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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga Sibugay


TEACHER: Jherwin L. Adora SUBJECT: Science
DATE: May 24, 2024 QUARTER: 2nd
I. Curriculum Content Standards and Lesson Competencies

A. Content Standard Animals have life cycles that include development of reproduction
B. Performance By the end of the Quarter, learners identify that plants and animals have systems
Standard whose function is to keep them alive they observe, describe, and create
representations to show how living things interact with their habitat, survive, and
reproduce in specific environments. They use flow chars to show the feeding
relationship and different organisms within a given environment.

C. Learning Use flow charts to compare the different stages in the life cycle of animals, such as
Competencies & a butterfly, frog, chicken, and human.
Learning Objectives
a. Identify the different stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.
b. Discuss the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.
c. Draw a flow chart illustrating the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.
d. Show appreciation by describing the life cycle of a butterfly and cite
examples of the different stages of a life cycle of animals in the Philippines.

D. Content Life Cycles of Animals

Science 4, Quarter 2, Living Things

E. Integration Sequencing of events and chronological time-order – Across Curriculum (English)

Ordinal Numbering – Across Curriculum (Mathematics)
Taking care of the animals-GMRC
A. References

B. Materials Pictures, Slide-deck, Cartolina, Laptop,

Marker, Adhesive Tape, Activity Sheets

III. Teaching and Learning Procedure

The teacher will facilitate a simulation game.

A. Activating Prior Simulation Game: “Passing the Ball”
1. Name at least 3 Philippine animals that hatches egg and can fly.
2. Name at least 3 Philippine insects that is often seen in the garden.
3. What insect is known for its colorful patterns and gentle wings?

1. The teacher will facilitate a word scramble activity.

B. Establishing lesson
Activity 1- Scramble Words
Direction: Arrange the letters of the scramble words to find the hidden words.

Words hidden: life cycle of a butterfly.

2. Presenting the lesson objectives. The teacher will tell the class what are the
learning focus and objectives of the lesson.

C. Developing and The teacher asks questions and will present a video that the class will observe.
Deepening Understanding
Guide questions before presenting.

1.What do you think will happen if a butterfly egg hatches?

2. How many stages are there in the life cycle of a butterfly?

Monarch Caterpillar to Butterfly (

Guide Questions after presenting.

1. What have you observed in the video?

2. What happened to the egg?

Teacher will post an illustration of a butterfly lifecycle.

Metamorphosis is a series of major changes in an animal’s body form as it moves

through its life cycle. Butterflies and moths undergo a complete metamorphosis,
which means there are four separate stages in the life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, and
adult). Each stage looks completely different and serves a different purpose in the
life of the insect.

Egg Stage: butterflies and moths require specific plants, called host plants, on
which to lay eggs. A butterfly usually lays 200-500 eggs which vary in shape and
size depending on the species. Most species hatch in four to five days, while others
may take as long as three weeks.

Larva Stage: When the eggs hatch, tiny caterpillars begin feeding and growing. Its
first meal is usually the eggshell, which provides it with important nutrients. Then
it will begin eating the host plant. Almost all caterpillars eat leaves, but some eat
stems, roots, fruits, seeds, seed pods or flowers. As they eat and their bodies grow
bigger, their skin becomes tight and eventually splits and sheds, revealing new skin
beneath. This is called molting and occurs several times as the larva grows.

Pupa Stage: When the caterpillar has grown enough, it finds a protected spot and
form a case in which they change or transform. During this stage, most moth
caterpillars spin a silken to create a cocoon while most butterfly caterpillars form a
hard thickened skin cocoon. The pupa undergoes change. The caterpillar releases
digestive juices that break down most of its body into a “tissue cell soup” from
which it develops four wings, new legs, new eyes, and new mouthparts,. When the
insect emerges, its metamorphosis is complete.

Adult Stage: The fully developed adult splits the case open, crawls out and hangs
upside down to facilitate stretching and drying its wings. Its wings are inflated by
pumping fluid into the wing veins. At this stage, the wings are very soft and wet,
and the butterfly must remain suspended while waiting up to two hours for its
wings to dry. Once the wings are stretched and dried, the adult flies off to feed, find
a mate and begin the cycle again. The average adult lifespan is two weeks but
ranges from several days to as long as 11 months.

1. The teacher will use a graphic organizer to discuss the details and the life
cycle of a butterfly.
2. After, a thought process is facilitated by the teacher.

Group Activity:
Activity 1: Integration -Mathematics
Using the diagram ordinal numbers write the order of the life cycle of a
Activity 2: Integration-English, Sequencing of Events
Read each paragraph and sequence the event of a life cycle of a butterfly.

D. Generalization Group Work:

What is the life cycle of a butterfly.
Illustrate using a diagram the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly and present it.

Multiple Choice Type of Test
Directions: Read the question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the first stage in the life cycle of the butterfly?
A. Larva
B. Pupa
C. Egg
D. Adult

2. Which is the correct sequence of the life cycle of a butterfly?

A. Egg, Larva, Adult and Pupa
B. Larva, Pupa, Adult, and Egg
C. Adult, Egg, Pupa, and Larva
D. Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult.

3. What is the process called when an egg changes into a butterfly?

A. Evolution
B. Metamorphosis
C. Photosynthesis
D. Germination

4 James and Joseph were playing in the garden when they suddenly saw a butterfly
egg on a leaf. James wanted to take the egg home to observe its development, but
Joseph thought it should be left in its natural habitat to ensure it hatches and grows
well. Imagine you are in James and Joseph’s situation. What will be the best
decision? Which stage comes after the butterfly hatches from egg?
A. Take the egg home to observe its development.
B. Leave the egg in the garden.
C. Move the egg to a safer location.
D. Call an insect expert to decide.

5. What is the correct flow of the life cycle of a butterfly? Choose the correct




A. Teacher’s Remarks

B. Reflection
Prepared and demonstrated by:

Teacher - II



Learning Manager


PSDS-Imelda District

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