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Reflection Paper


At first, I didn't know why we still need to study culinary arts when everyone already have their own
knowledge of cooking. We're students taking accounting field, so I don't know why do we need to study
and take this Culinary subject. As time passed, my knowledge in the world of cooking expanded little by
little. I realized that we only know basic knowledge about cooking and Culinary is a very broad subject
that when you study it, your knowledge will really expand as time goes on.

One of the most significant things I learned in culinary arts is that there are different types of
ingredients, cooking methods, and equipment used in cookery. This includes understanding the different
types of meats, vegetables, and crockery, as well as the various cooking methods such as grilling,
sautéing, and broiling. This knowledge is important in the real world, as it can help us to make proper
decision about what to eat and how to prepare it. I also learned about the importance of cleanliness and
food safety . This includes understanding how to properly clean and sanitize kitchen equipment and
surfaces, as well as handling food in a safe and hygienic manner to prevent food-borne illness. This
knowledge is essential for any work involving food as well as for everyday living, as it can help us to
prepare and consume food safely.

In conclusion, cookery is a subject that teaches us a wide range of skills and knowledge that are
important in the real world. The food service industry goes beyond fulfilling hunger and enriches lives,
supports communities, drives economic growth, and fosters cultural exchange. Its significance is deeply
woven into the fabric of society.
Why is culinary arts important in your daily life?

culinary arts can lead to some extraordinary opportunities. Combining art and food to create a visually
striking dish is a true skill that takes time and dedication. It teaches us how to manage a kitchen, basic
and advanced baking and cooking techniques, and how to construct innovative dishes.

Based on the methods and practices of cookery you`ve learned, how can you apply these when
cooking a dish?

Culinary arts was a really great experience that I’m glad I had the chance to take part in. Understanding
these different cooking methods greatly help me to choose the best technique for ingredients and
create delicious meals. Additionally, knowing which cooking methods align with my menu allows me to
choose the right kitchen equipment to achieve consistent, flavorful results in cooking.

In culinary industry, what qualities do you think are essential for success?

there are lots of essential qualities an individual need for success in culinary industry. One of this is Time
management skills which are essential in any career, and working in foodservice that can help you
handle all of your job duties, even in high-pressure kitchens with several other professionals. Next is
Collaboration and teamwork that serves as the heart of any successful restaurant or food establishment.
Attention to detail is another critical skill that is essential to success in the culinary arts world. This
quality is very crucial Whether it's plating a dish or following a recipe accurately.

How does the food industry contribute to economic growth and stability in both local and global

The industry provides employment for millions worldwide, from chefs and servers to delivery
personnel and kitchen staff. It contributes significantly to job creation and economic stability. Food
service establishments also offer a platform for cultural exchange globally. People can experience
diverse cuisines and traditions worldwide, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation. Lastly,
Restaurants and food services can support local farmers, fishermen, and producers by sourcing
ingredients locally, contributing to sustainable and resilient food systems.

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