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a. Identitas Penulis Modul
Nama Penyusun : Atiqoh Ahmadah, S.Pd.
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 9 Satu Atap Wadaslintang
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
Jenjang Sekolah : SMP
Kelas/Semester : VII/Gasal
Alokasi waktu : 3 JP
b. Kompetensi Awal
- Peserta didik memiliki kosakata dasar yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
c. Profil Pelajar Pancasila
Beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME
Berkebhinekaan Global
d. Sarana dan Prasarana
1) Hand Phone/Laptop
2) Koneksi Internet
3) Buku Pendamping
4) Alat tulis
e. Target Peserta didik
Peserta didik reguler/tipikal: umum, tidak ada kesulitan dalam mencerna dan memahami
materi ajar.
f. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan
Model pembelajaran tatap muka dengan ruang lingkup materi yang bersifat kontekstual.


a. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1 :
1) Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan dialog
transaksional terkait self introduction,
2) mengaplikasikan dan memproduksi serta memahami ungkapan dalam dialog
interpersonal terkait self introduction

b. Pemahaman bermakna
Setelah mencapai semua tujuan pembelajaran dalam ruang lingkup materi ini, peserta didik
diharapkan memiliki kompetensi untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi secara lisan maupun
tulisan berbahasa Inggris, dalam rangka memperkenalkan diri.
c. Pertanyaan pemantik
1) Apa yang kita akan kita katakan untuk memperkenalkan diri
2) Informasi apa yang kita sampaikan saat kita memperkenalkan diri.
d. Persiapan pembelajaran
Menyiapkan materi, modul, bahan ajar, dan sarana prasarana yang akan dipakai dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran.
B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pendahuluan 15 menit
● Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar baik secara fisik
maupun psikologis.
● Guru memberikan contoh ungkapan perkenalan dan
pertanyaan pemantik:
● Good morning, My name is Linda Hasnida. Just call
me Mrs. Linda. I am 40 years old. I am your English
● Now, I want to know about you. What is your name?
How old are you?
● Are you ready for this class?

● Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi yang akan dicapai;
● Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
penjelasan tentang kegiatan yang akan dilakukan
Peserta didik selama pembelajaran dan asesmennya.

Kegiatan Inti 1. Siswa mengamati video tentang perkenalan. 90 menit
2. Siswa mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan di
video tersebut untuk memperkenalkan diri dan orang
3. Siswa mendiskusikan hasil temuan mereka secara
4. Siswa mengerjakan Chapter 1, activity 3 dalam buku
5. Siswa berlatih melakukan perkenalan diri dengan cara
mengganti informasi yang ada dalam dialog Chapter 1,
activity 2 dalam buku pendamping dengan informasi
real tentang dirinya atau orang lain.
6. Siswa mendapat balasan dari guru.
7. Siswa bekerja berkelompok terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang
dan menyusun teks memperkenalkan dirinya dan orang
8. Siswa mempraktikkan dialog yang telah mereka susun.
Mereka dapat merekamnya, atau melakukan secara
langsung di depan kelas.

Penutup 1. Siswa membuat simpulan pembelajaran terkait self 15 menit

2. Siswa melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
3. Guru memberikan penugasan, yaitu
4. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran selanjutnya.
5. Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucp syukur dan memberi

C. Asesmen
Asesmen Formatif
1. Penilaian tentang pemahaman siswa terkait self introduction
2. Membuat dialog pendek tentang self introduction (Instrumen terlampir)

Asesmen Sumatif
1. Siswa mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda . (Instrumen terlampir)
2. Siswa membuat perkenalan pribadi


1. Self Introduction

A self-introduction explains who you are, what you do and what others need to know
about you. In this chapter you will learn how to introduce yourself, explain your identity,
personality, and what things should be known to others. It would be best to be confident
and clear enough while introducing yourself to others.

Activity 1.
Study how they greet their friends and introduce themselves

Activity 2.
Repeat after your teacher reading the dialog and study the expression!
1. Asesmen Diagnostik Kognitif:

2. Tes Formatif 2
Make dialog about your self introduction and practice the dialog in front of class!
C. Asesmen Sumatif
1. Choose the correct answer!

Hi friends, Do you know Christiano Ronaldo? Well

let me tell you who he is. He is my favourite
football player. People usually call him Crist or
CR7. His full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos
Aveiro. He is a Portugese football player. He was
born in Funchal, Madeira Portugal on February 5th
1985. He is the fourth child of Mr. Jose Diniz and
Mrs. Dolores Dos

1. What information are mentioned in the text?

A. Cristiano’s nationality and his family
B. Cristiano’s friends and his favorite football player
C. Crist’s place of birth and his nationality.
D. Crist’s parents’ name and his achievements.

2. In 2023 Cristiano will be …. years old.

A. 38 years old
B. 37 years old
C. 36 years old
D. 35 years old

Pandu : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Pandu. I am Indonesian

Lou Bin : Hi, I’m Pandu, I am Lou Bin. I’m from China. Nice to meet you.
Pandu : Nice to meet you too. Let’s go to the crowd.
( Radit and Pandu go to the crowd and they meet a girl.)
Shyang : Hi, Pandu. How are you?
Pandu : I’m fine. How about you?
Shyang : I’m fine too. Thank you.
Pandu : Shyang, this is Lou Bin, my new friend, He is Chinese.
Lou Bin : Hi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Shyang : How do you do? Pleased to meet you too.
Lou Bin : By the way, where do you come from?
Shyang : I come from Serangoon, Singapore.
Radit : You are Singaporean, right?
Shyang : Yes, but my mother is an Indonesian.
3. From the dialog above we know that
A. Pandu, Shyang and Lou Bin are pen pals
B. Shyang and her mother are same nationality.
C. Shyang,Pandu and Lou Bin study in a same school.
D. Pandu, Shyang and lou Bin are different nationality.

Huston : Excuse me, I will be studying here for student exchange program.
My name is Huston.
Sarah : Hello, my name is Sarah. Welcome to my school. Where are you
Huston : I am from Paris.
Sarah : Wow great, Nice to meet you.
Huston : Nice to meet you too. I like to stay in Indonesia. The weather is so
nice and the people are so friendly.
Sarah : Is this your first time staying in Indonesia?
Huston : Yes, I followed the test for the student exchange program and I have
achieved what I really want. That’s why I am here.
Sarah : I see, Let me guide you to know more about this school.
Huston : Thanks, Sarah.
Sarah : Well, This is my third year here, Are we the same year?
Huston : Yes, It will be so nice if we are in same class.
Sarah : Well, I will show you where the canteen is, let’s go!
Huston : Okay.

4. What is Huston’s nationality?

A. American
B. France
C. Autralian
D. English

5. Why does Huston come to Indonesia? Because …

A. He move to Indonesia
B. He failed the test for student exchange program
C. He passed the test for student exchange program
D. He want to live and study in Indonesia.
6. Why does Huston introduce himself to Sarah? Because …
A. They are best friend
B. It is their first meeting
C. They know each other well
D. They are classmate
7. Paolo comes from Rome
He is a/an .....
A. Italian
B. Jamaican
C. French
D. Germans

8. Abu comes from Jeddah.

He is a/an ....
A. Yemen
B. Saudi Arabian
C. Indonesian
D. Malaysian

Let me tell you about my family. I live with my mum, my dad and my sister. We live in

My mum’s name is Lani. She’s Chinese and she speaks English and Indonesian. She’s a
English teacher. She’s short and slim, she’s got long, brown hair and brown eyes. My dad’s name is
Sahid. He’s Indonesian. He’s tall and a little fat! He’s got short brown hair and black eyes. He works
in a bank. My sister Anis is 14 and she loves listening to music. She listens to music all the time!
She’s got long black hair and brown eyes, like me. I’ve got long hair too. We’ve got a pet dog,
doggy. He’s black and white and very friendly.

9. “We’ve got a pet dog, doggy”. “We” in the sentence refers to …

A. The writer
B. The writer and his parents
C. The writer and his family
D. The writer and his sister

10. How many members are there in the family?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
2. Write your self-introduction

Good morning, I would like to introduce myself, My name is ………….


Pilihan Ganda Betul x 10
10 x 10 = 100
Rubrik penilaian produk
No. Komponen
89-100 66-85 41-65 0-40
1 Kualitas Isi perkenalan Isi perkenalan Isi perkenalan Isi perkenalan
pribadi jelas, dan pribadi jelas, pribadi jelas, pribadi tidak
berisi semua tetapi belum tetapi hanya begitu jelas, dan
informasi yang berisi semua beberapa hanya sedikit
diperlukan dalam informasi yang informasi yang informasi yang
memperkenalkan diperlukan disampaikan disampaikan dalam
diri. dalam dalam memperkenalkan
memperkenalk memperkenalkan diri.
an diri. diri.
2 Isi Menunjukkan Kurang Belum Tidak
pemahaman menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan
terhadap instruksi pemahaman pemahaman pemahaman
terhadap terhadap terhadap instruksi
instruksi instruksi

No Score Deskripsi
1 0-40 Belum mencapai, remidial di seluruh bagian

2 41-65 Belum mencapai ketuntasan, remidial di bagian yang

3 66-85 Sudah mencapai ketuntasan, tidak perlu remidial

4 86-100 Sudah mencapai ketuntasan, perlu pengayaan atau

tantangan lebih

Refleksi peserta didik :

● Kegiatan apa yang paling menarik dari pembelajaran bahasa Inggris hari ini?


● Bagian mana yang kamu belum kuasai atau masih perlu kamu tingkatkan?


● Apa yang akan kamu lakukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensimu?


Refleksi pendidik :

● Apa yang menurut bapak/ibu sukses dalam pembelajaran hari ini?


● Apa yang menurut bapak/ibu masih bisa bapak/ibu tingkatkan?


● Bagaimana bapak/ibu akan memperbaiki kondisi tersebut?

Pengayaan dan Remidial
Pengayaan :
Read and answer the questions.

I want to introduce you to one of my best friends. His name is Faiz Ramadhan. We know
each other since we are still babies. Faiz lives next door. We always play together. We also come to
the same school. However, Faiz is in class VII-C while I am in class VII-A. He loves to play soccer
and he is one of the best players in our school. Faiz has one younger brother. His name is Dimas.
Whenever I come to their house, we will always play together. It is a lot of fun.
1. What is the text about?
2. Since when does the two know each other?
3. How many brothers does Faiz have?
4. What is Faiz’ hobby?
5. Are Faiz and the writer classmates? Explain.
Disesuaikan dengan bagian mana dari hasil asesmen siswa yang perlu diintervensi.

Wadaslintang, 11 Juli 2022

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yusman, S.Pd. M.Pd. Atiqoh Ahmadah, S.Pd.

NIP. 19710425 200604 1 015 NIP. 198709292022212010

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