14. If she took the money , she ……………………………. .
a. leave b. will leave c. would leave d. leaving
15.If she wrote her homework, she ………………….good marks.
a. gets b. will get c. would get
16. He would help you if you…………………him.
a. ask b. asked c. asking d. asks
17. If they got their money, they……………………everything.
a. will buy b. would buy c. can buy d. buys
18. If he had a car, we………………… Petra.
a. will go b. would go c. gone d. going
19. If she……………..the letters, we would receive them.
a. sends b. sent c. sending d. send
20.If he had stayed at home , he ………………………….. the celebration .
a. miss b. would have missed c. missing d. will miss
21. If he had cleaned the rooms, he……………………………his money.
a. will take b. would have taken c. took d. takes
22.If she………………………the boss, he would have told her about the promotion.
a. meets b. had met c. is met d. was met
23. If he………………….the office, he would have left early.
a. hasn`t painted b. hadn`t painted c. do not paint
24.If they had written their homework, they………………….high marks.
a. would got b. would have got c. gets d. getting
25.I would have got the job if I ……………………. some experience.
a. has had b. had had c. have had
26.If you had done the course, you ……………….. enough experience to apply for
the job.
a. would have has b. would have had c. had had
27.Nasser ……………. out with us tomorrow unless he has to help his father.
a. come b. will come c. came
28.I will help you with your homework, as long as you ……………. me with mine!
a. helps b. help c. will help
29.Provided that it does not rain , we ………… a picnic next week.
a. has b. will have c. had
30.If you win the prize, how …………. you ………………. the money?
a. spend b. does spend c. will spend
31.Even if Omar doesn’t pass his driving test this afternoon, he …………… his own
a. have b. won’t have c. don’t have
32. ………………… you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
a. Unless b. When c. Even if
33.You will not pass your exams ………………you ………………….hard.
a. as long as, studied b. unless, study c. even if, studies
34. ……………you ………………………the plants, they will die.
a. If, watered b. Unless, water c. when, waters
35.Ice cream melts…………………… gets warm.
a. when b. unless c. even if
36.We need umbrellas …………………… rains.
a. if not b. unless c. if
37.The teacher will be pleased…………..I write a good essay.
a. unless b. even if c. when
38.We have to go to school ……………………we are tired.
a. even if b. if c. if not
39.We will go to our favourite restaurant ………………it is closed.
a. unless b. even if c. when
40.I will phone you……………………….I miss the bus to pick me up.
a. if b. if not c. unless
41.We should always be polite………………..we feel tired.
a. unless b. when c. even if
42.Our team will celebrate……………………they win the match.
a. if not b. unless c. if
43.…………………….every one works hard, we will all pass our exams.
a. unless b. if c. if not
44.A :- I would like to get a job as a teacher of English
B :- …………………………………. study English at university?
a. If I were you b. Why don't you c. could
45.A:- I want to learn Chinese, but they don’t teach it in my school.
46. B:- You ……………………. do a Chinese course online.
a. If I were you b. Why don't you c. could
47.A:- I don’t understand what we have to do for homework.
B:- …………………………….. , I would ask the teacher.
a. If I were you b. Why don't you c. could
48.I didn't know your phone number, so I wasn't able to contact you.
If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
a. I could have been able to contact you if I had known your phone number.
b. I have been able to contact you if I had known your phone number.
c. I could have able to contact you if I had known your phone number.
49.You had a brightly-coloured T-shirt on. That's how I noticed you in the crowd.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
a. If you hadn't had a brightly-coloured T-shirt on, I might noticed you in the
b. If you had a brightly-coloured T-shirt on, I might not have noticed you in the
c. If you hadn't had a brightly-coloured T-shirt on, I might have noticed you in the
d. If you hadn't had a brightly-coloured T-shirt on, I might not have noticed you in
the crowd.

50.I worked really hard the day before the exam. I got top marks.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
a. I might not have got top marks if I hadn't worked really hard the day before the
b. I might have got top marks if I hadn't worked really hard the day before the
c. I might not have got top marks if I had worked really hard the day before the
d. I might not got top marks if I hadn't worked really hard the day before the
51.It would be a good idea for you to make a list of questions.
a. You couldn’t make a list of questions.
b. You should make a list of questions.
c. You could make a list of questions.
d. You might make a list of questions.
52.You ought to get some work experience.
a. Why done you get some work experience?
b. Why didn’t you get some work experience?
c. Why do you get some work experience?
d. Why don’t you get some work experience?
53.You shouldn't look too casual.
a. If I were you, I would look too casual.
b. If I were you, I wouldn't look too casual.
c. If I am you, I wouldn't look too casual.
d. If I weren’t you, I wouldn't look too casual.
54.You should do a lot of research.
a. If I were you, I would did a lot of research.
b. If I were you, I would done a lot of research.
c. If I were you, I would have done a lot of research.
d. If I were you, I would do a lot of research.

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