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“Overcome the Virus: We heal as one”

If viruses are alive and have minds, the people will always be their targets. If pandemic arises,

it is always the people who suffers; and when that happen? The first who comes in the people's mind

will always be the government. They will seek help to those who have power. This is a question

people should think before voting; “Crisis will surely arise, who among these people should be more

likely to help in times of people’s need?”

If I will ever be given a chance to be a high-ranking government official, my plans in solving

the problems brought by the Covid-19 pandemic was first, to always put the lives of my people before

my position—especially those who are in the frontlines risking their own lives for the sake of the lives

of many. I will give them, with open arms, all the credits they deserve. Advance equipment for testing

as well as more and proper personal protective equipment and other paraphernalia for our medicinal

field fighters, infrastructures such as laboratories for advance future researches and hospitals should

also be dealt with for a change. This is to solve the problems in our medical field and our front liners.

Second is assurance. I will definitely assure that my services are for Filipino's and Filipino's

alone and not for other countries. This is confusing but simply means that I, as a representative of the

body of justice, will protect the privilege of the Filipino’s before those who are not and definitely in

the wrong. Our borders are ours and needed to be defended too. Countermeasures will come up the

moment something poses a threat to get ready for an advance and clever defense. Every lives matter.

People suffering poverty should be given work enough to let them save up for a new life. No one will

left behind. This is to solve the problems of our dear Filipino people without a home during this hard

times as well as trespassers of neighboring countries who threats our people.

Third is principle and affirmations. I will never stoop to a level where threats and violence are

used to discipline my people. To reiterate, it is never my plan to practice constitutional

authoritarianism and create an environment of violence, fear and terror to be able to justify a law to

make people more likely to obey. Creating an environment of chaos to make people scared; and when

people are scared, people are willing to give up their rights and privileges for the idea of security—the

Almanon, Alyssa Mariz D.

idea that they are safe, will never be a backup plan on saving my country in times of crisis due to

powerful viruses. Those people who have respected seats in our governmental body who is not

deserving and poses as a threat for the people should be reconsidered for a more trusted and deserving

one. As might as well they say, it should be the inside first that needs to be swept. This is to solve the

absence of the people in position when pandemic like Covid-19 arises and to stop the mindset of

every one that the government’s last resort were killing.

Fourth is fast internet connection. As of now, without the presence of a vaccine, it is

inevitable for the cases to be lowered fast and as the pandemic arises, Filipinos need fast internet

connection for practicing the new normal especially our students to be able to cope up with lessons

even in this trying times— and also, to communicate with their loved ones. It's not shocking enough

for majority of our front liners surely have a daughter or son of their own. Our children’s learning

should be a priority. Equipment or gadgets only applicable of what is needed for classes would be

sponsored by the government to avoid unnecessary applications such as online games to let them

focus in their studies. Learning is first, war equipment comes second—though if I am a high-ranking

official, is not necessary. Philippines, among like the other third world countries, have the slowest

internet speed and unaffordable price which always put quite a ruckus to the students with the

accordance of online classes.

Fifth, Youth Empowerment. I will create a country of knowledge and freedom. Youth’s are

powerful. Rizal's advocacy is still alive. Our youth's are also our power. We should trust them as our

hopes. It is definitely worth to place them our bets. We need to support them. With proper teaching

and proper government assistance, they might as well be the one's who will discover the Covid-29

vaccine. As time passes, the new generation has bigger and wider perspectives; as time passes,

knowledge from the old generation are bestowed upon them. Also, let us consider the fact that they do

have the power to speak up. They are able to stand up despite of the consequences. They are

considered as nuisance for complaining though it still produces results. Be a leader admired by

youth’s; we should be a good role model for our future leaders.

Almanon, Alyssa Mariz D.

Last, but definitely not the least, is a common plan but not even practiced; transparency. Well,

it is their right to be fully aware and fully well known where their moneys are gone off to. If I can’t

use violence to make my people obey, then I will use the power of transparency to gain their trust. Be

a good leader enough to gain your people's trust, dictators will never solve the problem of the Filipino

people. Well, we were more likely obey a honest leader. I will create a competent environment where

the government is serving for the people because incompetence is indeed a valid reason why people

reacts—they should never be blamed, that is not it. A trustworthy government should listen to every

cry of its people. The country’s funds are from the people and is for the people.

It is not a battle of what one's profession is, neither their position in life. It is a battle of

perseverance in the face of obstacles. It is for the principle of what is right for our people. It is not too

late to correct what is wrong. I still believe in the Philippines; I still believe in the future of our

country. If you will ever be in that position, how will you help your people? We can still win this fight

with Covid-19. We heal as one.

Almanon, Alyssa Mariz D.

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