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aquatic veterinary medicine in enhanc-

ing and advancing the science and art of
aquatic veterinary medicine, aquatic ani-
mal health and welfare, public health, and
seafood safety in support of the veterinary
profession, aquatic animal industries and
other stakeholders.’
With increased global reliance on
aquaculture production, improvements
in diagnostic and surgical techniques for
all aquatic species, both vertebrates and
invertebrates, interest in wildlife medicine
and the complex national and interna-
tional interactions between these sectors of
aquatic medicine in terms of trade, disease
outbreaks, environmental issues and social
impact, there is an increasing need and
opportunity for veterinary involvement.
Following on from several years of infor-
mal discussions and recent consultation
with 16 different organisations relevant
to the field, it was agreed that, in order to
progress, represent and serve the discipline
of aquatic veterinary medicine, an interna-
tional organisation acting in conjunction
with national bodies be formed.
The aim of this first business meeting
is to ratify and agree bylaws for the organ-
isation and elect an executive board so as
to formalise the structure and appropri-
ate agenda of the organisation. We invite
colleagues, either as individuals or repre-
sentatives of interested bodies, to attend
this unique opportunity to influence the
future of aquatic veterinary medicine.
Further information and contact
details are provided at the interim web-
site at, and we would
welcome further input or comments on
the documents lodged there.

Peter L. Merrill, 13801 Belle Chasse

Boulevard, #416, Laurel, MD 20707, USA
Julius Tepper, 1010 Montauk Highway,
Shirley, NY 11967, USA
Christopher I. Walster, 132 Lichfield
Road, Stafford ST17 4LE
Dušan Palić, Department of Veterinary
Microbiology and Preventive Medicine,
Center for Food Security and Public
Health, 2160 Veterinary Medicine
Building, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Timothy Miller-Morgan, 534 SE
Aquatic veterinary Fourth Street, Toledo, OR 97391, USA
Colin J. Johnston, 44 Awarua Street,
medicine Wellington, 6035, New Zealand

SIR, – We would like to inform colleagues

of the formation of a new international
organisation to represent veterinarians
working with all aquatic species. The first
meeting of this organisation will be held
on July 18, 2007 in Washington, DC, fol-
lowing on from four days of aquatic animal
medicine lectures provided as part of the
American Veterinary Medical Association
(AVMA) annual convention (July 14 to 18).
The mission statement of the organi-
sation is: ‘The current Mission of the
Association (formed in 2007 and doing
initial business as the “Aquatic Veterinary
Association”) is to serve the discipline of

452 The Veterinary Record, March 31, 2007

Downloaded from on March 18, 2015 - Published by

Aquatic veterinary medicine

Peter L. Merrill, Julius Tepper, Christopher I. Walster, Dusan Palic,

Timothy Miller-Morgan and Colin J. Johnston

Veterinary Record 2007 160: 452

doi: 10.1136/vr.160.13.452

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