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Types of societies

 Thousand of societies
 Classification on some basis (Taxonomy)
 Societies are categorized based On
1. Based on purpose of Society
2. Based on subsequent strategies/ technology/ evolution
(pre & postindustrial)
Industrial Society

 A society where mode of production focuses primarily on the

manufacturing of goods with the help of machinery for the
 people are involved in producing different sorts of products,
either for survival or business is called industrial society.
 The term industrial societies originate from Saint Saimon who
choose it to reflect the emerging role of the manufacturing
industry in the 18th century in Europe.
 Industrialization brought about changes in almost every aspect
of society.
Industrial Society
 In the eighteenth century, Europe experienced a dramatic
rise in the technological invention in an era known as the
Industrial Revolution.
 It absorbs/transformed all other types of societies
 One of the results of increased productivity is the invention
of machines.
 The most advanced societies are present today in North
America, Europe and east Asia including Japan, China,
Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea
Characteristics of Industrial society
 The primary focus is given to industrial development and the use of
machines for manufacturing goods.
 Industrial society linked with the industrial revolution
 Technology initiating vast and rapid social change (high technological
e.g. Steam engines, Electric power, Atomic energy, trains, etc.
 In the previous societies, there wasn't much gap between rich and poor
but there lies a huge gap between wealthy and poor now.
 High productivity of industrial society stimulates the population
 The majority population prefers to live in urban areas where more
jobs are located
 Population growth rate increases sharply
 New medical technology expend life expectancy but can control due
drop-down policy in the birth rate
 The birth rate in China,
Characteristics of Industrial society

 Specialization leads to a highly complex division of labor (Specialization in

every field).
 Industrial society generates thousands of new jobs
 Family lose importance, families lose their basic responsibilities i.e.
education and socialization, care centre
 Religion losing its hold over the people
 Religion not playing important role in controlling the behavior of the
 New values and beliefs merged in societies
 Technological and scientific inventions lose religious importance and hold on
 Positivism
Characteristics of Industrial
 Increase the importance of science and education
 Science first time emerge a new and important institution
 All things based on scientific knowledge
 Widening gap b/w rich and poor
Karl max refers to it as Capitalist and exploiting class
 Spread Heterogeneous culture
 New lifestyles and values create heterogeneity
 Give rise to secondary group corporations, political parties,
business houses Govt bureaucracies, associations,
Post-industrial Society
 Information societies, sometimes known as post-industrial or
digital societies, are recently developed societies.
 Unlike industrial societies that are rooted in the production of
material goods, information societies are based on the
production of information and services.
 Name referred by Daniel Bell in 1937 post-industrialism
 Relies on computers and other electronic devices that create,
process, store, and apply information
 Since the economy of information societies is driven by knowledge
and not material goods,
 The power lies with those in charge of storing and distributing
Post-industrial Society
 Members of the post-industrial society are likely to be employed
as sellers of services, software, programmers, or business
 for example instead of producers of goods. Individuals prefer
online shopping, Uber service, net banking, Online Jobs
 Social classes are divided by access to education since without
technical skills people in an information society lack the means
for success.
What is scientific method?

 The scientific method is a body of techniques for

investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or
correcting and integrating previous knowledge.
 The term Scientific Method denotes the principles that
guide scientific research and experimentation, and also
the philosophic bases of those principles.
 The scientific method is a process used to
systematically investigate observations, solve problems,
and test hypotheses.
Scientific Research Method
1. Question
2. Hypothesis
3. Testing / Designing Plan
4. Data
5. Conclusion
 Research Design is supposed to answer the basic questions of:
 What is the study about?
 Why is the study being made?
 Where will the study be carried out?
 What type of data is required?
 where can the required data be found?
 What periods of time will the study include?
 What will be the sample design?
 What techniques of data collection will be used?
 How will the data be analyzed?
 In what style will the report be prepared?

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