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Crop Year 2024-2025

For the period of 03/12/2024 to 03/18/2024

No of Work Work Work Add'l

Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
1 Area: 6.73 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 2/2/2024
03-13-24 1 Operator-Service Spray(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
5 Spray Foliar(Fertilizer)440.00 daily 55.00 /hour 40 2,200.00 0.00
Totals: 2,640.00 0.00 2,640.00

Field Total: 2,640.00

11-A Area: 1.8 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 12/1/2023
03-13-24 4 Pasad Kalog(Uyon)11.70/fattum 11.70 /fatt 178 2,082.60 0.00
03-14-24 4 Pasad Kalog(Uyon)11.70/fattum 11.70 /fatt 178 2,082.60 0.00
03-15-24 3 Pasad Kalog(Uyon)11.70/fattum 11.70 /fatt 122 1,427.40 0.00
03-16-24 3 Pasad Kalog(Uyon)11.70/fattum 11.70 /fatt 74 865.80 0.00
Totals: 6,458.40 0.00 6,458.40

Field Total: 6,458.40

16 Area: 3.24 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 12/1/2023
03-12-24 4 Pasad Kalog(Uyon)11.70/fattum 11.70 /fatt 173 2,024.10 0.00
Totals: 2,024.10 0.00 2,024.10

Field Total: 2,024.10

20-A Area: 3.17 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 10/15/2023
03-12-24 1 Operator Supply Irrigation 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-13-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Operator Supply Irrigation 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-14-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Operator Supply Irrigation 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-15-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Operator Supply Irrigation 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-16-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Operator Supply Irrigation 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-17-24 2 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 2 264.00 0.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Operator Supply Irrigation 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-18-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Operator Supply Irrigation 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
Totals: 5,984.00 3,575.00 9,559.00

Field Total: 9,559.00

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 1 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
20-B Area: 0.6 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/12/2024
03-16-24 4 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Totals: 880.00 0.00 880.00

Field Total: 880.00

22 Area: 4.27 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/12/2024
03-12-24 2 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
4 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 0.00
03-13-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
03-14-24 6 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
03-15-24 5 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 40 2,200.00 0.00
Totals: 7,260.00 0.00 7,260.00

Field Total: 7,260.00

27-B Area: 1.39 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 2008-57 Date Planted 11/14/2023
03-12-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-13-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-14-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-15-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-16-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-17-24 1 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 0.5 66.00 0.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-18-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
Totals: 1,606.00 962.50 2,568.50

Field Total: 2,568.50

28 Area: 1.87 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 11/14/2023
03-12-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-13-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
1 Application Fertilizer(Super Save 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Urea)440 dailyl
03-14-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-15-24 2 Application Fertilizer(Super Save 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Urea)440 dailyl
Totals: 3,520.00 412.50 3,932.50

Field Total: 3,932.50

29-B Area: 0.99 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 1/23/2024
03-13-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 440.00 0.00 440.00

Field Total: 440.00

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 2 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
30 Area: 2.92 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/3/2024
03-13-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
03-14-24 5 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 40 2,200.00 0.00
03-15-24 7 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 56 3,080.00 0.00
2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-16-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-17-24 2 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 2 264.00 0.00
2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-18-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
8 Spray Fiprol(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Totals: 10,054.00 550.00 10,604.00

Field Total: 10,604.00

31 Area: 0.73 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/2/2024
03-13-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
03-18-24 6 Weeding(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 17 935.00 0.00
8 Spray Fiprol(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Totals: 1,925.00 0.00 1,925.00

Field Total: 1,925.00

32 Area: 1.39 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 12/29/2023
03-13-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
03-16-24 6 Weeding(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
03-18-24 8 Spray Fiprol(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Totals: 3,630.00 0.00 3,630.00

Field Total: 3,630.00

36 Area: 1.12 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 11/13/2023
03-14-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-15-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-16-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-17-24 2 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 2 264.00 0.00
2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-18-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
2 Application Fertilizer(F4)440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 5,104.00 687.50 5,791.50

Field Total: 5,791.50

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 3 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
37 Area: 1.33 Culture: Ratoon 2 Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 12/1/2023
03-12-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-13-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
2 Application Fertilizer(Super Save 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Urea)440 dailyl
03-15-24 2 Application Fertilizer(Super Save 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Urea)440 dailyl
Totals: 3,080.00 275.00 3,355.00

Field Total: 3,355.00

41-A Area: 5.06 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 10/25/2023
03-12-24 3 Road Repair(440.00 daily|) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 0.00
2 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
03-13-24 3 Road Repair(440.00 daily|) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 0.00
2 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
03-14-24 3 Road Repair(440.00 daily|) 55.00 /hour 20 1,100.00 0.00
3 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 10 550.00 0.00
03-15-24 3 Road Repair(440.00 daily|) 55.00 /hour 20 1,100.00 0.00
3 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 0.00
03-18-24 2 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 6,710.00 0.00 6,710.00

Field Total: 6,710.00

42-A Area: 2.66 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 12/26/2023
03-18-24 2 Operator- Hi-Clearance (440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 440.00 0.00 440.00

Field Total: 440.00

43-A Area: 4.82 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 12/16/2023
03-12-24 5 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 40 2,200.00 0.00
03-14-24 6 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
03-15-24 6 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
03-16-24 6 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
Totals: 10,120.00 0.00 10,120.00

Field Total: 10,120.00

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 4 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
43-B Area: 5.18 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 1/25/2024
03-12-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
Totals: 220.00 0.00 220.00

Field Total: 220.00

45-A Area: 9.27 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 12/11/2023
03-12-24 3 Spray Foliar(Fertilizer)440.00 daily 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 0.00
Totals: 1,320.00 0.00 1,320.00

Field Total: 1,320.00

47 Area: 0.16 Culture: Ratoon 3 Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 11/27/2023
03-12-24 3 Road Repair(440.00 daily|) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 0.00
2 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00

Field Total: 1,100.00

48 Area: 5.63 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/25/2024
03-12-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
11 1,805.00 Replanting Canepoints 1,805.00 /Lacsa 1.57 2,833.78 0.00
by tama
03-13-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
11 1,805.00 Replanting Canepoints 1,805.00 /Lacsa 2.63 4,747.15 0.00
by tama
03-14-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-15-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-16-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-17-24 1 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 0.5 66.00 0.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-18-24 1 Operator -Backdose(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
Totals: 15,676.93 2,887.50 18,564.43

Field Total: 18,564.43

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 5 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
49 Area: 3.01 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 12/5/2023
03-16-24 4 Replanting CanePoints(440.00 55.00 /hour 28 1,540.00 0.00
03-17-24 3 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 3 396.00 0.00
3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
03-18-24 1 Operator -Backdose(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
3 Road Repair(440.00 daily|) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 0.00
3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
9 Replanting CanePoints(440.00 55.00 /hour 36 1,980.00 0.00
1 Application Fertilizer(F3)440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 7,986.00 962.50 8,948.50

Field Total: 8,948.50

50 Area: 2.1 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/19/2024
03-15-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
03-16-24 1 Operator -Ripper(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
9 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 68 3,740.00 0.00
03-17-24 3 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 3 396.00 0.00
3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
03-18-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
Totals: 7,436.00 962.50 8,398.50

Field Total: 8,398.50

51 Area: 1.96 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/19/2024
03-15-24 1 Operator -Ripper(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
7 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 56 3,080.00 0.00
03-16-24 1 Operator -Ripper(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
03-17-24 3 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 1.5 198.00 0.00
3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 137.50
03-18-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 275.00
Totals: 4,928.00 412.50 5,340.50

Field Total: 5,340.50

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 6 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
52 Area: 2.93 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/16/2024
03-15-24 2 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
03-16-24 1 Operator -Ripper(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
03-17-24 3 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 1.5 198.00 0.00
3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 275.00
03-18-24 6 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 275.00
Totals: 4,708.00 550.00 5,258.00

Field Total: 5,258.00

53 Area: 4.35 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/14/2024
03-12-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-13-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-14-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-15-24 6 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 825.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-16-24 4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
2 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 412.50
1 Operator-Service Spray(440.00 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
7 Spray Fiprol(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 28 1,540.00 0.00
03-17-24 2 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 2 264.00 0.00
1 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-18-24 6 Weeding(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
Totals: 15,664.00 3,987.50 19,651.50

Field Total: 19,651.50

54 Area: 2.22 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/19/2024
03-12-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
03-13-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 412.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
16 1,805.00 Replanting Canepoints 1,805.00 /Lacsa 2.67 4,819.35 0.00
by tama
1 440.00 Isip Patdan Daily 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
03-14-24 3 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
13 1,805.00 Replanting Canepoints 1,805.00 /Lacsa 0.35 631.75 0.00
by tama
03-15-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-16-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
Totals: 10,731.10 1,650.00 12,381.10

Field Total: 12,381.10

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 7 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
56 Area: 2.49 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/9/2024
03-12-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-13-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-14-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-15-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-16-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-17-24 2 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 2 264.00 0.00
2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
03-18-24 2 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 137.50
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
8 Spray Fiprol(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Totals: 7,524.00 1,100.00 8,624.00

Field Total: 8,624.00

57-A Area: 2.98 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/13/2024
03-13-24 2 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
03-14-24 3 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 10 550.00 0.00
03-15-24 3 Operator- Road Repair(440.00 55.00 /hour 12 660.00 0.00
Totals: 1,650.00 0.00 1,650.00

Field Total: 1,650.00

57-B Area: 0.15 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/12/2024
03-18-24 6 Weeding(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 17 935.00 0.00
Totals: 935.00 0.00 935.00

Field Total: 935.00

58 Area: 2.96 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/5/2024
03-12-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
03-18-24 5 Weeding(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 10 550.00 0.00
Totals: 770.00 0.00 770.00

Field Total: 770.00

59 Area: 3.22 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/4/2024
03-12-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
03-18-24 5 Weeding(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 36 1,980.00 0.00
Totals: 2,200.00 0.00 2,200.00

Field Total: 2,200.00

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 8 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
61 Area: 3.03 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/28/2024
03-16-24 1 Operator-Service Spray(440.00 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
7 Spray Foliar(Fertilizer)440.00 daily 55.00 /hour 28 1,540.00 0.00
Totals: 1,760.00 0.00 1,760.00

Field Total: 1,760.00

62-A Area: 3.8 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 1/4/2024
03-12-24 4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-13-24 4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-14-24 4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-15-24 4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-16-24 4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
2 Application Fertilizer(Super Save 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Urea)440 dailyl
03-17-24 5 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 5 660.00 0.00
4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
03-18-24 4 Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 32 1,760.00 275.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 275.00
1 Application Fertilizer(F1)440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 17,380.00 3,850.00 21,230.00

Field Total: 21,230.00

63-A Area: 2.5 Culture: New Plant Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/29/2024
03-12-24 1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
Totals: 220.00 137.50 357.50

Field Total: 357.50

63-B Area: 2.61 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 84-524 Date Planted 1/28/2024
03-15-24 8 Spray Foliar(Fertilizer)440.00 daily 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 0.00
Totals: 1,320.00 0.00 1,320.00

Field Total: 1,320.00

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:34 AM Page 9 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
63-C Area: 1.4 Culture: Ratoon 1 Variety: 86-550 Date Planted 1/28/2024
03-15-24 8 Spray Foliar(Fertilizer)440.00 daily 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
Totals: 880.00 0.00 880.00

Field Total: 880.00

64-A Area: 8.49 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 12/23/2023
03-12-24 1 Operator-Ratooner(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 0.00
1 Ronda Irrigation(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 4 220.00 137.50
03-14-24 1 Operator-Service Spray(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
7 Spray Foliar(Fertilizer)440.00 daily 55.00 /hour 56 3,080.00 0.00
03-15-24 8 Spray Foliar(Fertilizer)440.00 daily 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 0.00
03-18-24 6 Spot Weeding(440.00 Daily) 55.00 /hour 48 2,640.00 0.00
Totals: 7,920.00 137.50 8,057.50

Field Total: 8,057.50

65-D Area: 1.75 Culture: New Plant Variety: 2007-66 Date Planted 12/22/2023
03-13-24 1 Operato r-Trash Rake(440.00 55.00 /hour 2 110.00 0.00
Totals: 110.00 0.00 110.00

Field Total: 110.00

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:35 AM Page 10 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
Admin Area: 0 Culture: Variety: Date Planted
03-12-24 1 Cabo(Sueta Philip) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Baliguat Marlon) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Llamera Criston) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Checker (Policarpio, Manny) 600.00 /day 1 600.00 0.00
1 Warehouseman(Columnas, 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Mondia, Harlene) 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Palermo, Joseph) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 BackHoe Operator(495.00) 61.88 /hour 8 495.00 77.34
1 Shop Mechanic(Santillan, Julie) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Gate Guard(Luna, Joery 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
Mark)Mangkas Compound
1 Cabo-(Delos Santos Arnel) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Tireman(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
1 Field Ronda(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
2 Shop Welder(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
1 Cabo- (Villamor, Freddie) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
9 1,000.00/lacsa(Pamatdan) 1,000.00 /lacsa 3.87 3,870.00 0.00
1 Hauling Canepoints( Hacienda 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
4 Hauling CanePoints by 275.00 /lacsa 5.72 1,573.00 0.00
2 440.00 Isip Patdan Daily 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
03-13-24 1 Cabo(Sueta Philip) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Baliguat Marlon) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Llamera Criston) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Checker (Policarpio, Manny) 600.00 /day 1 600.00 0.00
1 Warehouseman(Columnas, 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Mondia, Harlene) 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Palermo, Joseph) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 BackHoe Operator(495.00) 61.88 /hour 8 495.00 77.34
1 Shop Mechanic(Santillan, Julie) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Gate Guard(Luna, Joery 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
Mark)Mangkas Compound
1 Cabo-(Delos Santos Arnel) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Tireman(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
1 Field Ronda(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
2 Shop Welder(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
1 Cabo- (Villamor, Freddie) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
03-14-24 1 Cabo(Sueta Philip) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Baliguat Marlon) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Llamera Criston) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Checker (Policarpio, Manny) 600.00 /day 1 600.00 0.00
1 Warehouseman(Columnas, 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Mondia, Harlene) 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Palermo, Joseph) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 BackHoe Operator(495.00) 61.88 /hour 8 495.00 77.34
1 Shop Mechanic(Santillan, Julie) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Gate Guard(Luna, Joery 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
Mark)Mangkas Compound
1 Cabo-(Delos Santos Arnel) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:35 AM Page 11 of 13
No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
1 Tireman(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
4 Shop Helper(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 24 1,320.00 0.00
1 Field Ronda(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
2 Shop Welder(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
1 Cabo- (Villamor, Freddie) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
03-15-24 1 Cabo(Sueta Philip) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Baliguat Marlon) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Llamera Criston) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Checker (Policarpio, Manny) 600.00 /day 1 600.00 0.00
1 Warehouseman(Columnas, 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Mondia, Harlene) 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Palermo, Joseph) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 BackHoe Operator(495.00) 61.88 /hour 8 495.00 77.34
1 Shop Mechanic(Santillan, Julie) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Gate Guard(Luna, Joery 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
Mark)Mangkas Compound
1 Cabo-(Delos Santos Arnel) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Tireman(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
2 Shop Helper(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
1 Field Ronda(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
2 Shop Welder(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
1 Cabo- (Villamor, Freddie) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
2 Operator-Service Spray(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
1 3/7/2024 Operator Hakot Patdan 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
San Francisco
3 3/7/2024 Hauling 275.00 /lac 2.18 599.50 0.00
2 3/7/2024 Isip Patdan(San 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
8 3/7/2024 Pamatdan (San 1,000.00 /lac 2.08 2,080.00 0.00
03-16-24 1 Cabo(Sueta Philip) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Baliguat Marlon) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Llamera Criston) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Checker (Policarpio, Manny) 600.00 /day 1 600.00 0.00
1 Warehouseman(Columnas, 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Mondia, Harlene) 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Palermo, Joseph) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Shop Mechanic(Santillan, Julie) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Gate Guard(Luna, Joery 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
Mark)Mangkas Compound
1 Cabo-(Delos Santos Arnel) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Tireman(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
1 Field Ronda(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
2 Shop Welder(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
1 Cabo- (Villamor, Freddie) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
2 3/9/2024 Omitted Dtr(Isip 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
03-17-24 1 Cabo(Sueta Philip) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Baliguat Marlon) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Llamera Criston) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Checker (Policarpio, Manny) 600.00 /day 1 600.00 0.00

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:35 AM Page 12 of 13

No of Work Work Work Add'l
Field # Date Workers Work Description Rate Unit Volume Pay Pay
1 Warehouseman(Columnas, 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Mondia, Harlene) 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Palermo, Joseph) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Shop Mechanic(Santillan, Julie) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Gate Guard(Luna, Joery 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
Mark)Mangkas Compound
1 Sunday Rate 30% 132.00 /day 1 132.00 0.00
1 Cabo-(Delos Santos Arnel) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Ronda(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 1 55.00 0.00
1 Shop Welder(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
1 Cabo- (Villamor, Freddie) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
03-18-24 1 Cabo(Sueta Philip) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Baliguat Marlon) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Cabo(Llamera Criston) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Field Checker (Policarpio, Manny) 600.00 /day 1 600.00 0.00
1 Warehouseman(Columnas, 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Mondia, Harlene) 457.14 /day 1 457.14 0.00
1 Office Clerk(Palermo, Joseph) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 BackHoe Operator(495.00) 61.88 /hour 4 247.50 0.00
1 Shop Mechanic(Santillan, Julie) 500.00 /day 1 500.00 0.00
1 Gate Guard(Luna, Joery 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
Mark)Mangkas Compound
1 Cabo-(Delos Santos Arnel) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Tireman(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
1 Field Ronda(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
2 Shop Welder(440.00 daily) 55.00 /hour 16 880.00 0.00
1 Cabo- (Villamor, Freddie) 428.57 /day 1 428.57 0.00
1 Operator-Service Spray(440.00 55.00 /hour 8 440.00 0.00
Totals: 63,736.90 309.36 64,046.26

Field Total: 64,046.26

Grand Total: 271,460.79

/JP Document Date: 19-Mar-24 9:47:35 AM Page 13 of 13

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