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NAME: Abdul-Hamid Opeoluwa Arowona


DATE: Monday, November 20th, 2023

Resistor Identification and Experimental Verification of

Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s law is the fundamental law of Electrical Engineering. It relates the current flowing
through any resistor to the voltage applied to its ends. It shows relationship between
voltage, current, and resistance. Ohm’s Law states:
“The current flowing through a constant resistor is directly proportional to the voltage
applied to its ends.”
R = constant of proportionality.

Figure 1. Graph of current against voltage depicting Ohm’s Law

The graph of Ohm’s Law is a straight line which shows that resistance is constant and current
is directly proportional to voltage.
The aim of the experiment was to determine the value of a set of resistors using three
different methods and to experimentally verify Ohm’s Law.
Power Rating
The power rating of an electronic component, is a specification that indicates the maximum
amount of power the component can handle without being damaged. Power rating is often
expressed in watts (W). In the case of resistors, it represents the maximum amount of
electrical power that the resistor can dissipate as heat without exceeding its safe operating
The power dissipated in a resistor (P) can be calculated using Ohm's Law and the formula:
𝑃 = 𝐼2 𝑅
P = power in watts,
I = current in amperes,
V = voltage in volts,
R = resistance in ohms.

The aim of this experiment was to identify resistors, verify Ohm's Law experimentally,
and to determine qualitatively the effect of increased power dissipation on resistor.

• Breadboard
• A set of resistors (56Ω, 51Ω, 100Ω, 470Ω, 120Ω)
• Digital Multimeter
• Variable DC Power Supply
• Jumper wires
• Digital trainer kit
• magnifying glass

To get the nominal values of the resistors, they were carefully examined with the aid of a
magnifying glass to identify the colour of the bands and get their corresponding resistance
from the Resistor colour code chart. A digital multimeter was used to measure and verify the
resistance of each resistor. The identified and measured resistance values were recorded in a
The 470 Ω resistor was connected on the breadboard which was connected to the trainer kit.
The input voltage was varied from 5 to 30 by turning the knob on the power supply to obtain
different output voltages and the value of current was taken. The multimeter was connected
in series with the resistor in order to measure current passing through the resistor. The
process was repeated for the different values of voltage and the parameters were recorded
and used to calculate the resistance R (by calculating the ratio V/I) and the power dissipated
in the resistor (by calculating the product VI). The data were tabulated for proper analysis
Collect and record measurements of the voltage across the resistor and the current passing
through the resistor

Table 1. Resistor color codes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Band Range of Measured
Band Band Band band Resistor value from
value multimeter
R1 Green Blue Black Gold N/A 56 + 5% 56.1
R2 Brown Red Brown Gold N/A 51 + 5% 50.5
R3 Brown Black Brown Gold N/A 100 + 5% 98.2
R4 Yellow Violet Black Black Brown 470 + 1% 466.0
R5 Green brown Black Gold N/A 120 + 5% 117.0

Table 2. Resistor values

Resistor R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
Nominal value 56 51 100 470 120
Ohmmeter reading 56.1 50.5 98.2 466 117
Error/tolerance ±5% ±5% ±5% ±1% ±5%

Table 3. Resistor values from Ohm’s law and Power dissipated

V(V) 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00

I(mA) 12.77 17.02 21.28 25.53 29.79 34.04 38.30 42.55 46.81 51.06

R(Ω) 469.85 470.04 469.92 470.04 469.96 470.04 469.97 470.04 469.99 470.04

P(W) 0.08 0.14 0.21 0.31 0.42 0.54 0.69 0.85 1.03 1.23
Voltage-Current Graph





0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 2. Graph of voltage against current

Figure 3. Graph of R versus P

Answer to Questions
1. The 470Ω resistor operates in the linear region because the values of power obtained
are below the power rating.

2. P = 1.48kW = 1480W, V = 220V

P = VI, I = P/V
I = 1480/220 = 6.73A
V = IR, R = V/I
R = 220/6.73 = 32.69Ω

3. P = I2R
Po = (6.73)2 x 32.69 = 1480W
P = (2x6.73)2 x 32.69 = 5922W
P = 4 x Po
When current is doubled in the resistor (assuming the resistor operates in the linear
region, the new power is four times the initial power.

4. It will be better to choose 3W power rating. Choosing a resistor with a higher power
rating than the calculated power dissipation in your circuit provides a safety margin.

The primary aim of this experiment was to identify resistors, verify Ohm's Law
experimentally, and to determine qualitatively the effect of increased power dissipation on
resistor. The results largely align with the aim, demonstrating a successful identification of
resistors through color codes and confirming the applicability of Ohm's Law within the
specified experimental parameters.
The exploration of resistor identification through color codes yielded consistent results, with
the measured resistance values closely aligning with the anticipated values based on the
colour-coding system (Table 1). However, it's important to acknowledge the presence of
tolerance in resistor values, which explains slight variations between the identified and
measured resistances (Table 2).
In the experimental verification of Ohm's Law, the relationship between voltage and current
was explored for the 470Ω resistor. The graphical representation of voltage-current curve
exhibited a linear trend, supporting the validity of Ohm's Law within the tested range of
voltages (Figure 2). The power values calculated using 𝑃 = 𝐼𝑉 demonstrate an increasing
trend with higher current and voltage, illustrating the power dissipation characteristics of
the resistors (Table 3).
The data suggests that the resistors under consideration adhere closely to Ohm's Law, as
evidenced by the stable resistance values over varying current and voltage levels. The power
values increase proportionally with both current and voltage, highlighting the direct
relationship between power dissipation and these electrical parameters. The minimal
fluctuations in resistance values imply a consistent manufacturing quality, yet the small
deviations may be attributed to the inherent tolerance in resistor values.
Comparing these results with existing research findings in the realm of Ohm's Law
verification and resistor behavior reveals a harmonious consistency. The linear relationship
between voltage and current aligns with established principles, reinforcing the universal
applicability of Ohm's Law. The observed variations in resistance values due to tolerance are
consistent with the broader understanding in the field, emphasizing the real-world
considerations in circuit design.

In conclusion, the conducted experiment successfully achieved its primary objectives of
resistor identification, experimental verification of Ohm's Law and to determine qualitatively
the effect of increased power dissipation on resistor. The discussion highlights the
importance of considering real-world factors that may introduce deviations from the
theoretical expectations The findings provide valuable insights into the behaviour of resistors
under varying electrical conditions and contribute to the broader understanding of
fundamental electrical principles.


A. (2023, February 24). Ohm’s Law - Statement, Formula, Solved Examples,

Verification, FAQs. BYJUS.

A. (2023, February 24). Ohm’s Law - Statement, Formula, Solved Examples,

Verification, FAQs. BYJUS.

Ohm’s law | Physics, Electric Current, Voltage. (2023, October 17). Encyclopedia
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
𝑃 = 𝐼2𝑅

6.00/12.77x10-3 = 469.85
8.00/17.02 x10-3 = 470.04
10.00/21.28 x10-3 = 469.92
12.00/25.53 x10-3 = 470.04
14.00/29.79 x10-3 = 469.96
16.00/34.04 x10-3 = 470.04
18.00/38.30 x10-3 = 469.97
20.00/42.55 x10-3 = 470.04
22.00/46.81 x10-3 = 469.99
24.00/51.06 x10-3 = 470.04

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