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The relevance of Turkey’s industry sectors to their economy and how their contributions have

changed within the times can be seen through the two pie charts enclosed.

In 2016, there has been an increase in the prevalence of some sectors, as well as decreases in
others. Trade, Utilities, and transportation, Finance, Business, and Other, Construction, and
Manufacturing has seen a growth in significance. Whereas the government, leisure and hospitality,
and agriculture sectors have minimized in value. The only consistently stable sector as seen by this
pie chart is Healthcare and Education, maintaining a 17% share of the economy.

The biggest change in share is Agriculture, with a whopping 10% decrease in share. The construction
sector also experiences a 7% higher importance in the economy, making it the second most drastic
difference between the two years. In 2000, the main contributor to the economy is agriculture with
a percentage of 24%. Whereas in 2016, 17% of the economy is consisted by the income from
Healthcare and Education. Trade, utilities, and transportation is close by, making up for 16% of the

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