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Course/Year/Section: BTLE-3A

Date: JULY 02,2022



1.Definition of fashion designing?

-- Fashion design is the art of creating clothing and accessories. As an academic field of study, fashion
design pulls from many disciplines, including history, business, illustration, and technology. As an art
practice, fashion design is intertwined with culture.

2.Skills needed to become a successful fashion designer?

●Artistic ability and creativity. The most important skill for a fashion designer or any artist is a natural
talent. You want your art to be recognizable and distinguishable. Many fashion designers had careers as
architects, graphic designers, or in other related fields before switching to fashion.

●Communication skills. Any top fashion designer needs good communication skills to develop their
brand. Throughout your career, you may have the opportunity to be a part of a design team or lead one
of your own.

●Sewing and drawing skills. Sewing is a fundamental skill for any fashion designer. Complete mastery of
basic skills of fashion construction—such as navigating a sewing machine—isn’t necessary, but it would
behoove any budding designer to develop an intimate knowledge of the craft involved in producing your

●Understanding of fabrics and materials. You can familiarize yourself with the various elements of
garment design by touching fabrics, changing the tension of different stitches, and experimenting with
embroidery. Take advantage of resources such as technical classes, online tutorials, and craft books that
walk you step by step through the construction of a garment.
3.Theory on dressmaking practices?

--The theory of fashion design includes all facets of the process undertaken in advance of perceiving,
constructing and marketing fashion.Grounded theory was employed to construct a theory on
dressmaking practice based on empirical data gathered from the fashion design profession.

4.Fashion Theory?

--There are three primary theories of fashion adoption: trickle-down, trickle-across and trickle-up.
However, no one theory is adequate to discuss fashion theory or explain how fashion moves through






1.Problem solving in fashion design?

--Problem-Solving and Two Schools of Thought. It is an unconstrained methodology where it is possible

that the designer (or design team) will work on many possible solutions at once. It enables designers to
consider the problem in many different ways and speculate on both the past and future of the problem

2.Learn how to design fashion using problem solving principles?

--As you learn how to sew, pattern, and construct clothing, you will soon figure out how much time,
energy, money, and effort goes into it. If you are interested in pursuing a career in fashion design, or
learning how to sew with more design and intention, this post will teach beginners an introduction to
this design methodology and how to use it in your own work. And if you are a sewing enthusiast, if you
are going to make a significant investment of your personal time, then you definitely want to design and
construct successful garments.
Solving a problem is a successful action! And I will to show you how to prioritize your sewing through
consideration of your idea and thoughtful planning so that the garments you sew have a successful and
functional design.





1.Guide in formulating personal design ideology:




2.Fashion Design skills for future?

●Creativity.The quintessential skill in any industry is creativity. A good fashion designer is creative and is
able to make something out of anything.

●In-Depth Knowledge of Fabrics.Understanding fabrics and materials is advantageous in the fashion

design industry

●Excellent Visualisation Skills.Contrary to popular belief, you don’t actually have to be the best at
sketching or illustrating to be a fashion designer.

●Adaptability.Fashion designers have to make quick decisions, often in the nick of time to adjust and
improve on their designs to meet certain needs.

●Have an Inclusive Mindset.There is a current trend of adaptive fashion – designs for disabled people.



1.The process in fashion product development?

--The BFA in Fashion Product Development encompasses the process of fashion product development
that requires understanding and knowledge of the consumer, market, and trends, textiles and raw
materials, product concept and line development, and sourcing and manufacturing.

2.Types of designers in fashion?

●Apparel.Apparel designers focus on creating various clothing items for customers.

●Haute couture.These designers typically work for more high-profile and wealthier consumers. They
often create customized and one-of-a-kind apparel according to each individual customers' needs and

●Ready-to-wear.Also known as pret-a-porter designers, these professionals create apparel for groups of

●Mass market.These designers create apparel items for a general and broad audience.

●Footwear.Footwear designers create new shoes, like sneakers, flats or high heels. Many professionals
who pursue this field can specialize in certain areas, like athletic or formal footwear.

●Accessory.These designers create jewelry, like bracelets, earrings and necklaces or accessory items like
scarves, hats, handbags and glasses.

●Evening wear.Designers for this type of fashion typically focus on more luxurious styles, fabrics and

●Childrenswear.Childrenswear designers create shoes and apparel for kids of all ages, from infants to

●Classic wear.Those who design classic wear pieces usually create timeless designs that rarely go out of

3.Basic elements of clothing design?











4.Fashion trend forecasting?

--Fashion trend forecasting is the process of projecting future fashion trends. The projections allow
fashion designers and merchants to know what will be fashionable in the future and plan their
collections and merchandising appropriately.

5.Techniques in merchandising garments?

●Know Your Market .To develop the best apparel merchandising strategy, you have to know who your
consumers. Analyze your data and draft consumer profiles to focus sales.

●Account For Logistics.Your store is a map guiding potential customers to make a purchase. Make sure
customers are able to easily find the products they are looking for and enjoy their shopping experience.

●Organize And Declutter.No one likes coming into a store with clothing that is unkempt and disheveled,
and there is nothing more frustrating that racks without any rhyme or reason. Utilize space and storage
effectively to best display apparel.

●Leverage The Power of Color.Color affects how consumers feel and hence influences their buying
habits. People associate particular meanings to certain colors.

●Tell a Story With Your Displays .Behind your company is a tale to tell. Express your brand and culture
through inventive displays that make people stop and stare.

6.Terminology use in fashion industry?

•Pret-A-Porter: This term is French for ready to wear. Which means that the designs were made using
standard sizing charts and the products are ready to wear by consumers.

•Haute Couture: Haute is French for high. Couture is French for dressmaking. Sometimes you will hear
people say high fashion, or just couture. Haute Couture is the highest level of fashion. This is where the
highest quality of products and craftsmanship happens in the industry, resulting in the most expensive

•Couturier: A Couturier is a person or company that designs Haute Couture.

•Avant Garde: This means advance guard. In fashion, this term means being at the forefront of fashion.
Avant Garde sets the new trends, techniques, and styles of fashion for everyone outside of fashion’s

•Atelier: An atelier is a studio or workshop used by a designer where their work is done.France’s long
history in fashion have made the above words part of the industry, but you'll also use other non-French
fashion terminology like:

•Silhouettes: The silhouette is the line and overall shape of the garment. If you are working on historical
designs for theatre, costumes, or movies, the silhouette is very important for accuracy.

•Body Shapes: There are six body shapes: teardrop, inverted triangle, hourglass, column, oval, and
figure eight.

•Classic: A classic is a style that has lasted through time, aka timeless.

•Fashion Cycle: A fashion cycle is the lifespan of a particular fashion. There are five stages: introduction,
rise, peak, decline, and obsolescence. It’s the same as a product life cycle, but in fashion.

•In Vogue: This means that if something is literally in Vogue, then it’s fashionable.

•Textiles: Textile differs from the word fabric because a textile is a material that is woven.

•Look Book: A look book is a designer’s fashion collection displayed in photographs. These are often
displayed on a designer’s website to show off their work.





1.Assembling the garments?


2.Presentation of assemble dressmaking project through fashion show (videos)

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