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Gales's Table For Major Traverse

Station Leg Length Angle Correction Corrected Angle Bearing Consecutive Coordinate Correction Corrected Co-ordinate Independent Co-ordinate Adjusted Bearing
Adjusted Length
D M S S D M S D M S Lat Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep Northing Easting D M S
CP1 200 9 59 5 200 10 4 3055616.829 331730.4711
CP1-CP2 73.055 178 0 0 -73.01049687 2.549582732 -0.00563 -0.008408984 -73.01612893 2.541173748 73.0603 178 0 43
CP2 72 36 45 4 72 36 4 3055543.813 331733.0123
CP2-Y14M3 50.155 70 36 49 16.64830283 47.31128869 -0.00387 -0.005773083 16.64443621 47.30551561 50.1483 70 37 4
Y14M3 148 10 28 5 148 10 5 3055560.458 331780.3178
Y14M3-Y14M4 67.473 38 47 22 52.59205861 42.26915069 -0.0052 -0.007766469 52.58685689 42.26138422 67.4641 38 47 16
Y14M4 151 53 32 5 151 53 5 3055613.045 331822.5792
Y14M4-Y14M5 57.558 10 40 59 56.56038529 10.66987255 -0.00444 -0.006625204 56.55594794 10.66324735 57.5524 10 40 40
Y14M5 255 51 45 5 255 51 5 3055669.6 331833.2424
Y14M5-Y14M6 49.756 86 32 49 2.996839318 49.66566712 -0.00384 -0.005727156 2.993003457 49.65993996 49.7501 86 33 12
Y14M6 104 5 22 5 104 5 5 3055672.593 331882.9024
Y14M6-Y14M7 37.633 10 38 16 36.98623353 6.947029433 -0.0029 -0.00433174 36.98333228 6.942697693 37.6293 10 37 57
Y14M7 110 5 16 5 110 5 5 3055709.577 331889.8451
Y14M7-Y14M8 40.893 300 43 37 20.89416481 -35.15211695 -0.00315 -0.004706982 20.89101223 -35.15682393 40.8954 300 43 5
Y14M8 147 28 19 5 147 28 5 3055730.468 331854.6883
Y14M8-Y14M9 43.988 268 12 1 -1.381483316 -43.96630128 -0.00339 -0.005063231 -1.384874502 -43.97136451 43.9932 268 11 36
Y14M9 239 23 33 5 239 23 5 3055729.083 331810.7169
Y14M9-Y14M10 64.228 327 35 39 54.22598989 -34.42060436 -0.00495 -0.007392953 54.22103833 -34.42799731 64.2278 327 35 7
Y14M10 156 56 40 5 156 56 5 3055783.304 331776.2889
Y14M10-Y14M11 58.715 304 32 24 33.29031569 -48.36533993 -0.00453 -0.00675838 33.28578915 -48.37209831 58.7180 304 31 51
Y14M11 128 14 16 5 128 14 5 3055816.59 331727.9168
Y14M11-Y14M12 45.655 252 46 45 -13.51640835 -43.6083218 -0.00352 -0.005255111 -13.51992805 -43.61357691 45.6611 252 46 26
Y14M12 210 1 53 5 210 1 5 3055803.07 331684.3032
Y14M12-Y14M13 37.824 282 48 43 8.387539405 -36.88230143 -0.00292 -0.004353725 8.384623423 -36.88665515 37.8276 282 48 14
Y14M13 100 23 28 5 100 23 5 3055811.454 331647.4166
Y14M13-Y14M14 43.952 203 12 16 -40.39649322 -17.31766843 -0.00339 -0.005059088 -40.39988163 -17.32272751 43.9571 203 12 15
Y14M14 139 15 25 5 139 15 5 3055771.055 331630.0938
Y14M14-Y14M15 43.723 162 27 46 -41.69081599 13.1748469 -0.00337 -0.005032729 -41.69418675 13.16981417 43.7247 162 28 31
Y14M15 158 41 27 5 158 41 5 3055729.36 331643.2637
Y14M15-Y14M16 51.394 141 9 18 -40.02799031 32.23512413 -0.00396 -0.005915698 -40.03195245 32.22920843 51.3934 141 10 1
Y14M16 157 57 59 5 157 58 4 3055689.328 331675.4929
Y14M16-Y14M17 37.693 119 7 22 -18.3445313 32.92780619 -0.00291 -0.004338647 -18.34743718 32.92346754 37.6906 119 8 0
Y14M17 218 42 29 5 218 42 5 3055670.981 331708.4163
Y14M17-cp1 58.469 157 49 56 -54.14714283 22.06152498 -0.00451 -0.006730065 -54.15165041 22.05479491 58.4688 157 49 25
SUM 862.164 2700 0 0

Actual angle 2700 0 0 Error in latitude 0.066467 Sum of Latitude after correction 0
Hz angle error 0 1 23.88 Error in Departure 0.099239 Sum of Departure after correction 0
Permissible error 0 2' 2" TOTAL ERROR 0.119442
Correction 0 0 4.94 PRECISION 7218.284

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