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Narative Report

Throughout my second school year in college, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into
the world of accountancy, a field that requires precision, analytical skills, and attention to detail.
My experience in studying accountancy has been both challenging and rewarding, shaping my
understanding of financial principles and preparing me for future endeavors in the field.

My course is not that easy for me as I take into process to be a future CPA but I'm glad I
survived it without retaking any subjects. It provided me with a comprehensive understanding of
accounting principles, financial statements, and the role of accountants in business operations. As
part of my accountancy studies, I also attended seminars, workshops, and networking events to
expand my knowledge and connect with industry professionals. These opportunities enabled me
to gain insights into the latest trends in accounting and develop valuable contacts for future
career prospects. While studying accountancy, I encountered challenges that tested my
perseverance and determination. From balancing multiple assignments to mastering complex
accounting principles, each obstacle served as a learning opportunity that contributed to my
personal and academic growth.

In conclusion, my experience in studying accountancy during the school year has been
instrumental in shaping my career aspirations and honing my skills as an aspiring accountant. I
am grateful for the knowledge gained, the friendships formed, for OWWA scholarship that
supported me pfinancially and the challenges overcome, all of which have prepared me for a
successful future in the field of accountancy.

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