SCOR_Analisis Bibliometrik

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Analisis Bibliometrik Penelitian Dengan Tema “Supply Chain Operations Reference

(SCOR)” Menggunakan Sotware Vosviewer

Afnan Rafi Junaedi (I0321002)1), Putra Abdul Whakhid (I0321084) 2)
Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami
No.36A, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah,57126, Indonesia
*Email: ;

Bibliometric analysis conducted on research publications on Supply Chain Operations
Reference (SCOR) data used as a research source was taken from the Scopus database.
Searching the Scopus database using the keyword "TITLE-ABS-KEY (scor AND supply
AND chain AND operations AND reference)" from 2011 to 2024 resulted in 431 documents
(Access as of April 19, 2023). This analysis includes an evaluation of the number of
documents per year, per country, per author, and per institution, providing a comprehensive
understanding of the trends and distribution of scientific publications related to Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR). After understanding the general development trend of the 431
documents, a filter was performed using Publish or Perish software with restrictions in the
form of title and keyword 'Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)' between 2012-2023.
31 documents were sampled for processing in VOSviewer software. Citation analysis
highlighted some of the most cited works, showing a strong interest in the integration of the
SCOR model with environmental issues and supply chain performance. The collaboration of
authors in this study, primarily led by Kusrini from the Industrial Engineering Department,
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
demonstrates significant contributions to the SCOR literature. Keyword co-occurrence
analysis revealed key clusters highlighting various aspects of supply chain performance and
management, risk and control, and system dynamics. This study also highlights the potential
for further research in the integration of SCOR with dynamic technologies such as artificial
intelligence (AI). As such, this bibliometric analysis provides valuable insights for
researchers in understanding research trends and development directions in the SCOR field.

1. Introduction
Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) covers the functions of supply chain
management as a whole including operational processes, such as market interactions,
customer interactions, and physical transactions. The ability of the SCOR model to describe
detailed performance measurement from upstream to downstream makes SCOR considered
superior compared to other performance measurement models/methods that generally only
measure internal companies (Chotimah, et al., 2018).
Research on SCOR has high relevance in the context of business and management. An
efficient and effective supply chain is the key to a company's success in meeting customer
needs, optimizing costs, and increasing customer satisfaction. Therefore, a deep
understanding of SCOR and related research trends is essential for researchers, practitioners,
and decision-makers in the field of supply chain management.
Bibliometrics is a set of mathematical and statistical methods used to analyze and
measure the quantity and quality of books, articles, and other forms of publications. In
bibliometric network analysis, researchers often use mapping and clustering techniques in
combination. However, typically, the mapping and clustering techniques used together rely
on very different ideas and assumptions. An integrated approach to mapping and clustering of
bibliometric networks shows that the VOS mapping technique and the weighted and
parameterized variants of modularity-based clustering can both be derived from the same
basic principles (Effendy,, 2021).
This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of research publications with the
theme "Supply chain operations reference (SCOR)" in the time span from 2012 to 2023.
Bibliometric analysis is a method used to reveal trends and patterns in academic literature by
utilizing bibliographic and citation data.
By conducting bibliometric analysis, it is hoped that this research can reveal publication
growth trends, significant author collaborations, most cited works, as well as major clusters
that emerge in the academic literature related to SCOR. The results of this analysis will
provide valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and academics in understanding
research trends and development directions in the field of SCOR, as well as contributing to
the development of academic literature related to supply chain management.
2. Research Methode
The data used as a research source was taken from the Scopus database. Searching the
Scopus database using the keyword "TITLE-ABS-KEY (scor AND supply AND chain AND
operations AND reference)" from 2011 to 2024 resulted in 431 documents (Access as of
April 19, 2023). This analysis includes an evaluation of the number of documents per year,
per country, per author, and per institution, providing a comprehensive understanding of the
trends and distribution of scientific publications related to Supply Chain Operations
Reference (SCOR). After understanding the general development trends of the 431
documents, a filter was performed using Publish or Perish software with restrictions in the
form of title and keyword 'Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)'. 31 documents were
found to be sampled for processing in VOSviewer software. To determine the keywords that
appear the most, the co-occurrence type of analysis is used by determining the minimum
number of keywords. Then, keywords corresponding to the SCOR topic were selected and
exported using RIS format for analysis. VOSviewer version 1.6.20 was used for bibliometric
analysis, including Co-authorship, Co-occurrence, Citation, Bibliographic coupling, Co-
citation, and theme. The software was used for data exploration, mapping, and clustering of
retrieved articles. Keywords and countries are displayed in colored circles, where the size of
the circle is positively correlated with the occurrence of the keyword or country in the title
and abstract. Therefore, the size of the marks and circles of a topic is determined by the
weight of the topic. The greater the weight of a topic, the larger the topic's label and circle
will be.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1 Trend Analysis of Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Research
Development in General
This bibliometric analysis is based on a search in the Scopus database using the
keyword "TITLE-ABS-KEY (scor AND supply AND chain AND operations AND
reference)" from 2011 to 2024 resulted in 431 documents (Access as of April 19, 2023). This
analysis includes an assessment of the number of documents per year, documents per
country, documents per author, and documents per institution, which enables a holistic
understanding of the trends and distribution of scientific publications related to the topic of
Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR).
Bibliometric analysis of the number of documents per year related to SCOR (Supply
Chain Operations Reference), conducted by searching the Scopus database using the keyword
"TITLE-ABS-KEY (scor AND supply AND chain AND operations AND reference)," reveals
interesting trends over the period from 2011 to 2024. Figure 1 illustrates fluctuations in the
number of publications over this time frame. Notably, in 2011, there were 24 documents
identified. Between 2012 and 2019, there were annual variations, with the peak occurring in
2019 with 49 documents. However, there was a significant decrease in 2020, followed by a
small increase in 2021, but again decreased in 2022, 2023, and 2024. This fluctuation
suggests a dynamic research landscape within the SCOR domain, with varying levels of
interest and activity over the years. It's important to note that changes in publication numbers
may not necessarily correlate with the quality or significance of the topic. Instead, they may
indicate shifts in research focus, emerging trends, or changes in the field's priorities. Despite
these fluctuations, the overall trend underscores the evolving nature of SCOR research and
practice.This analysis offers valuable insights for researchers and practitioners, providing a
broader perspective on recent developments within the SCOR domain. By understanding
these trends, stakeholders can better navigate the evolving landscape of supply chain
operations and make informed decisions in both academic and business contexts.

1 1. Chart of Number of SCOR Research Document per Year, 2011-2024

Source: Scopus (2024)
Bibliometric analysis of the top 10 countries with the highest number of publications
from 2011 to 2024, using the keyword "TITLE-ABS-KEY (scor AND supply AND chain
AND operations AND reference)" in the Scopus database (can be seen in figure 2), reveals
significant variations in each country's contribution to SCOR-related research. Indonesia
emerges as a prominent contributor, with 113 documents, showcasing a strong national
interest in this topic. China follows closely behind with 41 documents, reflecting its
significant role in the global supply chain. The United States, with 29 documents,
demonstrates substantial interest in SCOR research, albeit with a lower publication count
compared to Indonesia and China. Germany, with 26 documents, also makes a noteworthy
contribution, underscoring its importance in supply chain industries and innovation. Brazil,
France, India, and Thailand each have 22 documents, indicating substantial interest from
diverse geographic regions in this topic. Iran and the United Kingdom, with 15 documents
each, though lower in number, add to the geographical diversity in SCOR literature. This
analysis underscores the varying levels of contribution and research interest among different
countries, highlighting the complexity and relevance of SCOR topics in a global context.

Figure 2. SCOR's Top 10 Countries with the Most Research Documents, 2011-2024
Source: Scopus (2024)
Bibliometric analysis of the top 10 authors with the highest number of publications
from 2011 to 2024, using the keyword "TITLE-ABS-KEY (scor AND supply AND chain
AND operations AND reference)" in the Scopus database, reveals notable contributors to
SCOR-related research. Carpinetti, L.C.R., Kusrini, E., and Marimin each have 7 documents
attributed to their names, indicating a substantial contribution to the literature in this field.
Ridwan, A.Y., follows closely behind with 6 documents, demonstrating significant
involvement in SCOR research. Karaulova, T., Mezouar, H., Shevtshenko, E., and Wang,
C.N. each have 5 documents to their credit, showcasing their active engagement in SCOR-
related studies. Additionally, Asrol, M., and Budiman, I., with 4 documents each, also
contribute meaningfully to the literature in this area. This analysis highlights the key authors
who have made significant contributions to SCOR research over the specified period,
indicating their influence and expertise within the field. Their work serves to advance
knowledge and understanding in supply chain operations and references, making valuable
contributions to both academia and industry.

Figure 3. Top 10 Authors of SCOR Research Documents, spanning 2011-2024

Source: Scopus (2024)
Bibliometric analysis of SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) based on data
from Scopus reveals a trend in the number of documents from 2011 to 2024, focusing on the
top 10 institutional affiliations (as depicted in Figure 4). Universitas Islam Indonesia leads the
ranking with 11 documents, followed closely by Chiang Mai University, Universitas
Diponegoro, and Telkom University, each contributing 10 documents. IPB University holds
the fifth position with 9 documents. Additionally, Universidade de São Paulo and Universitas
Sumatera Utara each contribute 8 documents. Universität Bremen and Mohammed V
University in Rabat are tied with 7 documents, while Bina Nusantara University contributed 6
documents. This analysis underscores the significant contributions of various institutions to
SCOR-related research throughout the analyzed period. Collaborative efforts among these
institutions have the potential to enhance understanding and knowledge advancement in this
field on a broader scale, ultimately contributing to both practice and policy in the global
supply chain domain.

Figure 4. Top 10 Institutional Affiliations with the Most SCOR Research Documents, 2011-
Source: Scopus (2024)
After knowing the general development trend of 431 documents found in Scopus, a
filter was carried out using Publish or Perish software with restrictions in the form of the title
'Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)' and the keyword 'Supply Chain Operations
Reference (SCOR)'. A total of 31 documents were successfully identified and then sampled
for processing in the VOSviewer software..

3.2 Trend Analysis of SCOR Research Publication Development Sample

The results of Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) research documents in
Scopus indexed journals through Publish or Perish were obtained in the range of 2012 - 2023
as many as 31 documents and 417 citations. To get results that are in accordance with the
discipline, it is necessary to do a filter that can narrow down the discipline of Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR), namely with filter restrictions in the form of the title 'Supply
Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)' and also the keyword 'Supply Chain Operations
Reference (SCOR)'. The following is a detailed graph of the number of Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR) studies that have been filtered between 2012 - 2023.
Figure 5. Chart of Sample Number of SCOR Research Documents per Year, Range 2012-2023

The development of publication growth on the topic of Supply Chain Operations

Reference (SCOR) in the range of 2012 - 2023 taken from the Scopus database through the
Publish or Perish software with filter restrictions in the form of the title 'Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR)' and also the keyword 'Supply Chain Operations Reference
(SCOR)' shows an increasing development even though it is still in small numbers. The
highest growth of publications on Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) occurred in
2019 and 2020, both reaching 6 publications. While the lowest publications occurred in 2016
and 2017 because there were no publications in those years.
In 2012 to 2015 there was only 1 document about Supply Chain Operations Reference
(SCOR), but in 2016 to 2017 it decreased, because there was not a single document about
SCOR. Furthermore, in 2018 there was an increase with a total of 2 documents, 2019 and
2020 experienced the highest increase of 6 documents, in 2021 it dropped again to 5
documents, and finally in 2022 to 2023 4 documents were found. Although it has decreased
in recent years, the development of research on Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)
in quantity proves that research in this field is still a topic that is still rarely interested and yet
continues to grow from year to year..
3.3 Citation Analysis
The top five most cited articles were published between 2012 and 2023. The following
are the five articles with the highest number of citations on the topic of Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR).
Table 1. Top 5 Most Cited by Sample Data
No Title Authors Year Cites
1. The impact of additive Liu, Peng 2014 194
manufacturing in the aircraft Huang, Samuel
spare parts supply chain: H.
Supply chain operation Mokasdar,
reference (scor) model based Abhiram
analysis Zhou, Heng
Hou, Liang
2. A systematic literature review Ntabe, E.N. 2015 112
of the supply chain operations
reference (SCOR) model LeBel, L.
application with special Munson, A.D.
attention to environmental Santa-Eulalia,
issues L.A.
3. Development of sustainable Waaly, Arditya 2018 24
procurement monitoring Nur
system performance based on Ridwan, Ari
Supply Chain Reference
Operation (SCOR) and
Analytical Hierarchy Process
(AHP) on leather tanning
4. Supply Chain Performance Kusrini, E 2019 11
Measurement Usng Supply Caneca, V I
Chain Operation Reference Helia, V N
(SCOR) 12.0 Model : A Case Miranda, S
Study in A A Leather SME in
5. Toward the Integration of Stohler, 2018 10
Sustainability Metrics into the Margarita
Supply Chain Operations Rebs, Tobias
Reference (SCOR) Model
A bibliometric analysis of works related to the Supply Chain Operations Reference
(SCOR) model reveals interesting trends and patterns in the academic literature. One of the
most prominent works, titled "The impact of additive manufacturing in the aircraft spare parts
supply chain: Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model based analysis," achieved a
high number of citations, reaching 194. This indicates that the study has a significant impact
in its research domain. Meanwhile, a systematic literature review examining the application
of the SCOR model with a focus on environmental issues, titled "A systematic literature
review of the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model application with special
attention to environmental issues," also received high attention with 112 citations. This
indicates a strong interest from researchers in ways to integrate environmental aspects in the
application of the SCOR model. Although other works, such as "Development of sustainable
procurement monitoring system performance based on Supply Chain Reference Operation
(SCOR) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) on leather tanning industry" and "Supply
Chain Performance Measurement Using Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) 12.0
Model: A Case Study in A Leather SME in Indonesia," have a lower number of citations,
they still make important contributions in the related literature. Finally, the increase in the
number of works citing these studies from 2018 to 2019 suggests that there is growing
interest in topics related to SCOR and its applications within the research community. Based
on the citation analysis, it can be seen that the application of the SCOR model and its
integration with environmental issues and supply chain performance are significant and
interesting topics in the current academic literature..
3.4 Analysis By co-authorship
After the dataset is saved in RIS (Research Information Systems) type using Publish or
Perish metadata, then the dataset is analyzed using Vosviewer software by selecting the 'data
create a map based on bibliographic data' option. The method used to calculate the dataset is
full counting with the aim that the calculation is carried out as it is according to researchers
who have taken the topic of Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) in their research.
The minimum number of documents for each author is set at 1 document, and the mapping
visualized is only researchers who have relationships with other researchers. The following
are the results of network visualization on co-authorship using Vosviewer software.

Figure 6. Network visualization on co-authorship

In Figure 6. shows a network visualization on co-authorship which is marked by the
presence of nodes (circles) that represent authors or researchers, and links that represent
relationships between authors or researchers. A set of nodes equipped with links explains that
there is a correlation or relationship between researchers in research on the topic of Supply
Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). Bibliometric analysis based on researchers or authors is
centered on Kusrini, with the institution Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of
Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Active in
conducting research on the topic of Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). Links
indicate author relationships or collaboration, such as the link that connects author Kusrini
with five other authors including Miranda, Rifai, Helia, Maharani, and Caneca. Kusrini wrote
three documents related to the topic of Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). Kusrini
together with Caneca, Helia, and Miranda wrote an article entitled 'Supply Chain
Performance Measurement Using Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) 12.0 Model: A
Case Study in A Leather SME in Indonesia' which was published in 2019 with 11 citations.
Furthermore, Kusrini together with Rifai and Miranda wrote an article entitled 'Performance
measurement using supply chain operation reference (SCOR) model: a case study in a small-
medium enterprise (SME) in Indonesia' which was published in 2019. Finally, in the 2021
publication, Kusrini together with Miranda and Suci wrote an article entitled 'Determining
Performance Metrics of Supply Chain Management in Make-to-Order Small-Medium
Enterprise Using Supply Chain Operation Reference Model (SCOR Version 12.0)'. The
following is a recapitulation of the number of documents of 6 authors that are interconnected
based on the results of network visualization co-authorship using Vosviewer software.
Table 2. Top 5 Most Authored by Sample Data
Cluster Author Document Total Link Strength
1 Kusrini 3 7
Miranda 2 5
Rifai 1 2
2 Helia 2 5
Maharani 1 2
3 Caneca 1 3
Through this author analysis, it can be seen that Kusrini has made significant
contributions to the literature related to Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR), with
extensive collaboration with other authors such as Miranda, Rifai, Helia, Caneca, and Suci
who are all affiliated with the institution of Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of
Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia..
3.5 Analysis by Co- Occurrence
Keywords in the literature on digital archives research were analyzed using the co-
occurrence network analysis tool in VOSviewer software. In this analysis, the minimum
number of occurrences of keywords in titles and abstracts was set at 2. The results of the
analysis obtained keyword scor as the most common keyword.
The analysis conducted in this study found 916 keywords, with 241 meeting the
threshold and classified into 10 clusters. The most common keyword was 'scor' with a total
link strength of 1929..

Figure 7. Network visualization on co-occurrence

Figure 7 shows a network visualization on co-occurrence that explains the network or
relationship of one term with another term in research in the field of Supply Chain Operation
Reference (SCOR) in the period 2012 - 2023. The 31 Scopus indexed articles can be grouped
into 10 clusters. Cluster 1 consists of several keywords such as general trading, green scor,
green supply chain operation reference, manufacturing firm, patchouli oil, supply chain
performance, service company, sugar company, supply chain performance measurement,
supply chain performance model, etc. Cluster 2 consists of several keywords such as additive
manufacturing, aircraft spare parts supply chain, am technology, behavioral training method,
environmental performance, safety inventory, scor model, supply chain management,
suistanability, suistanability metric etc. Cluster 3 consists of several keywords such as
aggregate risk potential, arp, dominant risk agent, fanp method, fuzzy analitycal network, hor
method, risk agent, risk control, risk handling, risk source, scor method, slaughterhouse,
supply chain flow, supply chain operation reference, supply chain system etc. Cluster 4
consists of several keywords such as ahp method, asset management efficiency, cogs,
environmental issue, g scor, green procurement, green supply chain operations reference,
gscm, perfect order fullfillment, small garment manufacturing company etc. Cluster 5
consists of several keywords such as ahp, analytical hierarchy process, environment,
environmental damage, government, kpi, sscm, suistanable supply chain etc. Cluster 6
consists of several keywords such as balanced scorecard, dematel, dynamic, eye scor,
glaucoma, iop, smart eye status monitoring, smart eye vision monitoring system, supply chain
network, supply chain operations reference, system dynamic etc. Cluster 7 consists of several
keywords such as agility, constitution, continuity, efficiency, environmental perspective,
justice, performance indicator, scor, self sufficiency, strategic industries principle etc. Cluster
8 consists of several keywords such as benchmark, customer satisfaction, effectiveness, halal,
leather industry, metric, overall performance score, performance attribute, performance
measurement, performance metric, small medium enterprise, sme, smes, supply chain
operation reference model etc. Cluster 9 consists of several keywords such as customer, dong
bag village, farmer, herb, herb supply chain, improvement, measurement, questionnaire,
performance score metric etc. Cluster 10 consists of several keywords such as business
canvas model, food loss, kud giri tani, management, milk, reference etc.
In the analysis, ten main clusters were identified, each with a different focus and topic.
The first to fourth clusters highlight aspects of supply chain performance and management,
with a particular emphasis on environmental sustainability and performance measurement.
Clusters five to ten explore topics such as risk and control, system dynamics, operational
efficiency, and supply chain management applications in specific industries. By
understanding the clusters, researchers can recognize significant research trends and direct
their attention to areas that require further exploration to advance understanding and practice
in the SCOR field.

Figure 8. Overlay network on Co-Occurrence

From the overlay network (Figure 8), it can be seen that the focus of research on the
topic of Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) was published in 2019 and 2020, this
can be seen from the colors displayed from blue (lowest score) to green to yellow (highest
score) (van Eck & Waltman, 2013). In addition, the colors on the nodes represent keywords
that indicate the year of publication. For example, the keyword 'eye scor' has a yellow node,
which means that the article containing the keyword was published in 2022. This overlay
network can help determine the development of research topics and their correlation with
other topics from year to year..

Figure 9. Density Visualization on Co-Occurrence

Next is the bibliometric analysis using density visualization. From the visualization
results shown in Figure 9, it can be identified that there are dense areas or those with high
density in one node with another node. The level of saturation identified in the number of
keywords marked in yellow means that the region is a topic that has been widely researched
and indexed by Scopus, for example the keywords scor, case study, and research. Whereas
nodes marked with dark colors indicate that these topics are still not widely researched. This
can foster opportunities to conduct research or research on these topics, for example, the
keyword eye scor is connected to the field of Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR), the
title of the article is 'Eye-SCOR: A Supply Chain Operations Reference-Based Framework
for Smart Eye Status Monitoring Using System Dynamics Modeling'. With bibliometric
analysis on density visualization that shows the presence of strain and low intensity, it shows
that research on Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) related to dynamics that
integrates artificial intelligence (AI) is still relatively low, which makes research on this topic
still very broad to be researched.
4. Summary
Bibliometric analysis of research on the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)
revealed several important findings. First, there was a significant growth in the number of
publications on SCOR from 2011 to 2024, albeit fluctuating. The highest growth occurred in
2019. Despite the decline in recent years, research on SCOR remains a growing topic from
year to year. Secondly, the citation analysis shows that there are some articles that are highly
noticed in the academic literature. One of the most prominent articles, titled "Toward the
Integration of Sustainability Metrics into the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)
Model," achieved a high number of citations. This signifies the significant impact of the
study in its research domain. In addition, other articles discussing the integration of the
SCOR model with environmental issues also received great attention from researchers. Third,
the author-based analysis shows that several researchers, especially Kusrini, from the
Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam
Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, have significant contributions in the literature on SCOR.
Collaboration with other authors, such as Miranda, Rifai, Helia, Caneca, and Suci, can also be
observed in these studies. Fourth, the co-occurrence analysis of the research keywords
identified various clusters that reflect the diverse research topics related to SCOR. These
topics include supply chain performance and management, environmental sustainability,
performance measurement, risk and control, and SCOR applications in specific industries.
The analysis also highlights research trends over time, with increased interest in certain topics
from 2018 to 2019. Fifth, the density visualization shows that some topics remain under-
researched, such as the integration of SCOR with artificial intelligence (AI). This suggests
that there are opportunities for further research in these unexplored areas. Overall, this
bibliometric analysis provides valuable insights into the developments, trends and research
focus in the SCOR domain. It can also serve as a guide for researchers interested in further
exploring relevant and unexplored topics in this literature..

Daftar Pustaka
Chotimah, R. R., Purwanggono, B., & Susanty, A. (2018). Measurement of Supply Chain
Performance Using the SCOR and AHP Methods at the Urea Fertilizer Packing Unit of
PT . Dwimatama Multikarsa Semarang. Ejournal Undip.
Effendy, F., Gaffar, V., Hurriyati, R., & Hendrayati, H. (2021). Analisis Bibliometrik
Perkembangan Penelitian Penggunaan Pembayaran Seluler Dengan Vosviewer. Jurnal
Interkom: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi.

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