Q1 (1)

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Q1. True or False.

A Collaborative review of the formulation and differential diagnosis can provide a

platform for developing (with the patient) options and recommendations for
treatment, taking into account the patients’s amenability fot therapeutic intervention.

Q2. True or False.

Secure attechments in childhood foster emotional resilience, and generate skills and
habits of seeking out selected attachment figures for comfort, protection, advice, and
strength. (True)

Q3. Which of the following physician relationship techniques is LEAST likely to be

associated with good outcomes and patient satisfaction?
a. Empathy
b. Reaction Formation
c. Reflection
d. Support
e. Understanding

Q4. Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to be accurate?

a. For higher-functioning patients, the public nature of the environment and the
frantic pace of the emergency department may make it difficult for the patient
to present very personal, private material in a calm fashion.
b. In public places (such as community health centers or schools), patients may
feel worried about being recognized by neighbors or friends
c. Patients are exquisitely sensitive to the environment in which they are
d. There is no need to avoid the office settings in which there is an
aggressive patient blocking the door, and where there is no emergency
button or access to a phone that can be used to call for help.
e. Whatever the setting. it is always advisable to ask the patient directly how
comfortable he or she feels In the examining room, and to try to ensure
privacy and a quiet environment with minimal distractions

Q5 . Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to be accurate?

a. A specific syndrome or symptom may hove idiosyncratic significance to a
patient, perhaps because a relative with a mood disorder was hospitalized for
life, before the deinstitutionalization of mental disorders.
b. Culture rarely influences health and mental health-seeking behavior, the
understanding of psychiatric symptoms, the course of psychiatric
disorders, the efficacy of various treatments, or the kinds of treatments
c. Patients generally have poor understanding of psychiatric disorder, either from
lack of information, myth, or misinformation from media (e.g, TV, radio, and
the internet)
d. Psychiatric disorder are commonly stigmatized, and subsequently are often
accompanied by profound shame, anxiety, denial, fear, and uncertainty.
e. Some patients (based on cognitive limitations) may not understand their

Q6. Which of the following statements about the psychiatric interview is LEAST
likely to be accurate?

a. Psychiatric interviews should begin with a personal introduction, and establish

the purpose of the interview; this helps create an alliance around the initial
b. The interviewer should indicate that the psychiatric interview is collaborative,
and that any misunderstandings on the part of patient or physician should be
immediately clarified.
c. The patient should be instructed to ask questions, interrupt, and provide
corrections or additions at any time.
d. The time frame for the interview should be announced.
e. Statements about confidentiality are unnecessary during the initial
psyichiatric interview

Q7. Which of the following statements about the psychiatric interview is LEAST
likely to be accurate?

a. After the opening phases of the interview, open-ended questions may shift to
more focused questions.
b. In discussing the presenting problems, it is best to avoid a set of checklist-
type questions, but one should cover the bases to create a DSM-5-based
differential diagnosis.
c. The interviewer should begin with the presenting problem using open-ended
d. The past medical history need not be thorough as medical conditions
(and their treatments) rarely cause or exacerbate psychiatric symptoms.
e. When taking history, it is vital to remember that the patient’s primary concerns
may not be the same as the physician’s
Q8. Which of the following terms is MOST closely associated with repeating the
same response to stimuli (such as the same verbal response to different questions)
with an inability to change the responses?

a. Circumstantiality
b. Echolalia
c. Perseveration
d. Tangentiality
e. Thought-blocking

Q9. Which of the following is NOT a common error in psychiatric interviewing ?

a. Defensiveness around psychiatric diagnoses and treatment, with arrogant

responses to myths and complaints about psychiatry
b. False reassurance about the patient’s condition or prognosis
c. Premature closure and false assumptions about symptoms
d. Recommendations for treatment when diagnostic formulation is incomplete
e. Starting the interview with open-ended questions and development of a
sense of security and attachment

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