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Omsatiya Rural Municipality

Office of the Rural Municipal Executive

Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Volume II:Cost Estimate with Quantity Details

Detail Engineering Survey, Design & Report Preparation of

Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya

Submitted by:
Hatemalo Engineering And Construcation Pvt.Ltd
Sainamaina-08, Rupandehi
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province


1 Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya

Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64
Contract No :

2 Location:
Local Level Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Province: Lumbini Province
District: Rupandehi
Geographical feature:
i) Climate: Temperate climate with dry winter and warm summer
ii) Geology: Terai
iii) Meteorology: Unevenly distributed monsoon precipitation
3 Classification:
Classification: Class IV
Existing Surface: Earthen
Proposed Surface: Premix
4 Length Of Road
i) Starting Point: 0+000.00
ii) End Point: 2+040.64
iii) Total Road Length (Km): 2.04064

5 Co-ordinate of Main Point

Starting Point
Latitude 27°33'12.11"N
Longitude 83°27'50.50"E

End Point
Latitude 27°32'53.47"N
Longitude 83°27'54.68"E

6 Geometrics (Design Criteria)

Right Of Way: 5m on either sides
Formation Width (m): 7.50
Carriage Way Width (m): 5.5
Shoulder Width (m): 1.00
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Design Speed 25
Side Drain Shape rectangular
Maximum Grade 12%

7 Pavement Design:
Pavement Volume
Premix 239.98
Base 1,799.82
Sub base 2,907.91
Concrete -

8 Cross Drainage Hume Pipe Culvert, Slab Culvert

Total no of 600mm dia Pipe 3.00 Nos.
9 Retaining Structures Road works
Gabion Wall 0.00 m3
Masonry wall 20.10 m3
10 Earth Work Road works
E/W in Excavation: 738.76 m3
Embankment fill 1,664.78 m3
11 Project Cost
Total Cost NPR 36,062,320.75 (InclusiveVAT & Contigency)
Cost Per km NPR 17,672,064.04 (InclusiveVAT & Contigency)
4 of 90

Omsatiya Rural Municipality

Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya
Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64

S.N. Description of works Amount (NRs) Remarks

A General Item 1,962,456.95 6.91%
B Site Clearance and Earthworks 9,679.32 0.03%
C Earthwork 539,938.49 1.90%
D Pavement Works 22,451,639.82 79.07%
E Structural/ Side Drain/ Cross Drainage Works 544,013.35 1.92%
F Bio-engineering works - 0.00%
G Road Furnishing and Miscellaneous Work 2,642,650.23 9.31%
H Day Works 245,150.00 0.86%
Base Cost (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H) 28,395,528.16 100%(I)
VAT @13% of Base Cost 3,691,418.66 II=13% of I
Contingency @ 1% of Base Cost 283,955.28 III=4% 0f I
Total Cost including VAT & Contingency 32,370,902.10 IV=I+II+III
Price adjustment Contingency @ 10% of Base Cost 2,839,552.81 V
Physical Contingency @ 3% of Base cost 851,865.84 VI
Grand Total Cost 36,062,320.75 VII=IV+V+VI
Cost Per Km of the road inclusive of VAT and contingency at Base Cost 17,672,064.04 IX=III/2.04064

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

5 of 90

Omsatiya Rural Municipality

Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province
Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya
Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64

S.N. Description of works Unit Quantity Rate, (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
A REF General Item
Insurance of works, plants, materials, loss and damage
to equipments, Contractor's workmen and employees
1.1 GCC 13 PS 1.00 100,000.00 100,000.00
and third party insurance against damage to other
persons and property.
Provide, operate and maintain Quality Control Laboratory
including but not limited to equipment (listed in Appendix
2 and 3 of SP/SS), accessories, personnel and
1.3 DoR
consumables for both field testing facilities and off-site PS 1.00 1,600,000.00 1,600,000.00
test with manpower and handing over to the Employer
after completion as per specification and instruction of
engineer all complete. [SP/SS-504]
Reallocation of services and minor infrastructures as per
1.4 DoR
specification and as instructed by the Project PS 1.00 150,000.00 150,000.00
Provide and maintain traffic safety, Occupation Health
104 and Safety (OHS) as per special provision,control
1.5 DoR
LS 1.00 100,000.00 100,000.00
measures and temporary diversions during construction
as instructed by the Engineer.[SP/SS-104]
Provide and installation of project information board of
size 1.80 m X 1.2 m along with iron posts including
110 (b)
1.6 DoR
excavation, concreting,backfillingetc all complete as per Nos. 2.00 6,228.48 12,456.95
DoR Standard Specifixcation for Road and Bridge
Works.[SS 110 (b) DoR]
Sub - Total (A) 1,962,456.95
B Site Clearance and Earthworks
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees
girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier
0 DoR
and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of
serviceable Material to be used or auctioned, up to a lead
of 1000 meters including removal and disposal of top
organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness.
(A) In area of light jungle (less than 15 number per 100
2.1 201 Sqm 1,500.00 6.45 9,679.32
(B) In area of Thorny jungle (more than 15 number per
2.2 201 Sqm - 6.68 -
100 sqm)
Dismantling of existing stone masonry structures, sorting
the dismantled Material, disposal of unserviceable
2.4 202 cum - 1,832.30 -
Material and stacking the serviceable Material with all lifts
and lead of 1000 meters
Removal of telephone/Electric poles including excavation
and dismantling of foundation concreter and dlines under
2.1 202 the supervision of concerned department, dsiposal with all Nos. - 953.70 -
the lifts and upto a lead of 1000 meters and stacking the
serviceable and unserceable material separately
Sub - Total (B) 9,679.32
C Earthwork

Roadway excavation in all types of soil/rock by both

manual and mechanical means as per drawing and
3.1 905 technical specification, including removal of stumps and m3 693.43 72.35 50,170.46
other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as drawing
and instruction of engineer. [SS-905, SP/SS-903]

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

6 of 90

S.N. Description of works Unit Quantity Rate, (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Structure foundation excavation for all types of soil/rock
by both manual and mechanical means as per drawing
3.2 907 and technical specification, including removal of stumps m3 45.33 126.13 5,717.17
and other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as
drawing and instruction of engineer. [SS-907]

Construction of embankments with material deposited

from Roadway Cutting: Providing, laying, spreading and
3.3 910
compacting embankment with roadway cutting material m3 1,664.78 286.07 476,240.68
and compact to the required density as per drawing and
Tech, specification. [SS-909. 910]
Providing suitable material and backfilling behind
abutment, wingwall, return wall and other retaining
3.4 908 m3 18.13 430.75 7,810.18
structures complete as per drawing and technical
specification [SS-908]
Sub - Total (C) 539,938.49
D Pavement Works
Loosening, leveling and Compacting original ground
supporting embankment to facilitate placement of first
1003, layer of embankment, scarified to a depth of 150 mm,
4.2 1005 mixed with water at OMC and then compacted by rolling
cum 1.97 69.65 137.11
so as to achieve dry density as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.[SS 1003,1005]

Providing and laying granular Sub base material by

mechanical means on prepared surface, mixing at OMC,
4.3 1201 m3 2,907.91 2,737.23 7,959,615.68
and compacting to achieve the desired density, complete
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications [SS-1201]

Providing and laying crusher run macadam on a

prepared surface, spreading and mixing, watering and
4.4 1204 compacting to form a layer of sub base/base course as m3 1,799.82 4,011.90 7,220,689.40
per drawing and technical specifications. (by mix in place
Prime Coat ,with MC 30/70 by mechanical Means
Providing and applying prime coat with hot
bitumen(including Cutter) on prepared surface of
4.5 1302 Ltr 10,798.90 150.26 1,622,632.31
grannular base including cleaning of road surface and
spraying by mechanical means as per technical

Providing and applying Tack coat with Hot Bitumen at

4.6 1302 Specified rate on the prepared non bituminous surfaces Ltr 7,199.27 149.21 1,074,237.33
including cleaning as per Technical Specification .

Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course

in single coat using gravel of specified size on a recently
4.8 1303
applied layer of bituminour binder on prepared surface as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.[SS-1303]

Providing and laying close-graded premix surfacing

material of 20 mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to
0.09 mm or 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm aggregates using
4.9 1310 cum 239.98 19,061.65 4,574,327.99
bitumen as wearing course on a previously prepared
base, including mixing in a suitable plant as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications.
Sub - Total (D) 22,451,639.82
E Structural/ Side Drain/ Cross Drainage Works

SS DOR Providing and laying of Random rubble stone masonry

2600,26 works in cement mortar MM7.5 including pipes for
5.1 07 &
m3 20.10 10,200.66 205,076.10
weepholes in foundation and in structure as per drawing
3109 and technical specification [SS DOR 2600,2607 & 3109]
Providing and laying of stone pitching on slopes laid over
SS DOR prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in
5.2 2416
m3 - 5,822.49 -
front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and
technical specification [ss 2416]
SS DOR Providing and pointing with cement mortar on masonry
5.3 2600 & work in structuire as per technical specification (cement m2 - 234.41 -
3109 mortar- 1:3) [SS 2600 & 3109]
Providing and laying of hand packed stone solling with
150 to 200 mm thick stones and packing with smaller
5.4 1005 m3 - 5,594.56 -
stones on prepared surface as per drawing and technical
specifications [SS 1005]
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by
7 of 90

S.N. Description of works Unit Quantity Rate, (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing mechanically woven double twisted crates /
mattress(Heavy Zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type
100X120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvedge wire 3.90 mm,
SS DOR lacing wire 2.40 mm ) including rolling cutting and with
5.5 2402 lacing wire and binding wire and filling stone/boulder in
m3 - 4,163.11 -
gabion boxes/mattress etc. including dressing, bedding,
bonding all complete as per drawing and technical
specification[SS 2402]
Providing and laying, fitting and placing HYSD bar
5.6 2014
reinforcement in superstructure complete as per drawing Kg - 132.71 -
and technical specification [SS 2014]

SS DOR Providing and laying of PCC M:10 in foundation complete

5.6 2000
m3 3.16 9,403.69 29,680.85
as per Drawing and Technical Specification [SS 2000]

Providing and laying Plum concrete ( Boulder mixed

SS DOR concrete) as per Drawing and Specifications(60% M15
5.7 2416
m3 - 9,804.11 -
Concrete-40% Boulder) including cost of formwork[SS
Providing and laying of Reinforced/prestressed cement
5.9 2000
concrete in superstructure as per Drawing and Technical m3 - 13,614.24 -
Specification : PCC Grade M 30 [SS 2000]
Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete NP3
Flush jointed pipe for culverts including fixing with cement
5.80 701mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and Technical Specification
[SS 701]
B 450 mm internal dia m - 7,743.19 -
A 600 mm internal dia m 30.00 10,308.55 309,256.40
D 900 mm internal dia m - 18,390.56 -
Providing and Laying of a Geo-Textile filter/geo
membrane between pitching and embankment
5.90 2403,24 sqm - 170.16 -
04 slopes,behind earth retaining structures as per drawing
and Technical specification [SS DOR 2403,2404]
Providing suitable material and backfilling behind
SS DOR abutment, wingwall, return wall and other retaining
5.10 908
cum - 430.75 -
structures complete as per drawing and technical
specification [SS DOR 908]
Providing, Jointing and laying HDPE pipes with or without
5.11 701 collar etc. complete in place as per Drawing and m - 894.04 -
Technical Specification [701 of SS DoR]
Sub - Total (E) 544,013.35
G Road Furnishing and Miscellaneous Work
7.2 DOR15 Supply and place one kilometer stone [SS DOR1506] Nos. 1.00 5,815.18 5,815.18

7.3 1506
Supply and place 5th kilometer stone. [SS DOR1506] Nos. 1.00 10,408.63 10,408.63

Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic

compound at least 2mm thick including reflectorizing
7.6 1504 glass beads as per DOR Traffic sign Sqm 61.22 1,378.75 84,406.26
manual/Specifications. The finished surface to be level,
uniform and free from streaks and holes.[SS DOR1504]
Sub - Total (G) 2,642,650.23
H Day Works
Supply of labour as required as per preamble and as
instructed by the Engineer.
Unskilled labour Nos 50.00 665.00 33,250.00
skilled labour Nos 50.00 652.00 32,600.00
Supply of excavator for maintenance of road or else as
8.2 required and instructed by engineer including operator Hrs 50.00 2,486.00 124,300.00
and other charges
8.3 Provide Built up Drawing as completed Nos 1.00 55,000.00 55,000.00
Sub - Total (H) 245,150.00

Base Cost (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H) 28,395,528.16 I

VAT @13% of Base Cost 3,691,418.66 II=13% of I
Total : 32,086,946.82 III=I+II
Contingency 567,910.56 IV=2% 0f I
Total Cost including VAT & Contingency 32,654,857.38 V=III+IV
Price adjustment Contingency @ 10% of Base Cost 2,839,552.81 VI
Physical Contingency @ 10% of Base cost 1,419,776.40 VII
Grand Total Cost 36,914,186.59 VIII=V+VI+VII

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

8 of 90

S.N. Description of works Unit Quantity Rate, (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Cost Per Km of the road inclusive of VAT and Base Cost 18,089,514.37 IX=III/2.04064

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

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Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya

Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64

SPEC Stone Masonry

Description Unit Road way Drain Gabion Wall Pipe Culvert Slab culvert Others Total

1 General
1.1 GCC 13 Insurance of works, plants, materials, loss and damage
to equipments, Contractor's workmen and employees
and third party insurance against damage to other persons PS 1 1.00
and property.

1.2 SCC - Provide and maintain Site Office on rental basis (two
rooms Size (3mx4m)) at location acceptable to the
project manager with in the Contract package with
Mths 24 24.00
accomadation facilities for the Supervision Team as per
Project Manager instruction

Provide, operate and maintain Quality Control Laboratory

including but not limited to equipment (listed in Appendix 2
and 3 of SP/SS), accessories, personnel and consumables
1.3 504 DoR for both field testing facilities and off-site test with PS 1 1.00
manpower and handing over to the Employer after
completion as per specification and instruction of engineer
all complete. [SP/SS-504]

1.4 111 DoR Reallocation of services and minor infrastructures as per

specification and as instructed by the Project PS 1 1.00
1.5 104 DoR Provide and maintain traffic safety, Occupation Health
and Safety (OHS) as per special provision,control
measures and temporary diversions during construction as LS 1 1.00
instructed by the Engineer.[SP/SS-104]

1.6 110 (b) Provide and installation of project information board of

DoR size 1.80 m X 1.2 m along with iron posts including
excavation, concreting,backfillingetc all complete as per Nos. 2 2.00
DoR Standard Specifixcation for Road and Bridge
Works.[SS 110 (b) DoR]
2 Site Clearance
Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:
10 of 90

SPEC Stone Masonry

Description Unit Road way Drain Gabion Wall Pipe Culvert Slab culvert Others Total

201 DoR Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth
up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and
disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of
serviceable Material to be used or auctioned, up to a lead
of 1000 meters including removal and disposal of top
organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness.

2.1 201 (A) In area of light jungle (less than 15 number per 100
Sqm 1,500.00 1,500.00
2.2 201 (B) In area of Thorny jungle (more than 15 number per 100
Sqm - -
2.4 202 Dismantling of existing stone masonry structures, sorting
the dismantled Material, disposal of unserviceable Material
cum 0 -
and stacking the serviceable Material with all lifts and lead
of 1000 meters
2.1 202 Removal of telephone/Electric poles including excavation
and dismantling of foundation concreter and dlines under
the supervision of concerned department, dsiposal with all
Nos. 0 -
the lifts and upto a lead of 1000 meters and stacking the
serviceable and unserceable material separately

3 Earthwork
3.1 905 Roadway excavation in all types of soil/rock by both
manual and mechanical means as per drawing and
technical specification, including removal of stumps and
m3 693.43 - 693.43
other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as drawing
and instruction of engineer. [SS-905, SP/SS-903]

3.2 907 Structure foundation excavation for all types of soil/rock

by both manual and mechanical means as per drawing
and technical specification, including removal of stumps
m3 0 45.33 - 45.33
and other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as
drawing and instruction of engineer. [SS-907]

3.3 909, 910 Construction of embankments with material deposited

from Roadway Cutting: Providing, laying, spreading and
compacting embankment with roadway cutting material m3 1,664.78 1,664.78
and compact to the required density as per drawing and
Tech, specification. [SS-909. 910]
3.4 908 Providing suitable material and backfilling behind
abutment, wingwall, return wall and other retaining
m3 - 18.13 - 18.13
structures complete as per drawing and technical
specification [SS-908]
4 Pavement Works

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

11 of 90

SPEC Stone Masonry

Description Unit Road way Drain Gabion Wall Pipe Culvert Slab culvert Others Total

4.2 1003, Loosening, leveling and Compacting original ground

1005 supporting embankment to facilitate placement of first layer
of embankment, scarified to a depth of 150 mm, mixed with
water at OMC and then compacted by rolling so as to cum 1.97 1.97
achieve dry density as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications.[SS 1003,1005]

4.3 1201 Providing and laying granular Sub base material by

mechanical means on prepared surface, mixing at OMC,
and compacting to achieve the desired density, complete m3 2,907.91 2,907.91
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications [SS-1201]

4.4 1204 Providing and laying crusher run macadam on a prepared

surface, spreading and mixing, watering and compacting to
form a layer of sub base/base course as per drawing and
m3 1,799.82 1,799.82
technical specifications. (by mix in place method)[SS-1204]

4.5 1302 Prime Coat ,with MC 30/70 by mechanical Means

Providing and applying prime coat with hot
bitumen(including Cutter) on prepared surface of grannular
base including cleaning of road surface and spraying by
mechanical means as per technical specification[SSRB- Ltr 10,798.90 10,798.90

4.6 1302 Providing and applying Tack coat with Hot Bitumen at
Specified rate on the prepared non bituminous surfaces Ltr 7,199.27 7,199.27
including cleaning as per Technical Specification .
4.9 1310 Providing and laying close-graded premix surfacing cum
material of 20 mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 0.09
mm or 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm aggregates using bitumen as
239.98 239.98
wearing course on a previously prepared base, including
mixing in a suitable plant as per Drawing and Technical
5 Structural/ Side Drain/ Cross Drainage Works
5.1 SS DOR Providing and laying of Random rubble stone masonry
2600,2607 works in cement mortar MM7.5 including pipes for
& 3109
weepholes in foundation and in structure as per drawing m3 - - 20.10 - 20.10
and technical specification [SS DOR 2600,2607 & 3109]

5.2 SS DOR Providing and laying of stone pitching on slopes laid over
2416 prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in
m3 - -
front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and
technical specification [ss 2416]
Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:
12 of 90

SPEC Stone Masonry

Description Unit Road way Drain Gabion Wall Pipe Culvert Slab culvert Others Total

5.3 SS DOR Providing and pointing with cement mortar on masonry

2600 & work in structuire as per technical specification (cement
mortar- 1:3) [SS 2600 & 3109] m2 - -

5.4 1005 Providing and laying of hand packed stone solling with 150
to 200 mm thick stones and packing with smaller stones on
m3 - - - -
prepared surface as per drawing and technical
specifications [SS 1005]
5.5 SS DOR Providing mechanically woven double twisted crates /
2402 mattress(Heavy Zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type
100X120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvedge wire 3.90 mm,
lacing wire 2.40 mm ) including rolling cutting and with
m3 - - - -
lacing wire and binding wire and filling stone/boulder in
gabion boxes/mattress etc. including dressing, bedding,
bonding all complete as per drawing and technical
specification[SS 2402]
5.6 SS DOR Providing and laying, fitting and placing HYSD bar
2014 reinforcement in superstructure complete as per drawing Kg - - - -
and technical specification [SS 2014]

5.7 SS DOR Providing and laying of PCC M:10 in foundation complete

2000 as per Drawing and Technical Specification [SS 2000] m3 - - 3.16 - - 3.16

5.8 SS DOR Providing and laying Plum concrete ( Boulder mixed

2416 concrete) as per Drawing and Specifications(60% M15
m3 - -
Concrete-40% Boulder) including cost of formwork[SS
5.9 SS DOR Providing and laying of Reinforced/prestressed cement
2000 concrete in superstructure as per Drawing and Technical m3 - - -
Specification : PCC Grade M 30 [SS 2000]
B 450 mm internal dia m - -
A 600 mm internal dia m 30.00 30.00
D 900 mm internal dia m - -
5.11 SS DOR Providing and Laying of a Geo-Textile filter/geo
2403,2404 membrane between pitching and embankment
sqm 0 -
slopes,behind earth retaining structures as per drawing and
Technical specification [SS DOR 2403,2404]
5.12 SS DOR Providing suitable material and backfilling behind
908 abutment, wingwall, return wall and other retaining
cum - -
structures complete as per drawing and technical
specification [SS DOR 908]
5.13 701 Providing, Jointing and laying HDPE pipes with or without
collar etc. complete in place as per Drawing and Technical m - - -
Specification [701 of SS DoR]
6 Bio-engineering Work

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

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SPEC Stone Masonry

Description Unit Road way Drain Gabion Wall Pipe Culvert Slab culvert Others Total

7 Road Furnishing
7.2 SS Supply and place one kilometer stone [SS DOR1506]
Nos. 1.00 1.00
7.3 SS DOR Supply and place 5th kilometer stone. [SS DOR1506]
Nos. 1.00 1.00
7.8 1504 Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at least Sqm
2mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as per DOR Traffic sign
manual/Specifications. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free 61.22 61.22
from streaks and holes.[SS DOR1504]

8.1 Supply of labour as required as per preamble and as
instructed by the Engineer.
Unskilled labour Nos 50.00
skilled labour Nos 50.00
8.2 Supply of excavator for maintenance of road or else as
required and instructed by engineer including operator and Hrs 100.00
other charges
8.3 Provide Built up Drawing as completed Nos 1.00 1.00

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province


Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya

Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64

Total site
Length Stte Clearance Width (m) Remarks
A. Light Jungle 500.00 3 1500
B. Thorny Jungle 0.00 3 0

14 of 90
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province
Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya
Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64
Contract No :

X- Area(m2) Mean Area(m2) Volume (m3) Soil Classification Drain
Length Cutting
Ch. Ordinary Soil Cutting Remarks
(m) Cutting Filling Area
Cutting Filling Cutting Vol Filling Vol volume
Area Area (m2)
% (m3) (m3)

Part 1
0+000.00 0 0.47 - 0.24 - - - 100% - - -
0+020.00 20 - 1.69 0.24 0.85 4.70 16.90 100% 4.70 - -
0+040.00 20 - 3.21 - 2.45 - 49.00 100% - - -
0+060.00 20 - 1.51 - 2.36 - 47.20 100% - - -
0+080.00 20 0.01 0.70 0.01 1.11 0.10 22.10 100% 0.10 - -
0+100.00 20 0.54 0.04 0.28 0.37 5.50 7.40 100% 5.50 - -
0+120.00 20 0.45 0.12 0.50 0.08 9.90 1.60 100% 9.90 - -
0+140.00 20 - 2.25 0.23 1.19 4.50 23.70 100% 4.50 - -
0+160.00 20 0.23 0.84 0.12 1.55 2.30 30.90 100% 2.30 - -
0+178.00 18 - 1.39 0.12 1.12 2.07 20.07 100% 2.07 - -
0+179.00 1 - - - 0.70 - 0.70 100% - - -
0+180.00 1 - 1.34 - 0.67 - 0.67 100% - - -
0+200.00 20 0.05 1.26 0.03 1.30 0.50 26.00 100% 0.50 - -
0+220.00 20 0.07 1.36 0.06 1.31 1.20 26.20 100% 1.20 - -
0+240.00 20 0.05 1.51 0.06 1.44 1.20 28.70 100% 1.20 - -
0+260.00 20 0.47 0.22 0.26 0.87 5.20 17.30 100% 5.20 - -
0+280.00 20 0.45 0.31 0.46 0.27 9.20 5.30 100% 9.20 - -
0+300.00 20 0.40 - 0.43 0.16 8.50 3.10 100% 8.50 - -
0+320.00 20 0.02 0.41 0.21 0.21 4.20 4.10 100% 4.20 - -
0+340.00 20 0.02 0.45 0.02 0.43 0.40 8.60 100% 0.40 - -
0+360.00 20 0.02 1.14 0.02 0.80 0.40 15.90 100% 0.40 - -
0+380.00 20 0.10 0.80 0.06 0.97 1.20 19.40 100% 1.20 - -

Page 15 of 90
X- Area(m2) Mean Area(m2) Volume (m3) Soil Classification Drain
Length Cutting
Ch. Ordinary Soil Cutting Remarks
(m) Cutting Filling Area
Cutting Filling Cutting Vol Filling Vol volume
Area Area (m2)
% (m3) (m3)
0+400.00 20 0.13 1.07 0.12 0.94 2.30 18.70 100% 2.30 - -
0+420.00 20 0.06 1.49 0.10 1.28 1.90 25.60 100% 1.90 - -
0+440.00 20 0.32 2.06 0.19 1.78 3.80 35.50 100% 3.80 - -
0+460.00 20 0.05 0.28 0.19 1.17 3.70 23.40 100% 3.70 - -
0+480.00 20 - 1.17 0.03 0.73 0.50 14.50 100% 0.50 - -
0+500.00 20 0.02 1.27 0.01 1.22 0.20 24.40 100% 0.20 - -
0+520.00 20 - 2.23 0.01 1.75 0.20 35.00 100% 0.20 - -
0+540.00 20 0.03 1.14 0.02 1.69 0.30 33.70 100% 0.30 - -
0+560.00 20 1.38 - 0.71 0.57 14.10 11.40 100% 14.10 - -
0+580.00 20 0.31 0.04 0.85 0.02 16.90 0.40 100% 16.90 - -
0+600.00 20 0.74 0.14 0.53 0.09 10.50 1.80 100% 10.50 - -
0+620.00 20 0.15 0.12 0.45 0.13 8.90 2.60 100% 8.90 - -
0+634.20 14.2 0.39 - 0.27 0.06 3.83 0.85 100% 3.83 - -
Part 2
0+000.00 0 0.22 0.20 0.31 0.10 - - 100% - - -
0+020.00 20 0.81 1.34 0.52 0.77 10.30 15.40 100% 10.30 - -
0+040.00 20 0.06 1.39 0.44 1.37 8.70 27.30 100% 8.70 - -
0+060.00 20 0.83 - 0.45 0.70 8.90 13.90 100% 8.90 - -
0+080.00 20 0.01 0.48 0.42 0.24 8.40 4.80 100% 8.40 - -
0+081.00 1 - - 0.01 0.24 0.01 0.24 100% 0.01 - -
0+082.00 1 0.04 0.43 0.02 0.22 0.02 0.22 100% 0.02 - -
0+100.00 18 0.06 1.29 0.05 0.86 0.90 15.48 100% 0.90 - -
0+120.00 20 0.26 0.83 0.16 1.06 3.20 21.20 100% 3.20 - -
0+140.00 20 0.60 0.45 0.43 0.64 8.60 12.80 100% 8.60 - -
0+160.00 20 0.75 0.03 0.68 0.24 13.50 4.80 100% 13.50 - -
0+180.00 20 0.98 0.05 0.87 0.04 17.30 0.80 100% 17.30 - -
0+200.00 20 0.84 0.02 0.91 0.04 18.20 0.70 100% 18.20 - -
0+220.00 20 0.71 0.04 0.78 0.03 15.50 0.60 100% 15.50 - -
0+240.00 20 0.44 0.09 0.58 0.07 11.50 1.30 100% 11.50 - -
0+260.00 20 0.33 0.16 0.39 0.13 7.70 2.50 100% 7.70 - -
0+280.00 20 0.33 0.46 0.33 0.31 6.60 6.20 100% 6.60 - -
0+300.00 20 0.81 1.01 0.57 0.74 11.40 14.70 100% 11.40 - -
0+320.00 20 0.63 0.40 0.72 0.71 14.40 14.10 100% 14.40 - -
0+340.00 20 0.29 0.97 0.46 0.69 9.20 13.70 100% 9.20 - -
0+360.00 20 1.18 0.27 0.74 0.62 14.70 12.40 100% 14.70 - -
0+380.00 20 0.45 0.46 0.82 0.37 16.30 7.30 100% 16.30 - -
0+400.00 20 0.08 0.50 0.27 0.48 5.30 9.60 100% 5.30 - -
Page 16 of 90
X- Area(m2) Mean Area(m2) Volume (m3) Soil Classification Drain
Length Cutting
Ch. Ordinary Soil Cutting Remarks
(m) Cutting Filling Area
Cutting Filling Cutting Vol Filling Vol volume
Area Area (m2)
% (m3) (m3)
0+420.00 20 - 0.79 0.04 0.65 0.80 12.90 100% 0.80 - -
0+421.00 1 - - - 0.40 - 0.40 100% - - -
0+422.00 1 - 0.86 - 0.43 - 0.43 100% - - -
0+440.00 18 - 1.57 - 1.22 - 21.87 100% - - -
0+460.00 20 - 1.60 - 1.59 - 31.70 100% - - -
0+480.00 20 - 1.17 - 1.39 - 27.70 100% - - -
0+500.00 20 0.35 1.29 0.18 1.23 3.50 24.60 100% 3.50 - -
0+520.00 20 - 2.10 0.18 1.70 3.50 33.90 100% 3.50 - -
0+540.00 20 - 2.46 - 2.28 - 45.60 100% - - -
0+560.00 20 - 1.83 - 2.15 - 42.90 100% - - -
0+580.00 20 - 2.02 - 1.93 - 38.50 100% - - -
0+600.00 20 0.65 1.35 0.33 1.69 6.50 33.70 100% 6.50 - -
0+620.00 20 1.21 0.22 0.93 0.79 18.60 15.70 100% 18.60 - -
0+640.00 20 1.43 - 1.32 0.11 26.40 2.20 100% 26.40 - -
0+660.00 20 1.89 0.14 1.66 0.07 33.20 1.40 100% 33.20 - -
0+680.00 20 1.14 0.42 1.52 0.28 30.30 5.60 100% 30.30 - -
0+700.00 20 0.01 0.50 0.58 0.46 11.50 9.20 100% 11.50 - -
0+720.00 20 - 1.63 0.01 1.07 0.10 21.30 100% 0.10 - -
0+740.00 20 0.01 1.22 0.01 1.43 0.10 28.50 100% 0.10 - -
0+760.00 20 - 1.30 0.01 1.26 0.10 25.20 100% 0.10 - -
0+780.00 20 - 1.04 - 1.17 - 23.40 100% - - -
0+800.00 20 - 1.64 - 1.34 - 26.80 100% - - -
0+820.00 20 0.26 0.29 0.13 0.97 2.60 19.30 100% 2.60 - -
0+840.00 20 0.42 0.20 0.34 0.25 6.80 4.90 100% 6.80 - -
0+860.00 20 0.85 0.16 0.64 0.18 12.70 3.60 100% 12.70 - -
0+880.00 20 0.77 0.04 0.81 0.10 16.20 2.00 100% 16.20 - -
0+900.00 20 0.95 0.03 0.86 0.04 17.20 0.70 100% 17.20 - -
0+920.00 20 0.73 0.01 0.84 0.02 16.80 0.40 100% 16.80 - -
0+940.00 20 0.11 0.51 0.42 0.26 8.40 5.20 100% 8.40 - -
0+960.00 20 0.27 0.49 0.19 0.50 3.80 10.00 100% 3.80 - -
0+980.00 20 0.61 0.02 0.44 0.26 8.80 5.10 100% 8.80 - -
1+000.00 20 1.71 - 1.16 0.01 23.20 0.20 100% 23.20 - -
1+020.00 20 0.82 - 1.27 - 25.30 - 100% 25.30 - -
1+040.00 20 0.21 0.25 0.52 0.13 10.30 2.50 100% 10.30 - -
1+060.00 20 0.02 0.38 0.12 0.32 2.30 6.30 100% 2.30 - -
1+080.00 20 - 1.13 0.01 0.76 0.20 15.10 100% 0.20 - -
1+100.00 20 0.18 0.17 0.09 0.65 1.80 13.00 100% 1.80 - -
Page 17 of 90
X- Area(m2) Mean Area(m2) Volume (m3) Soil Classification Drain
Length Cutting
Ch. Ordinary Soil Cutting Remarks
(m) Cutting Filling Area
Cutting Filling Cutting Vol Filling Vol volume
Area Area (m2)
% (m3) (m3)
1+120.00 20 0.71 0.09 0.45 0.13 8.90 2.60 100% 8.90 - -
1+140.00 20 0.18 0.24 0.45 0.17 8.90 3.30 100% 8.90 - -
1+149.24 9.24 0.06 0.28 0.12 0.26 1.11 2.40 100% 1.11 - -
Part 3
0+000.00 0 0.42 - 0.21 - - - 100% - - -
0+020.00 20 0.75 0.19 0.59 0.10 11.70 1.90 100% 11.70 - -
0+040.00 20 0.39 0.36 0.57 0.28 11.40 5.50 100% 11.40 - -
0+060.00 20 0.34 0.37 0.37 0.37 7.30 7.30 100% 7.30 - -
0+080.00 20 0.23 0.36 0.29 0.37 5.70 7.30 100% 5.70 - -
0+100.00 20 0.19 0.48 0.21 0.42 4.20 8.40 100% 4.20 - -
0+120.00 20 - 0.87 0.10 0.68 1.90 13.50 100% 1.90 - -
0+140.00 20 - 1.00 - 0.94 - 18.70 100% - - -
0+160.00 20 - 0.69 - 0.85 - 16.90 100% - - -
0+180.00 20 - 1.24 - 0.97 - 19.30 100% - - -
0+200.00 20 - 3.17 - 2.21 - 44.10 100% - - -
0+220.00 20 - 3.47 - 3.32 - 66.40 100% - - -
0+240.00 20 - 2.56 - 3.02 - 60.30 100% - - -
0+257.20 17.2 0.29 0.04 0.15 1.30 2.49 22.36 100% 2.49 - -

TOTAL 2,040.6 693.43 1,664.78 100% 693.43 -

Page 18 of 90
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province
Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya
Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64
Premix carpet BASE Subbase Prime coat Tack Coat
Total Width
Carriage Extra antistripping
Chainage Length Total Width Including
way Width Widening Area Volume Area Volume Area Volume Volume agent (kg)
Shoulder Area (m2) Volume( Area (m2)
(m2) (m3) (m2) (m3) (m2) (lit) (lit)

Part 1
0+000.00 0.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 - 0.83 - 1.425 - - - - - -
0+020.00 20.00 5.5 0.25 5.75 7.75 0.12 2.30 0.86 17.25 1.425 28.50 115.0 115.0 115.0 69.0 0.3
0+040.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+060.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+080.00 20.00 5.5 0.35 5.85 7.85 0.12 2.34 0.88 17.55 1.425 28.50 117.0 117.0 117.0 70.2 0.4
0+100.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+120.00 20.00 5.5 0.91 6.41 8.41 0.13 2.57 0.96 19.24 1.425 28.50 128.3 128.3 128.3 77.0 0.4
0+140.00 20.00 5.5 0.86 6.36 8.36 0.13 2.54 0.95 19.07 1.425 28.50 127.2 127.2 127.2 76.3 0.4
0+160.00 20.00 5.5 0.58 6.08 8.08 0.12 2.43 0.91 18.23 1.425 28.50 121.6 121.6 121.6 72.9 0.4
0+178.00 18.00 5.5 0.62 6.12 8.12 0.12 2.20 0.92 16.52 1.425 25.65 110.2 110.2 110.2 66.1 0.3
0+179.00 1.00 5.5 0.62 6.12 8.12 0.12 0.12 0.92 0.92 1.425 1.43 6.1 6.1 6.1 3.7 0.0
0+180.00 1.00 5.5 0.62 6.12 8.12 0.12 0.12 0.92 0.92 1.425 1.43 6.1 6.1 6.1 3.7 0.0
0+200.00 20.00 5.5 0.73 6.23 8.23 0.12 2.49 0.93 18.68 1.425 28.50 124.5 124.5 124.5 74.7 0.4
0+220.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+240.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+260.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+280.00 20.00 5.5 0.25 5.75 7.75 0.11 2.30 0.86 17.24 1.425 28.50 114.9 114.9 114.9 69.0 0.3
0+300.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+320.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+340.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+360.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
Premix carpet BASE Subbase Prime coat Tack Coat
Total Width
Carriage Extra antistripping
Chainage Length Total Width Including
way Width Widening Area Volume Area Volume Area Volume Volume agent (kg)
Shoulder Area (m2) Volume( Area (m2)
(m2) (m3) (m2) (m3) (m2) (lit) (lit)

0+380.00 20.00 5.5 0.01 5.51 7.51 0.11 2.21 0.83 16.54 1.425 28.50 110.3 110.3 110.3 66.2 0.3
0+400.00 20.00 5.5 0.06 5.56 7.56 0.11 2.22 0.83 16.68 1.425 28.50 111.2 111.2 111.2 66.7 0.3
0+420.00 20.00 5.5 0.55 6.05 8.05 0.12 2.42 0.91 18.15 1.425 28.50 121.0 121.0 121.0 72.6 0.4
0+440.00 20.00 5.5 1.20 6.70 8.70 0.13 2.68 1.01 20.10 1.425 28.50 134.0 134.0 134.0 80.4 0.4
0+460.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+480.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+500.00 20.00 5.5 0.45 5.95 7.95 0.12 2.38 0.89 17.85 1.425 28.50 119.0 119.0 119.0 71.4 0.4
0+520.00 20.00 5.5 1.20 6.70 8.70 0.13 2.68 1.01 20.10 1.425 28.50 134.0 134.0 134.0 80.4 0.4
0+540.00 20.00 5.5 0.32 5.82 7.82 0.12 2.33 0.87 17.46 1.425 28.50 116.4 116.4 116.4 69.8 0.3
0+560.00 20.00 5.5 0.32 5.82 7.82 0.12 2.33 0.87 17.46 1.425 28.50 116.4 116.4 116.4 69.8 0.3
0+580.00 20.00 5.5 0.24 5.74 7.74 0.11 2.30 0.86 17.23 1.425 28.50 114.9 114.9 114.9 68.9 0.3
0+600.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+620.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+634.20 14.20 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 1.56 0.83 11.71 1.425 20.23 78.1 78.1 78.1 46.9 0.2
Part 2
0+000.00 0.00 5.5 0.06 5.56 7.56 0.11 - 0.83 - 1.425 - - - - - -
0+020.00 20.00 5.5 0.55 6.05 8.05 0.12 2.42 0.91 18.15 1.425 28.50 121.0 121.0 121.0 72.6 0.4
0+040.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+060.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+080.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+081.00 1.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 0.11 0.83 0.83 1.425 1.43 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.3 0.0
0+082.00 1.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 0.11 0.83 0.83 1.425 1.43 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.3 0.0
0+100.00 18.00 5.5 0.99 6.49 8.49 0.13 2.34 0.97 17.54 1.425 25.65 116.9 116.9 116.9 70.1 0.4
0+120.00 20.00 5.5 2.30 7.80 9.80 0.16 3.12 1.17 23.40 1.425 28.50 156.0 156.0 156.0 93.6 0.5
0+140.00 20.00 5.5 0.82 6.32 8.32 0.13 2.53 0.95 18.96 1.425 28.50 126.4 126.4 126.4 75.9 0.4
0+160.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+180.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+200.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+220.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+240.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
Premix carpet BASE Subbase Prime coat Tack Coat
Total Width
Carriage Extra antistripping
Chainage Length Total Width Including
way Width Widening Area Volume Area Volume Area Volume Volume agent (kg)
Shoulder Area (m2) Volume( Area (m2)
(m2) (m3) (m2) (m3) (m2) (lit) (lit)

0+260.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+280.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+300.00 20.00 5.5 1.59 7.09 9.09 0.14 2.83 1.06 21.26 1.425 28.50 141.7 141.7 141.7 85.0 0.4
0+320.00 20.00 5.5 2.30 7.80 9.80 0.16 3.12 1.17 23.40 1.425 28.50 156.0 156.0 156.0 93.6 0.5
0+340.00 20.00 5.5 1.29 6.79 8.79 0.14 2.72 1.02 20.36 1.425 28.50 135.8 135.8 135.8 81.5 0.4
0+360.00 20.00 5.5 2.95 8.45 10.45 0.17 3.38 1.27 25.35 1.425 28.50 169.0 169.0 169.0 101.4 0.5
0+380.00 20.00 5.5 1.41 6.91 8.91 0.14 2.76 1.04 20.72 1.425 28.50 138.2 138.2 138.2 82.9 0.4
0+400.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+420.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+421.00 1.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 0.11 0.83 0.83 1.425 1.43 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.3 0.0
0+422.00 1.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 0.11 0.83 0.83 1.425 1.43 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.3 0.0
0+440.00 18.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 1.98 0.83 14.85 1.425 25.65 99.0 99.0 99.0 59.4 0.3
0+460.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+480.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+500.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+520.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+540.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+560.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+580.00 20.00 5.5 0.12 5.62 7.62 0.11 2.25 0.84 16.85 1.425 28.50 112.3 112.3 112.3 67.4 0.3
0+600.00 20.00 5.5 2.12 7.62 9.62 0.15 3.05 1.14 22.85 1.425 28.50 152.3 152.3 152.3 91.4 0.5
0+620.00 20.00 5.5 2.61 8.11 10.11 0.16 3.24 1.22 24.33 1.425 28.50 162.2 162.2 162.2 97.3 0.5
0+640.00 20.00 5.5 0.71 6.21 8.21 0.12 2.48 0.93 18.63 1.425 28.50 124.2 124.2 124.2 74.5 0.4
0+660.00 20.00 5.5 2.71 8.21 10.21 0.16 3.28 1.23 24.63 1.425 28.50 164.2 164.2 164.2 98.5 0.5
0+680.00 20.00 5.5 1.97 7.47 9.47 0.15 2.99 1.12 22.41 1.425 28.50 149.4 149.4 149.4 89.7 0.4
0+700.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+720.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+740.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+760.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+780.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+800.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
Premix carpet BASE Subbase Prime coat Tack Coat
Total Width
Carriage Extra antistripping
Chainage Length Total Width Including
way Width Widening Area Volume Area Volume Area Volume Volume agent (kg)
Shoulder Area (m2) Volume( Area (m2)
(m2) (m3) (m2) (m3) (m2) (lit) (lit)

0+820.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+840.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+860.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+880.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+900.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+920.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+940.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+960.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+980.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+000.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+020.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+040.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+060.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+080.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+100.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+120.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+140.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
1+149.24 9.24 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 1.02 0.83 7.62 1.425 13.17 50.8 50.8 50.8 30.5 0.2
Part 3
0+000.00 0.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 - 0.83 - 1.425 - - - - - -
0+020.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+040.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+060.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+080.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+100.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+120.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+140.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+160.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+180.00 20.00 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 2.20 0.83 16.50 1.425 28.50 110.0 110.0 110.0 66.0 0.3
0+200.00 20.00 5.5 1.73 7.23 9.23 0.14 2.89 1.08 21.68 1.425 28.50 144.5 144.5 144.5 86.7 0.4
Premix carpet BASE Subbase Prime coat Tack Coat
Total Width
Carriage Extra antistripping
Chainage Length Total Width Including
way Width Widening Area Volume Area Volume Area Volume Volume agent (kg)
Shoulder Area (m2) Volume( Area (m2)
(m2) (m3) (m2) (m3) (m2) (lit) (lit)

0+220.00 20.00 5.5 2.90 8.40 10.40 0.17 3.36 1.26 25.21 1.425 28.50 168.1 168.1 168.1 100.8 0.5
0+240.00 20.00 5.5 0.90 6.40 8.40 0.13 2.56 0.96 19.21 1.425 28.50 128.1 128.1 128.1 76.8 0.4
0+257.20 17.20 5.5 - 5.50 7.50 0.11 1.89 0.83 14.19 1.425 24.51 94.6 94.6 94.6 56.8 0.3

Total 656.16 880.16 13 240 1,800 2,907.91 11,999 7,199 36

Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya

Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64
Contract No :


Type of outlet
protection work
Chainage Cross Drain Remarks
Pipe Slab Box
Causeway Bridge
Culvert Culvert Culvert I II
Part 1
0+179.00 Pipe Culvert 0.6
Part 2
0+081.00 Pipe Culvert 0.6
0+421.00 Pipe Culvert 0.6
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province
Diameter of Pipe culvert= 0.6 m
Number= 3.00 No.
Pipe length= 10.00 m Slope =1:100(V:H)
Height of Head wall= 1.6 m clear cover=0.6m
Length Breadth Height
S.N. Description of Items No. Quantity Unit Remarks
(m.) (m.) (m.)
1 Earthwork in excavation in foundation
Inlet Catchpit 0 3.50 3.50 1.30 0.00 cu.m. The Quantities of
Head Wall 1 3.30 1.10 1.60 5.81 cu.m. estimated items may
gabion apron 0 4.00 2.50 0.50 0.00 cu.m. vary as per actual
Pipe Bed 1 7.95 0.90 1.30 9.30 site condition.
Total = 15.11 cu.m.
2 Stone Soling Work
Catchpit 0 3.30 3.30 0.15 0.00 cu.m.
Pipe Bed 0 7.95 0.90 0.15 0.00 cu.m.
Total = 0.00 cu.m.
3 PCC 1:3:6 in foundation bed
Catchpit 0 3.30 3.30 0.10 0.00 cu.m
Pipe Bed 1 7.95 0.90 0.10 0.72
Headwall 1 3.30 1.02 0.10 0.34 cu.m
Total = 1.05 cu.m.
4 Random rubble stone masonry in 1:4 c/s mortar

Catchpit wall 0 3.30 0.71 1.30 0.00 cu.m b=( 0.4+1.02)/2

Head Wall 1 3.30 1.02 2.10 7.07 cu.m
Deduction for Pipe : Catch pit 0 1.02 0.6 0.6 0.00 cu.m diameter=.9
Headwall 1 1.02 0.6 0.6 -0.37 cu.m
Total = 6.70 cu.m.
6 Laying, fitting and fixing in position of RCC
pipes in 1:2 c/s mortar in joints, with collar
including haulage up to 100 m. distance. 1 10.00 10.00 rm.
7 Earthwork in backfill with earthmass from near cu.m.
(40% of the excavation) 6.04
Total = 6.04 cu.m.
Launching apron(Gabion)
2 Gabion box 0 3.5 1.25 2 0 cu.m.
3 Dry stone pitching 0 3.30 1.02 0.2 0 cu.m.
Summary of Quantities Qty no Total Unit Remarks
Earthwork in Excavation 15.11 3.00 45.33 m3
Stone Soling Work 0.00 3.00 0.00 m2
PCC 1:3:6 in foundation bed 1.05 3.00 3.16 m3
Random rubble stone masonry(1:4 c/s) 6.70 3.00 20.10 m3
Gabion box 0.00 3.00 0.00 m3
Dry stone pitching 0.00 3.00 0.00 m3
Earthwork in backfill 6.04 3.00 18.13 m3
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Kilometer Post, Traffic Sign, Sign board and RCC Delineators Detail

Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya

Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64

Contract No :
S.No. Quantity (nos) Remarks
From To
Standard Kilometer Post (placed at each 5km)
1 0+000 2+041 1.00
Total 1.00
Standard Kilometer Post (placed at each km)
1 0+000 2+041 1.00
Total 1.00
Sign board
1 0+000 2+041 2.00 as per need
Total 2.00
Permanent Traffic Sign
1 0+000 2+041 186.00 as per need
Total 186.00
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Name of the Road :Omsanti path(Farena chowk) Omsatiya

Chainage : 0+000 To 2+040.64
Contract No :

S.No Item Description No.

1 Executive Tables 0.75mx1.5m with two drawer on either side 1
2 Clerk Tables 0.75mx1.25m with two drawer on either side 1
3 Computer Tables Purpose Made 1
4 Conference Tables 1.25mx3.0m 1
5 Cushion Chairs 4
6 Arm Chairs with cushion 2
7 Typist Chairs with cushion 1
8 Swivel Chairs 1
9 Steel Almirah 2.0m high x 1.0m wide x 0.35m deep with shelves and two doors 2
10 Steel Filling Cabinet With four drawers 1
11 Book Shelves 1mx2mx0.3 3 shelves 2
12 Bulletin Board 0.2m x 2.4m 1
13 White Magic Board 0.5m x 1.0m 1
14 Facsimile Machine 1
3 in 1 Printer, photocopier A3/A4 LaserJet Printer or equivalent complete with
15 and scanner connecting cables, software etc 1
16 Stapler No 56 size heavy duty 1
17 Punch 2 holes heavy duty 1
Processor:-Core i5 or above, Memory:- 4 GB or above,
Desktop Computer of Drive:-500 GB or above, Drive:-500 GB or above,
18 Acceptable Brand Optical Mouse, Standard, LCD Monitor 1
Processor:-Core i7 or above, Display :- 14" Diagonal,
Bright view Widescreen Display, Memory:-4 GB or
above, SSD:- 500 GB or above, Power backup:
19 Laptop minimum 6 Cell Battery 1
500 VA, Uninterrupted Power Supply for the above
20 UPS computer equipment 3
21 Electric Fan (Indian) 4
22 Fire Extinguisher 1
23 First Aid Box 1
24 Filing Trays 2
25 Stationery (Provision of Consumable Items)
26 Waste Paper Basket 3
27 Cooking Utensils Complete Sets 1
28 Sink Unit Double Basin With cold water taps and waste water outlet 1
29 Crockery Complete set for 12 persons 1
30 Cutlery Complete set for 12 persons 1
31 Tea Service Complete set for 24 persons 1
32 Electric Kettle 2 Liter capacity 1
33 Emergency Lantern Rechargeable 2
34 Doormats Complete Set 1
35 Curtains Complete Set 1
36 Cleaning Equipment Toilets Complete Set 1
37 Cleaning Equipment Kitchen Complete Set 1
38 General Complete Set 1
Page 28
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province
Item Unit Rates

S. No. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Item No. REF
1 General

Insurance of works, plants, materials, loss and damage to

1 1.1 GCC 13 equipments, Contractor's workmen and employees and third PS 100,000.00
party insurance against damage to other persons and property.

Provide and maintain Site Office on rental basis (two rooms

Size (3mx4m)) at location acceptable to the project manager
2 1.2 SCC -
with in the Contract package with accomadation facilities for
Mths 30,000
the Supervision Team as per Project Manager instruction

Provide, operate and maintain Quality Control Laboratory

including but not limited to equipment (listed in Appendix 2 and 3
of SP/SS), accessories, personnel and consumables for both field
3 1.3 504 DoR
testing facilities and off-site test with manpower and handing over
PS 1,600,000
to the Employer after completion as per specification and
instruction of engineer all complete. [SP/SS-504]
Reallocation of services and minor infrastructures as per
4 1.4 111 DoR specification and as instructed by the Project Manager.[SP/SS- PS 150,000
Provide and maintain traffic safety, Occupation Health and
Safety (OHS) as per special provision,control measures and
5 1.5 104 DoR
temporary diversions during construction as instructed by the
LS 100,000

Provide and installation of project information board of size

1.80 m X 1.2 m along with iron posts including excavation,
6 1.6 110 (b) DoR
concreting,backfillingetc all complete as per DoR Standard
Nos. 6,228
Specifixcation for Road and Bridge Works.[SS 110 (b) DoR]

Environmental Mitigation Works as instructed by the Project

7 1.7 111 DoR
Manager.[SS 111 DoR]
PS 100,000.00
Social Compliuance and Safeguards as Instructed by the Project
8 1.8 111 DoR
Manager [SS 111 DoR]
PS 100,000.00

Providing and establishing the camp with mobilization and

demobilization for contractor's labour and staffs and
9 1.9 111 DoR
demobilization after completion of works as per the specification
Months 15,000.00
and as instructed by Project Manager [SS 111 DoR]

Carry out maintenance of the existing road to keep the road

10 1.10 109 DoR serviceable throughout the contract period as per the specification 3,000.00
and as instructed by the Project Manager[SS 109 DoR] month

Control dust nuissance by sprinkling water as required and

11 1.11 111 DoR
instructed by Engineer [SS 111 DoR]
LS 100,000.00
12 2.0 Site Clearance

Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank

vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth
up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and
13 201 DoR disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of
serviceable Material to be used or auctioned, up to a lead
of 1000 meters including removal and disposal of top
organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness.
(A) In area of light jungle (less than 15 number per 100
14 2.1 201 Sqm 6.45
(B) In area of Thorny jungle (more than 15 number per
15 2.2 201 Sqm 6.68
100 sqm)

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Page 29
S. No. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Item No. REF

(C) Felling and uprooting of bamboo clearing the area,

16 2.3 201 cum 907.07
stacking of bamboo and disposing of wastes

Dismantling of existing stone masonry structures,

sorting the dismantled Material, disposal of
2.4 202 cum 1,832.30
unserviceable Material and stacking the serviceable
Material with all lifts and lead of 1000 meters

Removal of telephone/Electric poles including excavation

and dismantling of foundation concreter and dlines under
2.1 202 the supervision of concerned department, dsiposal with all Nos. 953.70
the lifts and upto a lead of 1000 meters and stacking the
serviceable and unserceable material separately

3.0 Earthworks
Roadway excavation in all types of soil/rock by both manual and
mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification,
17 3.1 905 including removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, with all m3 72.35
lifts and lead as drawing and instruction of engineer. [SS-905,
Structure foundation excavation for all types of soil/rock by both
manual and mechanical means as per drawing and technical
18 3.2 907 specification, including removal of stumps and other deleterious m3 126.13
matter, with all lifts and lead as drawing and instruction of
engineer. [SS-907]
Construction of embankments with material deposited from
Roadway Cutting: Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
19 3.3 909, 910 embankment with roadway cutting material and compact to the m3 286.07
required density as per drawing and Tech, specification. [SS-909.
Providing suitable material and backfilling behind abutment,
20 3.4 908 wingwall, return wall and other retaining structures complete as m3 430.75
per drawing and technical specification [SS-908]

Removal of unserviceable Soil with Disposal upto 1000 meters

21 3.5 905 (Removal of unserviceable soil including excavation, loading and m3 155.39
disposal upto 1000 meters lead.)[SS-905]

4 Pavement Works
Scarifying the existing road surface to a depth of 50 mm and
4.1 1003 disposal of scarified Material with in all lifts and lead as per m2 12.99
Drawing and Technical Specifications.[SS-1003]
Loosening, leveling and Compacting original ground supporting
embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment,
4.2 scarified to a depth of 150 mm, mixed with water at OMC and cum 69.65
then compacted by rolling so as to achieve dry density as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.[SS 1003,1005]
Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved
material (capping layer) obtained from borrow pits with with all
14 4.2 1004 m3 2406.90
lifts & leads lead as per drawing and technical spacification [SS-
Providing and laying granular Sub base material by mechanical
means on prepared surface, mixing at OMC, and compacting to
15 4.3 1201 m3 2737.23
achieve the desired density, complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications [SS-1201]
Providing and laying crusher run macadam on a prepared surface,
spreading and mixing, watering and compacting to form a layer of
16 4.4 1204 m3 4011.90
sub base/base course as per drawing and technical specifications.
(by mix in place method)[SS-1204]

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Page 30
S. No. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Item No. REF
Prime Coat ,with MC 30/70 by mechanical Means
Providing and applying prime coat with hot bitumen(including
17 4.5 1302 Cutter) on prepared surface of grannular base including cleaning of Ltr 150.26
road surface and spraying by mechanical means as per technical
Providing and applying Tack coat with Hot Bitumen at Specified
18 4.6 1302 rate on the prepared non bituminous surfaces including cleaning as Ltr 149.21
per Technical Specification .
Providing and mixing of Bitumen cutter as per design/direction of
19 4.7 1300 Ltr 178.95
Supplying and application of Anti-stripping agents confirming to
20 4.7 1300 IS:14982:2001 @ 0.5% all complete as per the instruction of Kg 505.47
Project Manager [SS-1300]
Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in single
coat using gravel of specified size on a recently applied layer of
21 4.8 1303
bituminour binder on prepared surface as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.[SS-1303]
Case I 19 mm nominal chipping size Sqm 70.33
Case II 13mm nominal chipping size Sqm 49.97
Case III 10 mm nominal chipping size Sqm 39.30
Case IV 6 mm nominal chipping size Sqm 37.33
Seal Surfacing(Providing and Laying Seal Coat sealing the voids
22 4.10 1310 in a bituminous surface as per Drawing and Technical Sqm 128.07
Providing and laying close-graded premix surfacing material of 20
mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm or 13.2 mm to
19 4.11 1310 0.09 mm aggregates using bitumen as wearing course on a cum 19061.65
previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Providing and laying penetration macadam over prepared Base by

SS DoR & providing a layer of compacted crushed coarse aggregate with
4.12 cum 12780.11
S.N.13.4 (A) applications of bituminous binder and key aggregates as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.(PENMAC)

Serial Laying of single/double /multiple bituminous coats for surface
4.90 No:13.05.01 dressing using river gravels ( grits) , shingles or 'broken stone chips litre 238.39
(Previous including compactation.
DoR Norms
Providing and laying of Reinforced/prestressed cement concrete
4.14 in superstructure as per Drawing and Technical Specification : m3 13614.24
PCC Grade M 20
Providing and laying of hand packed stone solling with 150 to 200
4.15 mm thick stones and packing with smaller stones on prepared m3 5594.56
surface as per drawing and technical specifications(SS….)
Providing and laying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement
4.16 in superstructure complete as per drawing and technical kg 132.71
providing and fixing of Separation Membrane of impermeable
4.17 plastic sheeting 125 micron thick as per drawing and technical Sqm 175.00
Providing & fixing 20 mm thick compressible fibre board in
4.18 expansion joint complete as per drawing & Technical rm 435.48
Providing and fixing in position 20 mm thick premoulded joint
4.19 filler in expansion joint to cater for a horizontal movement upto rm 445.37
20 mm, complete as per drawing and technical specifications.
Providing and filling joint sealing compound including sealant
4.20 primer as per drawings and technical specifications with coarse rm 50.74
sand and 6 per cent bitumen by weight
5.0 Structural/ Side Drain/ Cross Drainage Works

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Page 31
S. No. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Item No. REF
2602, 2603, Providing and laying of dry stone masonry works as per drawing 3
20 5.1 m 4,448.18
2608 & and technical specification [SS DOR 2602, 2603, 2608 & 3109]

Providing and laying of Random rubble stone masonry works in

cement mortar MM7.5 including pipes for weepholes in 3
21 5.1 2600,2607 m 10200.66
foundation and in structure as per drawing and technical
& 3109
specification [SS DOR 2600,2607 & 3109]

Providing and laying of stone pitching on slopes laid over

SS DOR prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of 3
22 5.2 m 5822.49
2416 toe of embankment complete as per drawing and technical
specification [ss 2416]
SS DOR Providing and pointing with cement mortar on masonry work in
23 5.3 2600 & structuire as per technical specification (cement mortar- 1:3) [SS 2 234.41
3109 2600 & 3109]
Providing and laying of hand packed stone solling with 150 to 200
24 5.4 1005 mm thick stones and packing with smaller stones on prepared 3
surface as per drawing and technical specifications [SS 1005]

Providing mechanically woven double twisted crates /

mattress(Heavy Zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type 100X120 mm,
mesh wire 3 mm, selvedge wire 3.90 mm, lacing wire 2.40 mm )
24 5.5 including rolling cutting and with lacing wire and binding wire and m3 4,163.11
filling stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc. including
dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as per drawing and
technical specification[SS 2402]

Providing mechanically woven double twisted crates /

mattress(Heavy Zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type 100X120 mm,
mesh wire 2.7 mm, selvedge wire 3.40 mm, lacing wire 2.20 mm
5.7 ) including rolling cutting and with lacing wire and binding wire m3 4,163.11
and filling stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc. including
dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as per drawing and
technical specification [SS 2402]

Providing, preparing and installing form work including necessary

SS DOR supports and removing after completion for walls/structures. (Class 2
25 5.8 m 1087.50
1804,1805 F2 Finish), vertical plain surface; Using timber soft wood. (Height
upto 3 m) [SS 1804,1805]
Providing and laying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement
26 5.6 in superstructure complete as per drawing and technical Kg 132.71
specification [SS 2014]
SS DOR Providing and laying of PCC M:10 in foundation complete as per
27 5.70 m3 9,403.69
2000 Drawing and Technical Specification [SS 2000]
Providing and laying Plum concrete ( Boulder mixed concrete) as
28 5.80 2416
per Drawing and Specifications(60% M15 Concrete-40% Boulder) m 9,804.11
including cost of formwork[SS 2416]
Providing and laying of Plain /Reinforced cement concrete in
29 5.12 foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification : m3 11,134.70
PCC Grade M 15 [SS 2000]
Providing and laying of Reinforced/prestressed cement concrete
30 5.90 in superstructure as per Drawing and Technical Specification : m3 13,614.24
PCC Grade M 30 [SS 2000]
Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete NP3
SS DOR Flush jointed pipe for culverts including fixing with cement
39 5.10 701 mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and Technical Specification [SS
A 300 mm internal dia m 5522.12
B 450 mm internal dia m 7743.19
A 600 mm internal dia m 10308.55
D 900 mm internal dia m 18390.56
E 1000 mm internal dia m 19659.12

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Page 32
S. No. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Item No. REF
F 1200 mm internal dia m 23769.01
Providing and Laying of a Geo-Textile filter/geo
SS DOR membrane between pitching and embankment
5.11 sqm 170.16
2403,2404 slopes,behind earth retaining structures as per drawing and
Technical specification [SS DOR 2403,2404]
Providing and laying of stone pitching on slopes laid over
SS DOR prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in
5.16 cum 5822.49
2416 front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and
technical specification [SS DOR 2403,2404]
Providing suitable material and backfilling behind
SS DOR abutment, wingwall, return wall and other retaining
5.12 cum 430.75
908 structures complete as per drawing and technical
specification [SS DOR 908]
1804, 1805 Providing, preparing and installing form work including
of SS DoR necessary supports and removing after completion for
5.18 sqm 1087.50
& S.N. 18.2 walls/structures. (Class F2 Finish), vertical plain surface;
a. i. Using timber soft wood. (Height upto 3 m) [SS 1804,1805]

2500 & Providing and laying Brick Masonry Work in Cement

3109 of SS
mortar in Foundation / structure complete excluding
5.19 DoR & S.N. cum 14650.63
25.1 C of
Pointing and Plastering, as per Drawing and Technical
Norms DoR Specifications. (1:4) [2500 & 3109 of SS DoR]

2500 of SS
Providing and Applying 12mm thick Plaster with Cement
DoR & S.N.
5.20 Mortar on Brick work Structure as per Technical sqm 3996.01
25.4 A of
Norms DoR Specification.(1:2) [2500 of SS DoR]

Providing and laying of /20 precast cement concrete Kerb

38 cm * 20 cm * 25 cm ( H*B*L) with 12 mm thick 1:3
cement sand mortar bedding and joints including
5.21 1401 foundation excavation levelling but excluding foundation meter 1202.36
concrete for foundation or sand gravel material, all
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications.[1401 of SS DoR]
Providing, Jointing and laying HDPE pipes with or without
5.13 701 collar etc. complete in place as per Drawing and Technical m 894.04
Specification [701 of SS DoR]
6 Bio-engineering Work

Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o including

preparation of slips on site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal
31 6.1 rod or Operation includes digging planting hole to hard- Sqm 552.59
wood peg, depending on the nature of the soil. The planting
drills should be space [SS DOR 2807]
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including
pitting, transplanting, composting and mulching, on
32 6.2 slopes < 30o . Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix Nos. 40.12
Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit
volume [SS DOR 2807]
Supply, Preparation and planting of live cuttings of
selected species (eg assuro, namdi phul, simali) of
33 6.3 minimum 1 m length to 0.5 m into soft debris. Pegs spaced rm 104.18
at 5 cm centres within rows, with 5-20 cm between rows,
and interwoven with vegetation. SS DoR 2807
7 Miscellaneous Work

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Page 33
S. No. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Item No. REF
Providing and fixing non reflective warning mandatory and
informatory sign board of two mm thick MS sheet with
back support frame fixed on heavy 50mm tube or channel
SS DOR section of 75mm*40mm firmly fixed to the ground by the
34 7.1 Nos. 5742.60
1501 means of properly designed foundation with M10/40 grade
cement concrete 300mm*300mm*300mm, as per drawing
and technical specification/DOR Publication [SS DOR
36 7.2 Supply and place one kilometer stone [SS DOR1506] Nos. 5,815.18
37 7.3 Supply and place 5 kilometer stone. [SS DOR1506] Nos. 10,408.63
Providing and installation of 150mm * 1.5 m long
delineators (roadway indicator, hazard markers, object
SS DOR markers) 80-100cm above ground level painted black and
38 7.4 Nos. 1602.29
1507 white in 20cm wide strips, burried or pressed into the
ground and confirming to the drawings and technical
specifications.[SS DOR1507]
Providing and Fixing Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at
the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians,
constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement
7.5 1508 and dowel bars 25mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled meter 7,460.34
with pre-molded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on
which it is built and installed as per design, Drawing and
Technical Specifications.[SS DOR1508]

Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising

of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above
road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post,
150x75x5 mm spaced 2m center to center, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below
7.6 1511 meter 2,422.05
ground/road level metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post
with a spacer of channel section 150x75x5 mm, 330 mm long
complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.[SS
Providing and erecting a "Thrie" metal beam crash barrier
comprising of 3mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 85cm
above road/groundlevel, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical
post, 150x75x5mm spaced 2m center to center, 2.1m high with
7.7 1511 meter 3,157.11
1.3m below ground level, metal beam rail to be fixed on the
vertical post with a space of channel section 150x75x5mm,
546mm long complete as per Drawing and Technical
specifications. [SS DOR1509]

Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at

least 2mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as per DOR
7.8 1504 Sqm 1,378.75
Traffic sign manual/Specifications. The finished surface to be
level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.[SS DOR1504]
41 8.1 SP G -15 Labour
b) Skilled labour day 652.00
c) Unskilled labour day 665.00

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
1.3 110 Providing and installation of project signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2
m as per specification and instruction of engineer.
Unit = Nos
a) Labour
Skilled day 0.10 965.00 96.50
Unskilled day 0.50 652.00 326.00
b) Material
Project signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2 m having details of contract nos 1.00 4,993.57 4,993.57
in the format and wording as directed by the Engineer
Sub-total 5,416.07
Overhead 15% 812.41
Total 6,228.48 6,228.48


2.1 201 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land .
II Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up
to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal
of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable Material
to be used or auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 meters including
removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm
in thickness.
(ii) By Mechanical Means
A In area of light jungle (less than 15 number per 100 sqm)
Unit = sqm, (for 10,000 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
b) Equipment
Dozer/ Excavator hour 12.00 4,350.00 52,200.00
Tractor-trolley hour 0.00 1,408.00 -
Sub-total 56,112.00
Overhead 15% 8,416.80
Total 64,528.80 6.45

B In area of Thorny jungle (More than 15 number per 100 sqm)

Unit = sqm, (for 10,000 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 9.00 652.00 5,868.00
b) Equipment
Dozer/ Excavator hour 12.00 4,350.00 52,200.00
Tractor-trolley hour 0.00 1,408.00 -
Sub-total 58,068.00
Overhead 15% 8,710.20
Total 66,778.20 6.68

C Felling and uprooting of banboo clearing the area, staking of bamboo

and disposing of wastes
Unit = cum, (for 100 cum)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 15.00 652.00 9,780.00
b) Equipment
Dozer/ Excavator hour 12.00 4,350.00 52,200.00
Tractor-trolley hour 12.00 1,408.00 16,896.00
Sub-total 78,876.00
Overhead 15% 11,831.40
Total 90,707.40 907.07

Cutting of Trees, including cutting of Trunks, Branches and

2.2 201 Removal
Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and
removal of stumps, roots, stacking of serviceable Material with
all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 meters and earth filling in the
Unit = Number (for 30 number)
(i) Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm
a) Labour
Unskilled day 25.00 652.00 16,300.00
b) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total 24,748.00
Overhead 15% 3,712.20
Total 28,460.20 948.67
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)

(ii) Girth from 600 mm to 900 mm

Unit = Number (for 10 number)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 25.00 652.00 16,300.00
b) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total 24,748.00
Overhead 15% 3,712.20
Total 28,460.20 2,846.02

(iii) Girth from 900 mm to 1800 mm

Unit = Number (for 5 number)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 35.00 652.00 22,820.00
b) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total 31,268.00
Overhead 15% 4,690.20
Total 35,958.20 7,191.64

(iv) Girth from 1800 mm to 2500 mm

Unit = Number (for 2 number)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 32.00 652.00 20,864.00
b) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total 29,312.00
Overhead 15% 4,396.80
Total 33,708.80 16,854.40

(v) Girth above 2500 mm

Unit = Number (for 1 number)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 50.00 652.00 32,600.00
b) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 12.00 1,408.00 16,896.00
Sub-total 49,496.00
Overhead 15% 7,424.40
Total 56,920.40 56,920.40

2.4 202 Dismantling of Structures

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges,
retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry,
cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including scaffolding
wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled Material, disposal
of unserviceable Material and stacking the serviceable Material
with all lifts and lead of 1000 meters

II By Mechanical Means
A Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20
Unit = cum, (for 10 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
Sub-total(A) 4,877.00
b) Equipment
Air Compressor hour 6.00 1,234.00 7,404.00
Drilling machine with bit and accessories hour 6.00 620.00 3,720.00
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total(B) 19,572.00
Total (A+B) 24,449.00
Overhead 15% 3,667.35
Total 28,116.35 2,811.64

B Prestressed / reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above

Unit = cum, (for 10 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 10.00 652.00 6,520.00
Sub-total(A) 8,450.00
b) Equipment
Air Compressor hour 6.00 1,234.00 7,404.00
Drilling machine with bit and accessories hour 6.00 620.00 3,720.00
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total(B) 19,572.00
Total (A+B) 28,022.00
Overhead 15% 4,203.30
Total 32,225.30 3,222.53

(iii) Dismantling Stone Masonry

B Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar.
Unit = cum, (for 10 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Unskilled day 10.00 652.00 6,520.00
Sub-total(A) 7,485.00
b) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total(B) 8,448.00
Total (A+B) 15,933.00
Overhead 15% 2,389.95
Total 18,322.95 1,832.30

202 Removal of Telephone / Electric poles and lines

Removal of telephone/Electric poles including excavation
and dismantling of foundation concreter and dlines under
the supervision of concerned department, dsiposal with all
the lifts and upto a lead of 1000 meters and stacking the
serviceable and unserceable material separately

Unit =no. (For 30 Nos)

a) Labour
Skilled day 15.00 965.00 14,475.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total(A) 16,431.00
b) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total(B) 8,448.00
Total (A+B) 24,879.00
Overhead 15% 3,731.85
Total 28,610.85 953.70


Providing, Jointing and laying HDPE pipes with or without
7.1 701 collar etc. complete in place as per Drawing and Technical
Specification [701 of SS DoR]
A a) 110 mm/125 mm outer dia.
Unit = meter (For 50 meter)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 3 652.00 1,956.00
b) Material
HDPE pipe/HDPE Pipe with collars meter 50 525.00 26,250.00
c) Equipment
Generator hour 6 1,246.00 7,476.00
Screw Jack hour 6 15.00 90.00
Electric Heating plate hour 6 26.00 156.00
Add 3% of Labour cost for other T&P 48.51 48.51
Sub-total 38,871.51
Overhead 15% 5,830.73
Total 44,702.24 894.04

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Flush

701 jointed Pipe for culverts
Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush
jointed pipe for culverts including fixing with cement mortar
1:2 as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = meter (For 12.5 m, 5 pipes of 2.5 m length each)

A 300 mm internal dia.
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 5.00 652.00 3,260.00
Sub-total (A) 4,225.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.08 1,415.93 113.27
Cement tonne 0.06 15,899.19 953.95
RCC pipe meter 12.50 4,368.33 54,604.07
Sub-total (B) 55,671.30
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for bellies, crow bars, chain pulley 126.75
and other T&P
Sub-total (C) 126.75
Total (A+B+C) 60,023.05
Overhead 15% 9,003.46
Total 69,026.51 5,522.12

Unit = meter (For 12.5 m, 5 pipes of 2.5 m length each)

B 450 mm internal dia.
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
Sub-total (A) 4,877.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.09 1,415.93 127.43
Cement tonne 0.07 15,899.19 1,112.94
RCC pipe meter 12.50 6,232.12 77,901.47
Sub-total (B) 79,141.84
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for bellies, crow bars, chain pulley 146.31
and other T&P
Sub-total (C) 146.31
Total (A+B+C) 84,165.15
Overhead 15% 12,624.77
Total 96,789.93 7,743.19

Unit = meter (For 12.5 m, 5 pipes of 2.5 m length each)

C 600 mm internal dia.
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 7.00 652.00 4,564.00
Sub-total (A) 5,529.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.10 1,415.93 141.59
Cement tonne 0.08 15,899.19 1,271.93
RCC pipe meter 12.50 8,395.28 104,941.02
Sub-total (B) 106,354.55
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for bellies, crow bars, chain pulley 165.87
and other T&P
Sub-total (C) 165.87
Total (A+B+C) 112,049.42
Overhead 15% 16,807.41
Total 128,856.84 10,308.55

Unit = meter (For 12.5 m, 5 pipes of 2.5 m length each)

D 900 mm internal dia.
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 8.00 652.00 5,216.00
Sub-total (A) 6,181.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.12 1,415.93 169.91
Cement tonne 0.09 15,899.19 1,430.93
RCC pipe meter 12.50 15,354.41 191,930.17
Sub-total (B) 193,531.01
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for bellies, crow bars, chain pulley 185.43
and other T&P
Sub-total (C) 185.43
Total (A+B+C) 199,897.44
Overhead 15% 29,984.62
Total 229,882.05 18,390.56

Unit = meter (For 12.5 m, 5 pipes of 2.5 m length each)

E 1000 mm internal dia.
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 8.00 652.00 5,216.00
Sub-total (A) 6,181.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.12 1,415.93 169.91
Cement tonne 0.09 15,899.19 1,430.93
RCC pipe meter 12.50 16,457.50 205,718.81
Sub-total (B) 207,319.64
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for bellies, crow bars, chain pulley 185.43
and other T&P
Sub-total (C) 185.43
Total (A+B+C) 213,686.07
Overhead 15% 32,052.91
Total 245,738.99 19,659.12

Unit = meter (For 12.5 m, 5 pipes of 2.5 m length each)

F 1200 mm internal dia.
a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Sub-total (A) 9,754.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.18 1,415.93 254.87
Cement tonne 0.14 15,899.19 2,225.89
RCC pipe meter 12.50 19,666.52 245,831.46
Sub-total (B) 248,312.22
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for bellies, crow bars, chain pulley
and other T&P
Sub-total (C) 292.62
Total (A+B+C) 258,358.84
Overhead 15% 38,753.83
Total 297,112.66 23,769.01


Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
9.1 905 Earthwork Excavation in Cutting.
I Roadway Excavation in All types of Soil
A Roadway Excavation in all types of Soil by Manual Means .
Roadway Excavation in all types of soil as per drawing
and technical specification, including removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as
per Drawing and instruction of the Engineer.
Unit = cum (For 12 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 8.00 652.00 5,216.00
Sub-total (A) 6,181.00
b) Equipment
Doko , Thunse etc. @ 3 % of Labour cost 185.43
Sub-total (B) 185.43
Total (A+B) 6,366.43
Overhead 15% 954.96
Total 7,321.39 610.12

B 905 Roadway Excavation in all types of Soil by Mechanical Means .

Road way Excavation in all types of soil as per Drawing and

technical specifications including removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, all lifts and lead as per Drawing and
instruction of the Engineer.
Unit = cum (For 360 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total (A) 2,921.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,288.00 19,728.00
Sub-total (B) 19,728.00
Total (A+B) 22,649.00
Overhead 15% 3,397.35
Total 26,046.35 72.35

A &B 905 Road way and drain excavation for all types of soil with
combination of Manual and Mechanical means
Manual Excavation 5% 30.51
Mechanical Excavation 95% 68.73
Total 99.24 99.24

Earthwork in excavation in foundation of structure with a

combination of Manual and Mechanical means
Manual Excavation 10% 61.01
Mechanical Excavation 90% 65.12
Total 126.13 126.13

II Roadway Rxcavation in Ordinary Rock

A 905 Roadway Excavation in ordinary rock by Manual Means .
Roadway Excavation in ordinary rock as per Drawing and
Technical specification, including all lift and lead as per
Drawing and instruction of the Engineer.
Unit = cum (For 60 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 50.00 652.00 32,600.00
Sub-total (A) 35,495.00
b) Equipment
Doko, Thunse etc. @3% of Labour cost 1,064.85
Sub-total (B) 1,064.85
Total (A+B) 36,559.85
Overhead 15% 5,483.98
Total 42,043.83 700.73

B 905 Roadway Excavation in ordinary rock by Mechanical Means .

Roadway Excavation in ordinary rock as per Drawing and

Technical specification, including all lift and lead as per
Drawing and instruction of the Engineer.
Unit = cum (For 120 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total (A) 2,921.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,288.00 19,728.00
Sub-total (B) 19,728.00
Total (A+B) 22,649.00
Overhead 15% 3,397.35
Total 26,046.35 217.05
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
A &B 905 Road way and drain excavation for all types of soil with
combination of Manual and Mechanical means
Manual Excavation 5% 35.04
Mechanical Excavation 95% 206.20
Total 241.24 241.24

IV Excavation in Hard Rock (blasting prohibited)

A 905 Roadway Excavation in hard rock with rock breakers,
including breaking rock, lifts and lead for disposal as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications

Mechanical method, lead upto 30 m

Unit = cum (For 16 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 10.00 652.00 6,520.00
Sub-total (A) 7,485.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator with rock breaker attachment hour 6.00 3,588.00 21,528.00
Credit for excavated rock for use @ 50 per cent of excavated cum (8.00)
( if available rock is used)
Sub-total (B) 21,528.00
Total (A+B) 21,528.00
Overhead 15% 3,229.20
Credit for Excavated Rock for (12,378.60)
Use@ 50% of excavated
Total 12,378.60 773.66

B 905 Roadway Excavation in hard rock manually chiseling

including breaking rock, lifts and lead for disposal as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
Unit = cum (For 16 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 58.00 652.00 37,816.00
Black smith day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Sub-total (A) 40,711.00
b) Equipment
Crow bar and other T & P @ 3% of Labour 1,221.33
Credit for excavated rock for use @ 50 per cent of excavated cum (8.00)
( if available rock is used)
Sub-total (B) 1,221.33
Total (A+B) 41,932.33
Overhead 15% 6,289.85
Total 48,222.18 3,013.89

A &B 905 Road way and drain excavation for all types of soil with
combination of Manual and Mechanical means
Manual Excavation 0% -
Mechanical Excavation 100% 3,013.89
Total 3,013.89 3,013.89

905 Roadway excavation in all types of soil including all types

of rocks as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
including removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, unit unit rate amount
all lifts and leads as per Drawing and instruction of the
all types of soil cum 100.00% 72.35 72.35
ordinary rocks cum 0.00% 217.05 -
hard rock cum 0.00% 773.66 -
average 72.35
unit rate

V 905 Excavation in Marshy Soil

905 RoadwayExcavationinmarshysoilasperDrawing and Technical
Unit = cum (For 300 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 4 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 3,573.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic Excavator hour 6 3,288.00 19,728.00
Tipper hour 18 1,408.00 25,344.00
Sub-total (B) 45,072.00
Total (A+B) 48,645.00
Overhead 15% 7,296.75
Total 55,941.75 186.47

9.2 905 Removal of Unserviceable Soil with Disposal up to 1000

905 Removal of unserviceable soil including excavation, loading
and disposal upto 1000 meters lead
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Unit = cum (For 360 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 4 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 3,573.00
b) Equipment
Excavator hour 6 3,288.00 19,728.00
Tipper hour 18 1,408.00 25,344.00
Sub-total (B) 45,072.00
Total (A+B) 48,645.00
Overhead 15% 7,296.75
Total 55,941.75 155.39

9.4 907 Excavation for Structures Foundation

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter and backfilling with approved Material
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

I Ordinary soil
A Manual Means
Unit = cum (For 10 cum)
(i) Depth upto 3 m
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 8.00 652.00 5,216.00
Sub-total (A) 6,181.00
Total (A) 6,181.00
Overhead 15% 927.15
Total 7,108.15 710.82

(ii) Depth (3-6) m

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Sub-total (A) 8,789.00
Total (A) 8,789.00
Overhead 15% 1,318.35
Total 10,107.35 1,010.74

(iii) Depth above 6 m

a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 18.00 652.00 11,736.00
Sub-total (A) 13,666.00
Total (A) 13,666.00
Overhead 15% 2,049.90
Total 15,715.90 1,571.59

B Mechanical Means
(i) Depth upto 3 m
Unit = cum (For 240 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total (A) 2,921.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,288.00 19,728.00
Sub-total (B) 19,728.00
Total (A+B) 22,649.00
Overhead 15% 3,397.35
Total 26,046.35 108.53

(ii) Depth (3-6) m

Unit = cum (For 210 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total (A) 2,921.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,288.00 19,728.00
Sub-total (B) 19,728.00
Total (A+B) 22,649.00
Overhead 15% 3,397.35
Total 26,046.35 124.03

(iii) Depth above 6 m

Unit = cum (For 180 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 4,538.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,288.00 19,728.00
Sub-total (B) 19,728.00
Total (A+B) 24,266.00
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Overhead 15% 3,639.90
Total 27,905.90 155.03

905 Roadway excavation in all types of soil including all types

of rocks as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
including removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, unit unit rate amount
all lifts and leads as per Drawing and instruction of the
all types of soil cum #DIV/0! - #DIV/0!
ordinary rocks cum #DIV/0! - #DIV/0!
hard rock cum #DIV/0! - #DIV/0!
average #DIV/0!
unit rate

Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from

9.9 909,910
Roadway Cutting

B Providing, laying, spreading and compacting embankment with

roadway cutting material and compact to the required density
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (With machine)

Unit = cum (For 300 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 10.00 652.00 6,520.00
Sub-total (A) 7,485.00
b) Material
Cost of water KL 72.00 189.10 13,615.52
Sub-total (B) 13,615.52
c) Equipment
Dozer hour 6.00 4,350.00 26,100.00
Motor grader hour 6.00 2,710.00 16,260.00
Vibratory roller hour 6.00 1,861.00 11,166.00
Sub-total (C) 53,526.00
Total (A+B+C) 74,626.52
Overhead 15% 11,193.98
Total 85,820.50 286.07

Providing suitable material and Back filling behind abutment,

9.11 908 wing wall and return wall complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Unit = cum (for 10 cum)
C Locally available Material including compaction by tamping rod
( without watering)
a) Labour
Skilled day 0.2 965.00 193.00
Unskilled day 5 652.00 3,260.00
Sub-total (A) 3,453.00
b) Material
Compensation for Locally available Material cum 12 - -
Cost of water KL 1 189.10 189.10
Sub-total (B) 189.10
c) Equipment
Tamping 3 % of Labour cost 103.59
Sub-total (C) 103.59
Total (A+B+C) 3,745.69
Overhead 15% 561.85
Total 4,307.55 430.75

9.12 909, Providing and laying of Filter media with granular

910 Material/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness of not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size
towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind
abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height
compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and
Technical Specification.
Unit = cum (For 10 cum.)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 10.00 652.00 6,520.00
b) Material
Filter media cum 12.00 2,051.14 24,613.68
Cost of water KL 1.00 189.10 189.10
Sub-total 32,287.78
Overhead 15% 4,843.17
Total 37,130.95 3,713.10


10.2 1003 Scarifying Existing road Surface to a depth of 50 mm by

Mechanical Means
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
10.2 A Scarifying the existing road surface to a depth of 50 mm and
disposal of scarified Material with in all lifts and lead as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = sqm(For 600 sqm, lead upto 30m)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
Sub-total (A) 4,877.00
c) Equipment
Tractor with ripper attachment hour 6.00 983.00 5,898.00
Sub-total (B) 5,898.00
Total (A+B) 10,775.00
Overhead 15% 1,616.25
Total Rate per sqm 12,391.25 20.65

10.2 B Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50

mm and disposal of scarified Material with in all lifts and lead
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = sqm (For 3,000 sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
Sub-total (A) 4,877.00
c) Equipment
Tractor with ripper attachment hour 6.00 983.00 5,898.00
Loader hour 6.00 2,445.00 14,670.00
Tipper hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-total (B) 29,016.00
Total (A+B) 33,893.00
Overhead 15% 5,083.95
Total Rate per sqm 38,976.95 12.99

10.3 1004 Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders with

approved Material ( capping layer)
Providing and laying sub-grade and earthen shoulders with
approved Material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts &
leads as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = cum (For 600 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6 652.00 3,912.00
Sub-total (A) 1,617.00 4,877.00
b) Material
Cost of water KL 72 189.10 13,615.52
Capping layer material cum 750 1,613.14 1,209,855.03
Sub-total (B) 1,802.24 1,223,470.55
c) Equipment
Motor grader hour 6 2,710.00 16,260.00
Vibratory roller hour 6 1,861.00 11,166.00
Sub-total (C) 27,426.00
Total (A+B+C) 1,255,773.55
Overhead 15% 188,366.03
Total Rate per cum 1,444,139.59 2,406.90

10.4 Case- 1003, Compacting original ground supporting embankment

II 1005
Loosening, leveling and Compacting original ground supporting
embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of
embankment, scarified to a depth of 150 mm, mixed with water
at OMC and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve dry
density as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.[SS
Unit = cum (For 600 cum.)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 3,573.00
b) Material
Cost of water KL 24.00 189.10 4,538.51
Sub-total (B) 4,538.51
c) Equipment
Tractor with ripper attachment hour 6.00 983.00 5,898.00
Vibratory road roller hour 12.00 1,861.00 22,332.00
Sub-total (C) 28,230.00
Total (A+B+C) 36,341.51
Overhead 15% 5,451.23
Total Rate per cum 41,792.73 69.65
Total Rate/Sqm considering 20cm thicknes 13.93
Total Rate per Sqm 13.93

10.8 Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200
mm thick stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared
surface as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = cum [For 5 cum]

a) Labour
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Skilled day 6.00 965.00 5,790.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
b) Material
Stone cum 6.00 1,785.03 10,710.17
Total (A+B) 24,324.17
Overhead 15% 3,648.63
Total 27,972.79 5,594.56


12.1 A 1201 Providing and laying Granular Sub-Base Material

By Mechanical means
Providing and laying granular sub-base on prepared surface,
mixing at OMC, and compacting to achieve the desired density,
complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = cum (For 300 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
b) Material
Sub-base Material S1 type or S2 type cum 384.00 1,680.76 645,413.38
Cost of water KL 18.00 189.10 3,403.88
c) Equipment
Motor Grader hour 6.00 2,710.00 16,260.00
Vibratory roller hour 12.00 1,861.00 22,332.00
Tractor /Loader hour 12.00 1,408.00 16,896.00
Sub-Total 714,059.26
Overhead 15% 107,108.89
Total 821,168.15 2,737.23

12.7 A 1204 Crusher Run Macadam Base

Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared
surface, spreading and mixing , watering and compacting to
form a layer of sub-base/Base course as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Unit = cum (For 360 cum)
By Mix in Place Method
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 14.00 652.00 9,128.00
Sub-total (A) 12,023.00
c) Material
Aggregate at site
ii) For 45 mm maximum size
45 mm to 22.5 mm cum 24.12 2,545.55 61,398.57
22.4 mm to 5.6 mm cum 237.60 2,545.55 604,821.74
Below 5.6 mm cum 213.48 2,545.55 543,423.17
Cost of water KL 36.00 189.10 6,807.76
Sub-total (C) 1,216,451.24
b) Equipment
Motor grader hour 6.00 2,710.00 16,260.00
Vibratory roller hour 6.00 1,861.00 11,166.00
Sub-total (B) 27,426.00
Total (A+B+C) 1,255,900.24
Overhead 15% 188,385.04
Total 1,444,285.28 4,011.90

Construction of Median and Island with Soil Taken from

12.8 1205 Roadway Cutting
Providing and laying Median and Island above road level with
approved Material deposited including compacted as per
Drawing and Specifications. ( using material from Roadway
Unit = cum (For 21 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 9.00 652.00 5,868.00
Sub-total (A) 6,833.00
c) Material
Cost of water KL 6.00 189.10 1,134.63
Sub-total (C) 1,134.63
b) Equipment
Plate Compactor hour 9.00 329.00 2,961.00
Sub-total (B) 2,961.00
Total (A+B+C) 10,928.63
Overhead 15% 1,639.29
Total 12,567.92 598.47

Construction of Median and Island with Soil Taken from Borrow

12.9 1205 Areas
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Providing and laying Median and Island above road level with
approved Material deposited including compacted as per
Drawing and Specifications. ( using material from borrow area).

Unit = cum (For 21 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
Sub-total (A) 4,877.00
c) Material
Soil/ Borrowpit material cum 27.00 355.53 9,599.36
Cost of water KL 6.00 189.10 1,134.63
Sub-total (C) 10,733.99
b) Equipment
Plate Compactor hour 9.00 318.00 2,862.00
Sub-total (B) 2,862.00
Total (A+B+C) 18,472.99
Overhead 15% 2,770.95
Total 21,243.94 1,011.62

12.11 1205 Footpaths and Separators

Providing and making footpath/separator of 150 mm compacted
granular sub base and 25 mm thick cement concrete grade M
15, over laid with pre-cast concrete tiles in cement mortar 1:3
including provision of all drainage arrangements but excluding
Kerb channel as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = sqm (For 300 sqm)

a) Labour
Skilled day 8.00 965.00 7,720.00
Unskilled day 45.00 652.00 29,340.00
Sub-total (A) 37,060.00
b) Material
i) Granular sub base Material
53 mm to 26.5 mm cum 20.79 2,051.14 42,643.20
26.5 mm to 4.75 mm cum 26.73 2,051.14 54,826.97
2.36 mm below cum 11.88 2,051.14 24,367.54
ii) For cement concrete grade M 15, ( 7.5 cum)
Aggregate 12 mm cum 6.75 2,545.55 17,182.44
Sand cum 3.38 1,415.93 4,785.84
Cement tonne 1.88 15,899.19 29,890.47
iii) For cement plaster 1:3
Sand cum 3.84 1,415.93 5,437.16
Cement tonne 1.83 15,899.19 29,095.51
iv) Pre-cast cement concrete tiles
Tiles size 300 x 300 mm and 25 mm thick nos 3300.00 102.00 336,600.00
v) pipes for drainage
PVC Pipes 200 mm dia meter 22.50 473.00 10,642.50
vi) Cost of water KL 12.00 189.10 2,269.25
Sub-total (B) 557,740.88
c) Equipment
Vibratory road roller hour 1.25 1,861.00 2,326.25
Concrete mixer hour 9.00 2,075.00 18,675.00
Sub-total (B) 21,001.25
Total (A+B+C) 615,802.13
Overhead 15% 92,370.32
Total 708,172.45 2,360.57


13.1 A 1302 Prime Coat
1302 Prime Coat, with MC 30 / 70 by Mechanical Means
Providing and applying prime coat with Hot Bitumen ( including
cutter) on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning
of road surface and spraying by mechanical means as per
Technical Specification .
Unit = lit (For 5,000 lit)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 50.00 652.00 32,600.00
Sub-total (A) 35,495.00
b) Material
Bitumen ( cutback) MC 30 ( for WBM) tonne 5.25 113,705.00 596,951.25
Bitumen (cut back )MC 70 ( for stabilized soil base/ crusher
run macadam)
Cost of water KL 10.00 189.10 1,891.05
Sub-total (B) 598,842.30
c) Equipment
Mechanical broom hour 8.00 1,529.00 12,232.00
Air compressor hour 8.00 1,234.00 9,872.00
Bitumen distributor hour 6.00 2,803.00 16,818.00
Boiler hour 8.00 1,060.00 8,480.00
Generator hour 8.00 882.00 7,056.00
Sub-total (C) 54,458.00
Total (A+B+C) 653,300.30
Overhead 15% 97,995.04
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Total 751,295.34 150.26

13.2 A 1302 Tack Coat

1302 Tack Coat, with Bitumen by Mechanical Means
Providing and applying Tack coat with Hot Bitumen at Specified
rate on the prepared non bituminous surfaces including
cleaning as per Technical Specification .
Unit = lit (For 5,000 lit)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 20.00 652.00 13,040.00
Sub-total (A) 15,935.00
b) Material
Bitumen ( cutback) MC 30 ( for WBM) tonne 5.25 113,705.00 596,951.25
Sub-total (B) 596,951.25
c) Equipment
Air compressor hour 6.00 1,234.00 7,404.00
Bitumen distributor hour 6.00 2,803.00 16,818.00
Boiler hour 6.00 1,060.00 6,360.00
Generator hour 6.00 882.00 5,292.00
Sub-total (C) 35,874.00
Total (A+B+C) 648,760.25
Overhead 15% 97,314.04
Total 746,074.29 149.21

13.4 1304 Bituminous Penetration Macadam

Providing and laying penetration macadam over prepared Base
by providing a layer of compacted crushed coarse aggregate
with applications of bituminous binder and key aggregates as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
A 50 mm thick
Unit = sqm (For 4,500 sqm(225cum))
a) Labour
Unskilled day 9.00 652.00 5,868.00
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Sub-total (A) 8,763.00
b) Material
Bitumen tonne 15.30 113,705.00 1,739,686.50
Coarse aggregate ( 45 - 2.8 mm) cum 270.00 2,051.14 553,807.77
Key aggregates ( 22.4 - 2.8 mm) cum 67.50 2,051.14 138,451.94
Sub-total (B) 2,431,946.21
c) Equipment
Chip Spreader (with Truck) hour 6.00 5,294.00 31,764.00
Bitumen distributor hour 6.00 2,803.00 16,818.00
Vibratory roller hour 6.00 1,861.00 11,166.00
Sub-total (C) 59,748.00
Total (A+B+C) 2,500,457.21
Overhead 15% 375,068.58
Total 2,875,525.80 639.01
Unit Rate Per sqm 639.01
Unit Rate Per cum 12,780.11

B 75 mm thick
Unit = sqm (For 4,500 sqm(337.5cum compacted))
a) Labour
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Sub-total (A) 10,719.00
b) Material
Bitumen tonne 22.70 113,705.00 2,581,103.50
Coarse aggregate ( 63 - 2.8 mm) cum 405.00 2,051.14 830,711.66
Key aggregates ( 26.5 - 2.8 mm) cum 81.00 2,051.14 166,142.33
Sub-total (B) 3,577,957.49
c) Equipment
Chip Spreader (with Truck) hour 6.00 5,294.00 31,764.00
Bitumen distributor hour 6.00 2,803.00 16,818.00
Vibratory roller hour 12.00 1,861.00 22,332.00
Sub-total (C) 70,914.00
Total (A+B+C) 3,659,590.49
Overhead 15% 548,938.57
Total 4,208,529.06 935.23
Unit Rate Per sqm 935.23
Unit Rate Per cum 12,469.72

13.5 1308 Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam

Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam using
crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder and filler as per Drawing and Technical
Unit = cum [For 97.5 cum (225 tonne)]
a) Labour
Unskilled day 16.00 652.00 10,432.00
Skilled day 5.00 965.00 4,825.00
Sub-total (A) 15,257.00
b) Material
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Bitumen tonne 9.56 113,705.00 1,087,019.80
Grading - I 40 mm (Nominal Size)
37.5 - 25 mm cum 31.60 2,545.55
25 - 10 mm cum 18.67 2,545.55
10 -4.75 mm cum 27.29 2,545.55
4.75 mm and below cum 63.20 2,545.55
Filler tonne 4.31 681.07
Grading - II 19 mm (Nominal Size)
25 - 10 mm cum 43.08 2,545.55 109,662.12
10 - 5 mm cum 40.22 2,545.55 102,381.86
5 mm and below cum 57.45 2,545.55 146,241.62
Filler tonne 4.31 681.07 2,935.41
* Any one of the alternative may be adopted as per approved
Sub-total (B) 1,448,240.82
c) Equipment
Batch mix HMP hour 6.00 5,134.00 30,804.00
Paver finisher hour 6.00 6,098.00 36,588.00
Generator hour 6.00 3,129.00 18,774.00
Pneumatic Roller hour 6.00 3,771.00 22,626.00
Vibratory roller hour 6.00 1,861.00 11,166.00
smooth wheeled tandem roller. hour 6.00 2,063.00 12,378.00
Sub-total (C) 132,336.00
Total (A+B+C) 1,595,833.82
Overhead 15% 239,375.07
Total 1,835,208.89 18,822.66

13.6 1309 Bituminous Concrete / Asphalt Concrete

Providing and laying Bituminous concrete/ Asphalt concrete
using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder and filler as per Drawing and Technical
Unit = cum [For 95.5 cum (225 tonne)]
a) Labour
Unskilled day 15.00 652.00 9,780.00
Skilled day 5.00 965.00 4,825.00
Sub-total (A) 14,605.00
b) Material
i) Bitumen tonne 12.94 113,705.00 1,471,342.70
ii) Aggregate
* Grading - I-19 mm (Nominal Size)
20 - 10 mm cum 49.48 2,545.55
10 - 5 mm cum 32.52 2,545.55
5 mm and below cum 56.55
Filler tonne 2.83 681.07
Grading - II-13 mm (Nominal Size)
13.2 - 10 mm cum 42.41 2,545.55 107,956.61
10 - 5 mm cum 35.34 2,545.55 89,959.60
5 mm and below cum 60.79 2,545.55 154,743.74
Filler tonne 2.83 681.07 1,927.43
* Any one of the alternative may be adopted as per approved
Sub-total (B) 1,825,930.08
c) Equipment
Batch mix HMP hour 6.00 5,134.00 30,804.00
Paver finisher hour 6.00 6,098.00 36,588.00
Generator hour 6.00 3,129.00 18,774.00
Smooth wheeled roller hour 12.00 1,992.00 23,904.00
Pneumatic roller hour 6.00 3,771.00 22,626.00
Sub-total (C) 132,696.00
Total (A+B+C) 1,973,231.08
Overhead 15% 295,984.66
Total 2,269,215.74 23,761.42

13.7 1303 Surface Dressing

Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in
single coat using gravel of specified size on a recently applied
layer of bituminous binder on prepared surface as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications.
Unit = sqm (For 6,000 sqm)
Case - I 19 mm nominal chipping size
a) Labour
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Sub-total (A) 10,719.00
b) Material
Chips, 19 mm nominal size cum 102.00 2,737.29 279,203.78
Sub-total (B) 279,203.78
c) Equipment
Chip spreader hour 6.00 5,294.00 31,764.00
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Roller (pneumatic) hour 12.00 3,771.00 45,252.00
Sub-total (C) 77,016.00
Total (A+B+C) 366,938.78
Overhead 15% 55,040.82
Total 421,979.60 70.33

13.7 Case - II 13 mm nominal size chipping

Unit = sqm (For 7,500 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Sub-total (A) 10,719.00
b) Material
Crushed stone chipping, 13 mm nominal size cum 87.00 2,737.29 238,144.40
Sub-total (B) 238,144.40
c) Equipment
Chip spreader hour 6.00 5,294.00 31,764.00
Roller (pneumatic) hour 12.00 3,771.00 45,252.00
Sub-total (C) 77,016.00
Total (A+B+C) 325,879.40
Overhead 15% 48,881.91
Total 374,761.31 49.97

13.7 Case - III 10 mm nominal size chipping

Unit = sqm (For 9,000 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Sub-total (A) 10,719.00
b) Material
Crushed stone chipping, 10 mm nominal size cum 80.30 2,737.29 219,804.55
Sub-total (B) 219,804.55
c) Equipment
Chip spreader hour 6.00 5,294.00 31,764.00
Roller (pneumatic) hour 12.00 3,771.00 45,252.00
Sub-total (C) 77,016.00
Total (A+B+C) 307,539.55
Overhead 15% 46,130.93
Total 353,670.48 39.30

13.7 Case - IV 6 mm nominal size chipping

Unit = sqm (For 9,000 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Sub-total (A) 10,719.00
b) Material
Crushed stone chipping, 6 mm nominal size cum 80.30 2,545.55 204,407.35
Sub-total (B) 204,407.35
c) Equipment
Chip spreader hour 6.00 5,294.00 31,764.00
Roller (pneumatic) hour 12.00 3,771.00 45,252.00
Sub-total (C) 77,016.00
Total (A+B+C) 292,142.35
Overhead 15% 43,821.35
Total 335,963.70 37.33

13.9 1311 20 mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous

(Paving bitumen / Modified bitumen) Binder
13.9 B By Mechanical Means
(i) (Providing and laying open graded premix carpet of 20mm
thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6mm aggregates as
wearing course on a previously prepared base as drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Unit = sqm (For 4000 sqm(80cum))
a) Labour
Unskilled day 16.00 652.00 10,432.00
Skilled day 5.00 965.00 4,825.00
Sub-total (A) 15,257.00
b) Material
Bitumen Tonne 5.84 113,705.00 664,037.20
Crushed stone chipping, 13.2 mm to 5.6mm cum 108.00 2,051.14 221,523.11
Sub-total (B) 885,560.31
c) Equipment
Hot Mixed Plant hour 6.00 31,445.00 188,670.00
Roller (pneumatic) hour 12.00 3,771.00 45,252.00
Generator hour 6.00 1,246.00 7,476.00
Paver hour 6.00 5,490.00 32,940.00
Smooth Wheeled/Tandem Roller hour 6.00 1,992.00 11,952.00
Sub-total (C) 286,290.00
Total (A+B+C) 1,187,107.31
Overhead 15% 178,066.10
Total 1,365,173.40 17,064.67
Rate (per cum) 17,064.67
Rate (per sqm) 341.29
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
13.10 1310 Close Graded Premix Surfacing/Mixed Seal Surfacing
Mechanical means using HMP of appropriate capacity
(i) Providing and laying close-graded premix surfacing material of
20 mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm or 13.2 mm
to 0.09 mm aggregates using bitumen as wearing course on a
previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = sqm (For 4000 sqm(205cum))

a) Labour
Unskilled day 16.00 652.00 10,432.00
Skilled day 6.00 965.00 5,790.00
Sub-total (A) 16,222.00
b) Material
Type - A
Bitumen Tonne 22.5 113,705.00 2,558,362.50
Stone crushed aggregates 11.2 mm to 0.09 cum 276.75 2,051.14 567,652.97
Type - B
Bitumen Tonne 19.48 113,705.00
Stone crushed aggregates 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm cum 276.75 2,051.14
Sub-total (B) 3,126,015.47
c) Equipment
Hot Mixed Plant hour 6.00 31,445.00 188,670.00
Generator hour 6.00 1,246.00 7,476.00
Loader hour 6.00 2,445.00 14,670.00
Paver hour 6.00 5,490.00 32,940.00
Smooth Wheeled hour 6.00 1,992.00 11,952.00
Sub-total (C) 255,708.00
Total (A+B+C) 3,397,945.47
Overhead 15% 509,691.82
Total 3,907,637.29 19,061.65
Rate (per cum) 19,061.65
Rate (per sqm) 381.23

13.11 1310 Seal Surfacing

Seal Surfacing(Providing and Laying Seal Coat sealing the
voids in a bituminous surface as per Drawing and Technical
Unit = sqm (For 7,858sqm(47.16cum))
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
Sub-total (A) 4,877.00
b) Material
Bitumen Tonne 5.34 113,705.00 607,184.70
Crushed stone chipping cum 47.16 2,545.55 120,047.95
Sub-total (B) 727,232.65
c) Equipment
Hot Mixed Plant hour 3.00 31,445.00 94,335.00
Generator hour 3.00 1,246.00 3,738.00
Paver finisher hour 6.00 5,490.00 32,940.00
Roller hour 6.00 1,992.00 11,952.00
Sub-total (C) 142,965.00
Total (A+B+C) 875,074.65
Overhead 15% 131,261.20
Total 1,006,335.85 128.07
Rate (per sqm) 128.07
Rate (per cum) 21,338.76

13.16 1300 Anti- Stripping agent

Providing and mixing of Anti stripping agent as per Design/
direction of Engineer
Unit = Kg (For 200 kg)
a) Labour
Skilled day 0.01 965.00 9.65
Unskilled day 1.00 652.00 652.00
Sub-total (A) 661.65
b) Material
Additive material kg 210.00 415.41 87,236.52
Sub-total (B) 87,236.52
c) Equipment
Add 3 percent of Labour component for T&P 19.85
Sub-total (C) 19.85
Total (A+B+C) 87,908.37
Overhead 15% 13,186.26
Total 101,094.62 505.47

13.17 1300 Bitumen Cutter

Providing and mixing of Bitumen cutter as per design /
direction of Engineer
Unit = lit. (For 200 lit)
a) Labour
Skilled day 0.01 965.00 9.65
Unskilled day 1.00 652.00 652.00
Sub-total (A) 661.65
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
b) Material
Kerosene/ Diesel cutter Lit 210.00 145.00 30,450.00
Sub-total (B) 30,450.00
c) Equipment
Add 3 percent of Labour component for T&P 19.85
Sub-total (C) 19.85
Total (A+B+C) 31,121.85
Overhead 15% 4,668.28
Total 35,790.13 178.95

Norms Serial Bitumen binder

No:13.05.01 (Previous Laying of single/double /multiple bituminous coats for surface Unit=1litre
DoR Norms for rate dressing using river gravels ( grits) , shingles or 'broken stone
analysis as per chips including compactation.
standard a) Labour
specifications for Road Skilled md 0.003 965.00 2.90
and Bridge Works, Unskilled md 0.046 652.00 29.99
2058 BS.)
b) Material
Bitumen 80/100 open lit 0.95 113.71 108.02
Kerosene lit 0.1 145.00 14.50
Diesel lit 0.27 145.00 39.15

c) Equipment
Boiler hr 0.0025 1,060.00 2.65
Distributor hr 0.0025 2,803.00 7.01
Air compresser hr 0.0025 1,234.00 3.09
Sub-total 207.30
Overhead 15% 31.09
Total 238.39 238.39


14.1 1401 Precast Cement Concrete M 20 Kerb
Providing and laying of /20 precast cement concrete Kerb 38 cm
* 20 cm * 25 cm ( H*B*L) with 12 mm thick 1:3 cement sand
mortar bedding and joints including foundation excavation
levelling but excluding foundation concrete for foundation or
sand gravel material, all complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications.[1401 of SS DoR]
Unit = meter (For 400 meter)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 16.00 652.00 10,432.00
Sub-total (A) 13,327.00
b) Material
Precast / cast in situ concrete block of /20 Concrete ( 0.38 m * nos 1600 224.93 359,889.55
0.20 m * 0.25 m (H*B*L))
Coarse sand 30 per cent cum 1.20 1,415.93 1,699.11
Cement tonne 0.52 15,899.19 8,267.58
Cost of water KL 0.20 189.10 37.82
Sub-total (B) 369,894.06
c) Equipment
Kerb Casting Machine hour 6.00 1,682.00 10,092.00
Concrete Mixer hour 12.00 2,075.00 24,900.00
Sub-total (C) 34,992.00
Total (A+B+C) 418,213.06
Overhead 15% 62,731.96
Total 480,945.02 1,202.36

Cast in Situ Cement Concrete or natural stone block for

14.2 1401
A Providing and laying of precast / cast in situ 50 mm thick
cement concrete slab footpath on 12 mm thick 1: 3 cement sand
mortar over the prepared base, all complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Unit =Sqm (For 10 Sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.50 965.00 1,447.50
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 4,055.50
b) Material
Precast / cast in situ concrete block of M 20/20 ( 50 mm CC sqm 11.00 1,076.22 11,838.47
Coarse sand cum 0.13 1,415.93 184.07
Cement tonne 0.07 15,899.19 1,112.94
Cost of water KL 0.02 189.10 3.78
Sub-total (B) 13,139.27
Total (A+B) 17,194.77
Overhead 15% 2,579.22
Total 19,773.98 1,977.40

B Providing and laying 25 mm thick Natural stone slab footpath

on 12 mm thick 1: 3 cement sand mortar over the prepared
base, all complete as per specification.
Unit =Sqm (For 10 Sqm)
a) Labour
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total (A) 3,886.00
b) Material
50 mm thick natural stone slab sqm 11.00 - -
Coarse sand cum 0.13 1,415.93 184.07
Cement tonne 0.07 15,899.19 1,112.94
Cost of water KL 0.02 189.10 3.78
Sub-total (B) 1,300.80
Total (A+B) 5,186.80
Overhead 15% 778.02
Total 5,964.82 596.48

14.3 1401 Cast in Situ Cement Concrete Kerb

Providing and laying cement concrete Kerb with top and bottom
width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade
PCC on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having
50 mm projection beyond Kerb stone, Kerb stone laid with Kerb
laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = meter [For 360 meter]

( 24.21 cum concrete, = 12.6 cum, M 10= 11.61 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 6.00 965.00 5,790.00
Unskilled day 60.00 652.00 39,120.00
Sub-total (A) 44,910.00
b) Material
Crushed stone aggregate 20 mm cum 21.80 2,545.55 55,492.90
Coarse sand cum 10.90 1,415.93 15,433.62
Cement tonne 7.53 15,899.19 119,720.86
Cost of water KL 30.00 189.10 5,673.14
Sub-total (B) 196,320.52
c) Equipment
Kerb Casting Machine hour 8.00 1,682.00 13,456.00
Concrete Mixer hour 8.00 2,075.00 16,600.00
Sub-total (C) 30,056.00
Total (A+B+C) 271,286.52
Overhead 15% 40,692.98
Total 311,979.50 866.61

14.4 1401 Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M 20 Kerb with Channel

Providing and laying cement concrete Kerb with channel with
top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm
high in M 20 grade PCC on grade foundation 150 mm thick,
Kerb channel 300 mm wide, 50 mm thick in PCC grade, sloped
towards the Kerb, Kerb stone with channel laid with Kerb laying
machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as
Unit = meter [For 300 meter length ( = 17.48, =23.18 cum)]
a) Labour
Skilled day 6.00 965.00 5,790.00
Unskilled day 70.00 652.00 45,640.00
Sub-total (A) 51,430.00
b) Material
Crushed stone aggregate 20 mm cum 36.59 2,545.55 93,141.53
Coarse sand cum 18.30 1,415.93 25,911.48
Cement tonne 11.34 15,899.19 180,296.76
Cost of water KL 36.00 189.10 6,807.76
Sub-total (B) 306,157.53
c) Equipment
Kerb Casting Machine hour 18.00 1,682.00 30,276.00
Concrete Mixer hour 18.00 2,075.00 37,350.00
Water Tanker hour 18.00 2,190.00 39,420.00
Sub-total (C) 107,046.00
Total (A+B+C) 464,633.53
Overhead 15% 69,695.03
Total 534,328.56 1,781.10

14.5 1403 Brick work for footpath

A Providing and laying brick on edge over 60 mm thick sand bed
in footpath including excavation sand bedding all complete as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit =Sqm (For 10 Sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total (A) 2,921.00
b) Material
Brick nos 725.00 14.47 10,492.40
Coarse sand cum 0.70 1,415.93 991.15
Sub-total (B) 11,483.55
Total (A+B) 14,404.55
Overhead 15% 2,160.68
Total 16,565.24 1,656.52
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
B Providing and laying flat brick over 60 mm thick sand bed in
footpath including excavation sand bedding all complete as per
Unit =Sqm (For 20 Sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.50 965.00 1,447.50
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 4,055.50
b) Material
Brick nos 750.00 14.47 10,854.21
Coarse sand cum 1.40 1,415.93 1,982.30
Sub-total (B) 12,836.51
Total (A+B) 16,892.01
Overhead 15% 2,533.80
Total 19,425.81 971.29


15.1 1501 TRAFFIC SIGN
Non Reflective Traffic Signs
Providing and fixing of Non reflective warning, mandatory and
informatory sign board of 2 mm thick MS Sheet with back
support frame fixed on heavy 50 mm tube or Channel section
of 75 mm X 40 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means
of properly designed foundation with M 10/40 grade
cement concrete 300 mm x 300 mm x 300 mm, l as per
drawings and Technical Specification/ DOR Publication.

Unit = no. (For 4 traffic sign)

(i) Excavation for foundation cum 0.21 618.10 129.80
(ii) Cement concrete M 10 grade cum 0.11 8,177.12 899.48
iii) Painting angle iron post two coats sqm 3.51 157.27 552.03
Sub-total (I,ii,iii) 1,581.31
(a) Labour (For fixing at site)
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 2.00 652.00 1,304.00
Sub-total (A) 2,269.00
b) Material
Support of traffic sign
(I) Mild steel Channel iron 75 x 40 x 6 mm, 3.0 m long @ 6.8 kg 85.68
kg/m incl. 5 % wastage
Heavy duty steel tube of internal dia 50 mm ( 6.19 kg/m), 3 m m 12.60 644.87 8,125.36
long including 5 % wastage
(II) Angle iron 50 x 50 x 6 mm for hold fast including 5% kg 4.24 104.41 442.71
Add 2 per cent of cost of angle iron/ steel tube towards cost of 162.51
drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(i) 90 cm height equilateral triangle sqm 1.00
(ii) 60 cm height equilateral triangle sqm 0.44
(iii) 60 cm circular sqm 1.20
(iv) 80 cm x 60 cm rectangular sqm 2.02 1,569.00 3,169.38
Sub-total (B) 11,899.96
(c) Equipment
Tractor with trolley hour 3.00 1,408.00 4,224.00
Sub-total (C) 4,224.00
Total (A+B+C) 19,974.27
Overhead 15% 2,996.14
Total 22,970.41 5,742.60

15.2 1501 Retro-Reflectorized Traffic Signs

Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorized warning,
Regulatory and informatory sign as per specification clause
1501 made of high intensity grade sheeting , fixed
over aluminum sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a 50
mm internal dia steel tube or mild steel angle iron post 75 mm
x 40 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
properly designed foundation with M 10/40 grade cement
concrete 30 cm x 30 cm , 30 cm below ground level or as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = no. (For 10 traffic sign)

i) Excavation for foundation cum 0.54 618.10 333.77
ii) Cement concrete M 10 grade cum 0.27 8,177.12 2,207.82
iii) Painting angle iron post two coats sqm 8.78 157.27 1,380.86
Sub-total (I,ii,iii) 3,922.45
a) Labour (For fixing at site)
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00
Sub-total (A) 2,921.00
b) Material
Mild steel angle iron 75 x 40 x 6 mm, 3. m long @ 6.8 kg/m kg 204.00 104.41 21,300.05
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Aluminum sheeting fixed with encapsulated lens type reflective
sheeting of size including lettering and signs as applicable

Add 2 per cent of cost of angle iron towards cost of drilling 426.00
holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(i) 90 cm height equilateral triangle sqm 2.40 1,569.00 3,765.60
( ii ) 60 cm height equilateral triangle sqm 1.04
( iii ) 60 cm circular sqm 2.83
( iv ) 80 mm x 60 mm rectangular sqm 4.80
(v) 60 cm x 45 cm rectangular sqm 2.70
Sub-total (B) 25,491.65
c) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 3.00 1,408.00 4,224.00
Sub-total (C) 4,224.00
Total (A+B+C) 36,559.10
Overhead 15% 5,483.87
Total 42,042.97 4,204.30

15.4 1501 Painting Two Coats on Concrete Surfaces

Providing and Painting two coats after filling the surface with
synthetic enamel paint in all shades on
concrete/plastersurfaces as per Drawing and Technical
Unit =Sqm (For 10 Sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled /Painter day 3.00 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 2.00 652.00 1,304.00
Sub total (A) 4,199.00
b) Material
Paint liter 6.00 545.31 3,271.85
Sub total (B) 3,271.85
Add for scaffolding @ 1 per cent of Labour cost where required 41.99

Add @ 5 per cent cost of Labour and Materials to prepare the 373.54
surface by filling minutes roughness on the surface and priming
the surface before laying 2 coats of painting.
Total (A+B) 7,886.39
Overhead 15% 1,182.96
Total 9,069.34 906.93

15.5 1501 Painting on Steel Surfaces

Providing and applying two coats of readymix paint of approved
brand on steel surface after through cleaning of surface to give
an even shade as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit =Sqm (For 20 Sqm)

a) Labour
Skilled /Painter day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 1.00 652.00 652.00
Sub total (A) 1,617.00
b) Material
Paint liter 2.50 545.31 1,363.27
Sub total (B) 1,363.27
Add @ 1 per cent on cost of Material for scaffolding 16.17
Add @ 5 per cent cost of Labour and Materials to prepare the 149.01
surface by filling minutes roughness on the surface and priming
the surface before laying 2 coats of painting.
Total (A+B) 3,145.46
Overhead 15% 471.82
Total 3,617.27 180.86

15.7 1503 Painting Lines, Dashes, Arrows etc. on Roads in Two Coats
Providing required material and Painting lines, dashes, arrows
etc. on roads in two coats on new work with ready mixed road
marking paint conforming to NS 408/ IS 164 on bituminous
surface, including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter, demarcation at site and traffic control as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

(i) & Over and Up to 10 cm in width

Unit =Sqm (For 10 Sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled/ Painter day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 2.00 652.00 1,304.00
Sub-total (A) 2,269.00
b) Material
Road marking Paint as per NS 408/ IS :164 liter 1.48 579.31 857.38
Sub-total (B) 857.38
Total (A+B) 3,126.38
Overhead 15% 468.96
Total 3,595.33 359.53
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)

Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound

15.9 1504 with Reflectorizing Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface

i On smooth surface (similar to Asphalt concrete and

rigid pavement)
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at
least 2 mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as
per DOR Traffic sign manual/ Specifications .The finished
surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.

Unit =Sqm (For 400 Sqm)

a) Labour
Skilled / Painter day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 4,538.00
b) Equipment
Road marking machine ( boiler + Applicator + Template) hour 10.00 569.00 5,690.00
Tractor-trolley hour 10.00 1,408.00 14,080.00
Sub-total (B) 19,770.00
c) Material
Hot applied thermoplastic compound liter 930.00 258.31 240,227.37
Reflectorizing glass beads kg 100.00 169.00 16,900.00
Sub-total (C) 257,127.37
Total (A+B+C) 281,435.37
Overhead 15% 42,215.31
Total 323,650.68 809.13

ii On rough surface ( similar to surface dressing)

Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at
least 2mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as per DOR
Traffic sign manual/Specifications. The finished surface to be
level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.[SS DOR1504]

Unit =Sqm (For 300 Sqm)

a) Labour
Skilled / Painter day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
Sub-total (A) 4,538.00
b) Equipment
Road marking machine ( boiler + Applicator + Template) hour 10.00 569.00 5,690.00
Tractor-trolley hour 10.00 1,408.00 14,080.00
Sub-total (B) 19,770.00
c) Material
Hot applied thermoplastic compound liter 1200.00 258.31 309,970.80
Reflectorizing glass beads kg 150.00 169.31 25,396.35
Sub-total (C) 335,367.15
Total (A+B+C) 359,675.15
Overhead 15% 53,951.27
Total 413,626.42 1,378.75

Providing and fixing of road stud 100x100 mm, die-cast in

aluminum, resistant to corrosive effect of salt and grit, fitted
15.10 1505 with lenses reflectors, installed in concrete or asphaltic surface
by drilling hole 30 mm upto a depth of 60 mm and bedded in a
suitable bituminous grout or epoxy mortar, all as per
Specification clause 1505.
Providing and fixing of road stud 100x100 mm, die-cast in
aluminum, resistant to corrosive effect of salt and grit, fitted
with lenses reflectors, installed in concrete or asphaltic surface
by drilling hole 30mm upto a depth of 60mm and bedded in a
suitable bituminous grout or epoxy mortar, all as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at
least 2 mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as
per DOR Traffic sign manual/ Specifications .The finished
surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.

Unit =no. (For 50 Nos)

a) Labour
Skilled / Painter day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 2.00 652.00 1,304.00
Sub-total (A) 2,269.00
b) Material
i. Aluminum studs 100 x 100 mm fitted with lenses reflectors nos.
ii. Solar power studs nos. 50.00 618.00 30,900.00
iii. Cats eye nos.
Sub-total (B) 30,900.00
i Aluminum studs 100 x 100 mm fitted with lenses reflectors
Add 10 per cent of cost of Material for fixing and installation
ii Solar power studs 3,090.00
Add 10 per cent of cost of Material for fixing and installation
iii Cats eye
Add 10 per cent of cost of Material for fixing and installation
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Total (A+B) 36,259.00
Overhead 15% 5,438.85
Total 41,697.85 833.96

15.11 1506 Kilometer Stone

Providing and Fixing Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade
kilometer Post including painting and printing as per
Standard Drawing-2070 and Technical Specifications. position

(i) Five kilometer Post (precast)

Unit = no. (For 6 Nos.)
a) i. M-15 grade of concrete cum 1.20 9,682.35 11,618.82
a) ii M-10 grade of concrete cum 1.20 8,177.12 9,812.54
b) Steel reinforcement kg 63.60 94.15 5,987.69
c) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 1.20 618.10 741.72
d) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 10.20 788.64 8,044.11
e) Lettering on km post cm- 1800.00 5.00 9,000.00
Transportation and fixing at site letter
f) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
g) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 3.00 1,408.00 4,224.00
Total (A-G) 54,305.88
Overhead 15% 8,145.88
Total 62,451.76 10,408.63

(ii) One kilometer post (precast)

Unit = no. (For 14 Nos.)
a) i. M-15 grade of concrete cum 1.40 9,682.35 13,555.29
a) ii M-10 grade of concrete cum 2.38 8,177.12 19,461.54
b) Steel reinforcement as per standard drawing kg 82.88 94.15 7,802.82
c) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 2.38 618.10 1,471.08
d) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 11.90 788.64 9,384.80
e) Lettering on km post cm - 1680.00 5.00 8,400.00
Transportation and fixing at site
f) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 7.00 652.00 4,564.00
g) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 3.00 1,408.00 4,224.00
Total (A-G) 70,793.53
Overhead 15% 10,619.03
Total 81,412.56 5,815.18

15.12 1507 Road Delineators Post

Providing and installation of 150 mm * 150 mm 1. 5 m
long delineators (road way indicators, hazard markers,
object markers), 80-100 cm high above ground level,
painted black and white in 20 cm wide strips, buried or
pressed into the ground and conforming to the drawings
and Technical Specifications.

Unit = no. (For 30 Nos.)

a) M-15 grade of concrete cum 1.01 9,682.35 9,779.17
b) Steel reinforcement as per standard drawing ( 4 Nos 8 mm kg 112.80 94.15 10,619.67
dia and 11 Nos 6 mm dia stirrups)
c) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 0.47 618.10 290.51
d) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 14.40 788.64 11,356.40
Transportation and fixing
e) Labour
Skilled (Mason) day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 7.00 652.00 4,564.00
f) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 3.00 1,408.00 4,224.00
Total (A-F) 41,798.74
Overhead 15% 6,269.81
Total 48,068.55 1,602.29

15.13 1508 Reinforced Cement Concrete Crash Barrier

Providing and Fixing Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier
at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and
medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD
reinforcement and dowel bars 25mm dia, 450 mm long at
expansion joints filled with pre-molded asphalt filler board,
keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per
design, Drawing and Technical Specifications.[SS DOR1508]

Unit = meter (For 10 m.)

Taking output = 10 m
a) M-20 grade of concrete
M-20 grade of concrete cum 3.00 11,838.47 35,515.42
Total (A) 35,515.42
B) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Unskilled day 2.00 652.00 1,304.00
Total (B) 2,269.00
C) Material
HYSD steel reinforcement including dowel bars ( providing tonne 0.28 94,146.00 26,360.88
and laying all complete)
Pre-molded asphalt filler board sqm 0.32 500.00 160.00
Total (C) 26,520.88
Excavation and backfilling : 25 % of Labour component 567.25
Total (A-C) 64,872.55
Overhead 15% 9,730.88
Total 74,603.43 7,460.34

15.14 1511 Metal Beam Crash Barrier

A Type - A, "W" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier
Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier
comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70
cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel
vertical post, 150x75x5 mm spaced 2m center to center, 1.8 m
high, 1.1 m below ground/road level metal beam rail to be fixed
on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150x75x5
mm, 330 mm long complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications.[SS DOR1511]
Unit = meter (For 40 m.)
A) Labour
Skilled (Blacksmith) day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 10.00 652.00 6,520.00
Total (A) 7,485.00
B) Material
Hot dip galvanized Corrugated W beam sheet 3 mm thick Kg 563.61 200.41 112,954.21
Hot dip galvanized Channel post 150 x 75 x 5 mm, Kg 695.52 200.41 139,390.55
Hot dip galvanized Spacer Channel 150 x 75 x 5 mm Kg 127.51 200.41 25,554.53
M 20 grade concrete cum 0.99 11,838.47 11,720.09
E/W excavation for post cum 0.99 530.54 525.23
Add 25 per cent of the cost of Material for fabrication, nuts, 72,536.15
bolts and washers etc.)
Total (B) 362,680.77
C) Equipment 1,871.25
Tractor-Trolley hour 3.00 1,408.00 4,224.00
Total (C) 4,224.00
Total (A-C) 84,245.15
Overhead 15% 12,636.77
Total 96,881.93 2,422.05

B Type - B, "THRIE" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier

Providing and erecting a "Thrie" metal beam crash barrier
comprising of 3mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail,
85cm above road/groundlevel, fixed on ISMC series channel
vertical post, 150x75x5mm spaced 2m center to center, 2.1m
high with 1.3m below ground level, metal beam rail to be fixed
on the vertical post with a space of channel section
150x75x5mm, 546mm long complete as per Drawing and
Technical specifications. [SS DOR1509]
Unit = meter (For 40 m.)
A) Labour
Skilled (Blacksmith) day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Total (A) 8,789.00
B) Material
Hot dip galvanized Corrugated W beam sheet 3 mm thick Kg 913.19 200.41 183,014.23
Hot dip galvanized Channel post 150 x 75 x 5 mm, Kg 811.44 200.41 162,622.31
Hot dip galvanized Spacer Channel 150 x 75 x 5 mm Kg 137.64 200.41 27,584.71
M 20 grade concrete cum 1.13 11,838.47 13,377.47
E/W excavation for post cum 1.13 530.54 599.51
Add 25 per cent of the cost of Material for fabrication, nuts, 96,799.56
bolts and washers etc.)
Total (B) 483,997.79
C) Equipment 2,197.25
Tractor-Trolley hour 3.00 1,408.00 4,224.00
Total (C) 4,224.00
Total (A-C) 109,812.56
Overhead 15% 16,471.88
Total 126,284.44 3,157.11

1804, Providing , Preparing and Installing form work including
1805 necessary supports and removing after completion for walls.
Class F2 Finish
Vertical Plain surface
a Using timber(Soft wood)
Unit =sqm ( For 10 sqm)
i Height upto 3 m
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.0 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 3.0 652.00 1,956.00
b) Material
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Ply wood 10 mm thick. sqm 11.0 60.00 660.00
Timber cum 0.6 5,775.85 3,465.51 Eight Times
Nails, spikes, etc. kg 4.0 120.00 480.00 use
Total (A-B) 9,456.51
Overhead 15% 1,418.48
Total 10,874.99 1,087.50


20.1 2000 Providing and laying of Plain Cement Concrete M 10 ( or 1:3:6
for nominal mix) in Foundation complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Unit = cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 2 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 22 652.00 14,344.00
Total (A) 16,274.00
b) Material
40 mm Aggregate cum 13.5 2,545.55 34,364.87
coarse Sand cum 6.75 1,415.93 9,557.51
cement tonne 3.45 15,899.19 54,852.19
Cost of water KL 2 189.10 378.21
Total (B) 99,152.78
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 323.00 1,938.00
Generator hour 6 882.00 5,292.00
Total (C) 7,230.00
Total (A-C) 122,656.78
Overhead 15% 18,398.52
Total 141,055.30 9,403.69

20.2 2000 Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in

Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical
A PCC Grade M 15
Unit = cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 30 652.00 19,560.00
Total (A) 22,455.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 4.13 15,899.19 65,663.63
Coarse sand cum 6.75 1,415.93 9,557.51
40 mm Aggregate cum 8.1 2,545.55 20,618.92
20 mm Aggregate cum 4.05 2,545.55 10,309.46
10 mm Aggregate cum 1.35 2,545.55 3,436.49
Cost of water KL 2 189.10 378.21
Total (B) 109,964.23
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 323.00 1,938.00
Generator hour 6 882.00 5,292.00
Total (C) 7,230.00
d) Formwork @ 4 per cent on cost of concrete i.e. cost of 5,585.97
Material, Labour and Equipment
Total (A-D) 145,235.20
Overhead 15% 21,785.28
Total 167,020.48 11,134.70

B PCC Grade M 30
Unit = cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 30 652.00 19,560.00
Total (A) 22,455.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 6.08 15,899.19 96,667.05
Coarse sand cum 6.75 1,415.93 9,557.51
40 mm Aggregate cum 5.4 2,545.55 13,745.95
20 mm Aggregate cum 5.4 2,545.55 13,745.95
10 mm Aggregate cum 2.7 2,545.55 6,872.97
Cost of water KL 2.5 189.10 472.76
Total (B) 141,062.19
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 323.00 1,938.00
Generator hour 6 882.00 5,292.00
Total (C) 7,230.00
d) Formwork @ 4 per cent on cost of concrete i.e. cost of 6,829.89
Material, Labour and Equipment
Total (A-C) 177,577.08
Overhead 15% 26,636.56
Total 204,213.64 13,614.24

C RCC Grade M 20
Unit = cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 965.00 2,895.00
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Unskilled day 30 652.00 19,560.00
Total (A) 22,455.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 5.21 15,899.19 82,834.75
Coarse sand cum 6.75 1,415.93 9,557.51
20 mm Aggregate cum 8.1 2,545.55 20,618.92
10 mm Aggregate cum 5.4 2,545.55 13,745.95
Cost of water KL 2.5 189.10 472.76
Total (B) 127,229.90
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 323.00 1,938.00
Generator hour 6 882.00 5,292.00
Total (C) 7,230.00
d) Formwork @ 4 per cent on (a+b+c) 6,276.60
Total (A-C) 163,191.50
Overhead 15% 24,478.72
Total 187,670.22 12,511.35

Providing and laying , fitting and placing HYSD bar

20.5 2014 reinforcement in sub-structure complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications
Unit= tonne (For 1 tonne)
a) Labour for cutting, bending, shifting to site, tying and
placing in position
Skilled ( Blacksmith) day 4 965.00 3,860.00
A Unskilled day 9 652.00 5,868.00
b) Material
HYSD bars tonne 1.1 94,146.00 103,560.60
Binding wire kg 8 264.40 2,115.20
Total (A-B) 115,403.80
Overhead 15% 17,310.57
Total 132,714.37 132,714.37


24.1 2401 Gabion Structure for Retaining Earth
Providing and laying Gabion structure for retaining earth with
diaphragm including rolling, cutting weaving , placing, laying
sides and diaphragms with binding wire and filling boulders all
complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification

A Hexagonal mesh type 100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm,

selvage wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm
i Box size 3 X 1 X 1 m ( 16 sqm) cum
b) Material
Gabion boxes/mattresses sqm 16.0 273.16 4,370.53
Binding wire kg 1.81 120.16 217.49
Assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes /mattresses sqm 16 52.81 845.00
Providing and filling stone cum 1.0 2,678.13 2,678.13
Total 8,111.15 2,703.72

ii Box size 2 X 1 X 1 m ( 11 sqm) cum

b) Material
Gabion boxes/mattresses sqm 11.00 273.16 3,004.74
Binding wire kg 1.3 120.16 156.21
Assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes /mattresses sqm 11 52.81 580.94
Providing and filling stone cum 1.0 2,678.13 2,678.13
Total 6,420.02 3,210.01

iii Box size 1.5 X 1 X 1 m ( 9 sqm ) cum

b) Material
Gabion boxes/mattresses sqm 9 273.16 2,458.43
Binding wire kg 1.25 120.16 150.20
Assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes /mattresses sqm 9 52.81 475.31
Providing and filling stone cum 1.0 2,678.13 2,678.13
Total 5,762.07 3,841.38

iv Box size 1.0 X 1 X 1 m ( 6 sqm) cum

b) Material
Gabion boxes/mattresses sqm 6 273.16 1,638.95
Binding wire kg 0.76 120.16 91.32
Assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes /mattresses sqm 6 52.81 316.88
Providing and filling stone cum 1.0 2,678.13 2,678.13
Total 4,725.28 4,725.28

Providing mechanically woven double twisted crates /

mattress including rolling, cutting and with lacing wire and
24.2 2402 binding wire as per specification.
A Heavy zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type 100 mm x 120 mm, sqm 1 273.16 273.16 273.16
mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes /mattresses,
placing in position including stretching; forming compartments;
tying the sides and diaphragms with binding wire in each mesh;
tying with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid
complete as per specification (stone filling not included)

Unit = sqm (For 160 sqm)

a) Labour
Skilled day 2 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 10 652.00 6,520.00
Total 8,450.00 52.81

2402 Providing and filling stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress

etc.. Including dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as per
24.4 Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = cum (For 10 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 2 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 8 652.00 5,216.00
b) Material
Boulder / Stone cum 11 1,785.03 19,635.31
Total 26,781.31 2,678.13

Laying and fixing of Geo-Textile all complete as per

24.5 2404
Providing and laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and
embankment slopes as per Drawing and Technical
Unit = sqm (For 300 sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 2 652.00 1,304.00
b) Material
Geotextile sqm 360 117.00 42,120.00
Sub Total 44,389.00
Overhead 15% 6,658.35
Total 51,047.35 170.16

A Providing mechanically woven double twisted crates /

mattress(Heavy Zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type 100X120
mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvedge wire 3.90 mm, lacing wire 2.40
mm ) including rolling cutting and with lacing wire and binding
wire and filling stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc.
including dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as per
drawing and technical specification
Unit = cum (For 1cum)
Providing mechanically woven double twisted crates / mattress sqm 5.60 273.16 1,529.69
including rolling, cutting and with lacing wire and binding wire as per
Assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes /mattresses, placing sqm 5.60 52.81 295.75
in position including stretching; forming compartments; tying the
sides and diaphragms with binding wire in each mesh; tying with
bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid complete as per
specification (stone filling not included)
Providing and filling stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc.. cum 1.00 2,678.13 2,678.13
Including dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications.
Sub-Total 4,503.57
Overhead 15% 675.54
Total 5,179.10 5,179.10

B Machine made gabion boxes (Hexagonal Mesh size 100 mm x cum 3,620.09
120 mm, Mesh wire 3mm, Selvedge wire 3.9 mm & Bending wire
2.64 mm) including stone filling and all complete

Total (A-B) 3,620.09

Overhead 15% 543.01
Total 4,163.11 4,163.11

Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter

media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
24.15 2416
embankment complete as per drawing and Technical
A Stone/Boulder
Unit= cum (For 1 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3 652.00 1,956.00
b) Material
Stone weighing > 40 Kg cum 1.0 1,785.03 1,785.03
Stone spall (minimum 25mm size) cum 0.2 1,785.03 357.01

Total (A-C) 5,063.03

Overhead 15% 759.46
Total 5,822.49 5,822.49
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)

Providing and laying HDPE pipes with perforations including

24.20 2414
A series II, HDPE pipe 250 mm dia
Unit= meter (For 100 meter)
a) Labour
Semi Skilled day 2 665.00 1,330.00
Skilled day 3 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 10 652.00 6,520.00
b) Material
HDPE pipes 250mm meter 110.0 1,995.00 219,450.00
c) Equipment
Generator hour 24 882.00 21,168.00
Screw jack hour 18 15.00 270.00
Electric heating Plate hour 18 26.00 468.00
Electric hand Driller hour 12 20.00 240.00

Total (A-C) 252,341.00

Overhead 15% 37,851.15
Total 290,192.15 2,901.92

B series II, HDPE pipe 160 mm dia

Unit= meter (For 100 meter)
a) Labour
Semi Skilled day 2 665.00 1,330.00
Skilled day 3 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 10 652.00 6,520.00
b) Material
HDPE pipes 160mm meter 110.0 1,050.00 115,500.00
c) Equipment
Generator hour 24 882.00 21,168.00
Screw jack hour 18 15.00 270.00
Electric heating Plate hour 18 26.00 468.00
Electric hand Driller hour 12 20.00 240.00

Total (A-C) 148,391.00

Overhead 15% 22,258.65
Total 170,649.65 1,706.50

Providing and laying Plum concrete ( Boulder mixed concrete)

24.21 2421
as per Drawing and Specifications
A 60% M 15 concrete and 40% boulders/stones
I Using Mechanical Aids
Unit= cum (For 10 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 965.00 2,895.00
Unskilled day 30 652.00 19,560.00
Total (A) 22,455.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 1.7 15,899.19 27,028.61
20-40 mm cum 3.45 2,545.55 8,782.13
10-20 mm cum 1.56 2,545.55 3,971.05
5-10 mm cum 0.72 2,545.55 1,832.79
sand cum 3 1,415.93 4,247.78
Boulder stones cum 4.4 1,785.03 7,854.12
Total (B) 53,716.50
c) Equipment
concrete mixer hour 6 323.00 1,938.00
concrete vibrator hour 6 713.00 4,278.00
Total (C) 6,216.00
Total (A-C) 82,387.50
d) 4% of material, labor and equipment for formwork 3,295.50
Overhead 15% 12,358.13
Total 98,041.13 9,804.11

B 70% M 15 concrete and 30% boulders/stones

I Using Mechanical Aids
Unit= cum (For 10 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 4 965.00 3,860.00
Unskilled day 30 652.00 19,560.00
Total (A) 23,420.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 1.95 15,899.19 31,003.41
20-40 mm cum 4 2,545.55 10,182.18
10-20 mm cum 1.8 2,545.55 4,581.98
5-10 mm cum 0.8 2,545.55 2,036.44
sand cum 3.45 1,415.93 4,884.95
Boulder stones cum 3.3 1,785.03 5,890.59
Total (B) 58,579.56
c) Equipment
concrete mixer hour 6 323.00 1,938.00
concrete vibrator hour 6 713.00 4,278.00
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Total (C) 6,216.00
Total (A-C) 88,215.56
Overhead 15% 13,232.33
Total 101,447.89 10,144.79

24.22 2414 Sub-Surface Drains with Perforated Pipe

Providing and laying subsurface drain with perforated pipe of
100 mm internal diameter of metal/ asbestos cement/ cement
concrete/PVC, closely jointed, perforations ranging from 3 mm
to 6 mm depending upon size of material surrounding the pipe,
with 150 mm bedding below the pipe and 300 mm cushion
above the pipe,. as per Drawing and Specifications.
Unit= meter (For 10 meter)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3 652.00 1,956.00
Total (A) 2,921.00
b) Material
Perforated pipe of cement concrete, internal dia 100 mm meter 11 1,483.91 16,323.01
Crushed stone as per specification cum 2.4 2,545.55 6,109.31
Total (B) 22,432.32
Total (A-B) 25,353.32
Overhead 15% 3,803.00
Total 29,156.32 2,915.63

24.23 2414 Aggregate Sub-Surface Drains

Providing and laying aggregate sub surface drain 300 mm x 450
mm with aggregates conforming to table 300-4, excavated
material to be utilized in roadway.
Unit= meter (For 10 meter)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 965.00 965.00
Unskilled day 3 652.00 1,956.00
Total (A) 2,921.00
b) Material
Crushed stone as per specification cum 1.35 2,545.55 3,436.49
Total (B) 3,436.49
Total (A-B) 6,357.49
Overhead 15% 953.62
Total 7,311.11 731.11

24.24 2414 Underground Drain at Edge of Pavement

Providing and laying an underground drain 1 m x 1 m (inside
dimensions) lined with RCC-20 cm thick and covered with RCC
slab 10 cm in thickness on urban roads.
Unit= meter (For 1 meter)
a) Earthwork in Soil cum 1.5 84.35 126.53
b) RCC work M-20 cum 0.495 10,879.43 5,385.32
c) Reinforcement work @3% of concrete volume kg 117 115.40 13,502.24
Total (A) 19,014.09
Overhead 15% 2,852.11
Total 21,866.21 21,866.21


25.1 2500 Providing and laying Brick Masonry Work in Cement mortar in
Foundation / structure complete excluding Pointing and
Plastering, as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Unit = cum (For 5 cum)

C Cement sand mortar (1:4)
a) Labour
Skilled day 6.00 965.00 5,790.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Total (A) 13,614.00
b) Material
Bricks Ist class nos 2800.00 14.47 40,522.39
Cement tonne 0.48 15,899.19 7,631.61
Sand cum 1.35 1,415.93 1,911.50
Cost of water KL 0.10 189.10 18.91
Total (B) 50,084.41
Total (A-B) 63,698.41
Overhead 15% 9,554.76
Total 73,253.17 14,650.63

25.2 2500 Providing and laying Brick masonry work in superstructure/ sub-
structure complete excluding pointing and plastering, as per
drawing and Technical Specifications
Unit = cum (For 5 cum)
C Cement sand mortar (1:4)
a) Labour
Skilled day 7.00 965.00 6,755.00
Unskilled day 14.00 652.00 9,128.00
Total (A) 15,883.00
b) Material
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Bricks Ist class nos 2800.00 14.47 40,522.39
Cement tonne 0.48 15,899.19 7,631.61
Sand cum 1.35 1,415.93 1,911.50
Cost of water KL 0.10 189.10 18.91
Add 5 per cent of cost of Labour and material for scaffolding 3,298.37
Total (B) 53,382.78
Total (A-B) 69,265.78
Overhead 15% 10,389.87
Total 79,655.65 15,931.13

25.3 2500 Providing, and applying Pointing with cement mortar (1:3 ) on
brick work in structure as per Technical Specifications .
Unit = sqm (For 100 sqm)

a) Labour
Skilled day 10.00 965.00 9,650.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Total (A) 17,474.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 0.15 15,899.19 2,384.88
Sand cum 0.32 1,415.93 453.10
Cost of water KL 1.00 189.10 189.10
Total (B) 3,027.08
Total (A-B) 20,501.08
Overhead 15% 3,075.16
Total 23,576.24 235.76

25.4 2500 Providing and applying 12.5 mm thick Plaster with cement
mortar on brick work structure as per technical specification.

Unit = sqm (For 10 sqm)

A Cement Mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand)
a) Labour
Skilled day 10.00 965.00 9,650.00
Unskilled day 12.00 652.00 7,824.00
Total (A) 17,474.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 0.96 15,899.19 15,263.22
Sand cum 1.38 1,415.93 1,953.98
Cost of water KL 0.30 189.10 56.73
Total (B) 17,273.93
Total (A-B) 34,747.93
Overhead 15% 5,212.19
Total 39,960.12 3,996.01


26.1 2602, Providing and laying of dry Stone Masonry Work as per
2603, Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit= cum (For 5 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 4.00 965.00 3,860.00
Unskilled day 8.00 652.00 5,216.00
b) Material
Stone cum 5.75 1,785.03 10,263.91
Total (A-B) 19,339.91
Overhead 15% 2,900.99
Total 22,240.90 4,448.18

26.5 2600 Providing and laying Stone Masonry work in cement mortar 1:4
in structure complete as per Drawing and Technical
A 2607 Random Rubble Masonry
( coursed/uncoursed )
Unit= cum (For 5 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 7.00 965.00 6,755.00
Unskilled day 20.00 652.00 13,040.00
b) Material
Stone cum 5.75 1,785.03 10,263.91
Cement tonne 0.66 15,899.19 10,493.46
Sand cum 1.85 1,415.93 2,619.47
Cost of water KL 1.00 189.10 189.10
Add 5 per cent of cost of Labour and material for scaffolding 989.75
Total (A+B) 44,350.69
Overhead 15% 6,652.60
Total 51,003.30 10,200.66

Providing and Pointing with cement mortar on masonry work

26.7 in structure as per Technical Specifications
A cement mortar (1:3 )
Unit = sqm (For 100 sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 9.00 965.00 8,685.00
Unskilled day 9.00 652.00 5,868.00
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
b) Material
Cement tonne 0.31 15,899.19 4,928.75
Sand cum 0.63 1,415.93 892.03
Cost of water KL 0.05 189.10 9.46
Total (A-B) 20,383.24
Overhead 15% 3,057.49
Total 23,440.72 234.41


28.6 2805 Compost and mulch production
A Mulch production by collection and cutting of weeds and other
vegetation such as tite pati, banmara etc., within 1 km of the
road, and stacking along roadside.
Unit= cum (For 1 cum)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.12 652.00 78.24
b) Material
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Hansia, Doko and other T & P 2.35
Sub-total 80.59
Total 80.59 80.59

Compost production by collection and cutting of weeds and

other vegetation such as tite pati, banmara etc., within 1 km of
the road, including fine cutting and filling compost pit.

Unit= cum (For 1 cum)

a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.12 652.00 78.24
b) Material
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Hansia, Doko and other T & P 2.35
Sub-total 80.59
Total 80.59 80.59

28.8 2807 Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o including
preparation of slips on site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod
E or Operation includes digging planting hole to hard-wood peg,
depending on the nature of the soil. The planting drills should
be space [SS DOR 2807]
Unit = sqm ( For 1 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.20 652.00 130.40
b) Material
Grass slips/ no of drills Cuttings nos 100.00 3.30 330.00
Hessian Jute sqm 0.27 60.00 16.20
2807 c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Ms rod or hard wood peg and other T&P 3.91
Sub-Total 480.51
Overhead 15% 72.08
Total 552.59 552.59

Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes 45o - 60o including

preparation of slips on site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod
F or Operation includes digging planting hole to hard-wood peg,
depending on the nature of the soil. The planting drills should
28.8 2807 be space
Unit = sqm ( For 1 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.30 652.00 195.60
b) Material
Grass slips/ no of drills Cuttings nos 100.00 3.30 330.00
Hessian Jute sqm 0.27 60.00 16.20
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Ms rod or hard wood peg and other T&P 5.87

Sub-Total 547.67
Overhead 15% 82.15
Total 629.82 629.82

Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes > 60o including

preparation of slips on site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod
G or Operation includes digging planting hole to hard-wood peg,
depending on the nature of the soil. The planting drills should
be space
Unit = sqm ( For 1 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.40 652.00 260.80
b) Material
Grass slips/ no of drills Cuttings nos 100.00 3.30 330.00
Hessian Jute sqm 0.27 60.00 16.20
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Ms rod or hard wood peg and other T&P 7.82
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
Sub-Total 614.82
Overhead 15% 92.22
Total 707.05 707.05

28.9 2807 Planting shrub and tree seedling and cutting on site
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including
pitting, transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes <
B 30o . Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix Compost with soil
and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume [SS DOR 2807]

Unit = nos. (For 10 nos.)

a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.33 652.00 215.16
b) Material
Seedling nos 10.00 12.00 120.00
Compost cum 0.05 80.59 4.03
Green mulch cum 0.04 80.59 3.22
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Khanti Doko and other T&P 6.45
Sub-Total 348.87
Overhead 15% 52.33
Total 401.20 40.12

Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including

pitting, transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes
C 30o . - 400 Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix Compost with
soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume

Unit = nos. (For 10 nos.)

a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.40 652.00 260.80
b) Material
Seedling nos 10.00 12.00 120.00
Compost cum 0.05 80.59 4.03
Green mulch cum 0.04 80.59 3.22
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Khanti Doko and other T&P 7.82
Sub-Total 395.88
Overhead 15% 59.38
Total 455.26 45.53
28.10 D 2807 Supply, Preparation and planting of live cuttings of
selected species (eg assuro, namdi phul, simali) of
minimum 1 m length to 0.5 m into soft debris. Pegs
spaced at 5 cm centres within rows, with 5-20 cm between
rows, and interwoven with vegetation. SS DoR 2807

Unit = Rm. (For 1m.)

a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.12 652.00 78.24
b) Material
Live pegs nos 20.00 0.50 10.00
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for Crowbar and other T&P 2.35
Sub-Total 90.59
Overhead 15% 13.59
Total 104.18 104.18
29.1 2902 Carryout Routine ( regular maintenance) of Black top/ Gravel
A road in Plain (Terai) area as per Technical Specifications and
direction of the Engineer,
Unit = Km - day
Skilled day 0.05 965.00 48.25
Unskilled day 0.20 652.00 130.40
Sub-Total (A) 178.65
b) Material
fuel 5 % of Labour cost 8.93
Training ARMP 1.7 % of Labour 3.04
Insurance 1 % of Labour cost 1.79
First aid 0.3 % of Labour 0.54
c) Equipment
Tools and plants 9 % of Labour cost 16.08
Maintenance of tools 3 % of Labour cost 5.36
Total (A-C) 214.38
Overhead 15% 32.16
Total 246.54 7,396.11

29.1 2902 Carryout Routine ( regular maintenance) of Black top/ Gravel

B road in Hilly area as per Technical Specifications and direction
of the Engineer,
Unit = Km - day
Skilled day 0.05 965.00 48.25
Unskilled day 0.33 652.00 215.16
Sub-Total (A) 263.41
b) Material
Ref. to Amount
S No Description of Works / Resources Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Unit Rate
SS (NRs.)
fuel 5 % of Labour cost 13.17
Training ARMP 1.7 % of Labour 4.48
Insurance 1 % of Labour cost 2.63
First aid 0.3 % of Labour 0.79
c) Equipment
Tools and plants 9 % of Labour cost 23.71
Maintenance of tools 3 % of Labour cost 7.90
Total (A-C) 316.09
Overhead 15% 47.41
Total 363.51 10,905.17


31.6 3105 Tubular Steel Railing on Medium Weight Steel Channel (ISMC
series) 100 mm x 50 mm
Providing, fixing and erecting 50mm dia steel pipe railing in 3
rows duly painted on medium weight steel channels
(ISMCseries) 100mmx50mm, 1.2 metres high above ground, 2m
center to center, complete as per Drawing and Technical
Unit = meter ( For 100 meter)
i) Excavation for foundation cum 12.96 107.21 1,389.42
ii) Foundation concrete M-15 cum 6.48 9,682.35 62,741.61
iii) Painting of pipe sqm 47.10 157.27 7,407.55
iv) Painting of channel section sqm 21.60 157.27 3,397.09
a) Labour (For fixing at site)
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
Plumber / skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Sub-Total (A) 78,508.67
b) Material
Steel pipe 50 mm external dia as per IS: 1239 meter 300.00 644.87 193,461.00
Medium weight steel channel (ISMC series) 100 mm x 50 mm, kg 993.60 1612.01 1,601,695.12
10.8 metres length @ 9.2 kg per meter
Add for drilling holes @ 2 per cent of cost of channels 32,033.90
Sub-Total (B) 1,827,190.03
c) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-Total (C) 8,448.00
Total (A-C) 1,914,146.69
Overhead 15% 287,122.00
Total 2,201,268.70 22,012.69

31.7 3105 Tubular Steel Railing on Precast RCC Posts ,1.2m High Above
Ground Level
Providing, fencing and erecting 50mm dia painted steel pipe
railing in 3 rows on precast M20 grade RCC vertical posts 1.8
metres high (1.2m above GL) with 3 holes 50mm dia for pipe,
fixed 2 metres center to, complete as pe rDrawing and
Technical Specifications.
Unit = meter ( For 100 meter)
i) Excavation for foundation cum 12.96 107.21 1,389.42
ii) Foundation concrete M-15 cum 6.48 9,682.35 62,741.61
iii) Painting of pipe sqm 47.10 157.27 7,407.55
a) Labour (For fixing at site)
Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00
Plumber / skilled day 1.00 965.00 965.00
Sub-Total (A) 76,415.58
b) Material
Steel pipe 50 mm external dia as per IS: 1239 meter 300.00 644.87 193,461.00
Sub-Total (B) 193,461.00
c) Equipment
Tractor-trolley hour 6.00 1,408.00 8,448.00
Sub-Total (C) 8,448.00
Total (A-C) 278,324.58
Overhead 15% 41,748.69
Total 320,073.26 3,200.73
Energy Source Rate
Description of Energy
S.No. Unit Rate
1 Diesel Litre 145.00
2 Kerosene Litre 145.00
3 Petrol Litre 150.00
4 Lubricant Litre 530.97
Electricity Less than
5 Unit 12.50
Electricity more than
6 Unit 13.50

Operation Charges in NRs. Per Hour Energy Source for Output in Unit per Hour
Ownership Amount of Electricity Amount of Heating
Charge in Fuel Fuel in Rate in Electricity Fuel in Fuel Rate Amount of
Equipment Description of Capacity/ NRs. Per Operator Maintenan Consumption Fuel Rate in NRs. Per Electricity NRs. Per in NRs. Per Litre per in NRs. Fuel in NRs. Total Rate of
Item No. Equipment Activity Usage Output Output Unit Hour (Crew) Servicing ce Litre per Unit NRs. Per Litre Unit Unit per Unit Unit Unit Unit Per Litre Per Unit Equipment Remarks
P&M-001 Air Compressor General Purpose cfm 170/250 Hour 192 120.625 42 50 5.73 145 830 12.5 0 145 0 1234
Batching and Mixing
P&M-002 Plant Concrete Mixing cu.m. 30 Hour 1221 600 530 408 16.38 145 2375 12.5 0 145 0 5134
Batching and Mixing 15.00-
P&M-003 Plant Concrete Mixing cu.m. 20.00 Hour 651 480 132 218 4.1 145 594 12.5 0 145 0 2075
Bitumen Pressure sqm. Per
P&M-006 Distributor Spraying Bitumen Hour 1750 Hour 443 202.125 63 176 10.24 145 1484 0 12.5 0 3 145 435 2803
Decanter( Bitumen
P&M-005 Bitumen Boiler Oil Fired Spreying) Litre 1500 Hour 40 0 3 8 1.96 145 284 12.5 0 5 145 725 1060
Concrete Paver Paving Concrete cu.m. per
P&M-006 Finisher Surface Hour 20 Hour 472 360 567 163 145 0 26.86 13.5 362 145 0 1924
cu.m. per
P&M-007 Concrete Pump Concrete Pumping Hour 33.00/22.00 Hour 740 450 198 163 6.12 145 887 12.5 0 145 0 2438
P&M-008 Concrete Bucket Concrete Pouring cu.m. 1 Hour 12 5 145 0 12.5 0 145 0 17
P&M-009 Concrete Mixer Concrete Mixing cu.m. 0.4 Hour 49 240 17 16 0.51 145 73 12.5 0 145 0 395
P&M-010 Concrete Mixer Concrete Mixing cu.m. 1 Hour 31 0 3 11 1.92 145 278 0 0 145 0 323
P&M-011 Crane Mobile Lifting Purpose Ton 80 Hour 7833 480 582 2696 18 145 2610 12.5 0 145 0 14201
P&M-012 Crane Mobile Lifting Purpose Ton 35 Hour 2844 360 378 977 11.7 145 1696 12.5 0 145 0 6255
P&M-013 Crane Mobile Lifting Purpose Ton 3 Hour 1176 300 175 389 5.4 145 783 12.5 0 145 0 2823
Spreading, Cutting
P&M-014 Track Dozer and Clearing cu.m. 100/150/250 Hour 1300 120.625 330 550 14.14 145 2050 12.5 0 145 0 4350
Spreading, Cutting
P&M-015 Track Dozer and Clearing cu.m. 100/120/150 Hour 2960 360 457 990 14.14 145 2050 12.5 0 145 0 6817
Application of sqm. Per
P&M-016 Emulsion Distributor Emulsion Tack Hour 1750 Hour 559 480 132 182 4.1 145 594 12.5 0 145 0 1947
Wheeled Front End Soil/ Aggregate cu.m. per
P&M-027 Loader Loading Hour 60/25/ Hour 543 120.625 136 227 9.79 145 1419 12.5 0 145 0 2445
P&M-018 Generator Electric Generation KVA 125 Hour 488 180 419 163 12.96 145 1879 12.5 0 145 0 3129
P&M-019 Generator Electric Generation KVA 63 Hour 77 120.625 10 17 4.54 145 658 12.5 0 145 0 882
Gravel Screening Sub Producing Gravel Sub
P&M-020 Base Plant Base cu.m. 40 Hour 1302 120 70 436 145 0 25 12.5 312 145 0 2240
P&M-021 Hot Mix Plant Premix Production Ton per Hour 120 Hour 4026 600 20316 1346 145 0 325 13.5 4387 600 145 87000 117675
P&M-022 Hot Mix Plant Premix Production Ton per Hour 100 Hour 3315 600 16871 1109 145 0 250 13.5 3375 500 145 72500 97770
P&M-023 Hot Mix Plant Premix Production Ton per Hour 60 Hour 2131 480 10263 713 145 0 200 13.5 2700 300 145 43500 59787
P&M-024 Hot Mix Plant Premix Production Ton per Hour 40 Hour 1658 360 6811 554 145 0 170 13.5 2295 200 145 29000 40678
P&M-025 Hot Mix Plant Premix Production Ton per Hour 20 Hour 693 283.625 108 173 6.91 145 1001 15 12.5 187 200 145 29000 31445
Hydraulic Chips Surface Dressing and sqm. Per
P&M-026 Spreader Otta Sealing Hour 1500 Hour 1877 360 440 645 13.6 145 1972 12.5 0 145 0 5294
Soil/ Aggregate cu.m. per
P&M-020 Hydraulic Excavator Excavation Hour 60 Hour 620 120.625 185 275 14.4 145 2088 12.5 0 145 0 3288
Excavation and
Backhoe Loader (0.2 Loading of Earth and cu.m. per
P&M-028 cu.m. Bucket Capacity) Rock Materials Hour 26 Hour 581 300 258 189 7.99 145 1158 12.5 0 145 0 2486
Integrated Stone
P&M-029 Crusher Stone Crushing Plant Ton per Hour 100 Hour 977 240 99 327 3.06 145 443 12.5 0 145 0 2086
Integrated Stone
P&M-030 Crusher Stone Crushing Plant Ton per Hour 200 Hour 1465 360 178 490 5.51 145 798 12.5 0 145 0 3291
Operation Charges in NRs. Per Hour Energy Source for Output in Unit per Hour
Ownership Amount of Electricity Amount of Heating
Charge in Fuel Fuel in Rate in Electricity Fuel in Fuel Rate Amount of
Equipment Description of Capacity/ NRs. Per Operator Maintenan Consumption Fuel Rate in NRs. Per Electricity NRs. Per in NRs. Per Litre per in NRs. Fuel in NRs. Total Rate of
Item No. Equipment Activity Usage Output Output Unit Hour (Crew) Servicing ce Litre per Unit NRs. Per Litre Unit Unit per Unit Unit Unit Unit Per Litre Per Unit Equipment Remarks
Kerb Casting
P&M-031 Equipment Kerb Block Making RM per Hour 80 Hour 710 300 79 238 2.45 145 355 12.5 0 145 0 1682
Mastic Wearing
P&M-032 Mastic Cooker Surface Ton per Hour 1 Hour 95 180 414 32 1.15 145 166 125 13.5 1687 5 145 725 3299
Clearing/ Spreading/ cu.m. per
P&M-033 Motor Grader Grading Hour 100/200/50 Hour 1016 120.625 256 351 6.67 145 967 12.5 0 145 0 2710
Hydraulic Broomer Surface Clearing and sqm. Per
P&M-038 Mechanical Brooming Hour 1250 Hour 297 202.125 34 68 6.4 145 928 12.5 0 145 0 1529
Mobile Slurry Seal Mixing and Laying sqm. Per
P&M-035 Equipment Slurry Hour 2700 Hour 877 300 224 288 6.94 145 1006 12.5 0 145 0 2695
Paver Finisher DBM/BM/Premix/Asph cu.m. per
P&M-036 Hydrostatic alt Hour 40 Hour 2505 300 449 833 13.87 145 2011 12.5 0 145 0 6098
Paver Finisher DBM/BM/Premix/Asph cu.m. per
P&M-037 Mechanical alt Hour 30 Hour 2357 300 374 783 11.56 145 1676 12.5 0 145 0 5490
Piling Rig with 0.7m Boring
P&M-038 Bentonite Pump Attachment RM per Hour 2 to 3 Hour 814 360 224 272 6.94 145 1006 12.5 0 145 0 2676
Bituminous Surface cu.m. per
P&M-039 Pneumatic Roller Rolling Hour 25 Hour 1552 240 265 527 8.19 145 1187 12.5 0 145 0 3771
Pot Hole Repair cu.m. per
P&M-040 Equipment Potholes Repairing Hour 4 Hour 877 300 224 288 6.94 145 1006 12.5 0 145 0 2695
Prestressing Jack with Stressing of Steel
P&M-041 Pump wires/ Stands Hour 326 180 28 109 145 0 10 12.5 125 145 0 768
Ripper attached with cu.m. per
P&M-042 Tractor Scarifying Hour 40 Hour 83 202.125 13 33 4.5 145 652 12.5 0 145 0 983
Rotavator attached with cu.m. per
P&M-043 Tractor Scarifying Hour 25 Hour 17 60 0 6 145 0 12.5 0 145 0 83
sqm. Per
P&M-044 Road Marking Machine Road Marking Hour 100 Hour 242 240 65 22 145 0 12.5 0 145 0 569
cu.m. per
P&M-045 Smooth Wheeled Roller Soil compaction/ BM Hour 70/25/ Hour 437 300 203 143 6.27 145 909 12.5 0 145 0 1992
Bituminous Surface cu.m. per
P&M-046 Tandem Road Roller Rolling Hour 30 Hour 592 300 177 198 5.49 145 796 12.5 0 145 0 2063
Tipper of 5 cu.m. Earth Mass cu.m. per
P&M-047 Capacity Transportation Hour 5.5 Hour 148 202.125 23 55 6.76 145 980 12.5 0 145 0 1408
Transit Mixer 4/4.5 Transportation of cu.m. per
P&M-048 cu.m. Concrete Hour 4.5 Hour 542 240 163 188 5.88 145 852 12.5 0 145 0 1985
Transit Mixer 4/4.5 Transportation of cu.m. per Ton
P&M-049 cu.m. Concrete Hour 4.5 Km 542 7 0 5 0.19 145 27 12.5 0 145 0 581
P&M-042 Tractor Pulling HP 50 Hour 148 202.125 23 55 6.76 145 980 12.5 0 145 0 1408
P&M-051 Tractor with Rotevator Tractor+Rotevator Hour 265 240 125 87 4.5 145 652 12.5 0 145 0 1369
P&M-052 Tractor with Ripper Tractor+Ripper Hour 272 240 125 90 4.5 145 652 12.5 0 145 0 1379
Truck 5.5 cu.m. per 10
P&M-053 Tonne Materials Transport cu.m. 20 KM 25 12 1 8 0.47 145 68 12.5 0 145 0 114
Truck 5.5 cu.m. per 10
P&M-054 Tonne Materials Transport cu.m. 4.5 Hour 496 240 263 165 9.46 145 1371 12.5 0 145 0 2535
Truck 5.5 cu.m. per 10 Ton
P&M-055 Tonne Materials Transport cu.m. 200 Km 2 1 0 1 0.04 145 5 12.5 0 145 0 9
Vibratory Roller 8 Compaction of Earth/ cu.m. per
P&M-056 Tonne GSB/ WBM Hour 100/60/60 Hour 461 120.625 66 159 7.28 145 1055 12.5 0 145 0 1861
Capacity in
P&M-057 Water Tanker Water Transport KL 6 Hour 529 240 200 177 7.2 145 1044 12.5 0 145 0 2190
For cutting Hard Strata
Air Compressor with such as Hard Clay or
P&M-058 Pneumatic Jack Rock Hour 539 180 64 149 2.3 145 333 12.5 0 145 0 1265
Batch type Cold Mixing
P&M-059 Plant Ton per Hour 75 Hour 592 480 277 198 9.99 145 1448 12.5 0 145 0 2995
cu.m. per
P&M-060 Cold Milling Machine Hour 20 Hour 715 360 256 248 9.22 145 1336 12.5 0 145 0 2915
P&M-061 Crane 5 Ton Capacity Ton Hour 1276 240 275 437 9.9 145 1435 12.5 0 145 0 3663
P&M-062 Crane 10 Ton Capacity Ton Hour 1768 300 325 602 11.7 145 1696 12.5 0 145 0 4691
P&M-063 Crane 15 Ton Capacity Ton 15 Hour 1989 360 375 682 13.5 145 1957 12.5 0 145 0 5363
P&M-064 Crane 20 Ton Capacity Ton 20 Hour 2275 420 400 781 14.4 145 2088 12.5 0 145 0 5964
P&M-065 Crane 40 Ton Capacity Ton 40 Hour 3126 360 449 1073 16.2 145 2349 12.5 0 145 0 7357
Operation Charges in NRs. Per Hour Energy Source for Output in Unit per Hour
Ownership Amount of Electricity Amount of Heating
Charge in Fuel Fuel in Rate in Electricity Fuel in Fuel Rate Amount of
Equipment Description of Capacity/ NRs. Per Operator Maintenan Consumption Fuel Rate in NRs. Per Electricity NRs. Per in NRs. Per Litre per in NRs. Fuel in NRs. Total Rate of
Item No. Equipment Activity Usage Output Output Unit Hour (Crew) Servicing ce Litre per Unit NRs. Per Litre Unit Unit per Unit Unit Unit Unit Per Litre Per Unit Equipment Remarks
Crane with Grab 0.75
cu.m. Capacity Grab 0.75 cu.m.
P&M-066 (Clamshell Crane) Capacity cu.m. Hour 1419 240 275 486 9.9 145 1435 12.5 0 145 0 3855
Crane with Grab 0.75
cu.m. Capacity
P&M-067 (Clamshell Crane) cu.m. Hour 572 240 114 198 4.1 145 594 12.5 0 145 0 1718
Drum Mix Plant for Cold
Mixes of Appropriate
P&M-068 Capacity cu.m. Hour 715 240 128 248 4.61 145 668 12.5 0 145 0 1999
P&M-069 Epoxy Injection Gun cu.m. Hour 323 180 59 59 145 0 14.48 12.5 181 145 0 802
P&M-070 Generator 33 KVA Hour 172 120 144 59 5.18 145 751 12.5 0 145 0 1246
P&M-071 Generator 100 KVA Hour 286 120 336 99 12.1 145 1754 12.5 0 145 0 2595
P&M-072 Generator 250 KVA Hour 644 240 839 223 30.24 145 4384 12.5 0 145 0 6330

For cutting Rigid

P&M-073 Joint Cutting Machine Pavement Structures Hour 572 240 64 198 2.3 145 333 12.5 0 145 0 1407

P&M-074 Jack for Lifting Purpose Lifting Purpose Hour 11 120 4 145 0 12.5 0 145 0 135
Piling Rig including
Double Acting Pile
P&M-075 Driving Hammer Hour 2622 400 479 756 17.28 145 2505 12.5 0 145 0 6762
P&M-076 Plate Compactor Hour 72 120 18 25 0.65 145 94 12.5 0 145 0 329
Snow Blowing
P&M-077 Equipment Hour 429 480 423 149 15.23 145 2208 12.5 0 145 0 3689
P&M-078 Truck Trailer 30 Ton Hour 1267 360 586 429 21.12 145 3062 12.5 0 145 0 5704
P&M-079 Truck Trailer 30 Ton Km 2 1 0 1 0.04 145 5 12.5 0 145 0 9
Vibratory Pile Driving
Hammer Complete with
P&M-080 Accessories Hour 2979 400 479 859 17.28 145 2505 12.5 0 145 0 7222
P&M-081 Wet Mix Plant 75TPH Hour 644 240 128 223 4.61 145 668 12.5 0 145 0 1903
P&M-082 Jeep Utility Vehicle Hour 712 150 196 204 7.06 145 1023 12.5 0 145 0 2285
P&M-083 Weigh Bridge Hour 215 120 0 74 0 145 0 12.5 0 145 0 409

P&M-084 Sand Blasting Machine Hour 848 320 38 248 145 0 1.22 12.5 15 145 0 1469
P&M-085 Generator Hour 10 60 11 3 0.39 145 56 12.5 0 145 0 140
P&M-086 Screw Jack Hour 9 5 0 1 145 0 12.5 0 145 0 15
P&M-087 Electric Heating Plate Hour 3 5 0 1 145 0 1.38 12.5 17 145 0 26
P&M-088 Electric Hand Driller Hour 3 5 3 0 145 0 0.72 12.5 9 145 0 20
Bitumen/ Emulsion
P&M-089 Sprayer Hour 358 120 69 124 1.15 145 166 12.5 0 2.5 145 362 1199
P&M-090 Mixer Machine Hour 436 60 36 124 1.3 145 188 12.5 0 145 0 844
Humus Sprayig
Equipment, Truck
P&M-091 Mounted Hour 1780 360 313 612 11.26 145 1632 12.5 0 145 0 4697
Jack Hammer/ Rock
P&M-092 Drill Hour 349 60 18 99 0.65 145 94 12.5 0 145 0 620
Hand Boring Set/ Augur
P&M-093 Drill Machine Hour 87 144 7 24 0.39 145 56 12.5 0 145 0 318
P&M-094 Percusion Drill Set Hour 83 144 7 24 0.26 145 37 12.5 0 145 0 295
P&M-095 Rotary Drill Hour 524 180 54 149 1.94 145 281 12.5 0 145 0 1188
P&M-096 Peizometer Hour 5 5 145 0 12.5 0 145 0 10
P&M-097 Water Pump Hour 3 1 10 1 145 0 2.33 12.5 29 145 0 44
P&M-098 Hacking Machine Hour 524 144 32 149 145 0 7.2 12.5 90 145 0 939
Bridge Inspection
P&M-099 Vehicle Hour 5086 240 549 2963 19.8 145 2871 12.5 0 145 0 11709
Concrete Needle Extracted
P&M-100 Vibrator Hour 461 120.625 25 34 0.51 145 73 12.5 0 145 0 713 Norms
P&M-101 Mini Dumper Hour 250 417 62 85 1.21 145 175 12.5 0 145 0 989 Norms
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Description of Works/ Analyzed Quantity
S.No. Norms Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Resource Type Quantity per Unit
Loading and Unloading
Stone Boulder/
1 8.9A aggregates/ Sand/ cu.m. 5.50
excavated earth etc.
Tipper/Truck Hour 0.33 0.06 1,408.00 84.48
Loader Hour 0.33 0.06 2,445.00 146.70
Sum 231.18
Loading and Unloading
2 8.10 Cement and Steel Tonne 10.00
Unskilled Labour pd 2.00 0.20 652.00 130.40
Tipper/Truck Hour 2.00 0.20 1,408.00 281.60
Sum 412.00
Loading and Unloading
3 8.11 Bricks Nos. 16,000.00
Unskilled Labour pd 3.00 0.00 652.00 0.12
Tipper/Truck Hour 6.00 0.00 1,408.00 0.53
Sum 0.65
Loading and Unloading
4 8.12 Bitumen/ Water/ Paints Kg 40,000.00
Unskilled Labour pd 6.00 0.00 652.00 0.10
Tipper/Truck Hour 6.00 0.00 1,408.00 0.21
Sum 0.31
Loading and Unloading
5 8.13 Timber Kg 30,000.00
Skilled Labour pd 1.00 0.00 965.00 0.03
Unskilled Labour pd 8.00 0.00 652.00 0.17
Tipper/Truck Hour 6.00 0.00 1,408.00 0.28
Sum 0.49
Loading and Unloading
Density of
5 8.13 Timber cu.m. 33.33 considered
900 Kg per
Skilled Labour pd 1.00 0.03 965.00 28.95
Unskilled Labour pd 8.00 0.24 652.00 156.50
Tipper/Truck Hour 6.00 0.18 1,408.00 253.47
Sum 438.91
Loading and Unloading
5 8.14 Concrete Blocks cu.m. 20.00
Skilled Labour pd 1.00 0.05 965.00 48.25
Unskilled Labour pd 8.00 0.40 652.00 260.80
Tipper/Truck Hour 6.00 0.30 1,408.00 422.40
Sum 731.45
Loading and Unloading
6 Loading
900/1000/1200 mm Dia
8.15.iii.A m 15.00
RCC Pipe
Skilled Labour pd 0.30 0.02 965.00 19.30
Unskilled Labour pd 3.00 0.20 652.00 130.40
Tipper/Truck Hour 4.00 0.27 1,408.00 375.47
3% for Tools and Plants 4.49
8.15.iv.A Unloading
Skilled Labour pd 0.30 0.02 965.00 19.30
Unskilled Labour pd 1.50 0.10 652.00 65.20
Tipper/Truck Hour 3.00 0.20 1,408.00 281.60
3% for Tools and Plants 2.53
Sum 898.29
Loading and Unloading
8 Loading
750/600 mm Dia RCC
8.15.iii.B m 25.00
Skilled Labour pd 0.30 0.01 965.00 11.58
Unskilled Labour pd 4.00 0.16 652.00 104.32
Tipper/Truck Hour 4.00 0.16 1,408.00 225.28
3% for Tools and Plants 3.47
8.15.iv.B Unloading
Skilled Labour pd 0.30 0.01 965.00 11.58
Unskilled Labour pd 1.50 0.06 652.00 39.12
Tipper/Truck Hour 3.00 0.12 1,408.00 168.96
3% for Tools and Plants 1.52
Sum 565.83
Loading and Unloading
9 Loading
450/300 mm Dia RCC
8.15.iii.C m 37.50
Skilled Labour pd 0.30 0.01 965.00 7.72

Unskilled Labour pd 5.00 0.13 652.00 86.93
Tipper/Truck Hour 4.00 0.11 1,408.00 150.19
3% for Tools and Plants 2.83
8.15.iv.C Unloading
Skilled Labour pd 0.30 0.01 965.00 7.72
Unskilled Labour pd 1.50 0.04 652.00 26.08
Tipper/Truck Hour 3.00 0.08 1,408.00 112.64
3% for Tools and Plants 1.01
Sum 395.12

References Page 1 of 90


Densities of some materials:

S.N. Name Density Remarks
Excavated earth work
Soil Material 1400 1400 kg/m3
Rock Material 2400 2400 kg/m3
Sand 1600 1600 kg/m3
Gravel, river shingle, broken stone aggregates, and bats.
Gravel 1800 1800 kg/m3
River shingle (round aggregate) 1800 1800 kg/m3
Broken stone aggregates 2400 2400 kg/m3
Surface Dressing Chips 2400 2400 kg/m3
Brick bats 1420 1420 kg/m3
Boulder, Cobbles, quarry stone 2400 2400 kg/m3
Dressed Stone 2400 2400 kg/m3
wt.of 1 brick
Bricks 1900 1900 kg/m3 (240*115*57
mm3)=2.98 Kg
Cement 1440 1440 kg/m3
Reinforcement Steel 7850 7850 kg/m3
Gabion wire 7850 7850 kg/m3
Bitumen 1010 1010 kg/m3
GI, CI, Pipe and fittings 7850 7850 kg/m3
Timber for temporary works 350 350 kg/m3
Fabricated Structural Timber 850 850 kg/m3
Fabricated Structural Steel 7850 7850 kg/m3
RCC Precast Element 2500 2500 kg/m3
RCC hume pipe
300mm dia 255.13
450mm 492.39
600mm dia 750.66
900mm 1491.50
1000 mm 1909.32
1200 mm 2477.66
Water 1 1000 kg/m3 1kg/l
Petrol 0.77 720 kg/m3 0.770 Kg/l
Diesel 0.77 720 kg/m3 0.770 Kg/l
Kerosene 0.77 720 kg/m3 0.770 Kg/l
Thermoplastic Paint 2100 kg/m3
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province
Contract ID:

Analysis of Rates of Transportation of Materials

1 Transportation of Sand by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 7
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 7.00 0.63 0.63
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.63

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

Transport vol=(mass
ation of /Density)
Hour 0.63 1,408.00 887.04 887.04 5
177.408 for 1m3
2 Transportation of Soil by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 1
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 0
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 1.00 0.18 0.18
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 - - -
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.18

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.18 1,408.00 253.44 253.44 5.71428571
44.352 for 1m3
3 Transportation of Sub base by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 7
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 7.00 0.63 0.63
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.63

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.63 1,408.00 887.04 887.04 4.44444444
199.584 for 1m3
4 Transportation of Base & Aggregate by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 7
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 7.00 0.63 0.63
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.63

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.63 1,408.00 887.04 887.04 3.33333333
266.11 for 1m3
5 Transportation of Brick by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 10
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 10.00 0.90 0.90
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.90

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.90 1,408.00 1,267.20 1,267.20 8000
0.47 for 1nos
6 Transportation of Cement by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 10
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 10.00 0.90 0.90
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.90

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.90 1,408.00 1,267.20 1,267.20 8000
7.92 for 50 Kg
7 Transportation of Reinforcement Bar by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 10
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 10.00 0.90 0.90
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.90

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.90 1,408.00 1,267.20 1,267.20 8000
0.16 for 1Kg
8 Transportation of Gabion Wire by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 10
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 10.00 0.90 0.90
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.90

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.90 1,408.00 1,267.20 1,267.20 8000
0.1584 for 1kg
9 Transportation of Bitumen by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 25
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 25.00 2.25 2.25
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 2.25

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 2.25 1,408.00 3,168.00 3,168.00 8000
0.396 for 1Kg
10 Transportation of RCC Humepipe by Truck
Plain( Terai) Hilly/Mountain
Distance Distance in
Route Route
in Km Km
Earthen 0 Earthen 0
Gravelled 0 Gravelled 0
Blacktop 0 Blacktop 5
Travelling out of Site
Plain Route Hilly/ Mountainous Terrain Route
Type of Total
Speed of Speed of Speed of
S.No. Travelling Speed of Distance Duration Distance Duration, Remarks
Unit Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Duration of
Surface Vehicle of Travel of Travel of Travel (T1)+(T2)
(Loaded), (Loaded), (Empty), Travel (T2)
(Empty), V2 (D) (T1) (D)
V1 V1 V2
1 Earthen Route 20.00 25.00 - - 10.00 12.50 - - -
2 Gravelled Route 30.00 37.50 - - 15.00 18.75 - - -
3 40.00 50.00 - - 20.00 25.00 5.00 0.45 0.45
Surface Route
Total Duration of
- - - 0.45

Activity on of
Quantity Net
S.No. Resource No. Norms Works/ Unit Unit Rate Amount Remarks
per Unit Amount
No. Resource

ation of
Hour 0.45 1,408.00 633.60 633.60 8000

Diameter Transportation
(mm) Cost per meter
300 20.21
450 39.00
600 59.45
900 118.13
1000 151.22
1200 196.23
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Collection of Materials
S No Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Total Amount Remarks
8.1 Collection and sieving gravel including stacking within 10 m. Hauling distance.
8.1 A 5 - 70 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 2.00 652.00 1,304.00 1,343.12 T&P 3% of labour
8.1 B 5 - 40 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00 2,014.68 T&P 3% of labour
8.1 C 5 - 20 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00 2,686.24 T&P 3% of labour
8.1 D 5 - 08 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00 4,029.36 T&P 3% of labour
8.1 E 40 - 70 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00 2,686.24 T&P 3% of labour
8.1 F 70 - 100 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00 2,014.68 T&P 3% of labour
Collection of rubble of required size,
8.2 Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 1.40 652.00 912.80 940.18 T&P 3% of labour
hauling distance 10 m. and stacking.
8.3 Collection and sieving sand .
8.3 A Quarry output less than 33% Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00 2,686.24 T&P 3% of labour
8.3 B Quarry output 33 - 66 % Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00 2,014.68 T&P 3% of labour
8.3 C Quarry output more than 66% Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 1.50 652.00 978.00 1,007.34 T&P 3% of labour
Collection, quarrying and sieving sand in
8.3 D Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 1.50 652.00 978.00 1,007.34 T&P 3% of labour
local river
8.4 Washing of Construction Material
8.4 A Washing broken stone, gravel and sand. Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 0.50 652.00 326.00 335.78 T&P 3% of labour
8.4 B Washing rubble Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 0.20 652.00 130.40 134.31 T&P 3% of labour
8.5 Manually Breaking stones ( excluding Collection of Rubble)
8.5 A 70 - 100 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 1.50 652.00 978.00 1,007.34 T&P 3% of labour
8.5 B 40 - 70 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 2.00 652.00 1,304.00 1,343.12 T&P 3% of labour
8.5 C 20 - 40 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 3.00 652.00 1,956.00 2,014.68 T&P 3% of labour
8.5 D 10 - 20 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00 2,686.24 T&P 3% of labour
8.5 E 5 - 10 mm size Unit = cum(for 1 cum) Unskilled day 6.00 652.00 3,912.00 4,029.36 T&P 3% of labour
8.6 Mechanically Crushing of Stone Aggregates
13.2 mm Nominal Size Unit = cum(for 600 cum)
a) Labour at crusher location.
Skill day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 18.00 652.00 11,736.00
b) Material
8.6 A Stone boulder size 150mm cum 800 947.17 757,734.15
c) Equipment
Stone crusher with screen hour 12 2,086.00 25,032.00
Loader hour 18 2,445.00 44,010.00
Tipper hour 19 1,408.00 26,752.00
Total 867,194.15 1,445.32
20 mm Nominal Size for 670 cum Unit = cum(for 670 cum)
a) Labour at crusher location.
Skill day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 18.00 652.00 11,736.00
b) Material
Stone boulder size 150mm cum 800 947.17 757,734.15
8.6 B
c) Equipment
Stone crusher with screen hour 18 2,086.00 37,548.00
Loader hour 18 2,445.00 44,010.00
Tipper hour 18 1,408.00 25,344.00
Total 878,302.15 1,310.90

40 mm Nominal Size for 750 cum Unit = cum(for 750 cum)

a) Labour at crusher location.
Skill day 2.00 965.00 1,930.00
Unskilled day 17.00 652.00 11,084.00
b) Material
8.6 C Stone boulder size 150mm cum 800 947.17 757,734.15
c) Equipment
Stone crusher with screen hour 2 2,086.00 4,172.00
Loader hour 20 2,445.00 48,900.00
Tipper hour 20 1,408.00 28,160.00
Total 851,980.15 1,135.97
8.7 Making rubbles of required size including and stacking.
With chisel or hammer and stacking
Unit = cum(for 1 cum)
(without blasting).
a) Labour
Skilled ( Blaster) day 0.10 965.00 96.50
Unskilled day 4.00 652.00 2,608.00
8.7 B
b) Material
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for traffic control
sign and other T&P
Total 2,785.64 2,785.64
9.1 Excavation in hardrock with rock
Unit = cum(for 16 cum)
IV A breakers.
Skilled Labour pd 1.00 965.00 965.00
Unskilled Labour pd 10.00 652.00 6,520.00
Excavator with Breaker 6.00 3,288.00 19,728.00
According to Norms 50% only is
Sum 13,606.50 850.41

1 Stone(Rubble) 947.17
2 Sub Base Aggregate 1,250.64 According to
3 Base Aggregate 1,325.63 Standard
4 Capping Layer 1,182.38 Specification
5 Well Graded Filter Materials 1,180.03
8.04.0 Collection of Water from Local River
Unit = Liter (for 1,000 Liter)
2.17 into the Water Bowser
Skilled Labour day 0.01 965.00 9.65
Unskilled Labour day 0.10 652.00 65.20
Water Browser 0.05 2,190.00 109.50
r Previous Norms
Water Pump 0.05 44.00 2.20
3% of Labor Cost Tools and Plants 2.25
Total 188.80 0.19
Rate Analyis_Laboratory 15 of

Omsatiya Rural Municipality

Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province


1. Laboratory Setup including Supply of Electricity, Water, Gas and Heating etc.

Unit: LS Specification Clause No: 504 Norms Reference No: 5.1

Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Laboratory Space Month 24.000 10,000.00 240,000.00

Sub Total 1 240,000.00

Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 36,000.00
Total 276,000.00

2. Providing, installing and maintaining Quality control laboratory with equipment as specified in the Technical
Unit: LS Specification Clause No: 504 Norms Reference No: 5.2

Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Equipment and Furniture Cost
Laboratory Equipment Set 1.00 317,794.20 317,794.20
Laboratory Furniture Set 1.00 150,000.00 150,000.00
5% of
Accessories and Consumables LS Equipmen 15,889.71
t cost
Sub Total 3 483,683.91
Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 72,552.59
Total 556,236.50

3. Operation of Laboratory with Technical support of Laboratory staff

Unit: Man-Month Specification Clause No: 504 Norms Reference No:

Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Laboratory staff
Lab Technician Month 24.00 28,950.00 694,800.00

Sub Total 3 694,800.00

Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%)
Total 694,800.00
Standard Laboratory Equipments 16 of

Omsatiya Rural Municipality

Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province


S.N. Lab Equipment Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks

1 Oven18x18x18" Aluminum Chamber Unilab 1 24,450.00 24,450.00
2 Platform balance 300 kg 1 22,000.00 22,000.00
3 Electronic Balance Model CH30R11 30kgx5gm OHAUS 1 56,868.00 56,868.00
Electronic Balance Model CT6000 Capacity 6010x0.5gm
4 1 39,654.00 39,654.00
Electronic Balance Model NDB110 Capacity 2100x0.1gm
5 1 37,800.00 37,800.00
6 Water bath serological 2 rack solar 1 12,125.00 12,125.00
7 Mercury Thermometer 2500C 2 125.00 250.00
8 Dial Thermometer 4000C 2 1,200.00 2,400.00
9 Mercury Thermometer 50 C 2 55.00 110.00
Glassware: containers and small tools including;
10 Wet and Dry Thermometer 1 2,200.00 2,200.00
11 Spatulas 200mm 2 147.00 294.00
12 Non Vacuum Dissicator 200mm 2 1,800.00 3,600.00
GI Tray
30x30x7.5 6 250.00 1,500.00
40x40x7.5 6 560.00 3,360.00
60x60x7.5 6 1,005.00 6,030.00
14 Aluminum Moisture Container 75x50mm 50 120.00 6,000.00
15 Rubber Mallet 1 150.00 150.00
16 Aggregate Steel Scoop (690*300*100mm) 1 250.00 250.00
17 Aluminium Scoop (125*200*75mm) 1 250.00 250.00
18 Guaging Trowel 2 712.00 1,424.00
19 S.S Bowlb 2 Lit 2 400.00 800.00
20 Volumetric Flasks
1000ml 2 791.00 1,582.00
500ml 2 525.00 1,050.00
250ml 2 396.00 792.00
21 Measuring Cylinders
1000ml 3 1,767.00 5,301.00
500ml 2 1,050.00 2,100.00
250ml 2 814.00 1,628.00
22 Beakers
1000ml 2 317.00 634.00
500ml 2 154.00 308.00
250ml 3 95.00 285.00
23 Evaporating Disc 100mm 3 70.00 210.00
24 Vernier Caliper 150mm 1 5,800.00 5,800.00
25 Steel Ruler 300mm 1 125.00 125.00
26 Pairs of heat resistant Aesbestos handgloves 2 1,500.00 3,000.00
27 Set of sampling tools all materials 1 6,000.00 6,000.00
28 Set of crowbar, pick and spade 2 500.00 1,000.00
29 Gunnybags and plastic bags 100 10.00 1,000.00
GI Sieve 450mm dia Size; 75, 69, 50, 37.5, 31.5, 25, 20,
30 1 10,500.00 10,500.00
14, 16, 12.5, 9.5, 6.3, 4.75, Lid and pan set of 15 pcs
Standard Laboratory Equipments 17 of


S.N. Lab Equipment Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks

Brass Sieve 200mm dia Size; 4, 2.8, 2.36, 2, 1.18mm, 600,
31 1 10,950.00 10,950.00
425, 300, 150, 75 mic, Lid and pan set of 12 pcs
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer equipment complete with 2
32 1 34,000.00 34,000.00
extra cones and 2 extension rods
34 Water Testing kit (set) 1 5,000.00 5,000.00
35 Organic Content testing kit (set) 1 5,000.00 5,000.00
36 Sample Splitters (Riffle boxes) 50 mm 1 18,216.00 18,216.00
37 Liquid limit device with grooving tools and counter 1 4,500.00 4,500.00
38 Glass Plate 400x600x6mm 2 650.00 1,300.00
39 Specific Gravity Bottle 100ml 2 600.00 1,200.00
Compaction Mould 100mm, 150mm and Rammer 2.5kg
40 2 12,491.00 24,982.00
and 4 kg
41 Sand Pouring Apparatus 200mm 2 11,088.00 22,176.00
42 Sand Pouring Apparatus 100mm 2 3,575.00 7,150.00
43 Core Cutter Apparatus 1 3,575.00 3,575.00
44 Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus 1 14,700.00 14,700.00
45 Los Angeles Abresion Test Apparatus 1 154,000.00 154,000.00
46 Aggregate Crushing Value Appartus 1 11,000.00 11,000.00
47 Flakiness 1 550.00 550.00
48 Elongation Test Gauge 1 550.00 550.00
49 Standard Measure 30, 15 and 3 Lit 1 13,300.00 13,300.00
50 Tamping Rod 1 530.00 530.00
51 CBR Apparatus
CBR Load Frame - 1
Dial Guage 0.01.25mm - 2
Annular Weight 2.5kg - 3
Central Hole Weight 2.5kg - 3
CBR Mould 150mm - 3 1 127,000.00 127,000.00
Perforated Plate Brass - 3
Space Disc - 3
Penetration Piston - 1
Tripod - 3
Rammer 2.6kg - 3
52 Penetrometer with standard needle automatic 1 36,750.00 36,750.00
53 Viscometer 1 13,200.00 13,200.00
54 Standered spray trays 12 500.00 6,000.00
55 Centrifuge Type land operated bitumen extractor 500ml 1 12,000.00 12,000.00
56 3 m straight edge 1 14,000.00 14,000.00
57 Camber board and spirit level 2 17,500.00 35,000.00
Marshall Compaction Appartus, complete with all
58 1 200,000.00 200,000.00
accessories(with 180 N Marshall Moulds)
59 Vicat Apparatus 1 3,400.00 3,400.00
60 Slums Test Apparatus 1 2,142.00 2,142.00
61 Cube Mould 150mm 18 1,560.00 28,080.00
62 Cube Mould 70.6 mm 18
Compression Strength Testing machine 100 tonne hand
63 1 59,000.00 59,000.00
Sand equivalent test set, complete with graduate plastic
64 1 7,000.00 7,000.00
cylinder, manual or mechanical shaker and stock solution
65 Curing tank for test cubes (2*2*0.75m) 1 5,000.00 5,000.00
66 Heavy Duty Working table (2.01.2X0.9 m) 1 10,000.00 10,000.00
Equivalent Shelves and Racks, wash basin, and other
67 1 20,000.00 20,000.00
facilities as shown in the drawing (Set)
Standard Laboratory Equipments 18 of


S.N. Lab Equipment Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks

Core cutter for asphalt (petrol engine fitted with diff
68 1 250,000.00 250,000.00
sized(100/150 mm) core bits and sampler
Specific gravity apparatus test for asphalt core with
69 1 Set 2,215.00 2,215.00
buoyancy balance of 5 kg capacity complete set
70 Filter paper for marshal and extractor test 1 Set 475.00 475.00
Water bath (digital automatic temp controller) for marshal
71 1 45,500.00 45,500.00
Thermometer (Range up to 2000 ºC with sensitivity of
72 1 2,400.00 2,400.00
2.50 ºC)
73 Bitumen Laboratory Mixer inculding required accessories 1 Set 3,000.00 3,000.00
74 Ductility Meter 1 Set 110,000.00 110,000.00
75 Softening point (ring and ball) and others as required 1 Set 1,300.00 1,300.00
Sub Total 1,588,971.00
Total Cost for Main Lab Equipment 1,588,971.00
Providing Rent of Lab Equipments @ 20 % of Total
Amount (At the end of Contract Period the equipments 317,794.20
will revert to contractor)
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar
Lumbini Province

Insurance Calculations

Insurance of Works, plant, material,

Norms Ref RA
1 contractor's equipment, and third party Unit Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Activity No.
property and person
Insurance cover for works, plant and material Estimate Approx. 0 .2 %
a. LS Approximate 56,791.06
and the Contractor's Equipment d of Contract Cost
Insurance cover for third party property and Estimate Approx. 0 .1 %
c. LS Approximate 28,395.53
persons d of Contract Cost
Total 85,186.58
Approximate Cost 100,000.00

Laboratory Space, Equipment and Manpower Calculations

Ref RA
SN Description of Items Unit n Clause Amount(NRs.) Remarks
1 Laboratory Space LS DoR-504 5.1 276,000.00
Laboratory Equipment, Furniture &
2 LS DoR-504 5.2 556,236.50
3 Laboratory Manpower Mont DoR-504 5.3 694,800.00
Grand Total (Rental Charge of
Equipment, Manpower, Laboratory Space 1,527,036.50
& Other Required Accessories)
Approximate Cost 1,600,000.00
Omsatiya Rural Municipality
Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
Hati Pharsatikar

Material Rate

1) District rate : Materials

District Collection Royalty Transportation Loading Total Rate
S.N. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (R) Rate ( Tp ) /Unloading ( C + R + Tp)

Adopted Rate is taken from (district rate+transportation rate+Loading Unloading) and (collection rate+royalty+transportation rate+Loading Unloading)
which ever is less.
1 Gravel
1.1 ( 5 - 70 mm size) m3 1553.85 266.11 231.18 266.11 2051.14
1.2 ( 5 - 40 mm size) m3 1553.85 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2051.14
1.3 ( 5 - 20 mm size) m3 1553.85 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2051.14
1.4 ( 5 - 08 mm size) m3 1553.85 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2051.14
1.5 ( 40 - 70 mm size) m3 1553.85 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2051.14
1.6 ( 70 - 100 mm size) m3 1553.85 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2051.14
1.7 Rubble of required size m3 1553.85 0 0.00 231.18 0.00 1785.03

2 Broken Aggregates
2.1 ( 70 - 100 mm) m3 2048.25 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2545.55
2.2 ( 40 - 70 mm) m3 2048.25 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2545.55
2.3 ( 20 - 40 mm) m3 2048.25 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2545.55
2.4 ( 10 - 20 mm) m3 2048.25 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2545.55
2.5 ( 5 - 10 mm) m3 2048.25 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2545.55
2.6 4.75mm and below m4 2048.25 266.11 231.18 2545.55
3 Sand m3 2118.88 1007.34 0 177.41 231.18 1184.75 1415.93
Round Aggregates
(Used in Analysis) .
70 to 100 mm cum 1500.00 0.00 231.18 0.00 1731.18
40 to 70mm cum 1500.00 0.00 231.18 0.00 1731.18
20 to 40 mm cum 1500.00 0.00 231.18 0.00 1731.18
10 to 20 mm cum 1500.00 0.00 231.18 0.00 1731.18
10 mm and down cum 1500.00 0.00 231.18 0.00 1731.18
32 Crusher Run Material 0.00
a 19 mm Nominal Size cum 2240.00 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2737.29
13mm Nominal Size cum 2240.00 266.11 231.18 266.11 2737.29
b 10 mm Nominal Size cum 2240.00 0 266.11 231.18 266.11 2737.29
Base cum 1450.00 266.11 231.18 266.11 1947.29
Subbase cum 1250.00 1250.64 199.58 231.18 1450.23 1680.76
Well Graded Filter Material
1180.03 199.58 231.18 1610.79
Capping Layer cum 1182.38 199.58 231.18 1613.14
Soil cum 80.00 44.35 231.18 355.53
Cement Concrete tile nos
102.00 102.00
50 mm thick Stone slab sqm 0.00 0.00
4 Brick nos. 13.35 0.47 0.65 0.47 14.47
5 Wood kg 14.00 14.00
5.a wood ( uttis) m3 45767.88 438.91 0.00 46206.80
5.b Sal wood m3 186885.52 438.91 0.00 187324.44
Timber Planks cum 45767.88 438.91 0.00 46206.80
6 Stone dust m3 953.50 0.00 0.00 953.50
7 Rubble m3 1500.00 940.18 0.00 0.00 940.18 940.18
8 Cement mt. 15479.27 7.92 412.00 7.92 15899.19
9 Water KL 188.80 0.31 188.80 189.10
10 Bitumen 80/100 Grade kg 113.00 0.40 0.31 0.40 113.71
Emulsion (MC) kg 96.00 0.40 0.31 0.40 96.71
Reinforcement steel mt. 93750.00 396.00 396.00 94146.00
11 Reinforcement (Tor Steel) 0.00
11.a 8 mm dia mt. 94000.00 158.40 412.00 158.40 94570.40
11.b 10 - 22 mm dia mt. 93000.00 158.40 412.00 158.40 93570.40
11.c 25 - 32 mm dia mt. 94000.00 158.40 412.00 158.40 94570.40
11.d 4.75 - 7 mm dia mt. 94000.00 158.40 412.00 158.40 94570.40
12 Binding Wire kg 106.00 158.40 158.40 264.40
13 G.I Wire heavy coated 0.00 0.00
13.a 8 gauge kg 120.00 0.16 0.16 120.16
13.b 10 gauge kg 120.00 0.16 0.16 120.16
13.c 12 gauge kg 120.00 0.16 0.16 120.16
13.d Machine made gabion box sqm 273.00 0.16 0.16 273.16
14 RCC Hume Pipes (NP3) 0.00 0.00
14.a 300mm diameter m 3953 20.21 395.12 20.21 4368.33
14.b 450mm diameter m 5798.00 39.00 395.12 39.00 6232.12
14.c 600 mm diameter m 7770.00 59.45 565.83 59.45 8395.28
14.d 750 mm diameter m 9000.00 59.45 565.83 59.45 9625.28
14.e 900 mm diameter m 14338.00 118.13 898.29 118.13 15354.41
14.f 1000 mm diameter m 15408.00 151.22 898.29 16457.50
14.g 1200 mm diameter m 18572.00 196.23 898.29 196.23 19666.52
PVC Pipes 100 mm dia 473.00 473.00
HDPE Pipe of 10 kg/cm2
27 0.00
District Collection Royalty Transportation Loading Total Rate
S.N. Description Unit Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (R) Rate ( Tp ) /Unloading ( C + R + Tp)
HDPE pipe 90 mm m 525.00 0.00 525.00
HDPE pipe 200mm m 1575.00 1575.00 1575.00
HDPE pipes 250mm m 1995.00 1995.00
HDPE pipes 160mm m 1050.00 1050.00
15 Jute kg 90.00 0.00 90.00
16 Nails kg 120.00 0.00 120.00
17 Ply wood 0.00
17.a plywood 3 mm m2 387.50 0.00 387.50
17.b plywood 4 mm m2 301.39 0.00 301.39
17.c plywood 6 mm m2 570.49 0.00 570.49
17.d plywood 8 mm m2 613.54 0.00 613.54
17.e plywood 10 mm m2 480.00 0.00 480.00
17.f plywood 12 mm m2 861.11 0.00 861.11
17.g plywood 18 mm m2 1237.85 0.00 1237.85
Road marking thermoplastic lit. 258.00 0.31
18 0.00 258.31
Reflectorizing glass beads Kg. 169.00 0.31 169.31
Road marking paint lit. 579.00 0.31 579.31
19 Enamel Paint lit. 545.00 0.31 0.00 545.31
20 Lime kg 31.00 0.31 0.00 31.31
21 Gum/Fevicol kg 151.00 0.31 0.00 151.31
22 Snow cem kg 60.00 0.31 0.00 60.31
23 Primer Lit. 319.00 0.31 0.00 319.31
24 Steel Plate(3 mm ) Sq. m 1287.40 281.60 0.00 1569.00
25 Steel tube(50 mm dia) Rm 232.87 412.00 0.00 644.87
Angle iron (mild steel) Kg 104.00 0.41 104.41
Anti-striping agent Kg 415.00 0.41 0.41 415.41
Road Stud (Cat eye) nos. 618.00 618.00
Asphalt filler Board sqm 500.00 500.00
26 GI Pipe Medium Class 0.00
26.a 40mm m 514.00 0.00 514.00
26.b 50 mm m 706.00 0.00 706.00
26.c 75 mm m 1122.00 0.00 1122.00
26.d 100 mm m 1680.00 0.00 1680.00
28 Bearing pad nos. 0.00 0.00
29 Geotextile m2 117.00 0.00 117.00
30 Expansion joint 0.00 0.00
Hot dip galvanized 0.41
Corrugated W beam sheet 3 200.41
mm thick Kg 200
Hot dip galvanized Channel 0.41
post 150 x 75 x 5 mm, Kg 200
Hot dip galvanized Spacer 0.41
Channel 150 x 75 x 5 mm Kg 200
Mild steel angle iron 75 x 40 x 0.41
6 mm, 3. m long @ 6.8 kg/m 1611.60 0.41 1612.01

2) District Rate : Labour

S.N. Description Unit Remarks
1 Skilled md 965.00
Semi-Skilled md 665.00
2 Unskilled (Labour) md 652.00
3 Driller/Blaster md 965.00
4 Road Supervisor md 720.00
5 Road Length Worker md 795.00

3) District Rate : Fuel and Lubricant

S.N. Description Unit NOC Rate without
1 Diesel lit. 145.00 145.00
2 Kerosene lit. 145.00 145.00
3 Petrol lit. 150.00 150.00
Lubricant (Engine Oil, lit.
4 Hydraulic Oil, Grease etc) 530.97 530.97
Electricity Less than 25KWH 12.50
5 12.50
Electricity more than 25KWH 13.50
6 13.50

4 Bio-Engineering Item
4.1 Hesian Jute sq.m 60.00
4.2 Tree/shurb Nos 12.00
4.3 Container seedlings Nos 12.00
4.4 Grass Slips Nos 3.30

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