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Sexuality Now Embracing Diversity 3rd

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Chapter 10--Sexual Expression: Arousal and Response

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Which of the following is true about orgasms?

A. They produce a calming effect in both men and women.
B. They trigger the release of the hormone prolactin.
C. Orgasms can relieve chronic pain in women.
D. Orgasms can raise pain thresholds in women.
E. All of the above are true.

2. Which of the following is true about the production of testosterone?

A. both men and women produce approximately the same amount of testosterone
B. men produce far more testosterone than women
C. actually, women produce more testosterone than men
D. women produce no testosterone
E. none of these are true

3. According to research, ethnicity play a role in:

A. the frequency of sexual behaviors.
B. our sexual attitudes.
C. which sexual behaviors we engage in.
D. our ability to communicate about sex.
E. all of the above

4. Which of the following is TRUE about Asian Americans, compared with other racial and ethnic minorities?
A. They are sexually more liberal.
B. They are less likely to link sex with procreation.
C. They are more reluctant to obtain sexual and reproductive care.
D. They become sexually active at an earlier age.
E. All of the above are true.

5. Who created the well known four-phase model of sexual response?

A. Helen Singer Kaplan
B. Ernest Grafenberg
C. Alfred Kinsey
D. Masters and Johnson
E. David Reed
6. What are the stages of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle in order?
A. arousal, desire, orgasm, and resolution
B. excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution
C. desire, excitement, climax, and refraction
D. plateau, lust, orgasm, and refraction
E. arousal, surrender, relief, and rejuvenation

7. What is the name for an increase in blood flow to the genitals during the excitement phase of the sexual
response cycle?
A. vasocongestion
B. detumescence
C. myotonia
D. intromission
E. transudation

8. A thickening of the walls of the lower third of the vagina is called:

A. myotonia.
B. refraction.
C. tumescence.
D. the orgasmic platform.
E. tenting.

9. Transudation refers to:

A. erection.
B. loss of erection.
C. lubrication of the vagina.
D. tenting.
E. excitement.

10. The entrance to the vagina is called the:

A. vaginal arch.
B. introitus.
C. transductive opening.
D. urethra.
E. none of the above
11. During what stage of the sexual response cycle in women does the tenting effect occur?
A. plateau
B. orgasm
C. resolution
D. arousal
E. excitement

12. Tenting refers to:

A. lubrication of the vagina.
B. erection.
C. lubrication of the penis.
D. expansion of the vaginal walls.
E. ejaculation.

13. If a woman is experiencing a sex flush, vasocongestion, and transudation, she is most likely in which stage
of sexual arousal?
A. excitement
B. plateau
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. refraction

14. If a woman is clearly sexually aroused and the clitoris has pulled behind the clitoral hood, she is most likely
in which stage of sexual arousal?
A. excitement
B. plateau
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. arousal

15. A release of vasocongestion and myotonia, contractions, and muscle spasms describe:
A. the excitement phase.
B. the plateau phase.
C. orgasm.
D. resolution.
E. the refractory period.
16. Which of the following has NOT been found to be a physiological benefit of male ejaculation into the
vaginal canal?
A. It decreases the likelihood of breast cancer.
B. It helps regulates female ovulation.
C. It protects against vaginal atrophy.
D. It can enhances women’s mood.
E. All of the above are benefits.

17. Blood is leaving the genitals, the erection subsides, muscles relax, and breathing and heart rate return to
normal. Which stage of sexual arousal does this describe?
A. arousal
B. excitement
C. plateau
D. orgasm
E. resolution

18. Detumescence is the loss of:

A. lubrication.
B. myotonia.
C. an erection.
D. ejaculation capability.
E. resolution.

19. Pre-ejaculatory fluid is most likely to appear during which stage of the sexual response cycle?
A. arousal
B. excitement
C. plateau
D. orgasm
E. resolution

20. Erections are most likely to first develop during which stage of the sexual response cycle?
A. excitement
B. plateau
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. refractory
21. The feeling that ejaculation can no longer be controlled is called ejaculatory:
A. intervention.
B. resolution.
C. inevitability.
D. excitement.
E. orgasm.

22. What is the refractory stage?

A. a period when men cannot be restimulated to orgasm
B. the phase when women experience transudation
C. a phase when men experience tumescence and nipple erections.
D. the stage when women reach an orgasmic platform and cannot orgasm
E. the second half of the plateau stage in women the sex flush appears

23. The length of the refractory period is related to:

A. age.
B. ethnicity.
C. race.
D. culture.
E. religion.

24. Who created the triphasic model of sexual response?

A. Helen Singer Kaplan
B. Ernest Grafenberg
C. Alfred Kinsey
D. Masters and Johnson
E. David Reed

25. The triphasic model of sexual response includes:

A. excitement, resolution, and recovery.
B. arousal, orgasm, and recovery.
C. plateau, orgasm, and refractory.
D. arousal, excitement, and orgasm.
E. orgasm, resolution, and recovery.
26. Men are more likely than women to believe that:
A. oral sex is not sex.
B. cybersex is not cheating.
C. sexual frequency declines with marriage.
D. both a and b
E. all of the above

27. What makes David Reed's model of sexual response different from Masters and Johnson's?
A. It only has two phases instead of four.
B. It includes the psychological element of sexual desire.
C. It has different stages for men and women.
D. It omits the orgasm stage.
E. All of these are true

28. According to Rosemary Basson, for women, he decision to have sex is driven by:
A. hormones, particularly estrogen.
B. lust.
C. a desire for intimacy.
D. innate bisexuality.
E. none of the above

29. Leonore Tiefer criticizes both Masters and Johnson and Kaplan because she believes their models of sexual
functioning are too much based on a:
A. medical model.
B. dated model.
C. psychological model.
D. cultural model.
E. non-scientific.

30. One who chooses not to engage in sexual behavior is practicing:

A. celibacy.
B. transudation.
C. refraction.
E. seduction.
31. Which of the following statements regarding sexual fantasies is false?
A. Those who do not have sexual fantasies have been found to experience a greater likelihood of sexual
B. Liberal attitudes have been found to be associated with shorter and less explicit sexual fantasies.
C. Men tend to report having more fantasies than women.
D. They allow a person to explore sexual activities that might be taboo.
E. all of these are true

32. What are sexual cognitions?

A. emoticons
B. thoughts about sex
C. sexual behaviors that are part of the sexual response cycle
D. sexual behaviors related to ethnicity
E. None of these are true

33. Women's sexual fantasies tend to be more __________ than men's.

A. aggressive
B. violent
C. explicit
D. romantic
E. unemotional

34. If a woman fantasizes about the use of force in sexual relationships, one can conclude that:
A. she wants to be forced to have sex.
B. she is sexually guilty for what she has done in the past.
C. she is not in control of her sexuality.
D. she is a lesbian.
E. none of these are true

35. Which of the following sexual fantasies are reportedly more common among men than women?
A. sex with current partner
B. reliving a past sexual experience
C. sex beginning with a candlelight seduction
D. having an aggressive partner
E. all of these are true
36. Which of the following statements regarding women and masturbation is TRUE?
A. There is a strong masturbation taboo that makes women feel it is not acceptable to admit they masturbate.
B. Research has found that women reach the most intense orgasms through masturbation.
C. College women are less likely to report masturbating than college men.
D. The majority of African American women express some discomfort with masturbation.
E. All of these are true

37. What is the term for the physical caressing of the genitals during solo or partner masturbation?
A. manual sex
B. analingus
C. fellatio
D. master effect
E. cunnilingus

38. According to the textbook, why has manual sex become more popular in recent years?
A. It has become more commonly depicted in movies and television.
B. It takes less time.
C. There is typically no exchange of bodily fluids, so it is a form of safer sex.
D. It is approved by all major religious groups
E. none of these are true

39. What is cunnilingus?

A. oral stimulation of the anus
B. engaging in oral sex simultaneously
C. oral sex on a woman
D. physical stimulation of the genitals during masturbation
E. oral sex on a man

40. What is fellatio?

A. oral stimulation of the anus
B. engaging in oral sex simultaneously
C. oral sex on a woman
D. physical stimulation of the genitals during masturbation
E. oral sex on a man
41. What is sixty-nine?
A. oral stimulation of the anus
B. oral sex that is performed simultaneously between two partners
C. oral sex on a woman
D. physical stimulation of the genitals during masturbation
E. oral sex on a man

42. What is analingus?

A. oral stimulation of the anus
B. engaging in oral sex simultaneously
C. oral sex on a woman
D. physical stimulation of the genitals during masturbation
E. oral sex on a man

43. What position for sexual intercourse do sex therapists often recommend for couples that are experiencing
difficulties with early ejaculation?
A. male-on-top
B. side-by-side
C. female-on-top
D. sixty-nine
E. rear entry

44. What position for sexual intercourse provides the best opportunity for women to control clitoral
A. male-on-top
B. side-by-side
C. female-on-top
D. sixty-nine
E. rear entry

45. Which of these sexual practices puts one most at risk for contracting AIDS from an infected partner?
A. cunnilingus
B. anal sex
C. side-by-side sex
D. mutual masturbation
E. missionary position
46. If a couple is thrusting the penis between the thighs of the partner, they are engaging in
A. anal sex
B. buttockery
C. analingus
D. interfemoral intercourse
E. rear entry

47. If a couple is rubbing their genitals together they are practicing

A. interfemoral intercourse
B. buttockery
C. anal intercourse
D. rear entry
E. tribadism

48. Overall, lesbians have been found __________ than heterosexual women.
A. to be more sexually responsive
B. to be more satisfied with their sexual relationship
C. to have lower rates of sexual problems
D. all of these are true
E. none of these are true

49. Simultaneous masturbation of sexual partners by each other is called

A. tribadism.
B. a sixty-nine.
C. mutual masturbation.
D. intromission.
E. anilingus.

50. Which of the following is true about sexual behavior in the later years?
A. Decreases in sexual functioning are exacerbated by sexual inactivity.
B. Masturbation increases as people grow older.
C. Frequency of intercourse increases as people grow older.
D. Most older men and women report a decrease in sexual desire.
E. All of the above are true.

51. Both men and women produce approximately the same amount of testosterone.
True False
52. Compared with other racial and ethnic minorities, Mexican Americans have the lowest number of sexual
partners in their lifetime.
True False

53. In order, the stages of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle are excitement, plateau, orgasm, and
True False

54. Transudation is another word for erection.

True False

55. In both men and women, a series of contractions characterizes an orgasm.

True False

56. A release of vasocongestion and myotonia, contractions, and muscle spasms describe the excitement phase.
True False

57. Masturbation is unique to humans.

True False

58. Sex flush resembles a rash.

True False

59. Men are not capable of faking orgasm.

True False

60. The length of the refractory period increases as men age.

True False

61. The triphasic model of sexual response includes excitement, resolution, and recovery.
True False
62. Leonore Tiefer criticizes both Masters and Johnson and Kaplan because she believes their models of sexual
functioning are too much based on a medical model.
True False

63. Sexual cognitions are thoughts about sex.

True False

64. Cunnilingus is oral stimulation of the anus.

True False

65. To achieve deepest penetration, couples should use the side-by-side position for intercourse.
True False

66. Describe the physiological changes for men and women during the excitement phase of Masters and
Johnson's sexual response cycle.

67. Compare and contrast the models of the sexual response cycle developed by both Masters and Johnson and
Helen Singer Kaplan.
68. Write a sexual fantasy that would be common for men and then explain why it is typical of men's fantasies.

69. Discuss what research has determined to be the benefits of masturbation.

70. What is manual sex? Why is it becoming more common?

71. Compare the advantages of male-on-top and female-on-top sexual positions. Then, compare the differences.
72. Describe a typical Japanese “love hotel.” What function do these serve for Japanese couples?

73. Compare the sexual interactions between heterosexual couples and homosexual couples. What are the
similarities and what are the differences?

74. Based on the available research, what do we know about the influence of alcohol on sexual behavior,
especially among college students?

75. Define "safer sex" and give some guidelines for safer behaviors.
Chapter 10--Sexual Expression: Arousal and Response Key

1. Which of the following is true about orgasms?

A. They produce a calming effect in both men and women.
B. They trigger the release of the hormone prolactin.
C. Orgasms can relieve chronic pain in women.
D. Orgasms can raise pain thresholds in women.
E. All of the above are true.

2. Which of the following is true about the production of testosterone?

A. both men and women produce approximately the same amount of testosterone
B. men produce far more testosterone than women
C. actually, women produce more testosterone than men
D. women produce no testosterone
E. none of these are true

3. According to research, ethnicity play a role in:

A. the frequency of sexual behaviors.
B. our sexual attitudes.
C. which sexual behaviors we engage in.
D. our ability to communicate about sex.
E. all of the above

4. Which of the following is TRUE about Asian Americans, compared with other racial and ethnic minorities?
A. They are sexually more liberal.
B. They are less likely to link sex with procreation.
C. They are more reluctant to obtain sexual and reproductive care.
D. They become sexually active at an earlier age.
E. All of the above are true.

5. Who created the well known four-phase model of sexual response?

A. Helen Singer Kaplan
B. Ernest Grafenberg
C. Alfred Kinsey
D. Masters and Johnson
E. David Reed
6. What are the stages of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle in order?
A. arousal, desire, orgasm, and resolution
B. excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution
C. desire, excitement, climax, and refraction
D. plateau, lust, orgasm, and refraction
E. arousal, surrender, relief, and rejuvenation

7. What is the name for an increase in blood flow to the genitals during the excitement phase of the sexual
response cycle?
A. vasocongestion
B. detumescence
C. myotonia
D. intromission
E. transudation

8. A thickening of the walls of the lower third of the vagina is called:

A. myotonia.
B. refraction.
C. tumescence.
D. the orgasmic platform.
E. tenting.

9. Transudation refers to:

A. erection.
B. loss of erection.
C. lubrication of the vagina.
D. tenting.
E. excitement.

10. The entrance to the vagina is called the:

A. vaginal arch.
B. introitus.
C. transductive opening.
D. urethra.
E. none of the above
11. During what stage of the sexual response cycle in women does the tenting effect occur?
A. plateau
B. orgasm
C. resolution
D. arousal
E. excitement

12. Tenting refers to:

A. lubrication of the vagina.
B. erection.
C. lubrication of the penis.
D. expansion of the vaginal walls.
E. ejaculation.

13. If a woman is experiencing a sex flush, vasocongestion, and transudation, she is most likely in which stage
of sexual arousal?
A. excitement
B. plateau
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. refraction

14. If a woman is clearly sexually aroused and the clitoris has pulled behind the clitoral hood, she is most likely
in which stage of sexual arousal?
A. excitement
B. plateau
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. arousal

15. A release of vasocongestion and myotonia, contractions, and muscle spasms describe:
A. the excitement phase.
B. the plateau phase.
C. orgasm.
D. resolution.
E. the refractory period.
16. Which of the following has NOT been found to be a physiological benefit of male ejaculation into the
vaginal canal?
A. It decreases the likelihood of breast cancer.
B. It helps regulates female ovulation.
C. It protects against vaginal atrophy.
D. It can enhances women’s mood.
E. All of the above are benefits.

17. Blood is leaving the genitals, the erection subsides, muscles relax, and breathing and heart rate return to
normal. Which stage of sexual arousal does this describe?
A. arousal
B. excitement
C. plateau
D. orgasm
E. resolution

18. Detumescence is the loss of:

A. lubrication.
B. myotonia.
C. an erection.
D. ejaculation capability.
E. resolution.

19. Pre-ejaculatory fluid is most likely to appear during which stage of the sexual response cycle?
A. arousal
B. excitement
C. plateau
D. orgasm
E. resolution

20. Erections are most likely to first develop during which stage of the sexual response cycle?
A. excitement
B. plateau
C. orgasm
D. resolution
E. refractory
21. The feeling that ejaculation can no longer be controlled is called ejaculatory:
A. intervention.
B. resolution.
C. inevitability.
D. excitement.
E. orgasm.

22. What is the refractory stage?

A. a period when men cannot be restimulated to orgasm
B. the phase when women experience transudation
C. a phase when men experience tumescence and nipple erections.
D. the stage when women reach an orgasmic platform and cannot orgasm
E. the second half of the plateau stage in women the sex flush appears

23. The length of the refractory period is related to:

A. age.
B. ethnicity.
C. race.
D. culture.
E. religion.

24. Who created the triphasic model of sexual response?

A. Helen Singer Kaplan
B. Ernest Grafenberg
C. Alfred Kinsey
D. Masters and Johnson
E. David Reed

25. The triphasic model of sexual response includes:

A. excitement, resolution, and recovery.
B. arousal, orgasm, and recovery.
C. plateau, orgasm, and refractory.
D. arousal, excitement, and orgasm.
E. orgasm, resolution, and recovery.
26. Men are more likely than women to believe that:
A. oral sex is not sex.
B. cybersex is not cheating.
C. sexual frequency declines with marriage.
D. both a and b
E. all of the above

27. What makes David Reed's model of sexual response different from Masters and Johnson's?
A. It only has two phases instead of four.
B. It includes the psychological element of sexual desire.
C. It has different stages for men and women.
D. It omits the orgasm stage.
E. All of these are true

28. According to Rosemary Basson, for women, he decision to have sex is driven by:
A. hormones, particularly estrogen.
B. lust.
C. a desire for intimacy.
D. innate bisexuality.
E. none of the above

29. Leonore Tiefer criticizes both Masters and Johnson and Kaplan because she believes their models of sexual
functioning are too much based on a:
A. medical model.
B. dated model.
C. psychological model.
D. cultural model.
E. non-scientific.

30. One who chooses not to engage in sexual behavior is practicing:

A. celibacy.
B. transudation.
C. refraction.
E. seduction.
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The Stove Takes the Place of an Electric Stove Where There is Only a Gas

A piece of sheet metal, B, is cut to fit the space between the wires,
allowing projections at the upper and lower outside edges for
bending around the upright twisted wires. The entire stove can be
nickelplated if desired. It can be used in the same manner as an
electric stove and for the same purposes where a home is supplied
only with gas.—Contributed by E. L. Douthett, Kansas City, Mo.
Castings without Patterns
The sketch shows a method of making small castings that I have
used for several years and the castings so produced are strong and
very durable, almost equal to the ordinary casting. The idea may be
of considerable value to inventors and home mechanics.

A Mold Made in Plaster without a Special Pattern and Run with a Soft Metal

The mold is of plaster of Paris, held in a wood frame or box, and

all that is required in the way of a pattern is a plain block or anything
that will produce an impression of the general outline of the casting,
as shown in the sketch. After the impression is made the mold
should be dusted thoroughly with black lead. The journal bearings
are then located, holes drilled in the hardened plaster and wood pins
set as shown. These pins must be of hard wood and of a diameter to
suit the finished size of the bore. Brass tubing of a suitable size is cut
off to the length required and placed on the wood pins. These pieces
of tubing will be the brass bushings in the finished castings. Babbitt
metal is melted and poured into the mold. Before pouring the metal it
is well to be sure that the plaster is thoroughly dry.
The mold is as shown, and the upper side of the metal is at all
times exposed to the air. This makes it necessary to have all core
prints on the under side, as this side will be the one in view when the
casting is finished, and the upper side, as the casting lies in the
mold, will be the inside or unexposed side. In case of curved work,
reinforcing strips of sheet brass should be placed in the mold and
imbedded in the casting, as shown in the sketch by the dotted lines.
A little practice will enable anyone to produce very neat cored
castings. and when the brass bushings are fitted to size and faced
off, and the casting painted, a piece will be produced that will
compare in finish and general usefulness with anything of the nature
that could be bought. Do not treat the brass tubes with soldering flux
unless necessary, for they should be removable so that they can be
replaced when worn.—Contributed by J. B. Murphy, Plainfield, N. J.
A Developing-Paper Printer
Having a rush order for a large quantity of post cards, I was
compelled to adopt some way of making the prints quickly. As I was
in a place where a printer could not be secured for several weeks, I
set about making one, with good results, as shown in the

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Parts for Making the Switch So That It will Operate Automatically as the
Cover is Moved

I first secured an ordinary soap box and took it apart, being careful
to keep the boards whole, then rebuilt it to make a box with ends
measuring 12 in. square, and 14 in. in length. In one end I cut a large
hole to admit a 60-watt tungsten globe, then, taking another board, I
fitted a knob and hinges to it and used it for a door. The other end of
the box was centered and a hole bored large enough to admit an
ordinary socket. Another hole was bored, 4 in. to the right, for
another socket. A much heavier material was used for the lid than for
the box, being at least ⁷⁄₈ in. thick. A piece of double-strength, clear
glass, 8 by 10 in. in size, was procured and set in a hole cut in the
cover so that its upper surface would be flush.

The Printer may be Set in the Table Top or Used Separately, as Desired

An ordinary single-pole switch was secured, as shown in Fig. 1,

also a small mousetrap, as shown in Fig. 2. The front part of the trap
was sawed off so that only the spring was utilized. The base of the
trap was then cut out to fit snugly on the base of the switch, into
which two corresponding holes were bored for the screws. The next
thing was to secure several clips, which were cut from sheet brass,
to operate the switch, and a lever to control the switch, as shown in
Fig. 3. The lever is 1 in. wide and 4 in. long, having a slot at the
bottom, to slip easily over the lever handle in the switch, and a hole,
drilled 1 in. above the slot, to admit a nail to keep the spring from
throwing it out of position. The clips for holding the films, or plates,
are shown in Fig. 4.

Side View of the Printer, Showing Parts Assembled and the Main Line
Connections to the Globes

After securing a double socket, of which there are many types, a

few yards of lamp cord, a piece of felt, 6 by 8 in. in size, and two
ordinary lamp sockets, I was ready to assemble the printer. The
switch was then placed on a board of the same width, the spring of
the trap placed on top of it and then fastened with screws. This
board was then cut off the length of the inside of the box and
fastened in place, with the switch and trap spring on top.
The ruby light A burns all the time, acting as a pilot in placing the
negative. When the cover B is lowered, after placing the paper, the
felt pad on the under side holding it secure, the projecting arm C
comes in contact with the switch lever D and makes the connection
to the tungsten light E. After the proper time for the exposure has
been given the cover is raised and by this action the tungsten light is
automatically shut off, leaving only the red light burning. With a 60-
watt lamp I secure a print in about 3 seconds, which is fast enough.
Of course, by using a larger lamp, the time could be reduced to a
second or more, according to the size. The time given was obtained
by experience in using ordinary brands of papers.—Contributed by
Harry Marcelle, Honolulu, H. I.
Transposing Temperature Readings
The Readings can be Transposed from Fahrenheit to
Centigrade or Vice Versa Instantly by the Use of This Scale
It is often necessary for the amateur scientist to transpose a
temperature reading from the Fahrenheit to the centigrade scale, or
vice versa. This is easily accomplished by means of the diagram
without the use of a formula. The centigrade readings are given on
the horizontal axis and the Fahrenheit readings on the vertical axis.
The temperature readings are the same at minus 40 deg. and from
that point on the Fahrenheit readings equal nine-fifths of the
centigrade plus 32. This reading is instantly seen by the scale.—
Contributed by James F. Boyd, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Protecting Plans in a Shop
The magazines I used in the shop, for making a few things from
plans, became so soiled that they were unfit for the library. I now
keep them clean by using a covering made of an old picture frame
from which the back was removed and a plain glass inserted in its
place. This is placed over the magazine or other plans on the bench
and keeps them clean, dustless, open and flat.—Contributed by H. J.
Blacklidge, San Rafael, Cal.
Homemade Eyebolts

Many times one has use for an eyebolt when there is none at
hand. Eyebolts of almost any size can be quickly made of a spring
cotter. Simply thread the end, as shown, and use a nut and washer.
—Contributed by Chas. G. England, Washington, Pa.
To Keep Tan Shoes from Turning Dark
Tan-shoe polishes seem to rub the dirt into the leather and to
darken it in a short time. Tan shoes can be kept clean and well
polished without losing their original bright tan color if treated in the
following simple manner. Instead of using tan polish on a new pair of
shoes, dampen the end of a soft clean cloth, and rub a small portion
of the leather at a time with the moist end and then rub briskly with
the dry end. In this way tan shoes can be kept clean and nicely
polished like new.—Contributed by John V. Voorhis, Ocean Grove,
N. J.
A Finger-Trap Trick
It is easy to fool one’s friends with the little joker made to trap a
finger. It consists of a piece of paper, about 6 in. wide and 12 in. or
more long. To prepare the paper, cut two slots in one end, as shown,
and then roll it up to tube form, beginning at the end with the cuts,
then fasten the end with glue. The inside diameter should be about
¹⁄₂ inch.
It is Easy to Insert a Finger in the Tube, but to Get It Out is Almost

When the glue is dry, ask some one to push a finger into either
end. This will be easy enough to do, but to remove the finger is a
different matter. The end coils tend to pull out and hold the finger. If
the tube is made of tough paper, it will stand considerable pull.—
Contributed by Abner B. Shaw, N. Dartmouth, Mass.

¶When mercury is spilled it can be picked up with a medicine

Homemade Roller Skates

Wheels Fitted into the Ends of a Long Board, to Make a Roller Skate

The long wheel base of the roller skate illustrated makes it quite
safe and will prevent falls. The construction of these skates is
simple, the frame being made of a board, 2 ft. long, 3 in. wide and 1
in. thick. Holes are mortised through the ends to admit the wheels. A
small block, cut out on one side to fit the heel of the shoe, is securely
fastened centrally, for width, and just in front of the rear wheel on the
board. Two leather straps are fastened to one side of each board, to
fasten the skate onto the shoe. The wheels can be turned from hard
wood, or small metal wheels may be purchased, as desired. The
axle for the wheels consists of a bolt run through a hole bored in the
edge of the board centrally with the mortise.—Contributed by Walter
Veene, San Diego, Cal.
¶The screw collar of a vise should be oiled at least once a month.
How to Make a High Stool

The cast-off handles of four old brooms, three pieces of board, cut
as shown, and a few screws will make a substantial high stool. The
legs should be placed in the holes, as shown at A, and secured with
screws turned through the edge of the board into the legs in the
holes. The seat B should be fastened over this and the legs braced

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