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Presented as Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Sastra Degree in

Technocrat School of Foreign Language

Name : Dwi Savita Sari

Student Registration Number : 96174002175




An Undergraduate Thesis on




Name: Dwi Savita Sari

Student Registration Number: 96174002175

Approved by:

Major Sponsor

Dr. Aam Alamsyah, S.Pd., M.Pd. : July ,2021

NIDN: 0410126902


Santosa, S.S., M.Pd. : July ,2021

NIDN 0406068104

An Undergraduate Thesis on




Name : Dwi Savita Sari

Student Registration Number : 96174002175

Defended before the board of examiners on July . 2021 and declared acceptable

Board of examiners Signature

Chairman : Radik Darmawan, S.S.,M.Pd.

NIDN : 0426068302

Members :

1. 1.


Head of Technocrat School of Foreign Language

Radik Darmawan, S.S.,M.Pd.

NIDN : 0426068302


I hereby state that this thesis is only my own masterpiece. If someday it is

found that entire or part of this thesis is not my own masterpiece, I accept to be

imposed sanction based on the Law No. 20 year 2003 chapter VI verse 25 of the

National Education System.

Tangerang, July , 2021

Dwi Savita Sari


Praise and deep gratitude to Allah SWT for the abundance of grace, and

guidance of Him given to the writer that made this thesis can be completed

properly. Greetings and shalawat may always be devoted to the Prophet

Muhammad SAW.

The thesis entitled “Analysis of Idioms on Protagonists in the A Walk to

Remember novel” is structured to meet the requirements of the undergraduate

curriculum stratum-1 (S-1) in the Department of English Literature, Technocrat

School of Foreign Language Tangerang (Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing


The writer would like to say thank you profusely for all the help that has

been given, either directly or indirectly during the preparation of this final thesis

to complete. In particular gratitudes that are due to:

1. My parents, who have loved me, cared for me from childhood until now,

who have given full support and pray to date. And especially for my

beloved husband, who has supported me both morally and materially.

2. Mr. Naimulloh, S.Pd., M.M. As Director of STBA Technocrat Pasar


3. And also to all lecturers School of Foreign Language Technocrat Pasar

Kemis, who have educated me as students from the beginning to the final


4. Mr. Dr. Aam Alamsyah, Spd.,M.Pd. and also Mr. Santosa, S.S.,M.Pd as

my supervisor and director from the beginning to the end of this thesis. I

am very grateful because thanks to this assistance, this thesis can be

completed and graduated in this final session.

5. Thank you so much for all of my friends in STBA Technocrat,we have

studied together for four years and I hope our friendship will be forever.

The writer realizes that this thesis has not been perfect, both in terms of

material or presentation. The suggestions and constructive criticisms are expected

in the completion of this thesis.

Recently authors hope that this thesis can provide things that are useful

and add insight to the reader and especially for the writer as well.

Tangerang, July 2021


Dwi Savita Sari


PAGE OF APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ....................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... x

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................. xi


1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................. 1

1.2 Problem Formulation ...................................................................................... 10

1.3 Objective of the Study ...................................................................................... 10

1.4 Benefit of the Study .......................................................................................... 11

1.5 Definition of Terms .......................................................................................... 11


2.1 Linguistics ....................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Language style................................................................................................. 14

2.3 Types of language style .................................................................................... 17

2.4 Diction ............................................................................................................ 21

2.5 Idiom ............................................................................................................... 24

2.6 Types of idiom ................................................................................................. 26

2.7 Meaning .......................................................................................................... 27

2.8 Types of Meaning............................................................................................. 28

2.9 Character ........................................................................................................ 31

2.10 Main character ................................................................................................ 32

2.11 Novel ............................................................................................................... 33


3.1 Object of the Study........................................................................................... 35

3.2 Approach of the Study ..................................................................................... 36

3.3 Research Method ............................................................................................ 36

3.4 Steps of the Study ............................................................................................ 37


4.1 The types of Idioms .......................................................................................... 39

4.1.1 Lexemic Idioms ...................................................................................... 39

4.1.2 Idioms as phrases or phrases shifts ........................................................ 55

4.1.3 Proverbs: form, meaning, and function that have been frozen ................ 58

4.2 The types of Meanings .................................................................................... 59

4.2.1 Conceptual meaning .............................................................................. 60

4.2.2 Connotative meaning ............................................................................. 61

4.2.3 Social meaning ...................................................................................... 62

4.2.4 Affective meaning................................................................................... 65

4.2.5 Reflected meaning .................................................................................. 69

4.2.6 Collocative meaning .............................................................................. 69

4.2.7 Thematic meaning .................................................................................. 72


5.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 76

5.2 Suggestion ....................................................................................................... 76

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 78


Biodata ........................................................................................................................ 81


Dwi Savita Sari (2021). Analysis of Idioms on Protagonists in A Walk to

Remember novel. Technocrat School of Foreign Language.
The purpose of this research and analysis is to understand the types of
idioms and types of meanings contained in the A Walk to Remember novel on
Protagonists utterance . To get results related to the types of idioms and types of
meanings that are found in Protagonists in the A Walk t Remember novel, the
writer tries to formulate these problems into two questions, namely: (1). What
types of idioms are used by Protagonists in the A Walk to Remember novel? (2).
What types of meanings of the idioms are used by Protagonists in the A Walk to
Remember novel?
In analyzing A Walk to Remember novel about the types of idioms and
types of meanings are used by Protagonists in A Walk to Remember novel, the
writer uses a qualitative approach. This approach applies Creswell's theory (2008,
cited from Raco 2010, p.6) to analyze, examine and understand the types of
idioms and types of meanings are used by Protagonists in the A Walk to
Remember novel. The writer uses this approach because the answers to the
research questions need to be proven by some excerpts from A Walk to Remember
novel. The use of this approach also allows the writer to provide convincing and
supportive evidence to draw conclusions about findings in the study. The writer
also conducts literature studies in conducting this research. Several theories
regarding the types of idioms and theories regarding the types of meaning of
idioms are used by the writer as a reference and supporting material to strengthen
the research and analysis conducted by the writer.

The writer applies the theory of the types of idioms developed by Boatner
and Gates and also applies Leech's theory of the types of meanings to carry out an
analysis of the Protagonists utterance. The benefits that can be obtained by the
writer and readers of this study are that they can find out more about types of
idioms and types of meanings on Protagonists utterance in A walk to Remember
In the end, the writer found that in Protagonists utterance often uses verbal
idioms and types of collocative meanings in communicating with his interlocutors
with the characters in the novel. In the Protagonists utterance also uses many
simple words, so it is very clear to be understood.


Dwi Savita Sari (2021). Analisis Idiom pada ujaran Protagonis dalam novel A
Walk to Remember. Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Technocrat.
Tujuan dari penelitian dan analisa ini adalah untuk memahami jenis-jenis
idiom dan jenis-jenis makna idiom yang terdapat dalam dialog novel A Walk to
Remember pada ujaran Protagonis. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berkaitan
dengan jenis-jenis idiom dan jenis-jenis makna idiom yang terdapat pada ujaran
Protagonis dalam novel A Walk to Remember, penulis mencoba untuk
merumuskan masalah-masalah ini ke dalam dua pertanyaan, yaitu: (1). Idiom jenis
apa saja yang digunakan oleh Protagonis dalam novel A Walk to Remember? (2).
Jenis makna idiom apa saja yang digunakan oleh Protagonis ditemukan dalam
novel A Walk to Remember?
Dalam menganalisa dialog novel A Walk to Remember mengenai jenis-
jenis idiom dan jenis-jenis makna idiom yang digunakan oleh Protagonis dalam
novel A Walk to Remember, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.
Pendekatan ini mengaplikasikan teori Creswell (2008, dikutip dari Raco 2010,
p.6) untuk menganalisa, memeriksa dan memahami jenis-jenis idiom dan jenis-
jenis makna idiom yang digunakan oleh Protagonis dalam novel A Walk to
Remember. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan ini karena jawaban untuk
pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian perlu dibuktikan dengan beberapa kutipan dari
dialog novel A Walk to Remember. Penggunaan pendekatan ini juga membolehkan
penulis untuk memberikan bukti yang meyakinkan dan mendukung untuk
membuat sebuah kesimpulan tentang penemuan didalam penelitian. Penulis juga
melakukan studi pustaka dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Beberapa teori
mengenai jenis-jenis idiom dan teori mengenai jenis-jenis makna idiom digunakan
oleh penulis sebagai referensi dan bahan pendukung untuk memperkuat penelitian
dan analisa yang diadakan oleh penulis.

Penulis mengaplikasikan teori tentang jenis-jenis idiom yang

dikembangakan oleh Boatner dan Gates dan juga mengaplikasikan teori Leech
tentang jenis-jenis makna untuk melakukan sebuah analisa terhadap ujaran
Protagonis. Manfaat yang bisa didapat oleh penulis dan para pembaca dari
penelitian ini yaitu mereka dapat lebih mengetahui tentang jenis-jenis idiom dan
jenis-jenis makna apa saja yang ada pada ujaran Protagonis dalam novel A Walk to
Pada akhirnya, penulis menemukan bahwa pada ujaran Protagonis sering
menggunkan idiom verbal dan jenis makna idiom kolokatif dalam berkomunikasi
dengan lawan bicaranya dengan tokoh yang ada dalam novel tersebut. Protagonis
juga menggunakan banyak kata-kata yang simple, sehingga sangat mudah


1.1 Background of the study

Linguistics is the study of how people can understand language. It involves

the analysis of language form, language meaning and language in context, as well

as the social, cultural, historical and political factors that influence language. For

instance, a statesman or politician who has to fight for idiology and concepts of

state or government, he must be orally better in linguistic . When they master

linguistic and social problems especially in relation to society, it is possible to

bridge the differences and challenges of language.

The following are the reasons why the writer chooses linguistics, firstly

because the studies of linguistics are very influential procedures. So that, what

we say can be understood by the listener. If the delivery of words are less

understood by the listener and this will cause misunderstanding. Linguistics

studies about various types of language setting. Each language has its own

sequence. Therefore, to understand other languages that are not our mother

tongue, we must know the order of the language first.

Secondly, because the writer wants to know how people use language

interestingly and beautifully. In addition to learning of how people can

understand language, the different types of language settings, the writer also learn

how people speak it in a beautiful, and attractive way. For example is the teacher.

If they have linguistic knowledge, they will be able to present their lessons more

easily. When they have a good linguistic ability to impart lessons to students of a


different age or grade level, they will use a beautiful or attractive vocabulary or

style that can be adjusted.

thirdly, by studying linguistics, the writer can understand about the habits,

culture, and behaviors of the objects the writer learn. By learning the style of

language, the writer also learning studying the person, region, or country. The

style of speaking is owned by each person, region, or country in general. When

we learn a new language, it also means learning a new culture. For instance, there

may be words for phenomena that don’t exist in the country of the learner. The

Japanese language has the word “komorebi” which means a phenomenon when

sunlight is filtered through the leaves. So, with this word, a learner will get a

Japanese approach to nature and beauty.

One of the most interesting and important things in a language is the writing

style. Writing style is the manner of expressing thought in language characteristic

of an individual, period, school, or nation. Thus, style is a term that may refer, at

one and the same time, to singular aspects of an individual’s writing habits or a

particular document and to aspects that go well-beyond the individual writer.

Beyond the essential elements of spelling, grammar, and punctuation, writing

style is the choice of words or diction, sentence structure, and paragraph structure,

used to convey the meaning effectively. The point of good writing style is to

express the message to the reader simply, clearly, convincingly, and also keep

the reader attentive, engaged, and interested.

One important point of writing is determining a good and beautiful choice of

words. One of the choice of word is diction. Diction, is obviously a central


element in every writer’s style. Diction is usually with reference to the prevailing

standards of proper writing and speech and is seen as the mark of quality of the

writing. It is also understood as the selection of certain words or phrases that

become peculiar to a writer.

In order to know what the speaker is saying in communication, We must

know who we communicate with. For instance, where they came from. That will

affect the communication style, because every people is coming from the

different area and culture. Therefore, by studying diction, we will know how we

should behave with the person we are talking to. In addition, we can minimize

misunderstanding in communication.

The writer is interested to learn about diction because the writer wants to

increase vocabulary. By learning diction that the writer did not know before.

Because each writing requires skill in choice of diction. Good choice of words or

diction will make the writing beautiful and interesting.

In addition diction is the distinctiveness of speech, the art of speaking so that

each word is clearly heard and understood to its fullest complexity and extremity,

and concerns pronunciation and tone, rather than word choice and style. This is

more precisely and commonly expressed with the term enunciation, or with its

synonym articulation.

Talking about diction, the author uses diction as word choice that is used to

give meaning to the author’s wishes. because its meaning cannot be defined.

Before the choice of words is combined, when taken literally, it would sound

strange. Words combine and thus produce a connotation or idiom. Idiom is a


group of words that are used as a common expression whose meaning is not

deducible from that of the literal words. Idioms are used frequently in both

written and spoken Language. One is English. An idiom is a phrase where the

words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of

the individual words.

Moreover, the writer chooses English idiom because learning idiom is a very

important thing to study in studying English as an international language used in

almost all over the world. Firstly, It helps to improve the writer’s English

understanding of English. By learning idioms, the writer can acquire more new

vocabulary and encourage myself to learn English even harder.

Secondly, idioms are very important in social life. Idioms tend to be informal,

social language, and use can "warm up" social situations, and help you to form

social bonds with others easily. If you plan to live, work or learn in the

English-speaking world, avoiding idioms will be of no use at all because you may

be regarded as having a low sense of humor and may fail to grasp the concept of

a conversation. For instance, when we don’t understand idioms and other people

say “Break a leg“ we will definitely confused about the real meaning is “Good


Thirdly, idioms are able to communicate something in a simple and

interesting way. Most idioms use vocabulary references to physical objects, such

as animals, food, drinks, and so forth. It makes a condition described by the idiom

easier to remember, makes our English more interesting, easier to access from

long-term memory because idioms are stored as images in the brain. For example,

the idiom “it takes two to tango“ which means “one person alone is not

responsible. But people are involved.“ And also by learning idioms make our

English sound like native speaker.

The use of idioms may also be found in novels. A novel is relatively long

work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically

published as a book. Novel expresses some aspect of human’s life, love and

existence. Because it tells about human activities and describes what happened in

surrounding. For the most part, novels are dedicated to narrating individual

experiences of characters, creating a closer, more complex portrait of these

characters and the world they live in. Inner feelings and thoughts, as well as

complex, even conflicting ideas or values are typically explored in novels, more

so than in preceding forms of literature. Not only the stories themselves but also

the experiences of reading them as well.

The writer chooses a Novel because it is longer narrative than short story or

novella. It tells story and contents some important elements. The novel contains

elements of language that is wealthiest source of idioms. Therefore, the writer

takes a novel as object of research. Idioms are used in a novel to acquaint the

writers with their readers and to built up story telling depiction in the imagination

of those who read it.

In a novel, many characters use idiom expressions. Characters use idioms in

their dialogue when they want to express what is spoken. Characters use many

idioms to express what they feel and many expression that they do not say

directly are using idioms.


The writer focus to the character because the writer feels attracted to the use

of language used by the characters in their dialogue. And the writer was curious

about the meaning of the language. In addition, Character is one of the points that

make novel interesting. Character describe the contents of the novel usability of

character beside making this novel attractive to the readers.

The writer also interested used the character as object of analysis because

Character can explain the content of the novel. The character selection must be in

sync with the novel that will be made later. Characters are the whole reason for

any story. They can be used to help teach a lesson, to entertain, to educate, and

even to persuade, depending on the author’s goal for the story line.

In the novel the characters use many idioms that is really interesting to

study. As explained earlier, idioms are expressions that are very different from

the meaning of the component words are separated. The use of idioms in

communication is also because people do not like to expressed directly to the

core goals.

In this study the writer will research a novel called novel A Walk to

Remember, one of the best novel by Nicholas Sparks. Nicholas sparks was born

on 31 December 1965, Omaha, Nebraska, United States. He is an American

novelist, screenwriter, and philanthropist. The genre of his novel is romantic. He

has published twenty one novels and two non-fiction books, all of which have

been New York bestseller, with over 115 million copies sold worldwide in more

than 50 languages. Eleven of his novels have been adapted to film, including The

Choice, The Longest Ride, The Best Of Me, The NoteBook, A Walk to Remember,


The first time the writer knows the author is through his novel. Upon

learning the author, Nicholas Sparks, was remarkable in making his work

interesting to the writer. Nicholas Sparks always made it work had such

interesting plots and moral messages that writer was curious and had to finish a

story, the language is easy to understand and remember by readers. The

characters are also interesting because the works tell stories of a growing

character from a boy who cares nothing of others and likes to bully, to a highly

appreciative and caring person in the family circle, friendship and love.

The writer also admires Nicholas Sparks because of the language he uses in

his works. As previously stated, Nicholas Sparks used easy language that made

readers easy to understand. He also used idioms that made his works more

beautiful and interesting. That inspired the writer to understand the meaning

behind the idiom.

The novel that the writer will discuss is A Walk to Remember. The writer is

interested in discussing this novel because it is inspired by Nicholas Sparks, a

sister of Danielle Sparks Lewis, who died of cancer in 2000. The story line was

inspired by his sister’s life, Danielle met a man who wanted to marry her even

when he found out that her sister was sick.

The writer is also interested in the language style used in this novel. In which

the novel employs a melancholy style or is leaning toward a romance. It touches

our emotions more deeply. Illuminating both the strength and the gossamer

fragility of our deepest emotions. In addition, Nicholas Sparks tells a truly

unforgettable story, one that glimmers with all of his magic, going us spell-bound

and reminding us that in life each of us may find one great love.

The writer focuses on the two main characters, they are Jamie Sullivan and

Landon Carter. First, Jamie Sullivan is the daughter of the Beaufort church

minister Hegbert Sullivan. Her mother died shortly after giving birth to her, and

her father raised her all by himself. Jamie Sullivan is very religious, happy and

kind. At the age of 17, she fell in love with a boy having a totally opposite

personality named Landon Carter, who had been in her class since kindergarten.

Later, it was revealed that she’d got leukemia and despite knowing this, Landon

married her and she died soon after.

Second is Landon Carter, the protagonist of A Walk to Remember comes of

age in this novel, progressing from a self-posessive teenegar who watches life

from the sidelines (often making fun of anyone he views as different) to a

self-assured young man who places his focus on the welfare of others.

The writer focused to these two characters because both these main character

have a strong moral messages that readers can take. First, The character of Jamie

Sullivan give us a beautiful messages about optimistic and self-esteem. She

stands as proof that individuals can actually defeat impediments that they

encounter through their lives and that it is possible for them to experience

satisfaction as a result. While most people would be inclined to exteriorize their

suffering and influence individuals around them in trying to sympathize with


them, Jamie stood strong until the last moments of her life and managed to

become an example for anyone who ever experienced pain during their lives.

Morality can generally be considered to be the guiding principle in Jamie's

life. She constantly struggles to avoid being caught in an immoral situation

because she acknowledges the importance of doing good deeds. One of the first

tendencies of someone suffering from leukemia would be to consider that the

world's pressure is on his or her shoulders. Jamie adopts a different approach by

ignoring her condition and by trying to appear as happy as possible.

Second, character of Landon Carter. As previously the writer stated, Landon

Carter is a young boy who cares nothing of others and likes to bully. Spoiled

young rich kid who seemed to be living his life in a dissolute way. He is not

completely bad, but he seems to have no direction. Fell in love with Jamie

Sullivan, and completely changed in his seventeenth year. It is only when Jamie

Sullivan comes into his life that he begins to see how wrong he has been to make

fun of others and to have no real goals to reach for. In the end, he becomes more

religious, more compassionate, more loyal, and more sensitive. He credits it all to

Jamie, but his coming of age is also because he is basically a good young man

who just needed to find his way.

At the end, both of these characters, the writer have found many idioms in

their dialogue when they want to express what is spoken. These Characters use

many idioms to express what they feel and many expression that they do not say

directly by using idioms.


Therefore, the writer is interested to analyze one of novels that writer has

read. It is A Walk to Remember a novel by Nicholas Sparks. Because the writer

wants to understand the meaning of the idiom expressed by the characters in this


From the above explanation, the writer feels confident to carry a literary



1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the explanation of Background of Study above, the writer

formulates the problem as follows :

1.2.1 What types of idioms are used by Protagonists in A Walk to

Remember novel?

1.2.2 What are the types of meanings of the idioms used by Protagonists

in A Walk to Remember novel?

1.3 Objective of Study

According to the problem statement, the main object in this research is to

analyze types of idioms and meanings used by Protagonists in A Walk to

Remember novel.

1.4 Benefit of the Study

1.4.1 By analyzing idioms in the A Walk to Remember novel, besides

we can find out what are the meaning of the idioms in A Walk to

Remember novel, we can also add to the vocabulary that we have

not known.

1.4.2 We can understand easily what the meaning actually wants to

revealed to the characters.

1.5 Definition of Terms

1.5.1 Idioms are part of an inseparable language. Idioms can be

understood as a collection of words or phrase, which when

translated will have different words than the meaning of the word

itself. (Spears, 2007,p.12,as cited in Agustian, 2019). Idioms are

also expressions of words or phares that have figurative meaning

that can be understood in term of general use of expressions which

are separate from literal meanings.

1.5.2 Meaning is the information or concepts that a sender intends to

convey, or does convey, in communication with a receiver.

(Aristotle, 384-322 BC, as cited in Agustian,2019).

1.5.3 Novel comes from novella’s italian word that containt the literal

meaning of a small new item, which is then interpreted as a short

story in the form of prose. (Abrams “Via Nurgiyantoro,2009:9”)


2.1 Linguistics

Linguistics is a scientific study of language, and it involves analysis of the

form of language, the meaning of language and language in context. Language

here means the language that we used daily. As well as the social, cultural,

historical, and political factors that influence language. Because language is used

as a scientific object, language that experiences specialization is only considered

relevant. Whereas body language and the like are not included in the objects

studied in linguistics.

Tarigan (1989, p.4, as cited in Agustian, 2019) argues that 'language is a

systematic system, language is also generative system. Language is a set of

symbols that like or arbitrary symbols'. Language is form by rules and pattern that

should not be violated so as not to cause interference with the communication that

occurs. Rules and pattern form include sounds, shapes and sentence structures. In

order for communication to be carried out smoothly, the recipient and sender of

the language must master the language.

Francis (1984, in Ramelan, para. 4) argues that A language is arbitrary system

of articulated sounds made use of by a group of humans as a means of carrying on

the affairs of their society. As know in the country of Indonesia, because of the

large numbers of Indonesian tribes, it has created a great variety of languages.

They will use the distinctive language in their group or tribe in living a social life.


Montgomery (1962;15, p.1, as cited in Astuti, 2016) says that language as a

means of communication plays an important role to human’s life. We use

language in order to communicate one among one and anothers, express our

personal reaction to situation, to stimulate a response in something else, and for

the sake of thinking something out.

Wibowo (2001, p.3, as cited in Agustian, 2019) argues that 'language is a

meaningful and clever speech symbol system (produced by spoken devices) that is

arbitrary and conventional, which is used as a communication tool by a group or

humans to give birth to feelings and thoughts.' Therefore, in language we should

use a more orderly and educated language, so that what we say is not to hurt or

offend people.

The conclusion is that linguistics is the scientific study of language, and

involves analyzing the form of language, the meaning of language, and language

in context. Language is formed by rules and patterns that should not be violated so

as not cause interference with the communication that occurs. Rules, shapes and

sentence structure. Things learned in linguistics are colloquial language that has

been extracted. In order to be carried smoothly, the recipient and sender of the

language must master the language. The possibility of errors in communication

will occur, if the sender or the recipient do not really understand the sequence of

sentence to be said.

We must also understand where the language comes from, in addition to

understand the rules of communication. Because each group has its own culture

and the language they use also has inherent characteristics or culture.

2.2 Language Style

Language style is the way of speaking/writing depending on circumstances of

doing that, person (or people) to whom we are speaking or writing. It is defined as

the choice of words used by a specific group of people when they speak.

As Bryan Ray notes (2014, p.16), however, "style is a broader concern, one

that can describe readers' relationships with, texts, the grammatical choices writers

make, the importance of adhering to norms in certain contexts and deviating from

them in others, the expression of social identity, and the emotional effects of

particular devices on audiences." Thus, style is a term that may refer, at one and

the same time, to singular aspects of an individual's writing habits or a particular

document and to aspects that go well-beyond the individual writer.

Language has a potentiality for making communication successfully, whether

verbal or written communication. If there is no language its nothing, and language

is very important to pay attention of variation of language and variation of styles

to achieve fluent communication. According to Eckert (2002:1) as cited in

Maraden, 2016, p. 7) states that language style is pivotal construct in the study of

sociolinguistics variation. Language style is the locus of the individual’s

internalization of broader social of distribution variation. The broad conception on

style as a social of distinctiveness has some precedents is sociological work.

Using style in the same loose fashion, however, hardly solves anything, and goes

against the usage of style by most people in relation to individual texts or

individual speakers. Another thing that complicates the study of dialect is the fact

that speakers can adopt different styles of speaking depending on the

circumstances speakers can speak very formally or informally.

According to Hornberger (2010:177) as cited in Maraden, 2016, p. 7) states

that people engage in different ways of speaking has attracted much attention

from sociolinguistics in the past decades. Initially, quantitatively oriented

sociolinguists tried to map with what frequency speakers conventionally shifted

styles in different social contexts, and consequently showed how social

hierarchies are inscribed on routine speech patterns. Style as speaking does to

speech. Speech and style are then the products, or the sediment, of the preceding

interaction; the interaction itself, in turn, may be seen as ‘styling or


According to Holmes (2003:116) as cited in Maraden, 2016, p. 7) states that

the intersection of social and style is one of the most important findings of

sociolinguistics, if a feature occurs more frequently in workingclass speech, then

it will occur more frequently in the informal speech of all speakers. Generally

speaking, the use of non-standard forms increases the less formal the style and the

lower one’s social status, with men’s scores higher then women’s. although each

class has different average scores in each style, generally speaking all groups

style-shift in the same direction in their more formal speech style, that is, in the

direction of the standard language.

Accroding to Llamas (2007:95) as cited in Maraden, 2016, p. 7) states that

language style is dimension of language where individual speakers have a choice.

People do not always speak in consistently the same way. In fact people shifting

the way we speak constantly as move from one situation to another. Style is the

linguistic idiosyncrasy of an individual. Style is personal. Style in social roles

includes expected behavior associated with a particular status. It is more flexible

than status and varies also according to the speech situation.

According to Simpson (2004:22) as cited in Maraden, 2016, p. 7) states that

in language, style is a choice that people everybody is shaped and defined by

actions and events, thoughts and perceptions, and it is an important function of the

system of language that it is able to account for these various goings on in the

world. This means encoding into the grammar of the clause a mechanism for

capturing what we say, think and do.

According to Ducrot and Todorov (1993:44) as cited in Sapriyani, 2013, p.

58), language style is the choice among the other alternatives in using language. It

refers to the way to convey the same information by using different expression

and related to different variations of language that used in different situation and


The style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes. It is the

technique that an individual author uses in his writing. It varies from author to

author, and depends upon one’s syntax, word choice, and tone. It can also be

described as a “voice” that readers listen to when they read the work of a writer.

Language style is the way of speaking/writing depending on circumstances of

doing that, person (or people) to whom you are speaking or writing. There are

many language styles. Examples can be seen in letters' beginings or endings. Such

as :

In officicial style you would use forms like:

Dear Sir/Madam or Dear Mr. X for beginning and Yours faithfully or Your

cincerely for endings.

In unofficial or coloquial style you can begin your letters with Hi or Dear X and

end them with Love or things like that.

These are only two basic examples of language style used mainly in writing. There

can be even more language styles in speaking. They can be seen in the grammar

structures, vocabiulary, tone, etc.

They depend on speakers' education, economical situation, current events in life (a

person speaks differently when he/she has just got a better job, and differently when

he/she has just lost someone).

From those statements above, the language style means different way in

communicating with other. It is clear that language is a rule-based system of signs.

Saying that language is rule-based usually makes people think of other kinds of

situations where rules are enforced by a particular authority. We usually evaluate a

person’s education, socio-economic level, background, honesty, friendliness, and

numerous other qualities by how that person speaks.

2.3 Types of Language Style

According to McCrimmon (1963:135-142, para. 1), language styles are

divided into three general types:

1. Formal Style

Formal English is primarily a written style. The characteristics of formal style

are: the sentence is relatively long; avoid abbreviations, colloquialisms and slang;

conservative grammatical usage which tends to observe distinctions often ignored

at a less formal level; a serious and dignified attitude toward the subject and the


2. Informal Style

The informal style tries to follow the broad middle way between formal and

colloquial styles. The characteristics of informal style are: the sentence is medium

length, chiefly standard sentence, avoids the requirement of formal grammar,

fragments rare but occasional, prefers idiomatic expressions and words which are

easy rather than impressive, and the last characteristics is it usually addressed to

the readers directly as “you”. In the informal range come much narration and

description, and usually many reports of events.

3. Colloquial Style

The characteristics of colloquial style are: relatively short simple sentences,

often grammatically incomplete; a generous use of contractions (I’ll, we’ve, didn’t,

can’t), clipped words (cab, exams, ads, phone), and the omission of relative

pronouns (who, which, that); a simplified grammatical structures; a personal or

familiar tone which tries to create the impression of speaking intimately to the

reader; and usually use slang. For example: brass (army), ham (theatre), on the

beam (radio), southpaw (baseball), and behind the eight ball (pool).

According to Martin Joos (1976:153-155) as cited in Maharani, 2019, p. 14)

divide language style into five levels, and they are :

1. Frozen Style (Oratorical Style)


It is the most formal style used in formal situations and ceremonies such as in

palace, church, speech of state ceremony, and some other occasions. This style is

more elaborated than the other styles. The sequences of the sentence are

complicatedly related this style requires high skill almost used exclusively by

specialist, professional orators, lawyers, and preachers.

Example :

Stated in the introduction Fundamental constitution 1945. “sesunggguhnya

kemerdekaan itu adalah hak segala bangsa. Dan oleh sebab itu maka penjajahan

diatas dunia harus dihapuskan karena tidak sesuai dengan prikemanusiaan dan

prikeadilan” (actually an independence is the right for every nation, and

because of that, the colonization in the earth to be abolished because it does not

conform with the humanity and justice).

2. Formal Style

Formal style is defined as the style of language that used for important or

serious situation. It is also used in addressing audience usually that is too large or

permit effective interchange between speaker and hearer. Through the forms are

normally and not a polished as those in oratorical style suvh in a typical classroom

lecture is often carry out is formal style. Formal style is usually a single topic

oriented and it is related to the fact, that formal writing is technical. Formal style

used in school by students, teacher, lecturer, headmaster.

Example :

a. Mrs. Rahma : Do you want to learn this course?

b. Mr. Edi : yes Mam, I want to learn it


3. consultative Style

Consultative style is style that which used in semiformal communication

situation. It is one type of language which is required from everyday speaker.

Consultative style is typically dialogue, though formal enough that words are

chosen with some business, translation, doctor-patient conversatio, a meeting with

the school principal, or any first meeting with stranger. The typically of

consultative style speech used between two person. While one speaking at

intervals the others give short response, mostly drawn from a small inventory

standard signals. The are basic part of the system, among them “Yes, No, Huh,

Mm, That’s right”.

4. Casual Style

Casual style is a style that is used for the conversation is relaxed or normal

situation that is appropriate to the conversation with or friends or sometimes

members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the students have a chat.

Casual style is also characterized by the use of the first name or even nickname

rather than a little name and last name in addressing one another. The

pronunciation is rapid and often slurred, besides that use of slang. Another

characterized feature is casual speech is the omissions of unstressed words,

particularly at the beginning of sentence.


a. Don’t give up!

b. Anybody home?

5. Intimate style

Intimate style is a completely private language developed within families,

lovers and close friends. The intimate labels are : dear, darling, honey, even mom,

dad, etc. Intimate style is also characterized by ellipsis, deletion, rapid, slurred,

pronunciation, non-verbal communication and private code characterized, it is

often unintelligible smallest social units.


A. Mark : Hey dear, how are you?

B. Lisa : Oh honey, I am good.

2.4 Diction

Diction comes from latin (dictionem(nom, dictio), “a saying, expression,

word”) in its original meaning, is a writer’s or speaker’s distinctive vocabulary

choices and style of expression in a poem or story. In general sense, it is the

distinctiveness of speech, the art of speaking so that each word is clearly heard

and understood to its fullest complexity and extremity, and concerns

pronunciation and tone, rather than word choice and style. This is more precise

and generally expressed in pronunciation, or with articulation of synonyms.

According to KKBI (The Big Indonesian Dictionary) as cited in Luberta,

2019, p. 27) 'Diction is the right and choice of words in the use to express the idea

so obtained certain effects (as expected). Selection of diction is one of the

important factors in communication, so choosing/using the right diction for a

partner will be easier to captured the ideas that the speaker wants to express.' in

other words, diction is the appropriate word selection to reveal an idea to get

certain results. Diction is the proper choice of words to signify the desired intent.

In this way, the other person will find it easier to understand what you are saying.

Diction is useful in writing scripts such as poetry, novels, reports, and so forth.

The dedician goal is to obtain beauty to increase the power of expression. A

word will certainly be more clear if the word selection used appropriate. It also

works to smooth the word and sentence to feel more beautiful.

A writer defines words in writing of course not the origin in choosing.

However, the word to be chosen will be followed by various things that surround

it. It involves when, where, and what the purpose of the word is. All of that is

intended to give the style or color to attract the attention of readers.

In other word, diction is a choice of word selection that works to support the

storyline to be more quantity to describe the character, more clearly describe the

background of time, background of place and background of the social in the


Vocabulary limitations can cause a person to have difficulty in expressing

their intention to others. And if the people use excessive vocabulary, they will

also make it difficult for others to understand the message being presented. That is

why the speakers often read and practice mastering diction or choice of words

when speaking. With the right diction, the listener or audience can easily

understand the point of the speaker.

Widyamartaya (1990, p.45, as cited in Agustian, 2019) defines that:

'Diction is the ability of a person to distinguish precisely the nuances

of the right meaning with the ideas presented, and the abilities that are
in accordance with the will and the perceived value of the community
groups and listener or readers.'

Besides one’s ability to do it distinguish right from nuance of the right

meaning with ideas spoken, and perceived ability according to willpower, with the

situation and the values felt by society and listener or readers. Another definition

established by an expert is to distinguish between word selection and word choice.

In this case, many people have been misrepresented it. Although it is very

obvious that this is the content are different meaning. Word selection is a process

of selecting words that can reveal the right choice, while the selection of word is

the result of the process or can be said as an action.

From the discussion above we can interpret that diction is the science that

examines the vocabulary of the writer or speaker and the style of expression in

poetry or stories. And that can also be interpreted by the distinctiveness of speech.

The art of speaking so that every word is clearly heard and understood with full

complexity and extremity, and involves pronunciation and tone, not choice and

style of word. More precisely and generally expressed in pronunciation, or with

articulation of synonyms.

Dictation or often also called by word choice, the use of diction is related to

the use of words, each word has a specific meaning that is different from other

meaning. Although there are several words that at a glance have almost similar

meaning, but actually each has difference. Diction also has a meaning as the right

choice of words and in harmony with its use in conveying ideas or stories that

include the style of language, expression, choice of words, etc. So that the effect

obtained are desired. In addition to a person’s ability to distinguish precisely the

nuance of the right meaning with the ideas conveyed. And abilities that are

accordance with the willpower with the situation and the values felt by the

community and the listener or reader. Another definition established by an expert

is to distinguish between word selection and word choice. Word selection is a

process of selecting words that can reveal the right choice, while the selection of

word is the result of the process or can be said as an action.

2.5 Idioms

Language is a tool of communication between fellow humans. Suit people do,

when they are together in play, study, or talk, we all use language. We live by


Knowing language means recognizing simple words, word combinations, and

their meanings. That means recognizing mixed phrases that consist of more than

one syllable and the meaning can not inferred from the meaning of individual

words, such expressions are called idioms.

Idioms (from Dutch, idioom; Latin, idioma, special property; Greek idioma -

special expressions) are expressions, words, or phrases with figurative meanings

that are understood in relation to general use which expressions are separated

from meaning or literal definition of words.

Hockett (1958, p.304) states that:

'The reader will remember the basic fact that a speaker can say
something he has never said, and never heard before, for listeners
whose words are equivalent to novels, but are understood. Indeed, these
are daily events. That is the way appears basically simple, new sayings
made of material known as known patterns.'

This opinion can be interpreted that actually an idiom appears in daily

communication, said before the speaker can say something he has never said and

heard before but can be understood by one another.

Spears (2007, p.12, as cited in Agustian, 2019) said that 'idioms can be

understood as a collection of words or phrases, when translated will have different

meaning than the meaning of the word itself.' Idioms are parts of an inseparable

language, idioms are also expressions of words or phrases that have figurative

meaning that can be understood in terms of general use of expressions which are

separated from literal meanings.

Djajasudarma (2009, p.20, as cited in Agustian, 2019) revealed that:

'Idiomatic is lexical in many words, words are arranged together with a

combination of other words capable and produce similar meanings. In
the other words, word combination have different meaning together
with the meaning of word formation and if combined with other words
so that the meaning can be switched.'

Idioms are reasonable expressions, words, phrases, which mean something

different from what literally means. Idioms referred to mean clues or discussions,

there is no literal beating of someone or something and bush is a metaphor. The

listener will misinterpret when he does not listen to what the speaker says with

good idiom interpretation. In some cases, when the idiom is defined into another

language, either the meaning changes or has no meaning.idioms are reasonable

expressions, words, or phrases which mean something different from what

literally means.

So, the conclusion is idioms are expressions, words, or phrases with

figurative meaning that are understood in connection with general uses which

expression are separated from the literal meaning or definition of words made. In

daily life we use language when we are in community, studying, speaking or

playing. By understanding language is to recognize the simplicity words, words

combaine, and meanings. That means recognizing a mixed phrase consisting of

more than one meaning and can not be deduced from the meaning of every word.

This is much we don not know, that actually we have used idiom in our daily lives.

Idiom is also a word or phrase that has a figurative sense to be used in the general

sense of use separated from the literar sense. According to Djajasudarma (2009, p.

20, as cited in Agustian, 2019) it has been revealed that 'idiomatic contains many

words. Words are arranged together by a combination of other words that are

capable and gives the same meaning.' In other words, idiom as words are linked to

each one it is going from metamorphosis to a fossil term. It is general collocation

words are used in group-changing the components of a word in a group of

words-and became an idiomatic expression. Special meaning developed entity, as


2.6 Type of Idioms

Boatner and Gates (1975, p.148, as cited in Febrianto, 2020) divide idioms

into three forms :

1. Lexemic Idioms

Lexemic idioms are all types of idioms that can be related to word

classification or idioms related to word classes, such as :


a. Verbal in Nature or verbal idioms are idioms that contain verb meaning, for

example, Learn by heart, Die away, Carry out.

b. Nominal in nature or nominal idioms are idioms that contain noun meanings,

for example, High heels, Hot dogs.

c. Adjective idioms are idioms that contain adjectives, for example, Lose heart, on

edge, sixes and sevens.

d. Adverbial idioms are idioms that contain adverbs for example, On end, Over

and over, Better and better.

2. Idioms as phrases or phrases shifts

The difference in idioms with this idiom lies in a certain number of words

that are more than the other idioms, for example, Dead to the world, Hang on

one’s lips, Wet behind the ear.

3. Proverbs : form, meaning, and function that have been frozen

Proverbs are sentence or fragments of sentences that have been frozen in

form, meaning, and function in society, for example, All roads lead to Rome,

Action speak louder than words.

2.7 Meaning

Meaning is the information or concepts that a sender intends to convey, or

does convey, in communication with a receiver. Aristotle (384-322 BC, as cited in

Agustian, 2019), a Greek scholar, had used the term meaning, when defining the

word. He explained that words are the smallest units that contain meaning. Plato

(429-347 BC, as cited in Agustian, 2019) who is also Aristotle’s teacher states

that the sounds of language implicitly contain certain meanings. Between the two

scholars there is a difference in view, namely Plato views the meaningful

relationship between the word and the name of Aristotle who views that the

relationship between the form and meaning of the word is based on the user

agreement (Moulton, 1976, p.3, as cited in Agustian, 2019) have demonstrated.

Sudaryat (2008, p.13, as cited in febrianto, 2020) also argues that the

meaning contained in the form of language basically only represents the reality it

represents. This opinion can be interpreted that in language or communication, of

course we have the meaning or purpose of the discussion. And from all the time or

length of the dialogue we must have the meaning it represents.

The conclusion is that meaning is information or concepts that the sender

wants to convey, or convey, in communication with the recipient. Aristotle

(384-322 BC, as cited in Agustian, 2019) has used the term meaning, when

defining words. He explained that words are the smallest units that contain

meaning. The meaning contained in the form of language basically represents the

reality that it represents. In this case, the use of words can be interpreted as

marking certain forms of ideas because language is also a tool for thinking about

the atmosphere of a particular reality.

2.8 Types of Meaning

According to Leech (1974, p.9) it is at least seven types of meanings (many

linguists state different categories of meanings) in semantics namely :


1. Conceptual Meaning (logical, cognitive, or denotative content)

This refers to the dictionary meaning that shows the concept. In reading

we can find many different words that have the same conceptual meaning. A good

way to understand conceptual meaning is through the application of the Flayer

Model, which is graphic organizer that classifies and categorizes the fact about a

word so that there can be clear understanding of the concept behind it.

2. Connotative Meaning (what is communicated based on what language

is referred to)

This refers to associations that are connected with certain words related to

that word. The connotative meaning of words exists along with denotative

meaning. The connotation of the word snake can include crime or danger.

3. Social Meaning (what is communicated from the social conditions of

language use)

This refers to the use of language and society that have a large proportion

in determining the meanings that certain speakers must use and want to convey,

these factors include the speaker and listener's social class and the level of

formality. Only part of social conversation is done with words. Hello or talk about

the weather. Often such talk has a little dictionary meaning. This is a way of being

friendly or polite.

4. Affective Meaning (what the speaker/ writer communicates feelings

and attitudes)

This refers to the speaker’s feelings/ attitudes towards the content or the

ongoing context. Affective meaning is a kind of meaning that influences the


personal feelings of the speaker, including his attitude towards the listener, or his

attitude towards something he is talking about. It is important to remember that

each individual will have a different affective meaning for a word. Thus, only

people who use the word will realize the specific affective meaning they hold with

the word. In affective meaning, language is used to express personal feelings or

attitudes to the listener or subject of conversation from the lecture. For Leech,

affective meaning refers to what is conveyed about feelings and attitudes of

speech through the use of language (attitudes toward listeners and attitudes toward

what he says). Affective meaning is often conveyed through conceptual,

connotative content of the words used.

5. Reflected Meaning (what is communicated through association with

other tastes of the same expression)

This refers to terms that have more than one meaning, so there is a kind of

ambiguity. It was as if one or more unintentional meanings that must have

darkened back were rather like a light or sound reflected off the surface.

6. Collocative Meaning (what is communicated through association with

words that tend to occur in the environment in other words)

This refers to the word association in the account of the meaning of words

that occur in the environment. In other words, it is a word that has meaning for

words that come from the word in question.

7. Thematic Meaning (what is communicated in a way in which messages

are arranged in order and emphasis)


Thematic meaning is the meaning that is communicated by the way in

which the speaker or writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, focus,

and emphasis. It is often felt an active sentence such as below has a different

meaning from its passive equivalent although in conceptual content they seem to

be the same.

2.9 Character

A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. Writers

use characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a

plot line. In fiction, a character (sometimes known as a fictional character) is a

person or other being in a narrative (such as a novel, play, television series, film,

or video game). The character may be entirely fictional or based on a real-life

person, in which case the distinction of a "fictional" versus "real" character may

be made.

According to Asch (1946: 258, as cited in Agustian, 2019, p.32) “we look at

a person and immediately a certain impression of his character forms itself in us.”

From this theory it can be understood that individual specific characteristics can

be represented by personal appearance, how the face type, body shape, hair color

and what is worn (outfit attributes) until the presentation exudes visual quality and

values, and moves the response in the form of sympathy or certain impressions

from viewers / subjects who see it.

According to Burhan (2005: 176-177, as cited in Agustian, 2019, p. 33)

viewed in terms of the role or level of importance of the characters in a story,


figures are divided into two categories:

a. Central character, main character, which is an important figure, is displayed

continuously so that it feels dominates most of the stories. He is the perpetrator of

the incident, as well as the subject of the incident. Always in touch with other

characters both visually and narratively, so that it determines the overall plot


b. Additional characters (peripheral characters), which are figures who appear

occasionally in stories, and even then in a relatively short storytelling portion.

2.10 Main Character

Aminuddin in Nurgiyantoro (1995: 79-80, as cited in Agustian, 2019, p. 35)

states that there are two kinds of characters in a story, namely:

1. Main character

The main character is a character that has an important role in a story. This

figure is the most told figure, both as the perpetrator of the incident and who is

subject to the incident. Even in certain novels, the main character is always

present in every event and can be found in each page of the storybook in question.

2. Supporting character

Supporting characters are figures that have an insignificant role in the story

and the presence of this character merely supports the main character. In other

words, A supporting character is a character in a narrative that is not the focus of

the primary storyline, but appears or is mentioned in the story enough to be more

than just a minor character or a cameo appearance.


In the dialogue of a novel, of course, the main character we find most often. Even

from the start of the novel to the end, the main ccharacter is almost always in all

the chapter of the novel.

2.11 Novel

A novel is relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose

form, and which is typically published as a book. The present English word for a

long work or prose fiction derives from the Italian: novella for “new”, “news”,

or :short story” of something new. Itself from the Latin : novella, a singular noun

use of the neuter plural of novellus, diminutive of novus, meaning “new”.

Kenney (1966:103, as cited in Yuliani, 2013, p. 13) states that 'novel is

generally thought of as containing about forty five thousand words or more'.

Novel expresses some aspect of human’s life, love and existence. Because it tells

about human activities and describes what happened in surrounding. For the most

part, novels are dedicated to narrating individual experiences of characters,

creating a closer, more complex portrait of these characters and the world they

live in. Inner feelings and thoughts, as well as complex, even conflicting ideas or

values are typically explored in novels, more so than in preceding forms of

literature. Not only the stories themselves but also the experiences of reading

them as well.

Novel is longer narrative than short story or novella. So it tells story and

contents some important elements. Although a novel is typically a work of fiction,


many novels do weave in real human history. Novels also come in all style

imaginable, with every author bringing their own unique voice to the table.

Boatner and Gates (1975, p.148, as cited in Febrianto, 2020) divided idioms

in three forms, namely:

1. Lexemic idioms related to the class of words.

2. Idioms as phrases or phrases shifts

3. Proverbs: shapes, meanings and function that have been frozen.

And Leech (1974, p.9) divides meanings in seven types, namely :

1. Conceptual meaning (logical, cognitive, or denotative content).

2. Connotative meaning (what is communicated based on what language is

referred to).

3. Social meaning (what is communicated from the social conditions of

language use).

4. Affective meaning (what the speaker/ writer communicates feelings and


5. Reflected meaning (what is communicated through association with other

tastes of the same expression).

6. Collocative meaning (what is communicated through association with

words that tend to occur in the environment in other words).

7. Thematic meaning (what is communicated in a way in which messages are

arranged in order and emphasis).


3.1 Object of the Study

Data from this study are taken from an English novel called A Walk To

Remember. A Walk To Remember is a romantic novel by American writer

Nicholas Sparks, released in October 1999. This novel is composed of 13

chapters and 240 pages. The novel set in 1958-1959 in Beaufort, North Carolina,

is a story of two teenagers who fall in love with each other despite the disparity of

their personalities. A Walk To Remember is adapted in the film of the same name.

This novel is inspired by Nicholas Sparks, a sister of Danielle Sparks Lewis,

who died of cancer in 2000. The story line was inspired by his sister’s life,

Danielle met a man who wanted to marry her even when he found out that her

sister was sick. The character of this novel are Jamie Sullivan, Landon Carter,

Hegbert Sullivan.

In addition, this novel contains a lot of data relevant to the issues discussed

nand analyzed in this paper. In this novel many characters use idiom expressions

to express what they feel and what is spoken of. Therefore, it is enough to get

data that can be taken in this study.


3.2 Approach of the Study

In this research the writer uses linguistic approach because the writer will

analyze idioms and its meaning. According to Boatner and Gates (1975, p.148, as

cited in Cunha, 2018), he divided idioms in three forms, namely : Lexemic

idioms, Idioms as phrases or phrases shifts, Proverb: form, meaning, and function

that have been frozen. Geoffrey Leech (1974, p.9) divided Meanings in seven

types, namely: Conceptual meaning, Connotative meaning, Social meaning,

Affective meaning, Reflected meaning, Collocative meaning, Thematic meaning.

3.3 Method Of study

In this research the writer uses qualitative research methods, because all of

data which connect with this research the writer got from library research.

According to Raco (2010, p.5) “in general, research method are defined as

planned, structured, systematic scientific activities and certain goals both

practical and theoretical.” Strauss and Corbin (1990, in Dave Francis, para. 1)

define as ‘a non-mathematical process of interpretation carried out for the

purpose of discovering concepts and relationships in raw data and then organising

these into theoretical explanatory scheme.’

This procedures produces findings that are obtained through data collected

with various means, including interview, observation, tape and video recording,

documents, or archives, and tests. it means that in qualitative method the analysis

process refers to data analysis non-mathematical.


3.4 Steps of Study

The writer analyzes the data according to Creswell (2008, as cited in Raco

2010, p.6) which consists of three steps, namely:

Steps of Collecting Data

1. Preparation

a. Reading books related to idioms expression, previous research, and

sources from the internet.

b. Searching for a theory of experts to support the analysis.

c. Reading A Walk To Remember novel.

2. Data Collection

a. The writer focuses on the types of idioms and its meaning that used by

Protagonists in the novel.

b. The writer takes the important information in the text/dialogue.

c. The writer selects the quotation to support the analysis.

Steps of Analyzing Data

3. Data Analysis

a. The writer collects data from the novel text/dialogue.

b. The writer analyzes data using linguistic approach.


c. The writer answers the first question and the second question by

adjusting all the results of the data identified, classified, and analyzed based

on Boatner and Gates’ theory (1975, p.148, in Cunha, 2018).

d. The writer makes the conclusions from all data obtained from the



The writer presents the result of the research and discussion in this chapter in

the form of evidence from the results of analysis in dialogue or text, and also

according to the formulation of the problem as the writer mentioned in the previous


4.1 The Types of Idioms used by Protagonist in the A Walk to Remember novel


Identification and Classification of Types of idioms are used by protagonist in

the A Walk to Remember novel text.

According to Boatner and Gates (1975, p.148, as cited in Cunha, 2018),

idioms are divided into three types, namely:

4.1.1 Lexemic Idioms Related to the Class of Words

A. Verbal Idioms

Verbal idioms are idioms that contain verb meanings. In the A

Walk to Remember novel there are several verbal idioms, such as:


No Idioms Meaning Utterance in the Page


1 Talk about Used to draw attention "Landon" she Chap. 2 -

to the speaker's finally said,"you p. 42
characterization of didn't come here
someone or something. to talk about the
weather, did

Idiom talk about is defined as phrasal verb. Because there is a verb followed by
preposition. Talk is a verb followed about as preposition. The idiom is spoken by
Jamie to Landon when She knew Landon’s purpose was to discuss other matters.

2 Fall in love To begin feeling "You have to Chap. 2 -

with attracted to someone promise me that p. 44
and love him or her. you won't fall in
love with me."

Idiom fall in love with is defined idiom with common verb. Jamie told Landon
that he would promise never to like her one day.

3 Giving a hard to give someone "You are not Chap. 3 -

time unnecessary difficulty. giving Landon a p. 51
hard time, are
you?" she said
cheerfully to her

Idiom giving a hard time is defined idiom with common verb. This idiom is
spoken by Jamie to her father, to convince that he didn’t make Landon any

4 Sitting down To tolerate, accept, or Meanwhile Jamie Chap. 3 -

acquiesce; to take no was fanning p. 57
action. herself with her
hand. "Well, we
were just sitting
down to take a
breather from all
that dancing. It
sure gets hot out
there. Would you
like to join us?
We've got a
couple of chairs.
I'd love to hear
how your
grandma is

Idiom sitting down is defined as a phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed
by adverb. Sitting is a verb followed by down as adverb. The idiom is spoken by
Jamie to his friend to conclude that She had just taken a break from the dance.

5 Had a good To enjoy oneself She kept on Chap. 3 -

time smiling when she p. 61
finally turned my
way. "I had a
good time tonight.
Thank you for
taking me to the

Idiom had a good time is defined idiom with common verb. The idiom is spoken
by Jamie to Landon, that She really enjoy the dance.

6 What's going What is happening, "Oh, hey," I said, Chap. 4 -

on? expression of concern, playing it cool, p. 69
asking for an "What's going

explanation. on?"

Idiom what’s going on is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb

followed by adverb. Going is a verb followed by on as adverb. The idiom is
spoken by Landon to Jamie when he asked Jamie what is happening that She
called him.

7 Coming by Visit a person at their "Well I just Chap. 4 -

house wanted to know if p. 69
you wouldn't mind
coming by a little
later this

Idiom coming by is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by

adverb. Coming is a verb followed by as adverb. The idiom is spoken by Jamie to
Landon in order to invite Landon to come to Jamie’s house.

8 Take the time to use as much time (to She said, "I know Chap. 4 -
do something) as one you are busy, but I p. 72
wants. appreciate your
taking the time to
do this."

Idiom take the time is defined idiom with common verb. The idiom is spoken by
Jamie to Landon, to appreciate Landon because He wants to set aside time to join

9 Knock it off To stop doing "I am not Chap. 5 -

something; desist. engaged," I said. p. 84
"Now knock it

Idiom knock it off is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by
adverb. Knock is a verb followed by off as adverb. The idiom is spoken by
Landon to his friend to stop unreasonable talk.

10 Count your To focus one's attention "You should count Chap. 6 -

blessings on the circumstances your blessings." p. 96
on one's life which are
pleasant or fortunate,
especially with the
intention of diverting
one's thoughts from
serious or disagreeable

Idiom count your blessing is defined idiom with common verb. The idiom is
spoken by Jamie to Landon to remind him to be grateful for what he has today.

11 Did well To thrive or succeed "You did really Chap. 6 -

well today." She p. 97
said. "with your
lines, I mean."

Idiom did well is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by
adverb. Did is a verb followed by well as adverb. The idiom is spoken by Jamie
to Landon to claim that he did a successful dialogue rehearsal for their play.

12 Walk me down To get married "And when I do, I Chap. 6 -

the aisle want my father to p. 99
walk me down the
aisle and I want
everyone I know
to be there. I want
the church
bursting with


Idiom walk me down the aisle is define as phrasal verb, because there is a verb
followed by preposition. Walk is a verb followed by down as preposition. The
idiom is spoken by Jamie to Landon, when answering Landon’s question, she
said when the time came, she wanted her father to marry her with her dream man.

13 Hit it off To develop an "Well you'll get Chap. 6 -

amicable relationship married someday. p. 100
(with), especially in a You'll meet some
sudden manner during guy and the two of
an initial encounter. you will hit it off,
and he'll ask you
to marry him. And
I'm sure that your
father will be
happy to walk you
down the aisle."

Idiom hit it off is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by
adverb. Hit is a verb followed by off as adverb. The idiom is spoken by Landon
to Jamie, to conclude Jamie was going to meet a man she was meant to be with,
and marry her.

14 Work out To turn out all right in "I am sorry it Chap. 6 -

the end. didn't work out." I p. 103
said softly.

Idiom work out is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by
adverb. Work is a verb followed by out as adverb. The idiom work out is spoken
by Landon to Jamie to states that his efforts to entertain the orphanage children
didn’t work.

15 Knock over To steal something "We don't do Chap. 7 -

anything bad p. 112
there. I mean, we
don't knock over
the tombstones or
leave our trash
around," I said.

Idiom knock over is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by
preposition. Knock is a verb followed by over as preposition. This idiom is
spoken by Landon to Jamie, to declare that he did not harm in the graveyard.

16 Carry out to lift up and move ..... "When my Chap. 7 -

someone or something father found out p. 118
out that she had died,
he carried the
bible and me out
of the hospital at
the same time."

This idiom carry out is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed
by preposition. Carry is a verb followed by out as preposition. This idiom is
spoken by Jamie to Landon, to explain that her father had taken Jamie and the
bible from the hospital when her mother was gone.

17 Make it up to to repay someone, "Look," I said, Chap. 8 -

make amends to reaching for her p. 129
someone. hand, "I promise
to make it up to

The idiom make it up to is define as phrasal verb, because there is a verb

followed by adverb. Make is a verb followed by up as adverb. This idiom is

spoken by Landon to Jamie to convince her that he would pay or amend for his
bad attitude a few days ago by seriously practicing for their Christmas play.

18 Break a leg Good luck! This is said "Break a leg?" I Chap. 8 -

to actors before a said. Wishing p. 129
performance instead of someone luck
good luck. before a play is
supposed to be
bad luck. That's
why everyone tells
you "Break a leg."

The idiom break a leg is defined idiom with common verb. This idiom is spoken
by Landon to Jamie, to encourage Jamie to perform well on stage.

19 Come up with To invent, create, or " Well, I've been Chap. 9 -

think of. thinking about p. 140
what you could
do," she continued
without letting me
get a word in
edgewise, "and
this is what I've
come up with."

The idiom come up with is define as phrasal verb, because there is a verb

followed by adverb. Come is a verb followed by up as adverb. This idiom is

spoken by Jamie to Landon what she wanted Landon to do in exchange for his

bad attitude the other day.

20 Hand out To give something out "Help me hand Chap. 9 -

to someone, distribute. out the gifts." p. 149

The idiom hand out is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed

by preposition. Hand is a verb followed by out as preposition. This idiom is

spoken by Jamie to Landon when she asked him to help her share gifts with the

children of the orphanage.

21 Make fun To tease, ridicule, or "....... If people Chap. 4 -

make jokes about, make fun of his p. 76
generally in a memory of my
perojative manner. mother while I'm
playing the part..
Well, that would
break my heart.
And with Eddie
and me... You
know what people
would say."

The idiom make fun is define idiom with common verb. This idiom is spoken by

Jamie to Landon when she declared that she did not want anyone to tease of her

father for her mother’s finances.

22 Break To cause someone "....... If people Chap. 4 -

Someone's great emotional pain. make fun of his p. 76
heart memory of my
mother while I'm
playing the part..
Well, that would
break my heart.
And with Eddie
and me... You
know what people
would say."

The idiom break my hearti is define idiom with common verb. This idiom is

spoken by Jamie to Landon that she would be very sad if someone made fun of

her mother’s finances during her performance.

23 Go over To review or explain Jamie smile at Chap. 5 -

something. him, then turn p. 87
back to me again,
her old cheerful
self. "I also
wanted to tell you
that if you need
any help, you can
come by anytime.
We can sit on the
porch and like we
did before and go
over your lines if
you need to."

The idiom go over is define as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by

adverb. Go is a verb followed by over as adverb. This idiom is spoken by Jamie

to Landon, that Jamie intended to help Landon train or re-read his lines.

24 Get me wrong To misunderstand "it is, sometimes. Chap. 7 -

someone's intention or Don't get me p. 116
character. wrong-- I love my
father with all my
heart-- but there
are times when I
wonder what it
would have been
like to have a
mother around."

The idiom don’t get wrong is defined idiom with common verb. This idiom is

spoken by Landon to Jamie, to make no mistake about what Landon meant.

25 Find out To discover, as by "..... When my Chap. 7 -

asking or investigating. father found out p. 118
that she had died,
he carried the
bible and me out
of the hospital at
the same time."

The idiom find out is define as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by

adverb. Find is a verb followed by out as adverb. This idiom is spoken by Jamie

to Landon when she told him how she was brought out of the hospital, when her

father discovered her mother was dead.

26 Stare at to look fixedly at “like the crickets Chap. 7 p.

someone or something. chirping, or the 112
rustling of leaves
when the wind
blows? Or do you
ever just lie on
your backs and
stare at the

The idiom stare at is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by

a preposition. Stare is a verb followed by at as a preposition. This idiom is

spoken by Jamie to Landon when she asked Landon whether he had ever walked

out at night just to look up at the stars.

27 Sit around To relax sitting; to “do you ever just Chap. 7 p.

waste time sitting. sit around and 112
listen to the
sound?” she

The idiom sit around is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed

by adverb. Sit is a verb followed by around as adverb. This idiom is spoken by

Jamie to Landon when she asked him whether he had ever walked out at night

just to sit back and relax.

28 Listen to To pay attention to and “do you ever just Chap. 7 p.

hear someone or sit around and 112
something. listen to the
sound?” she

The idiom listen to is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by

preposition. Listen is a verb followed by to as a preposition. This idiom is spoken

by Jamie to Landon when she asked him whether he had ever walked out at night

just to pay attention to the sound or hear it and enjoy it.

29 Hold up To endure; to last a I paused. “how’s Chap. 12

long time your father p. 208
holding up?”

The idiom hold up is defined as phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed by

adverb. Hold is a verb followed by up as adverb. This idiom is spoken by Landon

to Jamie

30 Pick one’s up Offer someone a ride, “I’ll pick you up Chap. 10

take on a person as a at a quarter to p. 162
passenger. five.” I said.

The idiom pick up is defined as a phrasal verb, because there is a verb followed

by adverb. Pick is a verb followed by up as adverb. This idiom is spoken by

Landon to Jamie, that he would come for her.

31 Come over To come for a visit I paused and Chap. 10

looked at her, p. 159
“would you mind
coming over to my
house for

The idiom come over is defined as a phrasal verb, because there is a verb

followed by preposition. Come is a verb followed by over as a preposition. This

idiom is spoken by Landon to Jamie when he intended to invite her to his house.

B. Nominal idioms

Nominal idioms are idioms that contain noun meanings. In the

A Walk to Remember novel there is nominal idioms, such as:

No Type of Meaning Utterance in the Page

idiom dialogue

1 Big deal Something very "You don't have to Chap. 9

important, difficult, open it now, if you'd - p. 151
or of concern. rather not," I said,
shrugging, "it's really
not that big of a deal."

The nominal idiom big deal disclosed by Landon to Jamie to state that the gift
is not too important.

C. Adjective idioms

Adjective idioms are idioms that contain adjectives meanings. In the A

Walk to Remember novel there is adjective idioms, such as:

No Type of idiom Meaning Utterance in the Page

expressions dialogue

1 Full of crap In reference to Eric latched on to Chap. 4 - p.

someone who that like a leech. 66
speaks or write "I think you like

nonsense or her, " he said.

"You're full of
crap," I

The adjective idiom full of crap expressed by Landon to his friend to declare

that he was unreasonable.

D. Adverbial idioms

Adverbial idioms are idioms that contain adverbs. In the A

Walk to Remember novel there are several adverbial idioms, such as:

No Type of idiom Meaning Utterance in the Page

expressions dialogue

1 Sort of Approximately; in "Are you busy?" Chap. 4 -

a way; partially; she asked. p. 69
not quite;
somewhat, "sort of."

Adverbial idiom of sort of expressed by Landon to Jamie to state that he was

rather busy.

2 How are you A standard "How are you Chap. 5 -

doing? greeting inquiry. doing, Eric? I p. 85
haven't seen you

around much
recently." She
said this as if she
still talked to him
all the time.

Adverbial idiom of how are you doing is expressed by Jamie to her friend to

say hello.

3 As long as Since, because, Jamie smiled that Chap. 5 -

while glittery smile. p. 86
"Well, that's okay,
I supposed, as
long as it doesn't
become a habit or

Adverbial idiom of as long as is expressed by Jamie to her friend to

convince him not to become a habit of missing church attendance.

4 How are you An informal "Hey, Roger, " Chap. 6 -

greeting, not Jamie said in p. 106
requiring a literal response, "How
response. are you?"

Adverbial idiom how are you is expressed by Jamie to her friend to greet


5 At the same During the same "She loved to read Chap. 7 -

time moment; it at night, before p. 118
simultaneously. she went to sleep,
and she had it
with her in the

hospital when I
was born. When
my father found
out that she had
died, he carried
the bible and me
out of the hospital
at the same time."

Adverbial idiom of at the same time is expressed by Jamie to Landon that

her father brought her and the bible out of the hospital during the same


4.1.2 Idioms as phrases or phrases shifts

Idioms as phrases or phrases shift are used by several communities to express their

ideas. The phrases idioms or better known as turn of phrase names. Definition of

phrases is a small group of words that stand together as conceptual units, usually

forming clause components. Phrases are also divided into nine forms namely Noun

Phrase, Prepositional Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase, Verb Phrase,

Infinitive Phrase, Gerund Phrase, Particle Phrase, and Absolute Phrase. The

difference between this idiom and other idioms lies in the number of words that are

more than the other idioms. In the A Walk to Remember novel here are several idioms

that are phrases, such as:


No Type of Type of Meaning Utterance in Page

idiom phrases the dialogue

1 Take a VP To take a break; Meanwhile Chap.

breather to pause or relax Jamie was 3 - p.
briefly. fanning herself 57
with her hand.
"Well, we were
just sitting down
to take a
breather from
all that dancing.
It sure gets hot
out there. Would
you like to join
us? We've got a
couple of chairs.
I'd love to hear
how your
grandma is

This phrase idiom revealed Jamie to her friend to state that she had just been


2 Sitting down VP To tolerate, Meanwhile Chap.

accept, or Jamie was 3 - p.
acquiesce; to take fanning herself 57
no action. with her hand.
"Well, we were
just sitting down
to take a
breather from
all that
dancing. ...."

This phrase idiom revealed Jamie to her friend to conclude that She had just

taken a break from the dance.

3 As long as Adv. P Since, because, Jamie smiled Chap.

while that glittery 5 - p.
smile. "Well, 86
that's okay, I
supposed, as
long as it
doesn't become
a habit or

This phrase idiom revealed Jamie to her friend to convince him not to become

a habit of missing church attendance.

4 Big Deal NP Something very You don't have Chap.

important, to open it now, if 9 - p.
difficult, or of you'd rather 151
concern not," I said,
shrugging, "it's
really not that
big of a deal."

This phrase idiom revealed Landon to Jamie to state that the gift is not too


4.1.3 Proverbs: form, meaning, and function that have been frozen

Proverbs are sentences that have frozen in form, meaning, and

function. Examples of proverbs in the A Walk to Remember novel:

No Idiom Meaning Page

1 There’s more to life than Life is more important than Chap. 10

money money p. 166

Here are the results of analysis Types of Idioms according to Theory of Boatner

and Gates are used by protagonists in the A Walk to Remember novel.

No. Types of Idioms Total

1. Lexemic Idioms

a. Verbal Idioms 31

b. Nominal Idioms 1

c. Adjective Idioms 1

d. Adverbial Idioms 5

2. Idioms as Phrases or Phrases Shifts 4

3. Proverbs: form, meaning, and function that have been frozen 1

From the analysis of data taken from the A Walk to Remember novel above,

according to Boatner and Gates's theory (1975,p.148, as cited in Cunha, 2018) about

the types of idioms the novel concluded that in the A Walk to Remember Novel,

several idioms used were Lexemic Idioms, Idioms as Phrases or Phrases Shifts and

Proverbs: form, meaning, and function that have been frozen. Lexemic Idioms have

several parts, namely Verbal Idioms, Nominal Idioms, Adjective Idioms, and

Adverbial Idioms.

The first analysis is the types of idioms that are most often used are Verbal

Idioms with thirty-one idioms, after that, Idioms as Phrases or Phrases Shifts with

four idioms. The second analysis of the total idiom analysis found in the A Walk to

Remember novel is fourty-three idioms, as many as thirty-eight of the idioms are part

of the Lexemic Idioms. And the last analysis is the least type of idiom used by

protagonists in the A Walk to Remember novel, namely Adjective Idioms, which are

only one idiom. Types of Idioms that are most often used by protagonists in the A

Walk to Remember Novel is Verbal Idioms or phrasal verb

4.2 The Types of Meanings used by Protagonists in the A Walk to Remember

novel dialogue.

Identification and Classification of Types of Meanings are used by Protagonists

in the A Walk to Remember novel.

The following are types of meanings in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue according to Leech theory (1974, p.9) in Semantics the Study of Meaning.

Meanings are divided into seven types, namely:


4.2.1 Conceptual Meaning (logical, cognitive, or denotative content)

Conceptual meaning is the clear and logical definition of a word based

on the structure and form of the word, its lexemes and morphemes

(constituent structures), and what is NOT included as part of the formation of

the words (contrastive structures). Basically any definition as it appears in its

most basic form, without adhering or molding it to fit any particular format of

context, is conceptual (theoretical) meaning. When you think of words,

pictures, words, thoughts, and memories are immediately activated to give

you the concept behind the words you think. Therefore, this thought and

memory are concepts where you understand the meaning of the word.

The Conceptual Meaning example in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue is:

No Word Concept Page

1 Thanks To express Chap. 2 p. 34


2 A favor An act of kindness beyond Chap. 4 p. 72

what is due or usual.

3 Absolutely With no qualification, Chap. 5 p. 78

restriction or limitation,

4 Girlfriend A regular female companion Chap. 5 p. 84

with whom a person has a
romantic or sexual

5 Proud Feeling deep pleasure or Chap. 5 p. 87

satisfaction as a result of
one’s own achievements.

6 Wonderful Inspiring delight or Chap. 9 p.

admiration, pleasure. 145

7 I’m sorry To admit mistakes. Chap. 9 p.


8 Orphanage A residential institution for Chap. 6 p.

the care and education of 100

4.2.2 Connotative Meaning (what is communicated based on what

language is referred to)

This refers to associations that are connected with certain words

related to that word. The connotative meaning of words exists along with

denotative meaning.

The Co nnotative Meaning example in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue is:

No Word Meaning Page

1 “Sure it’s a beautiful day,” Not the meaningful day is Chap.2

I said, stalling. beautiful physically, but p. 42
pleasing the senses or mind

2 “That’s because you are in Not that Landon’s in the sun, Chap. 2
the sun.” but he was under a ray of p. 42

3 ”And your house is Means the house is pretty Chap. 6

beautiful.” good or good looking p. 96

4 “in their own way, my Sweet here means friendly Chap.

mom’s especially sweet.” 10 p.

4.2.3 Social Meaning (what is communicated from the social conditions

of language use)

This refers to the use of language and society which have a large

proportion in determining the meaning that certain speakers must use and

want to convey, these factors include the speaker and listener's social class

and the level of formality.

Some dialectical words tell us about the regional and social

background of the speaker. In the same way, some use of style tells us about

the social relations between the speaker and the listener. Style variations

represent social variation. This is because the style shows the geographical

area of the speaker's social class. Style helps us know about the period, field,

and status of discourse. Some words are similar to others as far as conceptual

meaning. But they have different styles.

The Social Meaning example in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue is:

No Word Level Meaning Page

1 “C’mon in.” Slang Come in, let’s go in; is Chap. 3

language short for “come on” p. 49

2 “I am not exactly a A stupid person, Chap. 3

dimwit, you know. I mentally slow person p. 52
don’t know how to Slang
pin on a corsage.” language

3 “I won’t,” she Slang Will not, the modal verbs Chap. 3

said. language of English are a small p. 61
class of auxiliary verbs
used mostly to express
modality such as

4 “I saw your picture Slang Is the mother of a Chap. 3

in your Grandma’s language person’s mother or p. 57
house. I was father.
walking by, and she
needed some help

bringing in the
groceries. Your
picture was on the

5 “You’re Full of Slang In reference to someone Chap. 4

crap.” language who speaks or writes p. 66
nonsense or untruths.

6 “Come on.” Colloqui Used to tell someone to Chap. 6

al hurry; to persuade p. 96
someone into
understanding a different

7 “You should count Polite To focus one's attention Chap. 6

your blessing.” language on the circumstances on p. 96
one's life which are
pleasant or fortunate,
especially with the
intention of diverting
one's thoughts from
serious or disagreeable

8 “Walk me down Used To get married Chap. 6

the aisle” idiom p.99

9 “Break a leg.” Used by Good luck! This is said Chap. 8

theater to actors before a p. 129
player performance instead of
good luck.

4.2.4 Affective Meaning (what the speaker/ writer communicates

feelings and attitudes)

This refers to the speaker's feelings / attitudes towards the content or

the ongoing context. Affective meaning is a kind of meaning that affects the

speaker's personal feelings, including his attitude towards the listener, or his

attitude towards something he is talking about. It is important to remember

that each individual will have a different affective meaning for a word. Thus,

only people who use words will realize the specific affective meaning they

hold with the word.

The use of stress and intonation also provides a striking contrast in

feelings and attitudes that are communicated through tolerance.

In affective meaning, language is used to express feelings or personal

attitudes to the listener or subject of conversation from the lecture. For Leech,

affective meaning refers to what is conveyed about feelings and attitudes of

speech through the use of language (attitudes toward listeners and attitudes

towards what they say). Affective meaning is often conveyed through

conceptual, connotative content of the words used.

The Affective Meaning example in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue is:

No Word Meaning Page

1 “You have to promise me Don’t be in love with me Chap. 2

that you won’t fall in love in the future p. 44
with me.”

2 “I’d really like this play to be I want to perform my best Chap. 4

special this year, not for me, for this play. Because it p. 75
but because of my father. I means a lot to my dad.
want it to be the best
production ever. I know how
much it will mean to him to
see me be the angel, because
this play reminds him of my

3 “But the real reason I’m I want to do this play to Chap. 4

asking is because of my please my dad. And I don’t p. 76
father. He’s such a good want people insulting my
man, Landon. If people dad’s memories when I
make fun of his memory of look bad.
my mother while I’m playing
the part… well, that would
break my heart. And with
Eddie with me… you know
what people would say.”

4 “I know that challenges are My father was a man of Chap. 4

always part of the Lord’s God. And I believe God p. 77
plan, but I don’t want to gave him a test because he
believe that the Lord is cruel, was able.
especially to someone like
my father. He devotes his life
to God, he gives to the
community. And he’s
already lost his wife and had
to raise me on his own. And
I love him so much for it…”

5 I’m really not asking you to If you don’t do it, I’ll still Chap. 4
do it for me,” she said softly, pray for you. But if you p. 77
“I’m really not, and if you would do it for someone
say no, I’ll still pray for you. who means so much to me,
I promise. But if you’d like I’d be very grateful.
to do something kind for a
wonderful man who means
so much to me… will you
just think about it?”

6 “Well, You’ll get married You’ll find the man of Chap. 6

someday. You’ll meet some your dream and marry him p. 99
guy and the two of you will as you’ve always dreamed.
hit if off, and he’ll ask you to
marry him. And I’m sure
that your father will be
happy to walk you down the

7 ”Don’t you get it?” I said, I want to get back to my Chap. 7

exasperated. “I’m not life before I know you. p. 125
nervous about the play, I just
don’t want to be here. I don’t
want to walk you home, I
don’t want my friends to
keep talking about you keep
acting like we’re friends, but
we’re not. We’re not
anything. I just want the
whole thing to be over so I
can go back to my normal

8 “I know the Lord has a plan God has a plan in every Chap. 10
for us all, but sometimes, I one of our lives. It’s just p. 158
just don’t understand what that sometimes we don’t
the message can be, does understand it.
that ever happens to you?”

9 “You know it’s love when all You’ll always want to be Chap. 11
you want to do is spend time around someone you love. p. 174
with the other person, and And spend time with them.
you sort of know that the
other person feel the same

10 “You are a wonderful You are a very good Chap. 11

person, Jamie. You’re person. And I don’t care p. 188
beautiful, you’re kind, what anyone else thinks of
you’re gentle… you’re you.
everything that I’d like to be.
If people don’t like you, or
they think you’re strange,
then that’s their problem.”

11 “No. Today I feel pretty I want to spend more time Chap. 12

good, actually. It’s just that I at home with my dad p. 199
want to be home in the before I die.
mornings, before my father
has to go to the office. I want
to spend as much time with
him as I can.”

12 “You’ve got the biggest heart You are the best person in Chap. 12
of anyone I’ve ever met. And my life and very mean. p. 212
even though I took it for
granted and wasn’t always
nice to you, I wanted to let
you know how I feel. I’ve
never been more sorry about
anything in my life. You’re
the best person I’ll probably
ever know.”

4.2.5 Reflected Meaning (what is communicated through association

with other tastes of the same expression)

This refers to terms that have more than one meaning, so there is a

kind of ambiguity. It was as if one or more unintentional meanings would

definitely darken again like a light or sound reflected on the surface. In other

words it can almost be interpreted as likening something to another with the

properties that represent the word.

The Reflected Meaning example in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue is:

No Word Meaning Page

1 A One-armed lumberjack Lumberjack with one hand. Chap. 6

And it is one of the p. 98
competition to chop wood
for a one-handed cripple.

4.2.6 Collocative Meaning (what is communicated through association

with words that tend to occur in the environment in other words)

This refers to the word association in the account of the meaning of

words that occur in the environment. In other words, it is a word that has

meaning for words that come from the word in question.


The Collocative Meaning example in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue is:

No Word Meaning Page

1 Talk about Used to draw attention to the Chap. 2 p.

speaker's 42

2 Sitting down To tolerate, accept, or acquiesce; Chap. 3 p.

to take no action. 57

3 Fall in love To begin feeling attracted to Chap. 2 p.

someone and love him or her. 44

4 What’s going on What is happening, expression of Chap. 4 p.

concern, asking for an 69

5 Sort of Approximately; in a way; Chap. 4 p.

partially; not quite; somewhat, 69

6 A good man A man that, despite his rough Chap. 4 p.

background growing up, 76
continues to do good deeds to
strangers; an affirmation meaning

7 Beautiful Having beauty; possessing Chap. 6 p.

qualities that give great pleasure 96
or satisfaction to see, hear, think
about, etc.

8 Did well To thrive or succeed Chap. 6 p.



9 Work out To turn out all right in the end. Chap. 6 p.


10 Carry out to lift up and move someone or Chap. 7 p.

something out. 118

11 Walk home Path of the house Chap. 7 p.


12 Hand out To give something out to Chap. 9 p.

someone, distribute. 149

13 All right Satisfactory or reasonably good Chap. 3


14 Thank you Expressing of thankfulness Chap 4 p.


15 Come on Used to tell someone to hurry; to Chap. 6 p.

persuade someone into 96
understanding a different

16 I love you The declaration of one (first) Chap. 10 p.

person’s feelings 188

17 I am sorry Feeling regret or sorrow over an Chap. 10 p.

unfortunate situation and your 189
role in it.

18 Pretty good Mostly used as a polite way of Chap. 12 p.

saying “ok”; good; slightly better. 199

19 Mom A female parent Chap. 10 p.


4.2.7 Thematic Meaning (what is communicated in a way in which

messages are arranged in order and emphasis)

Thematic meaning is the meaning that is communicated by the way in

which the speaker or writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, focus,

and emphasis. It is often felt an active sentence such as below has a different

meaning from its passive equivalent although in conceptual content they seem

to be the same.

It refers to what is communicated by the way in which a speaker or a

writer organizes the message in terms of ordering focus and emphasis. Thus

active is different from passive though its conceptual meaning is the same.

The Thematic Meaning example in the A Walk to Remember novel

dialogue is:

No Word Meaning Page

1 “You have a nice In passive form become, “A nice Chap. 7

friends, Landon.” friend you got, Landon.” p.121

The active form focus on the “You” emphasis. And the passive focus on the

“Friends” emphasis.

2 “I bought you In passive form become, Chap. 9

something,” “Something I have bought for p. 151
you” or “Something has been
bought by me for you.”

The active form focus on the “I” and the passive form focus on the
“Something” emphasis.

3 “I’ll pick you up at In passive form become, “You’ll Chap.

quarter to five.” be picked up by me at quarter to 10 p.
five.” 162

In active form focus on the “I” and the passive form focus on the “You”

5 “I’d made a decision.” In passive form become, “The Chap.

decision has been made by me.” 12 p.

The active form focus on the “I” emphasis, and the passive focus on the
“Decision” emphasis.

6 ”The doctors have In passive form become, “Some Chap.

given me some medicine have been given to me 12 p.
medicine for the pain, by the doctors for the pain, and 205
and it seems to help a it seems to help a little.”

The active form focus on the “The doctors” emphasis , and the passive
focus on the “Medicine” emphasis.

7 “I’ve been reading the In passive form become “The Chap.

Bible.” Bible has been read by me.” 12 p.

The active form focus on the “I” emphasis, and passive form focus on the
“The Bible” emphasis.

Here are the results of analysis of Types of Meaning according to Theory

Leech found in the A Walk to Remember novel dialogue

No. Types of Meaning Total

1. Conceptual meaning 8

2. Connotative meaning 4

3. Social meaning 9

4. Affective meaning 12

5. Reflected meaning 1

6. Collocative meaning 19

7. Thematic meaning 7

From the analysis of data taken from A Walk to Remember novel dialogue

above, according to Leech's (1974, p.9) theory of Types of Meaning, the novel

concludes that in the A Walk to Remember novel dialogue, some of the Types of

Meaning used are Conceptual Meaning, Connotative Meaning, Social Meaning,

Affective Meaning, Reflected Meaning, Collocative Meaning, and Thematic Meaning.

The first analysis is in analyzing A Walk to Remember novel dialogue found

as many as sixty idiom meanings divided into seven types. The second analysis is the

type most often used is the Collocative Meaning with nineteen idiom meanings and

affective meanings with twelve idiom meanings. And the last analysis is the least use

of Types of Meanings, namely Reflected Meaning with one idiom meaning and

Connotative Meaning with four idiom meanings. Types of Meanings are often used

by Protagonists in the A Walk to Remember novel dialogue is Collocative Meaning.

In the seven points above, it is found that there are relations or similarities in

the use of language levels, namely between Social Meaning and Affective Meaning.

Social Meaning is the use of language that is communicated from social conditions

between several people from different backgrounds. Then there will be differences in

the level of language used. And Affective Meaning, which refers to what is conveyed

about feelings and attitudes of speech through the use of language (attitudes towards

listeners and attitudes towards what they say) of course from everyone with different

backgrounds will have different attitudes in the use of language


5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the most significant element in

the A Walk to Remember novel is verbal idiom. Specifically, the findings indicate that

phrasal verbs belong to the most noticeable elements in the novel. These findings also

indicate the style of the writer who prefers to present most phrasal verbs as one of the

elements to attract the readers in the novel. It is also important to notice that the

emergence of the elements is due to the writer’s attempt to present more actions in the


In addition, the meanings which are found in the novel are basically related to

collocative meaning. It is possible that the writer wishes to present more verbs which

are further followed with some prepositions Some of the sentences identified in the

novel shows that collocation tend to make the sentences or expressions more naturals.

So, it can be interpreted that the use of collocation is basically chosen by the writer so

that his novel will be more natural in the view of the readers.

5.2 Suggestion

It is important to notice that this conclusion is basically interpreted from a

single novel. The trend in the use of verbal idioms and collocation can be further


analyzed in different novels so that the more findings can be justified. The use of

verbal idioms and collocations can be considered important and useful to be adopted

by the other writers when possible. However, the findings should be generalized by

the other research into different novel.



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Hobbs & Shaw Movie. An Undergraduate Thesis, tidak diterbitkan.

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Muhamad Agustian. (2019). Analysis of The Use of Idioms on Will Sawyer

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Dwi Savita Sari, was born in Tangerang, Banten, on November 5th,
1988. The writer began education at the Elementary School in Periuk 5,
graduating in 2000. Then proceed to Junior High School 1 Perintis
graduated in 2003. Then continued Education at Vocational High
School Mutiara Baru graduated in 2006.
The next education was taken at Technocrat School of Foreign Language,
English Literature study program. The writer is very fond of things that learn about
language, her interest in learning language began when the author attended school at
the Vocational High Mutiara Baru. While at the Vocational High School, the writer
became increasingly fond of watching movies and listening to English songs. After
graduating from Vocational High School, the writer feels still very lacking in English,
the writer therefore wants to explore English, so the writer chose English Literature
study program.
During her time as a student in the English Literature study program, she was
active in student organizations accommodated in the Student Executive Board (BEM)
as a vice leader in 2019 – 2021 and Technocrat English Club as a vice leader in 2019
- 2021.
Because the writer is very interested in linguistics, therefore the writer
chooses Linguistics which involves analyzing the form of language, the meaning of
language, and language in context. The writer hopes that the thesis that has been
made can be useful and can be used as material for learning for students who are
interested in learning the diversity of forms, meanings, and languages in context.
That’s all who can the writer convey it, apologize as much as if there are
errors in the contents or material of the thesis that has been written, because the writer
is just an ordinary human who still needs a lot of learning.

Tangerang, july 2021


Dwi Savita Sari



Beaufort, North Carolina, year 1958, it is where a story of a seventeen-year-

old teenager named Landon Carter is unfolded. Landon Carter is seventeen years old

that time, and it is his last year of high school. In the fall of his senior year of high

school, affluent Landon Carter is popular but uncertain of his purpose in life. When

his father suggests that he run for student body president to enhance his college

prospects, Landon does—and wins the election. He’s stumped by the Homecoming

Dance, however, when he cannot find a date amongst the eligible girls in the school.

Faced with the prospect of either going alone or taking “the kind of girls who had

thick glasses and talked with lisps” (25), Landon elects to invite Jamie Sullivan, who

comes from a religious Baptist with whom the capitalist Carter family has something

of a feud. Although Landon is embarrassed to be in Jamie’s presence in front of his

friends, Jamie comes to his rescue when she prevents his ex-girlfriend’s new

boyfriend from beating him up.

In return, Jamie asks Landon for a favor: to play the lead male role of Tom

Thornton in a Christmas play written by her father. Landon is reluctant, but he agrees

when Jamie—who will play the lead female role of the Angel—begins crying

because she wants the play to be extra special this year. As Landon and Jamie attend

rehearsals, and he walks her home, he learns that the Bible she carries belonged to her

deceased mother, and that Jamie’s “practically normal” as opposed to a superior,


religious ideologue (82). He also learns that Jamie wishes to get married in a packed

church and have her father give her away.

Still, after a day of difficult rehearsals and being teased by his friends about

spending so much time with Jamie, Landon snaps under pressure. He tells her that he

cannot wait for the play to be over and for things to return to normal. Seemingly

upset, Jamie thanks Landon for walking her home. The next day, which is the play’s

first performance, Landon regrets the way he spoke to Jamie and vows to do a good

job of playing Tom Thornton. He’s nervous about delivering the line “You’re

beautiful” with conviction, because he does not feel that way about Jamie. However,

when he sees her on stage, with her hair loose as opposed to her customary bun,

Landon does fall for Jamie’s beauty.

Jamie requests that Landon collect the jars she has placed in stores around

town to raise money for the local orphanage. When he sees the measly amount

donates, he generously subsidizes with his own savings. Jamie is grateful and invites

him to the orphanage on Christmas Eve. Seeing Jamie under the tree, Landon falls in

love with her. He invites her to Christmas dinner at his family home and, the next

day, kisses her on the porch. While Landon is keen to express his love, he senses that

Jamie is holding back and wonders whether she returns the sentiment. One day, she

finally confesses her secret: She’s dying of leukemia. As Landon watches Jamie

waste away, he prays for a miracle and begins reading the Bible with her. In a gesture

of atonement for the feud between the two families, Landon’s father pays for Jamie’s

care so that she can spend her last weeks at home.

One day, when Jamie falls asleep while Landon is speaking to her, he comes

across a passage in the Bible: “I am not commanding you, but I want to test the

sincerity of your love by comparing it to the earnestness of others” (161). He

interprets this as a direct command from God to fulfil Jamie’s wish and marry her.

When 57-year-old Landon recalls the day that he and Jamie married in a packed

church, he knows that it will be his dying memory. The text ends on an ambiguous

spiritual note, stating that Landon, who still wears his wedding ring from that day,

believes in miracles.

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