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Sociological Perspective

Conflict Perspective
 Conflict perspective looks at society as a competition for
limited resources.
 Grounded in the work of German philosopher and
Sociologist Karl Marx
 who saw society as being made up of individuals in different
social classes (class system)
 Who saw the struggle between classes as the major fact of
 who must compete for social, material, and political resources
such as food and housing, employment, education etc.
 Society is understood to be made up of conflicting interest
groups who vie for power and privilege
 This dynamic results in continuous social change which is the
normal state of affairs
 Conflict theory focuses heavily on inequality and differential
distribution of power and wealth
Conflict Perspective

 Conflict does not necessarily imply outright violence, it includes

tension, hostility, severe competition, and disagreement over goals
and values.
 German sociologist Max Weber agreed with Marx but also believed
that, in addition to economic inequalities, inequalities of political
power and social structure cause conflict.
 The social-conflict paradigm sees society as an arena of inequality
that generates conflict and change.
 Sees social change as beneficial.
 As a part of everyday life in all societies
 Assumes that the social order is imposed by the powerful on the
 E.g conflict b/w man & women, poor & rich, upper & lower cast
Symbolic interactionism

 Focus on social interaction

 The symbolic-interaction paradigm sees society as the
product of the everyday interactions of individuals.
 Symbolic interactionism focuses on the relationships
among individuals within a society.
 Communication the exchange of meaning through language
and symbols is believed to be the way in which people
make sense of their social worlds.
 George Herbert Mead (1863–1931) is considered a founder
of symbolic interactionism
 It focuses on the social behavior in everyday life.
 Humans interact with things based on meanings ascribed to
those things; the ascribed meaning of things comes from
our interactions with others and society.
 For example, while a conflict theorist studying a political
protest might focus on class differences,
 a symbolic interactionist would be more interested in how
individuals in the protesting group interact, as well as the
signs and symbols protesters use to communicate their
 Different msgs on play cards, Signs of victory, No parking,
Feminism is a range of social, political movements, and ideologies that
share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political,
economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.

Simone de Beauvoir wrote that "the first time we see a woman take up
her pen in defense of her sex" was Christine de Pizan who wrote Epitre
au Dieu d'Amour (Epistle to the God of Love) in the 15th century.
Comparing Theoretical Perspectives
Perspective Point of View Focus of Analysis

Structural- 1. Various parts of society are Functional and

Functionalism interdependent dysfunctional aspects of
2. Social systems are highly stable society
3. Social life governed by consensus &

Conflict Theory 1. Society accommodates between 1. How social inequalities

competing interest groups produce conflict
2. Society unstable and prone to change 2. Who benefits from social
3. Social life conflict-laden arrangements

Interactionist 1. Actions have symbolic meanings How people make sense of

2. Meanings can vary their world

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