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Lesson Plan

School : High School XI

Subject : Chemistry
Class/Semester : XI/2
Main Material : Buffer Solution
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes (2 meetings)

A. Core Competence :
CC 1 : Living and practicing the teaching of the religion they adheve to.
CC 2 : Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual
cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), courteous, responsive and
proactive and show and attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and in placing themselves as a reflection of the nation in the
CC 3 : Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge
based on their curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and
humanities with insight into humanity, nationality, statehood and
civilization related to the causes of phenomenon and events, and apply
procedural knowledge to the field of study that specific according to their
talents and interests to solve problems.
CC 4 : Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of concrete and
abstract realms related to the development of what they learn in school
independently, and being able to use methods according to scientific
B. Basic Competence
Basic Competence of CC 1
1.1 Realizing the existence of reagularities in the nature of hydrocarbon,
thermochemistry, reaction rates, solutions and colloids as a manifestation
of the greatness God Almighty and knowledge of the existence of this
regularities as the result of human creative thinking whose truth is
Basic Competence of CC 2
2.1 Demonstrate scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honesty,
objective, oopen, able to distinguish facts and opinions, tenacious,
thorough, responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic,
communicative) in designing and carrying out experiments and discussion
that are realized in everyday attitudes
2.2 Demonstrate cooperative, polite, tolerant, peace-loving behavior and care
for the environment and be frugal in utilizing natural resources.
Basic Competence of CC 3 and CC 4
3.13 Analyze the role of buffer solutions in the bodies of living creatures
4.14 Design, conduct, and conclude and present experimental results to
determine the properties of buffer solution

C. Indicator
1. Study the meaning of buffer solution
2. Identifying the properties and pH of buffer solutions and the role of buffer
solutions in the bodies of living creatures
3. Analyze the reaction that form the buffer system
4. Design and carry out experiment to find out whether a solution is a buffer or not
5. Observe buffer and non-buffer solutions through experiments
6. Calculate the pH and pOH of the buffer solution
7. Create and present a summary of reaction that can produce acid or base buffer
solution systems
8. Observe and record experimental data on buffer solution
9. Analyze data to conclude whether the solution is a buffer or not
10. Communicate the results of buffer solution experiments

D. Learning Objectives
1. Understand the meaning of buffer solution
2. Identify the properties, pH and the role of buffer solution in the body
3. Analyze the reaction that form the buffer system
4. Observe whether the solution is abuffer or not by experiment
5. Fin out whether a solution is a buffer or not by experiment
6. Calculate the pH and pOH of the buffer solution
7. Present the summary of reaction that can produce acid or base buffer solution
8. Record experimental data on buffer solution
9. Analyze data to conclude whether the solution is buffer or not
10. Communicate the results of buffer solution experiments

E. Learning Material
 Conductor
 Insulator
 Solvent
 Solut
 Solution
 Electrolyte solutions
 Non-electrolyte solutions
 Ionization reactions
 The role of ions in the electrical conduction of solutions (Archenius theory)
 Electrolyte strength
 Working steps for the electrical conductivity experiment in solution

F. Learning Methods
Approach : Scientific Learning
Learning Model : Problem Based Learning
Learning Method : Discussion, question and answer

G. Media, Tools, and Learning Resources

1. Media
Projector, laptop, and Student Worksheet (LKPD)
2. Learning Resources
Chemistry Book Class XI, Online Media

H. Learning Activities
1st Meeting (2 x 45 minutes)
Activities Learning Activites
Preliminary  Teacher greets and begins the lesson with 10 minutes
 Teacher check student attendance for
 Teacher conveys the learning objectives to
be achieved.
 Teacher links the material activities to be
carried out with students experients with
previous material.
 Teacher provides an overview of the benefits
of studying lessons that will be learned in
everyday life.
 Teacher divides students into several groups.
Core Activities Observe 65 minutes
 Students are directed to sit with their groups.
 Students are given teaching materials and
student worksheet by teacher.
 Students watch a video about the reaction
that form a support system.
 System observe the teaching material

After observing the video and reading the
teaching material about reaction forming buffer
system, questions will arise such as:
 Teacher gives examples of several mixture
of two solutions and asks students to
determine which mixture contains the same
 If a weak acid and a strong base or vice versa
are reacted with a variety of reagents and the
number of moles reacted. Which reactions
can produce acid or base buffer system?

Collecting Data
 Students look for information about the
effect of the same ion of buffer system.
 Students look for information from books,
teaching materials, or the internet about what
reaction can form acid or base buffer

 Students discuss in their groups the
information they know about the effect of the
same ion on the buffer system.
 Students analyze and manage information
about what reaction can produce acid or base
buffer system.
 Student read and answer the Students
Worksheet given by teacher.
 Students who can work/answer Students
Worksheet questions teach the students in
their group so that all members of their
group understand.
 Representative from each group explain the
answer to the Students Worksheet questions
in front of the class.
Closing  Teacher discusses the material that has been 15 minutes
studied through the Student Worksheet
together with the students.
 Teacher asks students to recheck the answer
filled in on the Student Worksheet.
 Teacher gives students the opportunity to ask
question again if still material that they do
not understand.
 Teacher reflects on the learning activities
that have been carried out by making
important points obtained during the learning
 Teacher gives students assignment to do.
 Teacher conveys the lesson plan for the next
 Teacher ends the learning activity by
directing the students to lead a closing

2nd Meeting (2 x 45 minutes)

Activities Learning Activites
Preliminary  Teacher greets and begins the lesson with 10 minutes
 Teacher check student attendance for
 Teacher conveys the learning objectives to
be achieved.
 Teacher links the material activities to be
carried out with students experients with
previous material.
 Teacher provides an overview of the benefits
of studying lessons that will be learned in
everyday life.
 Teacher divides students into several groups.
Core Activities Observe 65 minutes
 Students, sit in predetermined groups
 Students receive a practical guide or
experimental worksheet (attached in
 Students read and study the practical guide

 Students will ask about the steps for
implementing the practicum and the teacher
will direct the students to carry out the

Collecting Data
 students carry out practical work on the
properties of buffer or non-buffer solutions
by adding small amount of acid, base, or
when diluted
 Students collect data from experimental
results on the properties of buffer or non-
buffer solution with the addition of a small
amount of acid, base, or when diluted which
has been done.

 Students in their group discuss the result of
observations and answer questions contained
in the student worksheet.
 Students process and analyze data to
conclude whether the solution is a buffer or
 Students determine the pH of buffer solution
from the result of the experiment
 Students make a report on the result of the

 Students present reports of experimental
results that have been made in groups.
 Students conduct questions and answers and
discuss the results obtained by other groups
Closing  The teacher correct student’s incorrect 15 minutes
 The teacher concludes all the questions
asked by the students
 The teacher concludes the results of the
 Students are given the task of making a
portfolio report, namely looking for
information about buffer solution either
through literature or events that can be
observed in the surrounding environment
 Students pray to close the lesson
 The teacher ends the learning process and
says closing greetings

I. Assessment
Aspect of knowledge assessment
Assessment form : Multiple choice written test
score obtained
Value of knowledge= x 100 %
total score

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