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This research paper delves into the utilization of secondary data collection methods within
the realm of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. As the prominence of these
technologies grows, understanding their implications and dynamics becomes increasingly
crucial.Cryptocurrencies and the underlying blockchain technology have disrupted traditional
financial systems and captured worldwide attention. This paper provides a comprehensive
analysis of the cryptocurrency market dynamics, regulatory challenges faced by the industry,
and potential applications of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies. It examines
the fundamental concepts of cryptocurrencies, their decentralized nature, and the
blockchain's role in enabling secure, transparent, and immutable transactions. The paper
delves into the factors influencing cryptocurrency market volatility, including speculation,
regulatory uncertainty, and adoption rates. Furthermore, it explores the regulatory landscape
surrounding cryptocurrencies, highlighting the challenges faced by governments and
financial authorities in striking a balance between fostering innovation and mitigating risks.
Finally, the paper discusses the potential applications of blockchain technology across
various sectors, such as supply chain management, healthcare, and identity management,
showcasing the transformative potential of this revolutionary technology.

The emergence of cryptocurrencies and the underlying blockchain technology has sparked a
paradigm shift in the financial ecosystem, challenging conventional notions of money,
transactions, and trust. As a decentralized and secure digital ledger, the blockchain has
facilitated the creation of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and countless others,
enabling peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks or
financial institutions.

Since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009, the cryptocurrency market has experienced
remarkable growth, attracting significant attention from investors, entrepreneurs, and
regulatory bodies alike. The disruptive nature of cryptocurrencies has sparked debates and
raised concerns regarding their potential impact on financial stability, consumer protection,
and regulatory oversight. At the same time, the underlying blockchain technology has
garnered interest beyond the realm of digital currencies, presenting transformative potential
across various industries.

This comprehensive research paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of cryptocurrencies,

blockchain technology, and their profound impact on the global financial landscape. It delves
into the intricacies of cryptocurrency market dynamics, exploring the factors that contribute
to their volatility, such as speculation, regulatory uncertainty, adoption rates, and supply-
demand dynamics. Furthermore, the paper examines the challenges faced by investors and
traders navigating this nascent and rapidly evolving market, including market manipulation,
security breaches, and the influence of major players and institutional investors.

Additionally, the paper scrutinizes the regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies,

highlighting the efforts of governments and financial authorities worldwide to strike a
balance between fostering innovation and mitigating the risks associated with these digital
assets. It analyzes the various regulatory approaches adopted by different jurisdictions,
ranging from outright bans to cautious embracement, and the ongoing debates surrounding
the classification and treatment of cryptocurrencies within existing legal frameworks.

Moreover, the paper explores the groundbreaking potential applications of blockchain

technology beyond cryptocurrencies, showcasing its disruptive potential in areas such as
supply chain management, healthcare, identity management, real estate, and voting
systems. By leveraging the decentralized, secure, transparent, and immutable nature of the

blockchain, these applications aim to revolutionize traditional processes, enhance trust,
reduce intermediaries, and drive efficiency across diverse industries.

[1] “Exploring the impact of cryptocurrency adoption on financial systems” by Smith J and
Johnson ,A., journal of innovation,2024.

This paper defines cryptocurrencies that digital virtual form of currency utilising
cryptographic techniques for secure transactions and decentralised control and it elaborates
on blockchain technology as underlying framework for cryptocurrencies. It ensures the
integrity and immutability of transactions records

[2] “Crypto currencies and decentralised finance (defi)” by Igor Makarov and Antoinette
scholar, 16 Dec 2022.

Explore the benefits and challenges of different systems, comparing them with traditional
financial systems. The paper discusses transaction costs, competition, regulatory compliance
and enforcement of laws in the defi space.

[3] “Block chain technology: benefits, Challenges, applications, and integration of block chain
technology with cloud computing by Gousia Habib, sparsh Sharma, Sarah Ibraham, Imtiaz
ahmed , Shaima Qureshi, and Malik Ishfaq”.

Blockchain technology has transcended its original cryptocurrency use showing its
potentially areas like cross-border, payments format smart contracts and supply chain
management due to its decentralised nature. This innovation has sparked significant interest
this paper explores blockchain development, applications beyond digital
currencies,challenging distribute distributed ledgers and letting its transformative potential
account to the interest.

[4] “Evolution dynamics of the cryptocurrency market by Abeer Elbahray and others,15
November 2017”

It investigates the entire cryptocurrency market from April 2013 to 2017 of June. It reveals
that while the market capitalization by cryptocurrency has been increasing super
exponentially, several market share, properties such as the number of active crypto
currencies and market share distribution have remained stable. The study uses an ecological
perspective and the neutral mode of evolution. No selective advantage of 1 cryptocurrency

[5] “Regulation of cryptocurrencies in India, issues Ann challenges” by Deshant Singh
Thakur , prof Raj A varma , Prof Damodar Mayappa Hake

This paper examines the surge and cryptocurrencies interest and market growth by 500%
post COVID-19, it aims to explore user expectation trust in cryptocurrencies and their
practical uses focusing on their economic influences and regulatory implications in here. The
people seeks to offer insights into the evolving role of cryptocurrency in India’s digital

[6] “The growth of cryptocurrency in India” By Shilak Jani.

This paper explores the impact of rapid increase in online activities on the emergence and
growth of reprograms ease. It examines user expectations and confidence in
cryptocurrencies amid regulatory uncertainties and measures their adoption for a practical

[7] “Monetary blockchain cryptocurrencies transaction to improve the trustworthiness of

the last Indian revolution by kamir sabri, Abbas madani ,27 number November 2020.

This paper introduces a novel approach for enhancing the security and transactions of
trustworthiness of blockchain crypto. It proposes using a hidden mask .The effectiveness of
this method is accessed using the ERL metric in the trustless digital economy.

[8] “ Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronics cash systems” by Satoshi,Nakamoto,2008.

The original white paper that introduced the concept of Bitcoin and blockchain technology
proposing A decentralised digital currency system based on peer-to-peer transactions and
crypto graphic proof instead of trust in central authority lays the foundation for the
development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

[9] “Decentralized Blockchain – Based electronic marketplace” by M Branshy , A

esmailbakis ,2019,

It explores the use of blockchain for creating decentralised electronic marketplaces. It

investigates how blockchain decentralised nature can disrupt traditional market structure by
eliminating the need for intermediaries, reducing costs an animal enabling peer-to-peer

[10] “blockchain and crypto currency our comparative study” by R Shrehtha , R vatrid ,2021.

It compares and contrasts different blockchain platforms and cryptocurrencies. At examines

various aspects such as consciousness mechanism, scalability, security features, governance
mode and transaction speeds among different blockchain networks.

[11] “Blockchain based supply chain management or comprehensive survey by our easy 2
comprehensive survey” by R . Azi , 2019.

It examines the use of blockchain technology for supply chain management and its potential
benefits. Total examination of how blockchain can enhance transparency traceability and
efficiency within supply chain. The challenges associated with adopting blockchain and
supply chain operations overall it provides valuable insights into the transformative potential
of blockchain technology in optimising supply chain process optimising supply chain process



To analyse the impact of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, its capabilities in

market adoption.


1. Market cap for crypto is exponentially increasing through each financial year.


 To Evaluate industries that could benefit Most from the implementation of

Blockchain Technology
 To Explore and identify innovative application of block chain technology beyond it's
current use crypto currencies.
 To know the adaptibility of crypto transaction
 To Analyze the Risk Return profile of different Cryptocurrencies
 To Investigate the impact of regulations crypto evaluating security


- Secondary Data

Exploring Secondary Methods of Data Collection in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Technology Research


Image 1: Total Crypto Market Capitalization

This graph shows the total market capitalization of the cryptocurrency market over time, broken
down by the market capitalization of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other cryptocurrencies. A
few key observations:

The overall trend shows a significant increase in the total crypto market capitalization over the
2017-2023 period, with several major peaks and valleys.

Bitcoin and Ethereum have consistently been the two largest contributors to the total market cap,
with their relative shares fluctuating over time.

The "Other" category, which includes various altcoins, has also grown substantially, indicating the
increasing diversity and spread of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The graph highlights the volatility and rapid growth that has characterized the cryptocurrency
market in recent years.

DeFi Total Value Locked This graph shows the total value locked (TVL) in decentralized
finance (DeFi) protocols over time, broken down by different blockchain networks and DeFi
platforms. Some key insights:

1. The TVL in DeFi has grown significantly, reaching over $50 billion by November 2023,
reflecting the rapid expansion of this sector.

2. Ethereum remains the dominant blockchain for DeFi, with the largest share of the
TVL throughout the period.

3. Other blockchain networks, such as Tron, Polygon, Solana, and Avalanche, have also
gained traction and captured a growing portion of the DeFi TVL over time.

4. The fluctuations in the TVL across different protocols and networks highlight the
dynamic nature of the DeFi ecosystem, with users shifting funds between various

Share of Global FX Transactions This graph shows the share of global foreign exchange (FX)
transactions by currency, from 1989 to 2022. Some key observations:

1. The US dollar (USD) has consistently held the largest share of global FX transactions,
accounting for around 80% of the market throughout the period.

2. The Euro (EUR) and Japanese Yen (JPY) have also maintained significant shares, with
the Euro gaining prominence after its introduction in 1999.

3. The share of Pre-Euro FX transactions, which includes currencies like the German
Mark and French Franc, has steadily declined as the Euro has become the dominant
currency in Europe.

4. The share of other currencies, such as the British Pound (GBP) and Chinese Yuan
(CNY), has remained relatively stable over time, with some fluctuations.

5. This graph highlights the continued dominance of the US dollar in global currency
markets, despite the emergence of other major currencies.

1. The TVL in DeFi has grown significantly, reaching over $50 billion by November 2023,
reflecting the rapid expansion of this sector.
2. Ethereum remains the dominant blockchain for DeFi, with the largest share of the
TVL throughout the period.
3. Other blockchain networks, such as Tron, Polygon, Solana, and Avalanche, have also
gained traction and captured a growing portion of the DeFi TVL over time.
4. The fluctuations in the TVL across different protocols and networks highlight the
dynamic nature of the DeFi ecosystem, with users shifting funds between various

Share of Global FX Transactions This graph shows the share of global foreign exchange (FX)
transactions by currency, from 1989 to 2022. Some key observations:
1. The US dollar (USD) has consistently held the largest share of global FX transactions,
accounting for around 80% of the market throughout the period.
2. The Euro (EUR) and Japanese Yen (JPY) have also maintained significant shares, with
the Euro gaining prominence after its introduction in 1999.
3. The share of Pre-Euro FX transactions, which includes currencies like the German
Mark and French Franc, has steadily declined as the Euro has become the dominant
currency in Europe.
4. The share of other currencies, such as the British Pound (GBP) and Chinese Yuan
(CNY), has remained relatively stable over time, with some fluctuations.
5. This graph highlights the continued dominance of the US dollar in global currency
markets, despite the emergence of other major currencies.
Correlation Matrix This correlation matrix shows the relationships between various financial
assets, including cryptocurrencies, commodities, and traditional financial instruments, over
the period from January 1 to November 30, 2023. Some key observations:
1. The correlation values range from -1 to 1, indicating the degree and direction of the
relationship between the assets.
2. Bitcoin (BTC/USD) exhibits a relatively high positive correlation with Ethereum
(ETH/USD) and a moderate positive correlation with other cryptocurrencies like CRY
and US2Y.
3. Bitcoin shows a negative correlation with traditional assets like the US 10-Year
Treasury Yield (US10Y) and the S&P 500 Index (S&P500), suggesting that it may
provide diversification benefits in a portfolio.
4. Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies also demonstrate varying degrees of positive
and negative correlations with traditional financial instruments, highlighting the
unique risk and return characteristics of digital assets.
5. The correlation matrix provides insights into the potential diversification
opportunities and risks associated with including cryptocurrencies and other assets
in an investment portfolio.



Blockchain technology has become increasingly available across industries because of
how well it helps to organize data. By creating a shared, digital ledger for your business,
blockchain helps ensure easy access to important information and allows employees to
monitor the inner workings of the company.

1.Law Enforcement And Security

Law enforcement and the security industry could benefit from blockchain-based techniques
to ensure that video recordings used for evidence are genuine. Having video evidence
signed and time-stamped in a non-repudiable fashion, using blockchain, protects it from
being faked, altered or denied by anyone using tools like deepfake software that are widely
available on the internet. - Thomas Jensen, Milestone Systems

2. Supply Chains

The temp-assurance or cold-chain space will benefit greatly from leveraging blockchain. The
collective supply chain is very difficult to track and trace from end to end, especially with so
many different and independent players involved in getting even one package to its
destination. Blockchain can ensure that critical medicine is delivered safely within key
parameters. The same is true for food. - Samantha Williams, Sonoco

 Blockchain will ensure that no piece of inventory occurs in the same place two
 Data in blockchain will stay impaired permanently.
 Issues in the supply chain can be addressed seamlessly through blockchain.
 Inefficiencies and cost of the supply chain can be reduced by a blockchain distributed
 Goods can be traced to every single node of the supply chain.

3. Media

In the world we live in, media production and distribution (think NBC, ESPN, Sky, NFL,
Amazon and others), content ownership and licensing are where the money is made.
Blockchain could possibly transform the rights and ownership of media (audio or video)

assets. The challenge is that the industry runs off standards defined by SMPTE and other
standards bodies that would need to be developed. - Scott Murray, Telestream

4. Banking And Finance

Blockchain would help anything associated with banking and finance, as money-
related fraud is on the rise. Though blockchain has downsides, especially in performance, I
believe that it can be improved in the near future. Soon, we’ll see more blockchain-based
alternatives to third-party payment services, bringing additional security and convenience to
customers, as well as different currency support and international transactions. - Nadya
Knysh, a1qa

5. Shipping And Logistics

Having trackable, transparent records and logs will hugely benefit this industry, but having
such ability without the need of being centralized (much like the physical process itself)
allows for much greater scale and completeness. - Lewis Liu, Eigen Technologies

6. Healthcare

Blockchain would enable end-to-end understanding of both the clinical information and the
spend at an individual patient level. This would enable patients to truly own their own
health. - Jennifer Esposito, Magic Leap

 Blockchain can be used to manage the cost of patient care & treatment.
 It can aid in managing and preventing pandemics in the future.
 It will enhance research in medical treatment & medicine.
 It will eradicate breaches in doctor-patient confidentiality.

Blockchain benefits in supply chain and food chain

Building trust between trading partners, providing end-to-end visibility, streamlining
processes and resolving issues faster with blockchain all add up to stronger, more resilient
supply chains and better business relationships. Plus, participants can act sooner in the
event of disruptions. In the food industry, blockchain can help ensure food safety and
freshness, and reduce waste. In the event of contamination, you can trace the food back to
its source in seconds rather than days.



Supply Chain Management:

Increased transparency and traceability of goods through the supply chain.

Improved inventory management and reduced waste

Enhanced food safety by enabling quick identification of contamination sources


Secure storage and sharing of electronic medical records

Streamlined clinical trials and drug supply chain management

Improved patient data privacy and consent management

Identity Management:

Decentralized, self-sovereign digital identities

Secure and verifiable personal identification documents

Reduced identity fraud and increased privacy protection

Real Estate:

Streamlined property title transfers and ownership records

Fractional ownership of real estate assets

Automated smart contracts for rental agreements and property management

Voting Systems:

Secure and transparent voting processes with immutable records

Reduced risk of voter fraud and tampering

Increased accessibility and participation in elections

Energy Sector:

Peer-to-peer energy trading and distribution

Tracking of renewable energy certificates and carbon credits

Improved efficiency in managing distributed energy resources

Decentralized Finance (DeFi):

Lending, borrowing, and trading of financial assets without intermediaries

Automated, transparent, and programmable financial services

Increased financial inclusion and access to global markets

Supply Chain Financing:

Improved access to working capital for small and medium-sized enterprises

Streamlined invoice factoring and trade finance processes

Enhanced transparency and trust in supply chain financing

Intellectual Property Management:

Secure and transparent tracking of intellectual property rights

Automated royalty payments and licensing agreements

Reduced risk of copyright infringement and piracy

Charitable Donations:

Increased transparency and accountability in the distribution of charitable funds

Automated and programmable donation protocols

Enhanced trust in the non-profit sector

Secure Software Development:

Blockchain-based software supply chain management

Tamper-evident and auditable software development processes

Improved security and transparency in software distribution

Art and Digital Asset Ownership:

Decentralized ownership and provenance tracking for digital art

Enabling fractional ownership and trading of digital assets

Reducing counterfeiting and improving authenticity verification

These innovative applications demonstrate the transformative potential of blockchain

technology beyond its initial use in cryptocurrencies. As the technology continues to
evolve, we can expect to see further advancements and adoption across a wide range of
industries and domains.


Varying national approaches to cryptocurrencies, with some countries adopting them as
legal tender while others have banned or regulated them differently

People's experiences with cryptocurrencies, such as access to wallets, using as a means

of payment, and mining activities, can influence their opinions about cryptocurrency

Younger generations are more receptive to technological innovations like


Only 17% of students perceived the possibility of cryptocurrencies being adopted as a

national currency, while the majority (52%) were opposed to the idea.

Significant differences were found between students' experiences with cryptocurrencies

and their opinions on cryptocurrency adaptation as a national currency.

No significant differences were observed for cryptocurrency mining and the period when
students learned about cryptocurrencies

Technological Evolution: Cryptocurrency's foundation in blockchain technology and

cryptography allows it to adapt to advancements in computing and security. As
mentioned, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum operate on decentralized ledgers,
providing transparency and permanence to transactions. This adaptability ensures that
cryptocurrency remains resilient to technological changes and continues to offer secure
transaction mechanisms

Financial Innovation: Cryptocurrency has reshaped traditional financial systems by

offering borderless, efficient, and decentralized alternatives to conventional currencies.
Its adaptability is evident in its ability to catalyze innovations in digital payments and
financial infrastructures (Khan et al., 2020). As digital advancements and technological
accessibility increase, cryptocurrency adapts by becoming more accessible to a broader
range of users, thereby reshaping global monetary systems

Regulatory Environment: Cryptocurrency's adaptability is also reflected in its response to

regulatory frameworks. While legislative constraints may act as deterrents to adoption
(Albayati et al., 2020), cryptocurrency networks and communities continually adapt to
comply with evolving regulations. This adaptability ensures the sustainability and
legitimacy of cryptocurrency within legal frameworks.

Consumer Adoption and Awareness: The adaptability of cryptocurrency is intertwined

with its acceptance and adoption by consumers. As awareness of cryptocurrency
increases, driven by educational campaigns and technological advancements (Uematsu
and Tanaka, 2019), its adaptability is evident in its ability to appeal to a broader

audience. Moreover, addressing security concerns and building trust among users
enhances cryptocurrency's adaptability by mitigating barriers to adoption

Trust and Security: Trust plays a crucial role in the adaptability of cryptocurrency. As
mentioned, trust acts as a moderator that influences individuals' decision-making
processes regarding cryptocurrency adoption Cryptocurrency's adaptability relies on
maintaining and strengthening trust through robust security measures and transparency
in transactions.


Risk (SD): This is standard deviation, a statistical measure of how spread out the data is.
In the context of investments, a higher standard deviation indicates a higher risk of the
investment's price fluctuating. Here, Dogecoin (DOGE) has the highest standard
deviation, which means it has the highest risk of its price fluctuating over the one-month
period. Conversely, Bitcoin (BTC) has the lowest standard deviation, which means it has
the lowest risk of its price fluctuating over the one-month period.

Return (Mean): This is the average return of the investment over the one-month period.
Here, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has the highest mean return, which means it has the highest
average return over the one-month period. Conversely, Ethereum (ETH) has the lowest
mean return, which means it has the lowest average return over the one-month period.


Security Concerns: Cryptocurrencies, despite their surge in popularity, face security
challenges. These challenges include hacking incidents, social engineering attacks, and
data breaches.

Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets: There are two main classifications of cryptocurrency

wallets: custodial and non-custodial. Custodial wallets store private keys with a third-
party organization, while non-custodial wallets allow users to hold their private keys.

Security Levels of Wallets: Security levels of wallets depend on the type. Cold wallets,
typically USB-based hardware devices, are considered the most secure due to their
offline storage. Hot wallets, including desktop, mobile, and online wallets, are more
vulnerable to cyberattacks due to their constant internet connection.

Security Architectures: Blockchain technology is the foundation for most

cryptocurrencies and is considered a secure architecture. It utilizes cryptography,

distributed ledgers, and consensus mechanisms (like proof-of-work) to ensure
transaction security and immutability.

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): DLT offers an alternative approach to recording and
sharing data across a network. While similar to blockchain, DLT offers various consensus
algorithms and data storage methods.


Over the last decade or so, cryptocurrencies and blockchain have completely shaken up the
world of finance as we know it. It all started with the launch of Bitcoin back in 2009, which
kicked off an explosion of interest and growth in this new decentralized digital currency

Since those early days, we've seen the total value of all cryptocurrencies skyrocket to
astronomical levels, even with all the wild ups and downs along the way. While Bitcoin and
Ethereum have reigned supreme, we've also witnessed a diverse "altcoin" ecosystem
emerge with new crypto projects exploring different applications of blockchain.

One area that's been particularly hot is decentralized finance – the DeFi space. By November
2023, over $50 billion in value was locked up in various DeFi protocols and apps, mostly on
the Ethereum network but with growing traction on other blockchains like Tron, Polygon,
Solana and Avalanche. It's been a rapidly evolving, competitive landscape.

But along with the incredible growth has come a lot of volatility and unpredictability in
crypto markets. Speculative trading, regulatory uncertainties, and fluctuations in
mainstream adoption have contributed to the wild price swings we've seen. Investors have
had to develop strong risk management skills to navigate this rollercoaster.

Speaking of regulations, that's been one of the biggest challenges for the industry.
Governments around the world have been grappling with how to properly oversee and
manage these new digital assets and platforms. Some have banned crypto outright, while
others have taken a more open-minded but cautious embrace. Finding that perfect balanced
approach has been really complicated.

Despite the focus on crypto investment and trading, the real long-term potential of
blockchain lies in its applications far beyond just digital currencies. We're seeing innovative
use cases emerge in supply chains, healthcare, identity management, real estate, voting
systems and more. The decentralized, secure and transparent nature of blockchain enables
these transformative solutions.

As the technology continues maturing, what's been really impressive is how adaptable
cryptocurrencies and blockchain have proven to be. Technological advances, finance industry
innovations, evolving regulations, and growing public awareness have all allowed this space
to keep evolving and finding product-market fit.

Of course, there are still major hurdles to overcome around scalability, projects being able to
communicate across networks, and compliance with laws and rules. But overall, there's no
denying the paradigm shift we've witnessed so far. Crypto and blockchain have completely
challenged traditional notions around money, financial transactions and trust itself.

As this revolution presses forward, the effects on the global financial system and other
domains are going to become even more profound and far-reaching. We've only
experienced the opening act so far. The main event may end up being Technology 2.0
redefining life as we know it.



Source :
 “Exploring the impact of cryptocurrency adoption on financial systems” by Smith J
and Johnson ,A., journal of innovation,2024.
 “Crypto currencies and decentralised finance (defi)” by Igor Makarov and Antoinette
scholar,16 Dec 2022.
 “Block chain technology: benefits, Challenges, applications, and integration of block
chain technology with cloud computing by Gousia Habib, sparsh Sharma, Sarah
Ibraham, Imtiaz ahmed , Shaima Qureshi, and Malik Ishfaq”.
 “Evolution dynamics of the cryptocurrency market by Abeer Elbahray and others,15
November 2017”
 “Regulation of cryptocurrencies in India, issues Ann challenges” by Deshant Singh
Thakur , prof Raj A varma , Prof Damodar Mayappa Hake
 “The growth of cryptocurrency in India” By Shilak Jani.
 “Monetary blockchain cryptocurrencies transaction to improve the trustworthiness
of the last Indian revolution by kamir sabri, Abbas madani ,27 number November
 “ Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronics cash systems” by Satoshi,Nakamoto,2008.
 “Decentralized Blockchain – Based electronic marketplace” by M Branshy , A
esmailbakis ,2019,
 ([]
 Varying national approaches to cryptocurrencies, with some countries adopting them
as legal tender while others have banned or regulated them differently. (Source:
Alvarez et al., 2022; Hoije & Goko, 2022; Cifuentes, 2019; Nawang et al., 2020)
 2024 crypto market outlook - 2024 Crypto Market Outlook | Coinbase Institutional


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