Respect Your Elders Skills Card

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Skills for

Problem Solving

Intermediate – Value Your Elders

A. The Younger Generation: B. The Younger Generation: C. The Younger Generation:
Rosie wants to be a stage Sam loves animals and Margaret loves painting.
actress. She has agreed to growing things. He’s very She’s very good, but she
organise the end-of-year interested in organic food. doesn’t really have a place
entertainment, and she is He wants to work on a local where she can paint – it’s
going to put on a play. She farm at weekends, both in very messy. She wants to
wants to write it herself. She the fields and helping out try and paint as much as
also wants to be in charge with the animals. He’s a she can now, so that when
of costumes and make-up. bit nervous about applying she goes to art school,
for the job since he doesn’t she has a lot of her works
The Older Generation:
have much experience. to show.
Mavis was a singer when
she was a young girl. She The Older Generation: The Older Generation:
used to write her own Brian grew up on a farm. Karl used to be a painter.
songs and perform them He used to look after the He isn’t very well known, but
for soldiers during the war. horses, milk the cows, and he has painted some things
She also made all her own help in the fields. These he’s particularly proud of,
costumes. She has some days, he spends most of his and he knows all about how
great stories to tell about time in his garden where he difficult life is as a painter.
her past. She feels sorry grows his own vegetables. He has a big studio that he
that her old sewing machine He’d love to have some doesn’t really use because
is just sitting in the corner. company, but he never had he finds it difficult to carry
She’s also quite lonely. any kids. He remembers the heavy equipment and
She’s got a big collection how difficult it was working mix his paints. He’d like to
of books and plays that on a farm and has a lot of paint again but he needs an
she used to read when her interesting stories to tell. assistant to help him.
eyesight was better.

Reflection Point

It’s important to value your elders. Their experience means they have a lot of good advice to give, and it
makes them feel proud when younger people listen to them.
Cut out cards

Published by Macmillan Education Ltd. © Macmillan Education Limited, 2022.

Skills for
Problem Solving

Intermediate – Value Your Elders

Aim: To teach students how valuable communication the same emotions in their life that the students
and contact with their grandparents and elders is. experience, so they know what it feels like when
you feel jealous, ashamed, or anxious. They also
Lead-in: Find out from students whether they’re
know how important it is to feel good, proud, or
close to any elderly people, e.g., grandparents,
satisfied. It’s a good idea to listen to their advice,
great-grandparents, elderly aunts, uncles, or family
because they’ve had many more experiences.
friends. List the different relationships they suggest
on the board. Ask students how old they think Class discussion: Put each pair with another that
these people are approximately and create an age examined the same scenario. Encourage them to
band of the elderly people that your class spends compare the benefits that each person could draw
time with. from working together. Ask students: Would you
have enjoyed working with an elderly person in
Get students thinking about the older people in
situations like these? Did you identify the same
their life and in what ways the they help them.
For example: Do they give them advice? If so,
what? Then ask why elderly people might be Now ask students to consider the following
good at giving advice (because they’ve had questions, then discuss the different opinions that
more experiences). they offer.
Finally, encourage students to think of the kinds • Is there a difference between the help, support,
of things that the elderly might have experienced or advice the elderly can offer and the help
that the younger generation have not, and create a young people can offer? Elicit three points for
list of ‘interesting experiences from the past’ that each category.
you would’ve liked to be there for (e.g., a Beatles • Who do you think benefits more from the
concert, horses in the streets, different fashions, relationships suggested, the younger person or
wars, etc.). Ask students: Do you think these the older person? (Point out to students that it
experiences make the older generations more or could be equal).
less wise? Why?
• Has reading these situations made you think
Then ask: What stages of life have the elderly about the older generation in a different way?
experienced that you have not experienced yet?
Elicit things like: marriage, going to university, war, Work alone: Ask students to work alone to choose
losing people they love, making and breaking a second scenario from A–C and follow the same
friendships, having children, going to work, retiring, steps as in section 2. Once they’ve finished, invite
etc. (The aim of the question is to get students volunteers to present the ways in which the two
thinking how few stages they have experienced in generations can help each other.
comparison to elderly people.) Extension: Write on the board the
Choose A Scenario: Ask students to work in pairs following scenarios:
and choose one of the three scenarios (A–C). • an argument with a friend
Explain to students that you would like them to
suggest ways in which an elderly person could be • worrying about something at work or at school
helpful to a younger person and what the younger • wanting to do something their parents
Teachers notes

person can offer to the older person. Get students didn’t allow
to explain why the younger generation should
Encourage students to ask an elderly person
respect the older generation’s advice in these
respectfully to tell them about a time when they
situations. Encourage students to consider the
experienced these things. Get students to draw
Reflection Point.
parallels with their own lives and report back to
Re lection Point: Explain to students that although the class.
the older generation appears to be different or
oldfashioned, it’s likely that they have experience

Published by Macmillan Education Ltd. © Macmillan Education Limited, 2022.

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