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Dawood Kroutz SA2 Assignment Student number:32HA2406783

Queenstown Support Centre

Title: Reflective Essay: Branding and Re-Branding in the Context of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution


In the current fast-changing world, where the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is
reshaping our lives and jobs, it is crucial for individuals to develop the abilities to
effectively establish and redefine their personal and professional identities. In today's
fiercely competitive job market and linked world, the significance of establishing and
upholding a robust personal brand has grown exponentially. This reflective essay will
explore the significance of personal branding within the framework of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution (4IR), utilising insights from diverse readings and applying them to
hypothetical scenarios to highlight lessons learned and strategies for personal
development and the lessons derived from them.

Du Plessis (2016) asserts that cultivating one's image and personal branding is crucial
for achieving job success and progression in today's professional environment. Personal
branding encompasses the way we showcase ourselves to the public, how we are seen
by others, and the worth we offer in various situations. It involves the identification and
communication of our distinctive qualities, relevance, and the ways in which we set
ourselves apart from others in a good manner. It necessitates possessing self-awareness,
genuineness, steadfastness, and the capability to articulate our principles appropriately
and efficiently.

Furthermore, Kaplan & Haenlein (2010) stress the need of employing social media in a
planned manner to augment one's online reputation and visibility. Kheder (2014) echoes
this opining that establishing and upkeeping a favourable online presence is crucial for
personal branding in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Linking to the compulsory reading,
Petrucá (2016) emphasises the significance of utilising social media for personal
branding, underscoring the relevance of using digital platforms to construct and oversee
our online profile. Our online presence in the current era of technology has a substantial
impact on how people see us. Social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram
offer effective tools for networking, self-promotion, and developing expertise in our

To improve our online presence and reputation, we can actively interact with relevant
information, share our expertise, and establish connections with people in the industry.
An example that could be applicable: imagine a marketing expert that actively uploads
industry insights and thought leadership articles on LinkedIn. Over time, this constant
involvement could position them as an industry expert, leading to increasing visibility and
prospective career prospects.

Potgieter & Doubell (2020) examine the impact of employer branding and individuals'
personal branding on business branding and reputation. They stress the interdependence
of individual and corporate brands, underscoring how individuals who reflect the values
and principles of their organisation can have a favourable influence on the overall brand
image. As individuals, we can synchronise our personal brand with the mission and
values of the organisations we are employed by, thereby making a valuable contribution
to the establishment of a robust and cohesive brand identity. An example that could be
applicable to the above could be by considering an employee at a tech firm who often
speaks at conferences relevant to the field as well as writing blogs around the subject. By
continuously doing this, overtime, their personal brand would increase the firm’s
reputation and attract top talent and new clients.

Van der Waldt (2017) goes on to examine the variables related to corporate reputation
that can be used to assess personal reputations. The study provides insights into the
aspects that have a role in establishing a favourable reputation in the perception of others.
In the contemporary globalised society, our reputation can precede us and can either
provide opportunities or hinder them. By developing a robust personal reputation
necessitates possessing integrity, dependability, and a history of fulfilling commitments.
Through regularly showcasing our competencies, principles, and moral standards, we
can acquire the confidence and admiration of our peers, colleagues, and employers.
Importantly, these variables are crucial for establishing a strong personal brand. Regularly
seeking feedback and engaging in continuous learning are strategies to enhance these

An example that could be applied to the abovementioned is that of a project manager

who actively seeks input from their team and consistently enhances their skills through
online courses is likely to be regarded as competent and reliable, thereby strengthening
their personal reputation.

In addition to the above, Legg (2015) explores the changing responsibilities of CEOs in
the digital era and the necessary competencies for success in the coming years. As
leaders, it is imperative for us to adjust and adopt new technology, embrace change, and
consistently enhance our skills to remain pertinent in the ever-changing business
environment. Proficiency in digital technology, adaptability, and a mindset focused on
continuous improvement are essential skills that will empower us to effectively lead in the
period of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

Chinyamurindi and Dlaza (2018) focused their research on higher education and
specifically how lecturers develop digital literacies as part of their career development and
career progression. The authors highlight the importance of ongoing learning and skill
enhancement. This links well with the statement Schwab (2016) where the author
mentions that in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), it is essential to possess the
capacity to adjust to swift technological advancements and consistently acquire new
abilities to uphold a robust personal brand. According to Bughin et al., (2018), individuals
will have to assume more accountability for their own learning and professional

In the current era of knowledge-based economy, it is imperative to possess the capacity

to acquire new skills, adjust to changes, and wholeheartedly embrace innovation to
achieve personal and professional advancement. To ensure the longevity and
competitiveness of our professions, it is crucial that we invest in our personal and
professional growth, actively pursue learning opportunities, and stay updated with the
latest industry trends.

A relevant example that could be applied to the above would be that of a teacher who
integrates digital tools into their teaching methods and shares innovative practices on
educational forums. This can build a strong personal brand as the educator would most
likely be seen as being tech-savvy.

Moreover, when it comes to maximizing potential, Anon (2014) opines that for this
potential to be realised, self-improvement is necessary and this must be done on a
continuous basis. An entrepreneur who consistently participates in workshops, avidly
consumes industry magazines, and actively engages with other business leaders exhibits
a strong dedication to personal development, thereby enhancing their personal brand.

Developing my personal brand

Based on these insights, I will concentrate on using various tactics to cultivate my own
brand in both professional and personal settings:

Utilising social media: I will employ LinkedIn to disseminate valuable information,

establish connections with individuals in the sector, and create a comprehensive
collection of my work. Through the constant publication of quality information and active
interaction with my network, I can develop my position as a prominent and influential
figure in my area.

Continuous Learning: To remain up to date in the rapidly changing fourth industrial

revolution, I will dedicate myself to lifelong learning. This encompasses engaging in online
classes, participating in webinars, and remaining informed about current industry
developments. Through ongoing skill development, I will maintain the durability and
flexibility of my personal brand.

Listening to those around me: By soliciting input from colleagues and mentors on a regular
basis would enhance my understanding of my strengths and areas that require work.
Engaging in this activity will not only improve my personal brand but also have a good
impact on my professional development.

Enhancing Professional Visibility: I will actively pursue speaking engagements at

conferences, contribute papers to industry magazines, and engage in professional
organisations to increase my visibility in the field. Engaging in these activities will enhance
my prominence and trustworthiness, thereby reinforcing my personal brand.

Interdisciplinary Skills and Collaboration: Deloitte (2017) writes that to establish a strong
personal brand in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), it will be crucial to cultivate
interdisciplinary skills and the capacity to collaborate across different fields. According to
Gratton & Erickson (2007), teams who can successfully integrate varied knowledge and
viewpoints will be the ones that thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). I intend to
broaden my skillset by learning from experts in various fields and to ensure that my team
is well equipped and has a good understanding of the matter at hand and for us to come
with dynamic and creative solutions to whatever the problem may be.

The texts emphasise the significance of self-awareness, authenticity, consistency, digital

literacy, adaptability, and continual learning in constructing and overseeing our personal
brand within the framework of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Upon introspection
of my professional trajectory and personal existence, I acknowledge the imperative of
nurturing these aptitudes and qualities to flourish in a progressively cutthroat and
interconnected global landscape.

I will utilise the principles of personal branding to foster a favourable reputation among
my acquaintances, friends, and local community. Through exemplifying honesty,
dependability, and empathy in my engagements, making constructive contributions to
society, and keeping a robust online presence that mirrors my principles and passions,
my aim is to establish an enduring impact that deeply connects with others.

In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), successfully constructing and re-
branding oneself necessitates a combination of self-awareness, authenticity, adaptability,
and ongoing learning. By adopting these concepts and incorporating them into our
professional and personal lives, we may effectively traverse the intricacies of the
contemporary world with assurance and intention, setting ourselves for achievement and
satisfaction in a swiftly evolving environment.


Personal branding is a potent instrument that enables us to distinguish ourselves, create

a favourable influence, and accomplish our objectives in the period of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution (4IR). By developing a robust personal brand that is genuine, reliable, and in
harmony with our principles, we can generate possibilities, establish connections, and
leave a lasting impact that accurately represents our core identity. As we face the
difficulties and advantages of the job market and workplace in the 21st century, it is
important to recognise that our personal brand is our most valuable asset, which we must
cultivate and enhance with careful planning and determination. Through the strategic use
of social media, ongoing education, soliciting feedback, and improving professional
presence, amongst others, individuals can successfully establish and redefine their
personal brand. These strategies I believe will not only enhance personal and
professional achievement but also conform to the changing requirements of the
contemporary workplace. By incorporating knowledge gained from the readings and
applying it to real-world situations, it becomes evident that taking a proactive stance
towards personal branding is crucial. As I further cultivate my personal brand, I will
prioritise these essential strategies to guarantee my team and my continued
competitiveness and relevance in the dynamic realm of the fourth industrial revolution.
Reference List

Anon, 2014. The Experts Teach: Maximising your potential 1st ed. Bookboon: London.

Bughin, J., Hazan, E., Lund, S., Dahlström, P., Wiesinger, A., & Subramaniam, A. 2018.
Skill shift: Automation and the future of the workforce. McKinsey Global Institute.

Cavin, A., Huxtable, B., Anderson, W., Hopkins, B., Ramhurry, C. & Shelton, S. 2020.
Professional Skills. Unit 10. Edge: Cape Town.

Chinyamurindi, W.T. & Dlaza, Z. 2018. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? An
exploratory study into how a sample of lecturers develop digital literacies as part of their
career development. Reading & Writing - Journal of the Reading Association of South
Africa, 9 (1): 1-8.

Deloitte. 2017. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here—are you ready? Deloitte Insights.

Du Plessis, M. 2016. Enhance your image and personal branding. HR Future, 2016 (4):

Gratton, L. & Erickson, T. J. 2007. Eight ways to build collaborative teams. Harvard
Business Review, 85 (11): 100-109.

Kaplan, A. M. & Haenlein, M. 2010. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and
opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53 (1): 59-68.

Khedher, M. 2014. Personal branding phenomenon. International Journal of Information,

Business and Management, 6 (2): 29-40.

Legg, M. 2015. What are the CEOs of 2025 doing today? Personal Finance, 2015 (411):

Petrucá, I. 2016. Personal Branding Through Social Media. International Journal of

Communication Research, 6 (4): 389-392.
Potgieter, A. & Doubell, M. 2020. The influence of employer branding and employees’
personal branding on corporate branding and corporate reputation. African Journal of
Business and Economic Research, 15(2): 107-133.

Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. World Economic Forum.

Thomas, M. 2013. Using Social Media for Personal Gain 1st ed. Bookboon: London
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Van der Waldt, D.L.R. 2017. Exploring corporate reputation variables to measure
personal reputations. Communicare, 36 (2): 75-83.

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