Bank Tests for Grade 7

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[9/22, 7:44 AM] +263 78 354 2103: GRADE 7

*Agriculture,Science and Technology & ICT*

Assessment test 3
1hr 30minutes
Answer all questions *Each question carries 1 mark*

1. Which of the following soils has the finest soil texture?

A. Sandy loamy B. loam C. silt D. sand

2. Soil with enough nutrients to feed plants is called

A. Polluted soil B. eroded soil C. Compost D. fertile soil

3. Which one is not a source of organic matter

A. Green manure B. Compound D C. compost D. Plant leaves

4. Legumes are rich in---------------

A. Phosphorous B. potassium C. copper D. nitrogen

5. The washing away of topsoil is called

A. Soil erosion B. soil fertility C. soil conservation D. weathering

6. Which one is not an agent of soil erosion?

A. Running water B. humidity C. wind D. animals

7. Soil erosion is bad because it---------------------

A. Washes away the fertile top soil

B. Damages crops

C. Kills livestock

D. Causes drought

8. The addition of toxic substances to the top soil is called------------

A. Soil erosion B. soil conservation C. Soil pollution D. soil test

9. Which one of the following is a cause of soil pollution ?

A. Adding manure B. dumping of mining waste C. ploughing D. silting

10. The sinking of water into the ground is called-------------------

A. Run-off B. precipitation C. evaporation D. infiltration

11. --------------- is NOT a method of soil moisture conservation.

A. Evaporation B. manuring C. potholing D. mulching

12. Polluted water ---------------------------

A. Is clean to drink

B. Has harmful or toxic substances added to it

C. Has been treated

D. Is fertile for fish

13. Which one of the following is a terrible effect of water pollution

A. It increases the rate of evaporation

B. It causes droughts and floods

C. It causes dongas and alleys

D. It kills livestock and makes people ill

14. Name the part of a plant that absorbs water and nutrients

A. Leaf B. stem C. roots D. flowers

15. The--------------supports the plant and transports nutrients to the whole plant.

A. Leaf B. stem C. flowers D. roots

16. Fruits develop from the --------------------

A. Leaf B. stem C. roots D. flower

17. Chlorophyll absorbs-------------- from the sun and uses it to make food for the plant

A. Vitamins B. phosphorous C. energy D. minerals

18. ----------- encourages early root and plant growth and quickens maturity

A. Phosphorous B. nitrogen C. potassium D. copper

19. What is the first thing done before planting a vegetable crop?

A. Marketing B. land preparation C. taking care of the crop D. top-dressing

20. Which nutrient is important for flower formation?

A. Cooper B. phosphorous C. potassium D. zinc

21. Which season is best suited for tomato production?

A. Cold B. warm C. dry D. wet

22. An area set aside for care and management of forest trees is called ------------

A. Orchard B. field C. plot D. woodlot

23. What is the name given to an area set aside from growing of fruit trees?

A. Field B. garden C. orchard D. woodlot

24. The cutting down of dead branches from a fruit tree is called ----------------------

A. Cultivation B. afforestation C. deforestation D. pruning

25. Besides nutrients, what else do weeds compete for with cultivated crops

A. Sunlight and soil moisture B. humidity C. soil texture D. sunlight only

26. A generator is a device that can produce -----------------------

A. Oil B. electricity C. friction C. movement

27. A magnet has a ------------------------ around it.

A. A magnetic field B. water vapour C. heat energy D. light

28. The electric conductor that moves in magnetic field in order to generate electricity is a

A. Magnet B. coil C. insulator D. galvanometer

28. For electricity to be generated-------------------

A. Water has to move in a magnetic field

B. Steam has to move in a magnetic field

C. An electric conductor has to move in a magnetic field

D. Coal has to move in a magnetic field

30. The device that can be used to measure very small amounts of electric current is a--------------

A. Voltmeter B. ammeter C. magnet D. galvanometer

31. Electricity made from water is called-----------------------

A. Hydroelectric power B. nuclear power C. thermal power D. solar power

32. --------------- is electric power generated from heat

A. Hydroelectric power B. thermal power C. nuclear power D. solar power

33. ------------------- can change energy from moving wind to electric energy.

A. Windmill B. motor C. kyte D. wind vane

34. When the atom of uranium is forced to split------------------ is produced.

A. Sound energy B. nuclear energy C. kinetic energy D. solar energy

35. A solar panel can convert --------------------------

A. Solar energy to electricity

B. Sound energy to electricity

C. Kinetic energy to electricity

D. Chemical energy to electricity

36. A light bulb which is used to save electricity is called-------------------

A. Incandescent bulb B. fluorescent bulb C. solar bulb D. nuclear bulb

37. A bulb used at home which uses a lot of electricity in order to produce light is

A. Fluorescent bulb B. energy saver C. incandescent bulb D. solar bulb

38. The use of electric cars on our roads will help to reduce---------------------

A. Air pollution B. soil erosion C. accidents D. deforestation

39. Every magnet has a ------------------------------

A. A north pole and east pole

B. A north pole and south pole

C. A north pole and a west pole

D. A west pole and an east pole

40. A substance that cannot be attracted by a magnet is---------------------

A. A non-magnetic substance

B. An insulator

C. A conductor

D. A metallic substance
41. Hardware tools are maintained by a-----------------------process.
A. Damaging B. scratching C. wiping D. rubbing
42. --------------- cannot be used to clean a screen
A. Lotion B. spirit C. distilled water D. vinegar
43. An air blower is used for------------------
A. Cooling the machine B. removing sticky stuff C. Blowing dust D. blowing mist
44. A Dvd/CD bag is used for-------------
A. Storing accessories B. carrying computer C. safe-keeping CD/ DvD’s D. showing- off
45. A modern way of ventilating the computer lab is -------------
A. Opening doors B. air conditioners C. opening windows D. using air blower
46. Friction on printer rollers and gears can be prevented by--------------
A. Removing them B. lubrication C. Covering with dust cover D. Using air blower
47. Software maintenance tool that improves computer performance speed by re-arranging files
stored on a disk is--------------
A. Antivirus B. Disk defragmentation C. back-up D. error checking
48. The software that allows you to create a copy of your file on the same drive but different
portion is
A. Back-up B. error checking C. defragmentation D. scanning
49. Bad sectors of a computer hard drive can be fixed by a utility software called
A. Antivirus B. back-up C. error checking D. windows defender
50. ----------------is retrieving data for a specific use.
A. Defragmentation B. scanning C. extracting D. antivirus

♨️ *Good Luck*
[9/22, 7:44 AM] +263 78 354 2103: Mathematics Revision

1 (a) . Write 25 007 in words. (1)

(b) . Change 3,105 litres to millilitres. (1)

(c) . Express 1/4 % as a decimal. (2)

2(a) . Simplify 2/5 - 1/4 +3/8 (3)

(b) . A rectangular garden is 10,5 m long and 7,2 m wide. Find its perimeter. (2)

3. Tino can read a book in 7 days and Anna can read the same book in 9 days.

(a) . Express the time taken by Anna to Tino's as a ratio. (1)

(b) . If Tehzeeb takes half the sum of Tino and Anna's time to read the same book,

(i) find the number of days Tehzeeb takes to read the book. (2)

(ii) calculate the average time taken by the three learners to read the book. (3)

4. Find the simple interest Mitchel earned when she invested $400 for 4 % at 5 years per annum.

5. A cuboid is 50 cm long, 30 cm wide and 20 cm high. Calculate its surface area. (2)

[9/22, 7:44 AM] +263 78 354 2103: Agriculture Revision

1. Name any three weather elements. (3)

2. State any two effects of pests on crop production. (2)

3. State any two points to consider when selecting an orchard. (2)

4. Explain any two methods of preventing diseases on animals. (2)

5. Describe any four factors to consider when planning a rotation. (4)

6. What is a market? (1)

7. State any two reasons why it is important to read labels before using chemicals. (2)


[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: GRADE 7 - ICT


1. A ____ is an input device which can take videos and pictures.

2. The name ______ is given to devices that allow you to view and edit information.
3. _____ is the smallest storage device in terms of size.
A. An external hard disk
B. Flash drive
C. Hard disk
D. Memory card
4. _______ optical disk is writable.
5. You get a _____ after printing out information. (hard copy/ photocopy/ soft copy)
6. A _____ is a storage device that can be used in a smart phone.
7. List any two input devices.
8. List any two output devices.
9. List any two storage devices.
10. When data is in the computer, we say we have a _____ copy.
[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: GRADE 7 AGRICULTURE , SCIENCE AND
*Answer all questions* (50marks each question carries 1 mark)

1. Which of the following is not a career opportunity in agriculture?

A. Agronomist
B. Nurse
C. Agritex officer
D. Veterinary doctor

2. An agriculture specialist who identifies diseases in animals and treats them is called ____.
A. agronomist
B. surveyor
C. accountant
D. veterinary officer

3. Who attends to the problem of a leaking mainline?

A. Surveyor
B. Builder
C. Irrigation engineer
D. Driver

4. An _____ is a person who studies soil, plants and seeds in order to develop better farming
A. accountant
B. architect
C. agronomist
D. author

5. Farmers in Chiredzi concentrate on growing sugar cane. This is called _____.

A. mixed cropping
B. subsistence farming
C. specialised farming
D. diversified farming

6. A farming system with less labour opportunities is _____.

A. specialised farming
B. Commercial farming
C. diversified farming
D. subsistence farming

7. Which of the following is an advantage of mixed farming over specialised farming?

A. The by-products of one farming activity can be used in other farming activities.
B. It requires skills related to one farming activity.
C. It is expensive
D. Mixed farming requires more labour

8. The practice of supplementing water to growing crops is called _____.

A. fertilisation
B. irrigation
C. mixed cropping
D. cultivation

9. Triangles on chemical containers are _____.

A. decorative signs
B. warning signs
C. regulatory signs
D. friendly signs

10. Which way is not advisable in storing chemicals?

A. Keeping chemicals in original containers
B. Putting chemicals in empty soft drink bottles
C. Locking chemicals in a store room
D. Putting chemicals in shelves.

11. Good care of animals means that the farmer should provide water twice ___ .
a)every hour
c)every week
d)every month

12. Dosing animals is done to_____.

a) quench thirst
b)provide nutrients
c)kill worms
d)kill ticks

13. Which predators can be prevented by fencing ?

b) elephant

14. The cheapest management system of animals is ➖.

a)intensive system
b)extensive system
d)semi extensive
15. Rearing animals under the intensive system has an advantage in that .
a)animals enjoy freedom of exercise
b)it is a very cheap method
c)maximum production can be realised
d)the system requires less labour

16. Animals that lack protein are seen by the following symptoms EXCEPT .
a)body wasting
b)pot belly
c)reduced production
d)night blindness

17. A donkey seen with rickets lacks the following symptoms EXCEPT
a)vitamin D and calcium
b)vitamin A and phosphorus
c)vitamin D and iron
d)vitamin A and iron

18. Animals that feed on lucerne and soya bean do not lack ___ .
a) carbohydrates
b) protein
c)vitamin A

19. Which nutrient does not match correctly with the source?
a) carbohydrates-cereal
d) vitamins-green grass

20. Which livestock food source provides both carbohydrates and vitamin A?
a)white maize
b)yellow maize

21. Which electric gadget is used for lighting purposes?

A. Computer B. torch C. radio D. stove

22. The following are elements of design EXCEPT----------------

A. Shape B. texture C. contrast D. colour

23. Solar panels can trap sunlight to produce-------------------------

A. Heat B. magnetism C. magnetism D. electricity

24. What are fuels?

A. Materials that burn to produce heat

B. Materials that produce sound

C. Materials used to make chemical reactions

D. Materials used to build our bodies

25. ----------------- can trap solar energy to produce heat.

A. Stove B. solar cooker C. computer D. car

26. Sustainable use of energy is ----------------------------

A. Not using energy resources wisely

B. Making sure that energy resources do not last long

C. Using energy resources such that they last long

D. Burning energy resources

27. Why is it important to be careful when using electricity at home, school or in an industry?

A. Electricity is very expensive

B. Electricity is very cheap

C. Electricity is not dangerous

D. Electricity is very dangerous

28. ------------------------- is a substance obtained from sugarcane. It is used for blending with
petrol here in Zimbabwe.

A. Butane B. ethanol C. diesel D. natural gas

29. An electric current that shows changing or reversing its direction is called----------------
A. Direct current B. alternating current C. static electricity D. short circuit

30. The direct current (d.c) will always -------------------------

A. Move in one direction B. change its direction C. move in circles D. move in a


31. The current produced by the battery is in form of------------------------------

A. Alternating current B. direct current C. static electricity D. solar power

32. A----------------- can convert an alternating current generator to a direct current generator.

A. Transformer B. galvanometer C. commutator D. voltmeter

33. The up and down movement of the conductor or turbine in a magnetic field will result in the
production of----------------

A. A short circuit B. direct current C. alternating current D. static electricity

34. An electric gadget used to keep food cold and fresh at home is called a--------------------

A. Television B. stove C. radio D. refrigerator

35. If a magnet is allowed to swing freely and then rest on its own, it will always point to the

A. North-south B. east-west C. north D. north-eastern

36. If you put together two magnets with similar poles-----------------------

A. They attract each other

B. They repel each other

C. They remain where they are

D. They attract and the other is repelled

37. If you put together two magnets with different poles---------------------

A. The remain where they are

B. They repel from each other

C. They attract each other

D. They move in a circular motion

38. Materials that can be attracted by magnets are called--------------

A. Magnetic substances B. non-magnetic C. conductors D. insulators

39. Which of the following is a magnetic substance?

A. Plastic cup B. wood C. iron nail D. rubber

40. The following are non-magnetic substances EXCEPT--------------

A. Glass B. paper C. plastic D. iron filings

41. The----------- tool is used to arrange records from A to Z
A. Filter B. Arranger C. toggle D. panel
42. Sorting tools can extract -----------------
A. Middle part only B. names only and contacts only C. Any part of the records D. fields only
43. Sorting means ---------------
A. Arranging records according to the given criteria
B. Arranging records from A to Z only
C. Arranging records from Z to A only
D. Picking records with similar only
44. A table used to make a graph is made up of --------------------- and ----------------------
A. Cells and data
B. Rows and columns
C. Pictures and numbers
D. Text and numbers only
45. A graph is a--------------
A. A drawing representing something
B. A picture designed to express words
C. A line dawn in Microsoft Excel
D. Calculation
46. The Microsoft programme for creating spreadsheets is called-------
A. Microsoft word B. Microsoft PowerPoint C. Whatsapp D. Microsoft Excel
47. When creating a graph from Microsoft Excel the data is taken from
A. Graph B. cell C. table D. column
48. A spreadsheet is ----------------which is used to enter data
A. a Microsoft Office electronic document
B. a hard copy
C. stored memory
D. computer input
49. A spreadsheet is made up of columns and---------------
A. Height B. cells C. margins D. rows
50. In a spreadsheet, --------------- are numbered in letters
A. Rows B. cells C. columns D. boxes
[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: *Maths* :

1. n + 6 = 9. Find the value of n.
2. What must be added to 3 468 to make it 8 314?
3. What is the difference between the sum of 67 and 84 and the product of 13 and 20?
4. The sum of two numbers is 4 173. The other number is 1 989. Find the other number.
5. 35% of $ 150.00
6. When the product of 3 286 and 20 is divided by 10 the result is ➖
7. Mrs Sibanda is driving in a 300km journey from Kadoma to Dugwi. Her car has a breakdown
after 293.25km. How far is she from Dugwi?
8. 0,3 of a shape is shaded. ½ of the second shape is shaded too. What is the total decimal fraction
of the shaded parts of the shapes?
9. 345 – 430 + 264 =
10. Find 37.5% of $600.
11. 24.87 correct to one decimal place ➖
12. What is 87 243 cents in decimal notation?
13. Four boys are aged 19 years, 17years, 23 years and 21 years. Find their average age.
14. The price of petrol is $90.00 per litre. The price is reduced by 25%. What is the new price per
15. A regular decagon has a side of 12cm. Calculate its p.

[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: *ICT: Revision*

1. The combined use of sound, videos, pictures and text is known as________.
2. Hardware is ______ without software. *(cheap/not useful/expensive)*
3. To edit is to______. *(move a file/delete a file/make modifications to a file)*
4. 📹 This is a/an _____ device. *(Input/output/storage)*
5. Antivirus must be updated_____. *(twice/frequently/once)*
6. Which of the following is a spreadsheet software? *(Lotus 1-2-3, /MS-DOS/Ms Access)*
7. A _____ consist of rows and columns. *(Design/primary/table)*
8. To run the query, you click ___ button on the ribbon. *(Select/run/view)*
9. 📲 This device fall under ___ computers. *(Desktop/palm /super)*
10. The other name for application software is_____. *(Program/system software/ physical
11. ____ and ___ are hardware tools. (2)
12. List any three storage devices.
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
13. Give the meanings of the following:
a. 🪀___
b. 📧____
14. Write in full:
b. E-mail

[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: *VPA* :

*VPA- Revision*
1. Write the names of the following symbols:
a. O
b. d
c. d.
2. 🎼 Name this clef.
3. Suggest why it has been given the name.
4. Another name for the following clefs :
a. Treble clef
b. F-Clef
5. Give examples of the following time signatures;
a. Simple time
b. Compount time
6. Two musical instruments are
a. ____
b. ____
7. Give any three examples of traditional dances.
a. ____
b. ____
c. ____
8. State any three social functions of music:
a. _____
b. _____
c. _____
9. Examples of tuned instruments are:
a. ____
b. ____
10. One career in music is ___.
[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: GRADE 7 - AGRICULTURE ,SCIENCE AND

1hr 30 minutes

Paper 1: Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following branches of Agriculture focuses on woodlots and wild animals?

A. Floriculture B. Apiculture C. Animal Production D. Forestry and wildlife

2. ------------------is a branch that is concerned with the business side of agriculture

A. Soil science B. agricultural engineering C. agricultural economics D. forestry

3. Tools should be sheltered at all times to -----------------

A. To keep them warm

B. prevent them from working well

C. prevent wear and tear

D. Allow theft

4. Which one of these tools is kept on a tool board?

A. Hammer B. disc plough C. spade D. hoe

5. Which one of these is a characteristic of a storage facility for farm tools?

A. Moisture B. colour C. darkness D. roofed

6. Which colour code shows an extremely dangerous agrochemical?

A. Green B. purple C. orange D. blue

7. Farmers should keep agrochemicals away from the reach of children because

A. They are expensive to buy

B. They can be too sweet

C. They are poisonous and harmful

D. Children are dangerous to chemicals

8. The--------------- season is the coldest season with no rain in Zimbabwe

A. Cold and dry B. hot and dry C. hot and wet D. cold and wet

9. What do farmers do during the post rain season?

A. They go on holiday

B. They burn their fields

C. They start harvesting their crops

D. They slaughter animals for food

10. In what season is wheat grown in Zimbabwe?

A. Hot and dry season B. rain season C. Post rain season D. cold and dry season

11. In which season is maize grown in Zimbabwe?

A. Hot and Dry season B. hot and wet season C. Post rain season D. cold and dry

12. Name instrument that is used to measure rainfall

A. Rain gauge B. barometer C. Thermometer D. wind vane

13. Which instrument is used to measure wind speed?

A. Rain gauge B. barometer C. thermometer d. cup anemometer

14. Which climatic factors are used to divide Zimbabwe into natural farming regions?

A. Wind and humidity

B. Rainfall and temperature

C. Cloud cover and temperature

D. Soil type and wind direction

15. Which natural region receives the least amount of rainfall?

A. Region 1 B. region 3 C. Region 5 D. Region 4

16. In which region is most crop farming done?

A. Region 5 B. Region 2 C. Region 4 D. Region 1

17. Pick a weather element from the following

A. Temperature B. autumn C. climate D. Summer

18. The average of observations and measurement of everyday weather records over a long
period of time is called

A. Weather B. climate C. global warming D. temperature

19. What causes global changes in weather?

A. Floods B. droughts C. Global warming D. farmimg

20. Which one of the following is not a soil component?

A. Water B. Air C. Organic matter D. plastic

21. Name the soil component with the highest proportion

A. Air B. Mineral matter C. organic matter D. water

22. What causes the weathering that results in the cracking of rock surfaces?

A. Temperature change B. freezing C. plants D. animal activity

23. The breaking down of rocks leads to formation of -----------------

A. Monuments B. soil C. shapes D. organic matter

24. The least fertile soil type is------------------------------

A. Loam B. clay C. sand D. silt

25. The arrangement of soil particles is called---------------------

A. Soil structure B. soil texture C. soil moisture D. soil erosion

26. What powers the water cycle

A. Sun B. wind C. clouds D.rain

27. If iron filings are sprinkled on top of a cardboard paper placed on a bar magnet, the iron
filings will------------------

A. Evaporate B. melt due to heat C. form a pattern of lines D. not move

28. The lines that are formed by iron filings near a magnet are called---------------

A. Electric circuits B. pattern C. kinetic energy D. magnetic lines of force

29. The following contain magnet EXCEPT----------------

A. Generator B. compass C. iron nail D. loud speaker

30. One of the following is a form of precipitation

A. Hail B. soil C. grass D. cold

31. Which of the following substances can dissolve in water?

A. Candle wax B. sand C. Charcoal dust D. sugar

32. Substances that can dissolve in water are said to be-----------------

A. insoluble in water B. soluble in water C. suspended in water D. hard

33. Why is water said to be a universal solvent?

A. Many substances can dissolve in water

B. Many substances cannot dissolve in water

C. Water is usually very cold

D. Many animals drink water

34. When a substance dissolves in a solvent---------------------- is formed

A. Suspension B. solution C. solute D. mixture

35. The following are stages of the water cycle EXCEPT

A. Evaporation of water from dams

B. Loss of water from plants through transpiration

C. Rain falling

D. Melting of materials due to heat

36. The change of liquid water to water vapour due to heating is called------

A. Condensation B. transpiration C. evaporation D. perspiration

37. The change of water vapour to water droplets due to cooling is called

A. Condensation B. transpiration C. melting D. evaporation

38. Which one, among the following, is not an important use of water?

A. Water helps plants to make food during photosynthesis

B. Water enables plants to absorb nutrients

C. Water helps plants to maintain cell structure

D. Water helps plants to wilt

39. The filing up of rivers and dams by eroded sand is called----------------------

A. Siltation B. damming C. deforestation D. cloud seeding

40. ------------------------ is the destruction of vegetation

A. Afforestation B. reforestation C. deforestation D. transpiration

41. A single box in a spreadsheet where data is entered is called a------------
A. Row B. cell C. column D. box
42. A report gives is information------------
A. Vertically B. horizontally C. in fields D. in tables
43. A form gives its information---------
A. In fields B. horizontally C. vertically D. in tables
44. A cloud backup works by ----------------
A. Saving files online
B. Saving files on another device
C. Saving files on an external hard drive
D. Saving files at a scheduled time
45. An antivirus software works by--------------
A. Detecting, preventing and removing malware
B. Removing malware only
C. Fixing sectors of a computer
D. Creating malware
46. Which of the following is not a computer fault?
A. overheating
B. Strange noise
C. Blank screen
D. Printing
46. Which computer part acts as the brain?
A. Microprocessor
B. System unit
C. Motherboard
47. The act of writing instructions that make a computer do various things is called ____.
A. coding
B. program
C. writing
D. instructing
[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: Agriculture Revision
Grade 7 ONLINE

1. What is Agriculture?

2. List any two benefits of agriculture to the following,

(a) . Family. (2)

(b) . Community. (2)

(c) . County. (2)

3. State any three branches of agriculture. (3)

4. List any two career opportunities in agriculture. (2)

5. Which crop is in Zimbabwe provides the country with more foreign currency? (1)

6. In which natural farming region is game ranching practiced in Zimbabwe? (1)

7. Define the following terms,

(a) subsistence farming. (1)

(b) commercial farming. (1)

*Good* *luck*

[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: *GRADE SEVEN ONLINE 2021*

a) 5 - 0, 05 [2]
b) 0,2 × 0,03 [2]
2. 2,5% of 800.[2]
3. 4,5 km to metres.[2]
4.The average mass of 30 boys in a village is 25 kg.What is the total mass of the boys?[2]
5.$10 decreased by 15%.[2]
6 .A father withdrew $1 000 for his two sons.He gave the elder brother four times as much as the
younger brother.Calculate the younger brother's share.[2]
7.Travelling at an average speed of 60 km/h a bus took 6 hours to complete a journey.How long
does a car travelling at an average speed of 90 km/h take to complete the same journey?[2]
8.The perimeter of a rectangle is 20 cm.If its length is 8 cm, find its
a) width [2]
b) area [2]
9.Sam bought a washing machine for $200 on hire purchase.He paid 25% deposit and balance
over 6 months.
a)the deposit paid.[2]
b) the simple interest of 5% per annum which was charged on the balance.[3]

*Bench mark:20*
[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: *PHYSICAL EDUCATION Revision*

1. Which one is not a physical activity?

A. Dancing B. jogging C. digging D. Sleeping

2. Physical activities help to improve----------

A. Reading B. writing C. drawing D. fitness

3. A skill used in the game of ‘hopscotching ring’ is ---------

A. Walking B. hopping C. running D. rolling

4. -------------- are rules used to control the way physical activities are done.

A. Signs B. Laws C. Regulations D. Points

5. Which one is not a rule used when camping?

A. Camp fires should be supervised

B. Behave well

C. No smoking

D. Littering is allowed

6. In boxing, a match is called ----------

A. Rally B. bout C. score D. test

7. In shot put, after throwing, the athlete must leave the throwing area only the---------- of the

A. Front B. back C. left D. right

8. We are not allowed to ------------------in the swimming pool.

A. Eat B. glide C. submerge D. float

9. Another name for walking a sport is---------------------------

A. Camping B. mountaineering C. running D. hiking

10. Which one is not an infectious disease?

A. Rickets B. Cholera C. Typhoid D. dysentery

11. The first Friday of every month was declared

A. Women’s Day B. National Aids Day C. National Clean-up Day D. Children’s Day

12. A------------- is a book where we record all the physical done

A. Bible B. diary C. dictionary D. atlas

13. One of the signs of------------------- is a swelling on part of the neck.

A. Typhoid B. Goitre C. Diabetes D. rickets

14. Which disease is caused by lack of exercise?

A. Typhoid B. goitre C. rickets D. obesity

15. A disease caused by lack of vitamin C is called-----------------

A. Rickets B. diabetes C. Scurvy D. dysentery

16. What causes kwashiorkor?

A. Lack of vitamins B. Lack of exercise C. Lack of minerals D. Lack of proteins

17. ----------- is a disease in which the body is not able to control the sugar level in the body

A. Heart attack B. Cholera C. bruise D. diabetes

18. A------------ is a broken bone

A. Fracture B. dislocation C. strain D. bruise

19. A dislocation takes place on a-------------------

A. Muscle B. joint C. bone D. mouth

20. Which part of the body is affected by a strain?

A. Joint B. eye C. muscle D. ear

Structured Questions

1. High blood pressure is-----------------

2. We can control high blood pressure by----------------

3. Three diseases caused by poor hygiene conditions are-------------

4. We can control cholera by drinking---------

5. Typhoid is caused by a germ called----------------

6. A strain is when a---------------- is pulled or stretched until it tears

7. ---------------- is caused by worms found in stagnant water in dams and rivers

8. ---------------is a type of diarrhoea with blood.

[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: *TEN (10) MISTAKES NOT TO MAKE AS A 21ST

(1.) Don't send a learner away from your class during teaching and learning as a result of bad
behavior. This is because you cannot account for what the student may be doing outside and this
can count against you if an accident occurs.

(2.) Don't touch a learner inordinately. This is because the learner might claim he or she was
abused either sexually/physically.You may not be able to refute it.

(3.) Don't give assignments you don't have time to mark. Unmarked assignments or home work
indicate incompetency/unprofessionalism.

(4.) Don't give emotional punishment to your learners. It reduces their chances of becoming a
better learner.

(5.) Don't just teach within the period given to you, especially when you are preparing learners for
external examinations. Do create more contact time for your learners.

(6.) Don't stay with a learner alone in a class, laboratory, office etc. Child's protection policy
forbids it. Try and avoid "one corner" teaching.

(7.) Don't ask a child to kneel down for too long a time. He or she might have a health challenge
you are not aware of.

(8.) Don't conspire against your school head.What goes around, comes around.

(9.) Don't be a difficult educator and avoid transferred aggression on any learner. Pocket your
personal challenges and always be full of life.

(10.) Don't treat learners unequally. There should be nothing like favourite learner. Every child

Dzidzai pamuwondee
[9/22, 7:45 AM] +263 78 354 2103: GRADE 7
*ICT: Revision Exercise*

1.CDs and DVDs are inserted in a computer through the ______.

2.DVD stand for ______.

3.The PHYSICAL components of a computer are called _______.

4.To navigate through local drives We Use a _______.

5.Restarting a computer means _______.

6.Which hardware device is used to record Sound?

7.Name any music editing software

8.Professionals who create music are called _______.

9.Audio media is perceived through ______.

10.Which PA system component improves the quality of music

11.Give any one program used to create databases

12.Why are databases important in ICT

13.Where is infirmation used to create reports in databases found?

14.Selecting Data From a database using a certain criterion is called _______.

15.The mouse and keyboard can be cleaned using _____

16. a) What is a password.

b) How can we protect our password.
c) Give 3 ways of putting passwords on our computers (hint. pattern)

17. a)What is cyber wellness

b) Give any 4 rules of using the internet
c) What is cyber bullying
d) What will you do if you are cyber bullied. give 2 ways.

18 a) Define hacking,
b) What are the effects of hacking
c) Give 4 ways to minimize effects of hacking
b) Give 3 types of hackers
[9/24, 9:42 AM] +263 77 435 0093: Here are 10 short stories with moral lessons that your kids
(and even some adults) will learn a thing or two from:

1. The Hare and the Tortoise

There was once a hare who was friends with a tortoise. One day, he challenged the tortoise to a
race. Seeing how slow the tortoise was going, the hare thought he’ll win this easily. So he took a
nap while the tortoise kept on going. When the hare woke up, he saw that the tortoise was already
at the finish line. Much to his chagrin, the tortoise won the race while he was busy sleeping.
Moral of the story:
There are actually a couple of moral lessons we can learn from this story. The hare teaches that
overconfidence can sometimes ruin you. While the tortoise teaches us about the power of
perseverance. Even if all the odds are stacked against you, never give up. Sometimes life is not
about who’s the fastest or the strongest, it’s about who is the most consistent.

2. The Dog and the Bone

Once there was a dog who wandered the streets night and day in search of food. One day, he found
a big juicy bone and he immediately grabbed it between his mouth and took it home. On his way
home, he crossed a river and saw another dog who also had a bone in its mouth. He wanted that
bone for himself too. But as he opened his mouth, the bone he was biting fell into the river and
sank. That night, he went home hungry.
Moral of the story:
If we always envy what others have, we’ll end up losing what we already have, just like the
greedy dog.

3. The Thirsty Crow

After flying a long distance, a thirsty crow was wandering the forest in search of water. Finally, he
saw a pot half-filled with water. He tried to drink from it but his beak wasn ’t long enough to
reach the water inside. He then saw pebbles on the ground and one by one, he put them in the pot
until the water rose to the brim. The crow then hastily drank from it and quenched his thirst.
Moral of the story:
If there’s a will, there’s a way. Every problem has a solution if we just look hard enough and
don’t give up.

4. Lazy John

There was a boy named John who was so lazy, he couldn’t even bother to change his clothes.
One day, he saw that the apple tree in their yard was full of fruits. He wanted to eat some apples
but he was too lazy to climb the tree and take the fruits. So he lay down underneath the tree and
waited for the fruits to fall off. John waited and waited until he was very hungry but the apples
never fell.
Moral of the story:
Laziness can get you nowhere. If you want something, you need to work hard for it.

5. The Fox and The Grapes

Once there was a hungry fox who stumbled upon a vineyard. After seeing the round, juicy grapes
hanging in a bunch, the fox drooled. But no matter how high he jumped, he couldn’t reach for it.
So he told himself that it was probably sour and left. That night, he had to sleep on an empty
Moral of the Story:
Most of us have the tendency to act like the fox. When we want something but think it’s too hard
to attain, we make up excuses. We tell ourselves that it’s probably not that great instead of
working hard for it.

6. The Ant and The Grasshopper

The ant and the grasshopper were good friends. In the summer, the ant works hard to fill his
storage with food. While the grasshopper was enjoying the fine weather and playing all day. When
winter came, the ant was lying cozily in his home surrounded by the food he stored during the
summer. While the grasshopper was in his home, hungry and freezing. He asked the ant for food
and the ant gave him some. But it wasn’t enough to last the entire winter. When he tried to ask
the ant again, the latter replied: “I’m sorry my friend but my food is just enough for my family
to last until the end of winter. If I give you more, we too will starve. We had the entire summer to
prepare for the winter but you chose to play instead.”
Moral of the story:
Winter, in this story, represents a time in our life where food and resources are scarce. While
summer is that time where everything is abundant. So if you have a lot right now, save some of it
for the winter.

7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

There was once a shepherd boy who liked to play tricks. One day, while he was watching over the
herd, the boy decided to play a trick and cried “wolf! wolf!”. The people who heard rushed over
to help him. But they were disappointed when they saw that there was no wolf and the boy was
laughing at them. The next day, he did it again and people rushed to his aid only to be
disappointed once again. On the third day, the boy saw a wolf devouring one of his sheep and
cried for help. But the people who heard him thought this is just another of the boy’s pranks so
no one came to help him. That day, the boy lost some of his sheep to the wolf.
Moral of the story:
If you always lie and cheat on other people, there will come a time when no one will believe you

8. The Ugly Duckling

Most of us have probably heard of this story as this is one of the most popular fairy tales in the
world. The story revolves around a duckling who from the moment of his birth has always felt
different from his siblings. He was always picked on because he didn’t look like the rest of them.
One day, he had enough and ran away from the pond he grew up in. He wandered near and far
looking for a family who would accept him. Months passed and seasons changed but everywhere
he went, nobody wanted him because he was such an ugly duck. Then one day, he came upon a
family of swans. Upon looking at them, he realized that during the months he spent looking for a
family to call his own, he had grown into a beautiful swan. Now he finally understood why he
never looked like the rest of his siblings because he isn’t a duck but a swan.
Moral of the story:
We shouldn’t be too quick to judge others based on their physical appearance. Just because
someone doesn’t fit societal definitions of beauty doesn’t mean they’re ugly. Each of us is
beautiful in our own unique way and it’s time we accept and celebrate that individuality.

9. The Lion and the Poor Slave

There was once a slave who was treated cruelly by his master. One day, he couldn’t take it
anymore and ran away to the forest to escape. There he chanced upon a lion who couldn’t walk
because of the thorn in its paw. Although he’s scared, the slave mustered his courage and took
out the thorn in the lion’s paw. When the lion was finally free of the thorn, he ran into the forest
and didn’t harm the slave. Sometime later, the slave was caught by his master along with some
animals in the forest. The master then ordered the slave to be thrown into the lion’s den. When
the slave saw the lion, he recognized it as the same lion he helped in the forest. The slave was able
to escape the den unharmed and he freed all the other animals.
Moral of the story:
The good you did will always have a way of coming back to you. So do good deeds and be kind to
others and the world will be kind to you.
10. The Elephant and the Ants

There was once a proud elephant who always bullied smaller animals. He would go to the anthill
near his home and spray water at the ants. The ants, with their size, could do nothing but cry. The
elephant just laughed and threatened the ants that he would crush them to death. One day, the ants
had enough and decided to teach the elephant a lesson. They went straight into the elephant’s
trunk and started biting him. The elephant could only howl in pain. He realized his mistake and
apologized to the ants and all the animals he bullied.
Moral of the story:
Be humble and treat everyone with kindness. If you think you’re stronger than others, then use
your strength to protect them instead of harming them.
[9/24, 8:04 PM] +263 77 435 0093: *Panenhau dzandinoda kuti tibatsirane dzisingade mhondoro,
muporofita or svikiro* . *kana n'anga* *zvayo*

*Chekutanga* : Kana wakakura mumaoko asiri amai or baba vakakuberaka (Biological parents)
unofanirwa kubvisa either ari marezwa or matatenda.
Izvi zvinozarura moyo yevakakurera, pose paunofamba unosangana nezvakajeka,

*Chepiri* : kana baba vako vasina kuroora mai vako, mungava iwowo unoda kuzadziswa.
Chikamu ichi chinonyanya kubata zvakanyanya kuvanasikana vemhuri, nekuti pachivanhu
hazvigone kuti mwanasikana abvisirwe roora risina kubvisirwa mai vakamubereka, vadzimu
vekwaamai vanomuka shanje dzokuti, zvomodya isu takadyei, imba iyoyo haimire anodzoka chete
mwanasikana iyeye.

*Chetatu* : vanasikana vakarerwa mumusha maamai kana voroorwa hazvitenderwe kuti pfuma
yavo itambirwe pamusha wasekuru, kunyangwe baba vemwana iyeye vasina chavakabvisa,
vanasekuru vanosungirwa kuenda nemuzukuru nomurume wake kumusha kwemwanasika matare
oitirwa muimba yerudzi rwokwake yosumwa ikoko, then yobva yaroora amai vake.

*Chechina* : mwana vese anosungirwa kupfekedza vabereki, vapenyu nevakafa.

Pavapenyu unotengera vabereki mbatya dzakanaka nemagumbeze maviri rababa neramai
wonovatenda kuti ndive zvandiri nhasi rudo rwenyu.
Kana vakafa unotengazve zvababa zvitambirwa nemadzikoma ababa vako zvaamai
zvinotambirwawo naamai sara pavana, izvi munozviita muri mumba mamakaberekerwa.

*Chechishanu* : kana mumusha muine munhu/ vanhu vakafa vachiita zvechivanhu,

munosungirwa kuvaitira zvakaringana nawo, vanofanorwa kuitirwa Chenura/ kurova guva
neTsvitsa yacho, izvi hazvinei nekuti iwe unonamata.

*Chechitanhatu* : kana vakamborova or kutuka amai usafunga kuti zvakapera, amai vanoripwa
ukasaripa unotamba tsekwende/botso

*Chechinomwe* : kana moda kuroora or kuroorwa, musaita chingezi chekuti munhu

unounganidza mari kumarimuka vobva ikoko wakananga kumusha komusikana kunobvisira usina
kumbonotura befu mumusha maunobva, unobva kwaunorikicha wonanga kumhatso, wopinda
mumusha wotaura nhau yako urimumba, e;g( vabereki ndauya nenyaya yangu yatakambotaura
panhare or mutsamba, kuti pashoma pandawana ndinoroora mudzimai, mwana wekwanhingi)
baba vanosungirwa kubvisa nyangwe $1 woisa pamari iyoyo, mari inoiswa nababa inonzi
yechitsigo. Marriage dzakadai hadzidhakwe.

*Chechisere* : kana vabereki vakafa uchiri pwere/ mudiki unosungirwa kuvachema. Vanakomana
vanobvisa mbudzi yechema per person, nemafuko acho. This means kana baba namai vakafa
zvoreva kuti unobvisa mbudzi mbiri nemafuko acho 2, (fuko will be just a piece of white cloth),
saka kana muri 3 boys for both vabereki panodiwa mbudzi 6, dzose dzinourayiwa dzodyiwa
nyama, hakuna inochengetwa ndezvevafi naizvozvo zvinofanirwa kupfuudzwa.

*Nb* ukaona hupenyu husikufamba zvakanaka jambwa minyama zvitarise kuti uripapi woita
zvaunofanirwa kuita just simple and it wont cost you as much as how you will suffer your entire

*Godzamuto vabwereredza pachivara* !

[9/25, 9:06 AM] +263 77 435 0093: *In spite of / despite*

In spite of : means without being affected by the particular factor mentioned.

*For example*
In spite of feeling tired ,we decided to go out.

Is used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it.

*For example*
Vendors still sell their produce in town *despite* the call for lockdown
[9/25, 3:23 PM] +263 77 435 0093: Structures

1.The thief is running very fast ,____ he?

C didn't
2.Mpho fell asleep after he had ____ his food.
3.The thief was asked to pay a ____for stealing the blanket.
4.The sardines were ____ delicious that Mpho forgot his blanket.
5.The _____ of the jam attracted the ants.
6.The animal jumped ____ the pool.
7.I admired the scientist for his ____.
8.The maize in the fields grew ____ the rainy season.
9.The doctor likes the ____ of roasted meat.
10.As time went by,she got _____ to the new environment.
B uses
11.The teacher congratulated the children ____ their success.
12.The tomatoes in the school garden _____ ripe yet
B.are not not
D.will not
13.The Headmaster encouraged the pupils to work hard in order to _______.
14.Chenai was _____ angry to listen to the writer.
C too
15.Neither Sarah nor _____ made any noise.
[9/25, 3:37 PM] +263 77 435 0093: GRADES

English structures

1. Chipo died ... snake bite. (with, of , from, at)

2. They fought ... a book. ( after, at, for ,over, )
3. I have never seen a mermaid ..... I was born. for , when, since, while)
4. Wyne has escaped, hasn't he? ( Yes, he hasn't, No, he has, Yes, he has, No, he hasn't)
5. The children were sitting .... the shade of the tree. (on, in, under, at)
6. If I .... Tandi, I wouldn't have minded. (were, was, am)
7. Tawanda is..... good terms with Munashe. ( on, with, at, in)
8. Neither of the children..... happy. (is, are,not)
9. The well was 20m ... (depth, deep, tall, long)
10. After the picnic, everyone .... on blankets. ( lay, laid, lied, lain, lay).
11.If it rains, we will ..... our plans. (alto, alight, altar, alter)
12. They did..... best to help. (they, their, there, the)
13. The monkey prefers grapes ... bananas. ( than, to, and, with)
14. These rocks have ..... here for centuries. ( lay, laid, lain, lied)
15. None of the teaching staff .... happy. (is, are)

*Stay safe,stay healthy*

[9/25, 3:37 PM] +263 77 435 0093: [06/08 18:09] +263 77 269 1609: Subject - Verb agreement
1. Sam as well as his friends ---- at the party. (was/were)
2. Neither Susan nor Mira ____ capable of doing this. (is/are)
3. One of my friends____ gone to Malaysia. (has/have)
4. Neither of us___ interested in this. (is/are)
5. Either you or he___ mistaken. (is/are)
6. He along with his friends___ gone to the movies. (has/have)
7. Neither cheese nor butter ___ with me. (agree/agrees)
8. The doctor as well as the nurses___ on strike. (is/are)
9. Neither John nor his brothers ___ there. (was/were)
10. John or his brother ___ to do the shopping this weekend. (has/have)
11. The committee ___ twelve members. (has/have)
12. Both of his children___ married. ( is/are)
[06/08 18:09] +263 77 269 1609: 1.was 2. is 3. has 4. is 5. is 6. has 7. agrees 8. is 9. were 10. has
11. has 12. are
[9/25, 3:54 PM] +263 77 435 0093: **Language*

Use of... *a* *few* . . . Or.... *little*

1. I have.... money left in my account.

2. Just..... packets of sugar are left in the storeroom.

3. We received...... rainfall this year.

4. They have..... hope to proceed with their journey.

5...... number of people have been infected with corona virus.

6. Very...... milk is left in the basin.

7. Jacob has...... notes and coins in the wallet.

8. The.... cough syrup left was not enough to treat her dry cough.

9. Only..... learners are present today.

10...... bottles of paraffin we bought.

11. His....... knowledge contributed a lot in his failure.

12. The teacher asked..... questions before we dismissed.

13. There was very..... time for us to finish our work.

14. It took us...... minutes to reach our destination.

15. Just.... members on this platform passed this exercise.

*Good* *Luck*
[9/27, 4:57 PM] Crucial Dzenga: SOME FACTS ABOUT TEACHERS :
1. They never grow old.
2. They are the happiest people on earth.
3. They are very disciplined people.
4. They are special people who know how to control their anger and temper.
5. Teachers are loving people.
6. Teachers are God given parents, with caring and sympathetic hearts.
7. Teachers are called and chosen by God to teach the nation.
8. Teachers are forgiving people.
9. Teachers are exemplary people .
10. Teachers are resourceful people.
11. Teachers are time conscious people .
12. Teachers are gifts from God.
13. Teachers are not selfish people . They share knowledge
14. Teachers are talented people .
15. Teachers endure low payments and suffer for the sake of others..
16. Teachers are happiest when they see their sown seeds (learners) grow to become gigantic trees
with precious fruits and shades for many.
Congrats to all Teachers in the house because they are the ones who made us who we are today.

Capturing images.
1. ICT tools such as a ....... and a ........ can be used to take photos.
2. You can transfer your photos from your camera to a computer.(True/false)
3. You can transfer pictures to a computer from your phone using a).............b) .......
4. Name any two roles of a digital photographer
5. Using a smartphone take a picture of yourself and *upload* it on whatsapp to share with your
6. Tell your friend to send you pictures so that you *download* them on your phone.
7a. What is to download
7b. What is to upload
1. Name 2 initiation ceremonies.
2 Write 2 elements of design.
3. State 2 materials use to make sculptures.
4. Write 2 types of time signature.
5. State 2 ways of advertising commercials.
6.. State 2 types of sound in theatre.
7. Write 2 soft skills.
8. State 2 group dynamics in dance.
9. Name 2 dances with complex movements.
10. Name 2 problems associated with dancing for an audience.
11. Write 2 sense organs.
12. What 2 things are absorbed in the large intestines?
13. List 2 groups of healthy food.
14. Name 2 health and skills components.
15. Identify 2 protective gears.
16. State 2 reasons for a warm up.
17. State 2 types of warm up.
18. Write 2 components of athletics.
19. Write 2 duties of a goal keeper.
20. Write 2 duties of a striker.

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