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Asset Identification
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

Executive Summary:
•   The new way to do business is to deliver value first. It needs to be part of your business DNA.

•   Asset identification is all about finding the assets you already have in your business. Most
people forget about many of their assets (including me), and we don’t realize how many we
already have.

•   A key theme to this: dig your well before your thirsty. This means you want to have the asset
(which is your well) before you ever need it.

•   This exercise is also a great map on how to gather more assets. Most of these assets come
through adding/creating value to other people’s lives...that’s where nearly ALL of mine have
come from.

•   I personally have extraordinary assets - and you will too once you start to focus on this list of
possible assets I’m about to share.

•   Assets:

o   Lists - prospect, client, offline, old lists (later on I’ll give you a super quick recipe for
rewarming cold lists)

§   Offline or online prospect lists are very valuable

§   Past clients (whether you have them in a current database or not)

§   Social Media presence (YouTube, Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+,

Instagram, etc.)

o   Offline or online presence - do you have positioning in your market?

o   Current or old products - done or almost done? On the market or off the market?

o   Raw material for a product or lead magnet - audio or video recordings, notes, outlines,

o   Content relationships - who do you know that has content or can create content?

o   Blogs - your blog? Relationships with bloggers? The easiest way to develop a
relationship with bloggers is to leave intelligent comments.

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

o   Don’t be self-promotional... be cool and help their positioning. Explore guest posting.

o   Forum presence - easy to build a forum presence. Find the high-value ones... search
Google for “keyword” + “forum”. Observe group norms, add value. Don’t promote until
after you add value. Eventually you may be able to send them to a squeeze page.

o   Testimonials or Case Studies - for you, your product or your service. If you’re just
starting out, then you should get testimonials for YOU (as a person)…how awesome
you are, your integrity, how you get stuff done, etc.

o   Joint venture or affiliate relationships - we’ll go deep on this in a later module, but the
best way to get on their radar is to sell their stuff. The second best way is to build value
in their lives. This business is no different from any other business.

o   Media relationships - writers, broadcasters, podcasters, etc.

o   Relationships with key players (persons of influence) in your market – or people who
have connections to those key players.

o   Expertise in an area that you can leverage (for example: me with launches, or Brendon
Burchard has expertise on getting sponsorships).

o   Relationships with experts - it’s often easy to get interviews with experts. They all want
a bigger audience - so there are many ways to leverage interviews.

o   And finally…PLF & the PLF Community & PLF Live - this is an extraordinary asset, so
take advantage!

•   Identifying Experts:

o   A great way to start is by identifying the top 10 experts in your market.

o   Rank the experts in order of preference, with most powerful or best fit at #1.

o   Approach #10 and ask for an interview.

o   They will usually do an interview for free. Offer to pay them if necessary.

o   Then go to #9, then #8, etc.

o   You can do this concurrently - after you have confidence go to #1.

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

o   Once you do this, make sure to record the calls and get them transcribed. You can do
this on sites like

•   After going through the Asset Identification exercise, you should have thought of some assets
you already have. What are they? Write them down!

•   The key is to start on all the long term stuff immediately. Start publishing on social media.
Start building a presence in forums in your niche. Identify top blogs and start making
intelligent comments.

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

Now we're going to do some asset identification. This is a fun exercise. You're
going to like this. I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised. As we move towards
your launch, it's important to identify and gather all your assets. That's what we're
going to do here. Most people have assets that they've completely forgotten about,
including me. You already have assets. There are a lot of times people have this
30,000 person list, for example, that they've completely forgotten about. You
almost surely already have assets.

One of the things that you'll often see in my work is this idea of "dig your well
before you're thirsty." Really what this is about is not only about identifying the
assets you already have, but it's identifying the map of how you can gather more
assets. As we go through here, that's the frame I want you to think about. Not only do
I have this, but what can I do now to start building those assets? Most of the time
assets come from adding value to other people's lives. That's where nearly
all of mine have come from. It's from adding to peoples' lives. A lot of times I get
great support when I go to launch something from joint venture partners and

People often wonder how year-after-year I get great support. As we spend a

lot of time helping people out, I see a lot of people that might be starting out coming
up in my industry, a lot of times just out of the blue they all will get an email from me
offering to help them with their launch. You can't hire me, I’m unhirable. People
can't pay me after working their launch, but often I'll just show up and help people
out, just because that's the way I am. Often that comes flowing back to me, even if not
from that person; from some person has heard about me helping someone else. All of
a sudden they're willing to help me. So yes, I've got these amazing assets, but I didn't
start with any of them. I built them up over time. Once you start to focus on this list
I'm about to share, then you're going to have those assets as well.

First of all, I want you think about any potential lists you have; prospect lists,
client lists, offline lists, old lists that you've forgotten about, that you haven't mailed
in a long time. And that if you have that old, cold list, moldy list, that's okay, I'm
going to give you a super quick recipe for warming them in a minute. A lot of time
people create a list that they’ve built over time, and they forget about it. Or you might
have some clients that you've seen over the years or people you've helped out - what

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

kind of lists do you have? They don't have to be email lists. They could be on
social media. They could be just the email addresses. They could be phone numbers.
They could be business cards.

What kind of lists do you have, especially lists of people that you've worked
with or built value in their lives in some fashion? It could be past clients, whether
they're in a current database or not. You’re going to learn a lot about Susan Garrett in
the course, she's had amazing success. When she started out she just had a bunch of
past clients. She sent them individual emails offering them something that they want
and offered to join her list. Past clients can be a great way, especially offline past
clients. Do you have a social media presence? On YouTube, on Facebook and Twitter,
somewhere else, Pinterest, whatever. There's a new flavor of the month in social
media, but do you have any presence there, any followers there?

What type of offline or online presence do you have? Do you have

positioning in your market? Do you give local talks at the Chamber of Commerce or
anything like that? Do you have some kind of positioning where people see you as an
expert or an authority or someone who has built value? It could be online in a forum.
It could be offline in a club hearing. Where do you have positioning within your
market where people know you, like you, trust you, respect your expertise? They
respect your capabilities.

How about current or old products, done or almost done? Lots of us

have a product that we’ve almost finished. It's sitting in our hard drive somewhere.
It's sitting in our closet somewhere. There's some recording, it could be on a video
tape or even a cassette tape somewhere. What old products have you not really
released, or don't sell anymore? This doesn’t have to be something that you're going
to sell. But it could be something you could leverage and turn into a Prelaunch
Content. You could turn it into the value offer when someone opts in your site, they
get that in return.

You could turn that into a free video issue release on YouTube to build some
traction. Do you have any old products that are done or almost done that are on the
market, off the market? Right now, we're not talking about how are we going to use
this, we're just gathering this list right now. Whatever raw material you have for a
product or lead magnet - audio or video recordings, notes, outlines, or even just some
ideas that you can talk about, that you're passionate about, that people find value in.
What raw material do you have in old journals? Emails that you've sent to past
clients that helped them out?

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

Think about what raw material you have.

What content relationships do you have? Who do you know that's

gotten content or can create content? Don't worry about how you're going to get it or
how you're going to compensate them. Just think about who you know that could
either produce some great content, could get on the phone with you, could do an
interview with you, or could shoot a quick video with. Who is already publishing that
might let you republish some of their stuff? What about blogs, do you have one? Do
you have relationships with bloggers?

The easiest way to develop a relationship is to leave intelligent comments on a

blog, almost every blogger out there is reading the comments on their blogs. It's
almost magnetic. They can't not read them, they have to read them.

Over time, say over the next month, leave an intelligent comment every time
they publish a new post. We're not being self-promotional, we're not saying, "Oh, I
totally agree with you. It just like I say on my blog here," or "Yeah, I 100% agree with
you, just like I say in my product here, go, here's the link." Don't be promotional, just
be cool, and help their positioning. Help them within your comment. Look at what
they're trying to do with their blog and their post. How are they trying to position
themselves? What are they using their content for? How could you leave an
intelligent comment that helps them accomplish what they want? That’s the big thing
with all these assets. The entire asset identification exercise is all about
figuring out how you can help people get what they want.

When you work on helping them get what they want, all of a
sudden you start to accumulate assets. It might not come pouring in
overnight, but that’s how I built my assets. I'm always focusing on how can I help
people get what they're after. Another way you can build relationships and assets is
by doing a guest post for other blogs. After you built some relationship with them,
you left some great comments; maybe you can contact them and see if you can write a
guest post. That can be a great way to build up your asset.

Another way is forum presence. Forums are old school now, because of
social media, but there are still some very active forums in a lot of markets. For
instance, if you're interested in electric guitars there is this fantastic forum just for
people that are really into Fender Telecasters. There's nowhere in social media that
has this many people that are into Fender Telecasters as there are on that forum. It's
easy to find high value forums. Just go to Google and search whatever your keyword

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

is, and then the word “forum.” You're going to find the forums.

When you get into forums, there's always group norms. A good forum is
always a strong community, and there are group norms. Get on there, and just read
for a few days or weeks. Observe what the group norms are. A lot of time there are
sticky notes posted in forums where they have what the community norms and rules
are. Be sure to check those out. Remember one thing - add value. Don't
promote until you've added value in the forum. Do you have a presence on a forum or
could you build a presence?

What kind of testimonials and case studies do you have? They can
be for you, your product, or your service. Maybe you’ve been working with clients
one-on-one. Now, you want to release a product, but you don't have testimonials for
it because it's not done yet.

You can go back to your clients and get them to say cool things about you and
your services, and about the results they've gotten from you. Often when you're just
starting out testimonials are just about you as a person, about how awesome you are,
about your integrity, about how you get stuff done, or about the results that you've
gotten for people that you’ve worked with. What kind of testimonials or case studies
do you have or could you get?

Joint venture, affiliates relationships - we’ll go way deeper on this in a

later module. The best way to start building those relationships and to get
onto their radar is to sell their stuff. i.e. to be an affiliate for them and sell
their stuff. That's the number one way to get on someone’s radar if you want them to
promote for you. The second way is to find a way to build value in their lives.

This could mean buying their product, doing well with it and then being a
case study for them. Just write in and say, “Hey, I love your stuff and I took action. It
was awesome." A lot of the time people come to me and say, "Jeff, how do I get a
whole bunch of people to promote my product and be my champion?"

If you just walked into some corporation or some store and said, "Hey, I want
you to be my champion. Can you be my champion? Can you be my partner? Can you
be my affiliate? Can you promote for me?" They'll be like, "Well, who are you?"

In normal business, especially offline business, you have to build a

relationship first. You have to build value first. This business is no different than any
other business. Start thinking - are there people that you have added value for

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

already? People that you could approach for a joint venture/affiliate relationship,
who are those dream partners for you? How can you start adding value for them as
quickly as possible? How about relationships with key players, by persons of

Or, do you know people who have connections to those people?

That can be the quick route right up to the top in your market. Do you have
relationships, or can you build relationships with the key players? Again,
relationships aren't built over night. It's all about adding value. Do you have expertise
in an area that you can leverage? For example, I've often helped people with their
launches, and I’ve built relationships very quickly by doing so.

Maybe it was just a quick hallway conversation where I give them an idea at a
conference, or maybe it's a quick phone call or Skype session. Brendon Burchard did
this really, really well. He had expertise on getting sponsorships i.e. getting
corporations to sponsor small companies. He had real expertise on that. He used that
expertise to get great sponsors for his launch and create great prices for his joint
venture partners. He went from not having much positioning, to being able to offer
these amazing prices for joint venture partners who took part in his launch. This put
him on the map right away.

Do you have relationships with experts? Often there are people who
are experts in an area, they might not be a huge key player or person of influence, but
they have great expertise. They're often easy to get interviews with them. Often this is
the case with best-selling authors. There are lots of authors out there whose books
aren't selling a million copies. Even if they're a best seller in Amazon, they want a
bigger audience. If you go to them, interview them, and promise that you could bring
them to a bigger audience, then it can be a great asset to build up.

John Gallagher is a very famous PLF Owner that went from food stamps to
building up a serious business. He initially built up his business by going to experts
in his market, which was edible and medicinal plants and herbs. He went to them
and interviewed them. When he told his small email list about these interviews, they
told all their friends and neighbors because the interviews were with top-tier experts.
Experts who didn't really have any platform or leverage, but they were top tier
experts. He was able to interview them and it didn't cost him anything. They loved
doing the interviews because it brought them to a wider audience. He was able to
quickly grow his list by doing that, and there are many ways to leverage these

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

Another asset is Product Launch Formula, the PLF community,

and PLF Live. If you just go to the community and you're looking for experts, or
looking to bring your expertise to people and you mention that in the community,
you can often build up great relationships there. You may find very high power
relationships, possibly even joint venture relationships. When you come to PLF Live,
which is a once a year live event, the level of joint venture deals, content
relationships, and ability to get the attention of people with amazing platforms is just
through the roof. This is an absolutely extraordinary asset.

Right here within Product Launch Formula community you have a great
asset. Again, like everything else it is all about adding value. How do you add value to
people's lives? It's not just about going in there and putting up a post in the PLF
community saying, "Hey I've got this product. Who wants to mail it for me? Who
wants to promote for me? Who wants to be my partner? Who wants to be my
affiliate? Who can promote me?” It's about going in there and adding value -
becoming a presence there over time and then sharing.

In other words, sharing your value and then looking to support other people.
Then, and only then, asking for their support. Obviously it's a common theme here.
It's all about building value for others. If you don't already have these assets in place
it's about building value first. Here is the quick start. Start on all the long-
term stuff immediately; then start publishing on social media. Start
building up your presence in forums and in your niche. Identify those
top blogs. Start making intelligent comments.

There's a saying about when is the best time to start...If you want to have a
100 feet oak tree in your yard, when is the best time to plant it? 50 years ago. That
was the best time to plant it. 50 years ago. When is the second best time? Today. You
want to start planting today.

If you haven't built up all these assets over time, then do the second best
thing. Start building today. Identify ten experts in your market. Rank them in order
of preference with the most powerful or the best fit at number one. Often the most
powerful one might not be a good fit for you. You might not resonate with their
values or their presence and the kind of content they publish. In that case then, don't
go to them.

Then you want to list them in terms of, “these are the best people, the most
powerful people who are a great fit with me.” List them 1-10 in order of power, order

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I
MODULE ONE – Asset Identification  

of preference, order of how they resonate with you. You don't go to the number one
first. Approach number ten and ask for an interview. Often they'll do that interview
for free. Or if they don't want to, you could even offer to pay them.

Often it's amazing how small an amount of money you can pay them. After
you get number 10, then go to number nine, and then go to number eight. You can
this concurrently. You can go to number eight and nine at the same time. Get that
first one done. Just go through the process. Figure it out. Smooth out all the wrinkles.
Get that first one done. Get those done, then continue working down that list until
you go to number one. Record the calls and get them transcribed.

We use (and for transcription

services. You can record calls in any number of ways. You can just use Google
Hangouts to record them. This is a quick way to get right in there and get moving,
building your assets quickly. Then the next step is you need to start building your list,
and for that you need an opt-in page (or what we call a squeeze page), an opt-in offer
(something of value that you're giving to people if they opt in). Once you start
building your list, it makes it a lot easier to build value for other people very quickly.

That's a quick look at your asset identification, and a quick start on your asset

© 2017 Internet Alchemy, Inc. I

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