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Name : Tati Justika Gea

IDN : 4173131041
Study Program : Bilingual Chemistry Education
Department : Chemistry

A. Title

B. Background
Education can also be interpreted as a result, namely a means to enable students
to achieve the best level of development in accordance with their potential, so that they
become responsible for their own duties. Education is a process, so an in-depth and
comprehensive evaluation is needed to achieve the desired results(Purba & Yusnadi,
2017). Teachers are citizens who are inspired to master certain skills for the children of
citizens, mobilize and train them to prepare themselves for the formation of their life
and social environment. The teacher looks from two sides like a coin. The first side is a
field of work that only professional teachers can do. On the other hand, they are humans
(educators) who have been declared and/or claimed to have professional qualifications.
In the Minister of National Education Regulation and Head of BKN (Wau,
2018), teachers are “professional educators” whose main task is to educate, teach, guide,
direct, foster, train and evaluate early childhood education, formal education, and basic
education and education students medium. In other words, being a teacher is not as easy
as some people think. The learning process is defined as the experience of interaction
between students and influencing the acquisition of new things through cognitive and/or
behavioral sensory tools. The results of Woolfolk's research (Milfayetty, Rahmulyani,
Yus, Hutasuhut, & Nur'aini, 2018) show that the quality of educators has an impact on
improving students' abilities.
In the 21st century, science has developed rapidly so that students need to learn
more concepts. The selection of important concepts learned by students that are
discussed is carried out reprocally because of their importance for students' lives.
Teachers provide students with special experiences, especially in learning, so that they
can obtain adequate scientific knowledge. To be able to compete in this era of modern
globalization, students must have scientific literacy skills. A person is considered
capable of solving problems if he understands the problem and can use his knowledge in
the new situation he faces. These thinking skills include higher order thinking skills, or
HOTS, and include creative thinking, problem solving, critical thinking, argumentation,
and decision making(Utama & Rahman, 2020).
Bloom's taxonomy explains cognitive levels in two levels, lower order thinking
skills and higher order thinking. Low-level thinking includes students' abilities at the
level of remembering (C1), understanding (C2), and applying or applying (C3), while
higher-order thinking or Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) includes students'
abilities at the analyzing level (C4), evaluate (C5), and create (C6). Based on the results
of observations and interviews with chemistry teachers at SMAN 2 Pare, it was found
that students who had low initial abilities would tend to have low daily test scores, and
similarly, students who had high initial abilities would tend to have lower test scores
high daily. The research results show the calculated r value (0.359) > r table (0.256) for
the correlation between students' initial abilities and students' HOTS, as well as the Sig
value < 0.005 (Rohmah & Ni’mah, 2021) However, so far chemistry teachers still use
HOTS questions in the form of multiple choices which do not require students' reasons
for choosing answers.
Based on the results of literacy measurements by PISA, Indonesian students
consistently scored below average and ranked low(Rohmah & Ni’mah, 2021). The
results of the performance of reading, mathematics and science abilities in 2018 as
measured by PISA, Indonesia has an average reading (literacy) score of 371 and is in
the 6th lowest country out of 90 countries in the world. This shows that the literacy
skills of Indonesian students are seen as still weak and still at the level of understanding
and unable to apply knowledge in real contexts. This indicates that students' high-level
thinking abilities are still low.
A buffer solution is a solution to maintain and maintain acid or pH balance. A
buffer solution is a solution whose pH will not change at all even if water is
added.Buffer solutions consist of complex concepts that are able to explain equilibrium
in living things and nature. Not only concepts, buffer solutions also consist of
calculation and logarithmic concepts which make the buffer solution material even more
complex. In this case, high-level thinking skills are needed to combine and apply buffer
solution material to the context of everyday life. Based on research conducted by
(Alighiri et al., 2018), they stated that the indicator of understanding the concept of
classifying included moderate criteria. Most students still have difficulty distinguishing
between strong acids, weak acids, strong bases, weak bases and salts. This results in
students being unable to classify the solution as a buffer or not, as well as having
difficulty determining the components of the buffer solution.
Today's students must begin to get used to thinking systematically, analytically,
critically, logically and creatively. Teachers at this time are expected to be able to know
students' learning styles, so that in the learning process the students' right and left brains
work together and are balanced, so that a scientific approach can be achieved. One
model that is able to create an interesting learning atmosphere and motivate students to
learn is the Mind Mapping model. Some of the advantages of this method are that it can
improve the ability to imagine, remember, concentrate, take notes, so that it can increase
interest in learning(Ma’ruf et al., 2019).
According to the experience of researchers in the "Internship 3" program in
2020, some students are more passive and busy with themselves. Learning is only
focused on the teacher.
This is what causes researchers to choose the PBL model in learning, especially in
chemical bonding material. In this model, it pays more attention to the enthusiasm of
student learning, so that students not only listen, but students will also try to solve
problems, and actively ask questions about subjects, and actively answer questions
given by the teacher, and actively exchange opinions.
In this context, the author will conduct a study entitled “The Effect Of Problem
Based Learning (Pbl) Strategies With Mind Mapping On Hot Literacy On Buffer
Solution Topic”.

C. Problem Formulation
1. Is the HOT literacy score of students using the PBL model with Mind Mapping
media in Buffer Soltuion reaction greater than the hypothesized value of 70?
2. Which aspect of HOT cognitive literacy is most developed through the PBL
model with Mind Mapping Media?

D. Objective
1. Analyze the HOT literacy value of the PBL model with the help of Mind
Mapping against the hypothesized value of 70.
2. Find out which aspects of HOT literacy are most developed through the PBL
model with Mind Mapping media.

Medan, 19th June 2024

Chemistry Department Thesis Supervisor College Student

Dr. Ayi Darmana, M.Si. Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si. Tati Justika Gea
NIP. 196608071990101001 NIP. 196601261991032003 IDN. 4173131041

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