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Week 3

First, let us understand the difference between the two concepts of calculus,
the differentiation and the integration. Similar with simple arithmetic operation
such as addition and multiplication which is the reverse operations of
subtraction and division, integration is also a reverse operation of
differentiation. In differential calculus, we study slope of the curve
representing the function, however, integration dealt with the area of the curve
of a function above the x-axis.

At the end of this module the students are expected to demonstrate the
concepts of integration by understanding its definition and how it is related to
differentiation. Describe the types if integral and familiarized the properties of
indefinite integral.

Pre-competency Checklist (Formative Assessment/ Diagnostic)

In our study of differential calculus, we studied that if a function f is

differentiable in an interval say, I, then we get a set of a family of values of the
functions in that interval. Is there any way by which we can get to know about
the function if the values of the function within an interval are known? This
process is called integration which is the reverse of finding a derivative.
Integrations are the way of adding the parts to find the whole. .A simple
analogy for the relationship can be represented by a whole pizza as an
integration and each slices are the differentiable functions which can be
integrated. .

From the above overview about integration, let us first answer the following
questions below.
1. What is the use of integration?
2. Cite an example of integration in a real life situation
3. Why system Integration is important?
4. What are the advantages of integration?

Learning Resources

Use the following link to view the learning resource materials in this lesson.
Explore /Task/Activities

To evaluate your response, I have to give you further insights of what is

integration really means. Suppose your classmate gives you a piece of
coconut rib and ask you to break it, of course you can do it easily to break a
piece of midrib. But how about if he gives you twenty- five midribs, what will
happen, maybe it’s difficult for you to break it all at a time. It only simply
means that as the number of midribs increases the level of difficulty to break
it all will become high. The process of uniting things is an integration of things.
Similarly, in mathematics, we have an integration of two functions.
Integration is like drop by drop addition of water in a container. The process
of integration is the infinite summation of the product of a function x which is
f(x) and a very small delta x. In context to a curve, it provides the total area
under the curve from the x axis to the curve from a specific range. Similarly,
the process of integration determines the area under the curve as the number
of partitions of rectangles lying under the curve.

Let us consider an automobile running at a uniform speed (v) of 20kph from

7am to 9am. What is the distance covered by the automobile? By integration,
the distance covered by the automobile is the area shown in the graph below

We learned from science that the speed of a moving object v is directly

proportional to the distance covered and inversely proportional of the time
elapsed, hence,
v = d/t
where: v – is for speed
d – distance
t – time
To find the distance covered by an automobile, we have d = vt, wherein, v=
20kph and t= 9 -7 =2 hours . The distance covered by an automobile between
t1 and t2 is represented by the area of the shaded rectangle from the graph
above. Therefore, the distance covered becomes,
d= 20 (2)
d= 40 km.
The area is easily computed by using a formula of finding the area of a
rectangle. How about if the area under the curve is not a regular polygon. Say
for example the automobile accelerates from 20kph to 40kph within the given
time interval, what happened to the distance covered. The graph can be
represented below

The distance covered by an automobile is the area of a trapezoid which can

be calculated using a derived formula of geometry. But for purpose of
discussion using integration the total area of the shaded portion can be
determined by dividing it into rectangle and a triangle. Hence the distance
covered can be expresses as
d = 20(2) + 20( 1)
d = 60 km.
Basically the area is computed easily because of the curves that encloses the
section are straight lines. How about if the curve is not a straight line? How
can you find the area? Say for example the curve below which represent the
work performed by a man pulling a box over the horizontal plane. Explain.
Write your answer in a sheet of paper.
Discussion Board

To find the area of an irregular curve, it is necessary for us to be familiarized

with the properties of indefinite integral. You can use the following links .
to be aware of the properties of indefinite integral.

General Properties of Indefinite Integral

1. An antiderivative of a function y=f(x) defined on some interval (a, b) is

called any function F(x) whose derivative at any point of this interval is
equal to f(x):
If F(x) is an antiderivative of f(x), then the function of the form F(x)+C,
where C is an arbitrary constant, is also an antiderivative of f(x).

2. The indefinite integral of a function f(x) is the collection of all

antiderivatives for this function:
∫f(x)dx=F(x)+C, if F′(x)=f(x)

3. The derivative of the indefinite integral is equal to the integrand:


4. The indefinite integral of the sum of two functions is equal to the sum of
the integrals:
∫[f(x)+g(x)]dx= ∫f(x)dx+∫g(x)dx.

5. The indefinite integral of the difference of two functions is equal to the

difference of the integrals:
∫[f(x)−g(x)]dx= ∫f(x)dx−∫g(x)dx.

6. A constant factor can be moved across the integral sign:


7. Integration by substitution
∫ f(x)dx=∫ f(u(t))u′(t) dt, if x=u(t).

8. Integration by parts
where u(x), v(x) are differentiable functions.
Post-Competency Checklist
To assess your knowledge gained from this module, please answer each
question and show your solution.

1. �−7� ��
�3 +8
2. ��

3. f′(x)=6x8−20x4+x2+9
4. h′(t)=t4−t3+t2+t−1
5. (2�� + + �� 2)��

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