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Casili, Mallig, Isabela


School Year 2013-2014

Course No.: IT 121 No. of Units: 3 Time: Days:

Course & Year: BSIT 1 Building & Room No.: Consultation Hours:
Descriptive Title: Programming II (JAVA)
Course Objectives:
This course introduces principles of object-oriented programming in Java and object-oriented design. It will allow
understanding of language constructs in Java, the principles of designing OO software, and an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) for Java. You will also understand Java networking programming, Java collection classes and GUI
programming, and develop problem solving skills.

Objectives & Classification Learning Strategies and Expected Outcomes and/or

Topics & Time Allotment
Levels Assessment Activities Results
Orientation Internalize the meaning and Discussion Sincerity
MPC – Philosophy, Mission, the message of the MPC and Group Loyalty
Vision & Objectives ICS Dept PVMO Buzzing Obedience
ICS Dept - Mission, Vision &
Chapter I - Introduction to - Describe the features of Lecture Clear knowledge and
Java Java technology such as the Recitation understanding about the
Java virtual machine, garbage Group Activity history and basic concept of
1.1 Java Background collection and code security Library Work Java
1.1.1 A little bit of history - Describe the different Assignment
1.1.2 Java Technology phases of a Java program Seatwork
1.1.3 Some features of Java Knowledge (C1), Quiz
1.1.4 Phases of Java Comprehension (C2),
program Application (C3), Analysis
Chapter II – Getting to know - Create a Java program Lecture Clear knowledge and
your Programming using textpad Recitation familiarization of Java
Environment - Differentiate between Group Activity Programming Environment
syntax-errors and runtime Library Work
2.1 My first Java program errors Assignment
2.2 Using a Textpad Seatwork/Laboratory
Quiz/Hands on
Chapter III – Programming - Identify the basic parts of a Lecture Clear knowledge and
Fundamentals Java program Recitation application about Java
3.1 Dissecting My first Java - Differentiate among Java Group Activity programming fundamentals
Program literals, primitive data types, Library Work
3.2 Java Comments variable types ,identifiers and Assignment
3.3 Java Statements and operators Seatwork/Laboratory
Blocks - Develop a simple valid Java Quiz/Hands on
3.4 Java Identifiers program using the concepts
3.5 Java Keywords learned in this chapter.
3.6 Java Literals
3.7 Primitives Data Types
3.8 Variables
3.9 Operators
Chapter IV - Getting Input - Create an interactive Java Lecture Clear knowledge and
from Keyboard program that gets input from Recitation application on how to get
the keyboard Group Activity input from keyboard using
4.1 Using BufferedReader - Use the BufferedReader Library Work BufferedReader and
4.2 Using JOptionPane class to get input from the Assignment JOptionPane
keyboard using a console Seatwork/Laboratory
- Use the JOptionPane class Quiz/Hands on
to get input from the keyboard
using a graphical user
Knowledge (C1),
Comprehension (C2),
Application (C3), Analysis
(C4), Organization (A4)
Chapter V - Control - Use decision control Lecture Clear knowledge and
Structures structures which allows Recitation application on how to use the
selection of specific sections Group Activity different decision control
5.1 Decision Control Structure of code to be executed Library Work statements
5.1.1 IF Statement Assignment
5.1.2 IF-ELSE Statement Seatwork/Laboratory
5.1.3 IF-ELSE-IF Statement Quiz/Hands on
5.1.4 Common Error in
IF-ELSE Statement
5.1.5 Switch Statement
5.2 Repetition Control - Use repetition control Lecture Clear knowledge and
Structure structures which allow Recitation application on how to use the
5.2.1 While loop executing specific sections of Group Activity different repetition control
5.2.2 Do-while loop code a number of times Library Work statements
5.2.3 For loop Knowledge (C1), Assignment
(16hrs) Comprehension (C2), Seatwork/Laboratory
Application (C3), Analysis Quiz/Hands on
(C4), Organization (A4)
Chapter VI - Java Arrays - Declare and create arrays Lecture Clear knowledge and
- Access array elements Recitation application on how to use
6.1 Introduction to Array - Determine the number of Group Activity arrays in a program
6.2 Declaring Array elements in an array Library Work
6.3 Assessing an Array - Declare and create Assignment
element multidimensional arrays Seatwork/Laboratory
6.4 Array Length Quiz/Hands on
6.5 Multidimensional Arrays
Chapter VII - Working with - Differentiate between Lecture Clear knowledge and
the Java Class Library classes and objects Recitation application of the Java class
- Differentiate between Group Activity library
7.1 Classes and Objects instance variables/methods Library Work
7.2 Methods and class(static) Assignment
7.3 Casting, Converting and variables/methods Seatwork/Laboratory
Comparing Objects - Explain what methods are Quiz/Hands on
and how to call and pass
parameters to methods
- Cast primitive data types
and objects
- Compare objects and
determine the class of an

Course Requirements:
1. Major Examinations
2. Attendance
3. Quizzes
4. Projects
5. Laboratory Activities
6. Participation in the class discussion
Grading System:
ClassStanding = 90%(Quiz+Recitation+Assignment+LaboratoryActivities+Project) + 10%(Attendance)
PrelimGrade = 2/3ClassStanding + 1/3PrelimExam
MidTermGrade = 2/3 PrelimGrade + 1/3MidTermTentativeGrade
FinalGrade = 2/3 PrelimGrade + 1/3FinalTentativeGrade
1. Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, 2005
2. Malik, D.S., Java Programming, 2008
3. Drozdek, Adam, Java: Data Structure & Algorithm

Prepared by: Noted by:


Instructor Instructor Dean

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